250049 F'r � E f1Ve �� " � � "`"r�'!� :�,. �,,. � ' �:b � `"'`^� "+ ♦ • _ �.. M . . � . . � `,�5p��9 , CO�'T�V'CIL FILE NQ - CITY�OF'ST. PAUL�` R;eadl4utian R�tifying A�se�sment B� �� , In the matter of the assessment of ���,�� �� � � � ���� � �qi» a�#�s��at +�# s�1qt �d tw�r�c �rei�t�tl t�tOS �� +�9-1�►l�, �in►�r �►. b, D#�z�.+e! �or� t* -�---- —---- .._ ,. , - - - -- —_--- .�- _ _------_. _ __ --� _ -- ,��., � _ . . . � ..� r�;�- � . ,�.: AS�SASI.E: F.O. #?.�4084 - Was+eca St., botb sides �roa� W. Page St. ta W. Sidney St. F.O. *244761 - Hall Ave., atst aide frt� W. Delos St. to Prospect Blwl. a�i . on the �i�e�t aide of Hall Ave.f�m�T. Deloe St. to W. Colorado 3t. F.O. �240408 - Griggs St., east side fram Donohue Ave. vacated to F`rontage R�oad Intersta�e Hiway #94. F.O. #Z4Q407 - Ilunlap St., mest side from Univ�raitq Ave. to Bigelow Ave. F.O. #?1�i589 - Cherokee Ave., both �ides frcra� Annapolia St. to W. Winona St. NON-ASSS3S�ABI.E: F.O. 2404�1 - Dunlap 8t., �est $ide fro�a IIniversity�Ave. to Bigelaw Ave. F.O. #240408 - Griggs St.. east side �xpm Dqnahue Ave. vacateed to Froatags _ Road Interstate Hiway �94. F.O. �'244084 - Wasaca St., both sides from W. Pag�e St. to W. Sidney St. F.O. #244761 - Aa11 Ave., es�t eide fri�m �1. Delos St. to Prospect Blvd. and on the-weet aide �€ Ha��.. Ave, from W. Delos St. to �I, �olctY,e�da St. ae it tneretore _ _ _ _ RESOLVED, That tlie said asaesament be and the same is hereby in all res�ecta ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER R�OLVFU, That the said aasessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in S equal installments. COUNCILMEN � 1�•'��O Y� Q��T==T---Nay$ Adopted by the Counei CARLSG�'�� � � � ��� � � LEVINE MEREDIT}� SPRAFKA Ap � p`� TEDES�� � McCAR i �f �n Favor J � Mayor Againat PUBLISHED A 1 � , �(.� Fom, x-z zM lo-ss S� 1 � � . ���4 �� : +� � -� CITY OF ST. PAUL �4�7��� R �. ,,�,,,:,,�: OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE Report of Completion of Ass�essment �� In the matter of the asseasment of y���,�� � � �,p� � ���p � � #��11�� � ���i � � �� ��� ��'�'� ��1► +� �► '�11 ..__ _ �;i#,!'!�t �1. 1, _ __ -- - --- --- - --- . .. . � - - f � � , :. . ?.0���1b;��0�4 -"1i�s�t l�., iwrt�' si�ur i:va� N. tltgt St. L+� N. s 8�. t:t�; �Z447b1 • Nitlt Aw.: i�rt,;sid+� � N. H�lor� St. to I�'rasp���l�ri. aad � os t� wtat sid� ot ltaii J►w.tx�W. 3�1�a St. to ii. Co1�►ra�o S#. �`.0�:�l9�0�40l� - t,�ig�s �t., aast +�l.d� !'�s�Dr�►�al�nt A�na. v,�atsd te► l�tag� lt4�d Intrr�rtat� 8i.iat� #94. F.O. #719►040� • Dnn].�ep 8t., wst •id� #ra� 11aiv�rsity Aw. co Bigtiar Avo. P.O. #?�44!�9 - t�►eroic� dva.. bott� sides tro� Aanap+�lis 8C. to W. iliQOONt 8t. �i � � _ l�.Ei. �1�1►07 « 3ir�nlap 8t., w�t ai.d� fra� �ai+wr�sit� M�t. Eo Sf.�►leM AiM►. F.O. #2404p8 - 6ri�r St., east sidsr fraw Danwhw Aw. v+ircat�d to F�tsg� ltmad Int.trstat� Siasy #9t►. F.O. �?�►4084 - t�iaae�a St., both sict�es frae� iI. Pag� ft. to W. Side� St. l�.p• �'�x�l '• �ii ��.� ��� •1/�! �"Orl �1r D��O� �r.• Ci1 PZ"Oipl�C� �11fE�• iRi� on t�ae �st �ids of Hall Aw. i`rcm W, D�elo� St. to ii. Coi�►r�do St. penditurea neceasaxily incurred �or and in connection wi�n tt�e maxing o� tne above impra^ver�ein, vrL: Tota1 construction costs . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .... . $ 10,301 30 Engineering .��d.�F4SR��t�4�.. . ..... . .. .. .. . $ 1,5Q9 �2_ P���i� ���,����-Q�. ��n� .�l�sa��w�n�.Gk�axg�$ .. . � 136 � Poatalcards . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .... ... . . $ 5 .�_ Publications . .. .. .. .. .... . . . . .. .... . .. .... .. . . . $ 55 �� Collection costs . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . $ lil 00 Court costs for canfirmation . .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .. .. . $ 5 5�— Comptroller's Costs 55 50 TOTAL EXPE�TI7ZTURES . . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . .. .. . .. $ 12,181 2.�_ Charge to .: ... .Q92Q-7��. .. .. ... . . .... . . .. . . . $ 1,697 ]�_ . .. .. .... ...... .�v�.-�.�s��ab1-e.. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 5i� $�,— NetAsaessment . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .... .. .... .. ... $ 2,965 65 Said Commis�ioner further reports that he has asseased and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of $ 9�965_65 , upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asaessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a pa.rt hereof, is the sa.id assessment as com�leted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for auch action thereon as may be considered proper. ��.Oo _ ,�,. �� � — Dated Ju�3z_7� 1q70 Com��io r of ' ce. Form R-2 EM 10.68 8� //