250045 � ..... F. . � . d t . .�tl . .. .. .. � .
_� '1 •_ � .ry .� . _ . � .. .. ������ � � -
Itesdl�tio� Ratifying Aseessment By
In the matter of the aeseasment of ����!r �� +� � � ��� �
. �'MOrta�slt�.+�t ot �rl�rl4r arw! r�rlt it�iMrtrl e�Mtaa!� i�w�e�s# i'lt-lir+��l,
i�sssle! �►. i, �r�r�r �r. �.
�'���y ��k'�'�������"'����'`���Yr k- ° A � ;jt _ ���-.—_—__ , �_ � i� 4 ,�,_' �'�'r�' E,, a +a "
f,r r d. p�.' ,", .���t _ . .� � t� ` z � ' .
�� �sJ.SFrJ�.Ss�Diii; t ��"�: � ,' � �' - '� - - � .
�i • `....�+�... ;� . . - �`. . :
�, " �.Q.°, �4386$ ;�•'Ketn� �5��.��� xes� �aide� from Front Ave, to W. Lawaon;�v,e,��� �` ��., ��.�;�
'��` 4° � �< F,�p `���C3861.;-, Kem�; SC,, West side from W. Cook Ane,` to 'W.'Jessaat�ne Ave� � ;;` �
:�°� �,,1, � �,P«t�� ���#�43873�'�- Ken�. St,, west side from Lawson Ane. to Cook Aqe,. �,,,r: °'``'
.� t Y
, . F.Q* #�!�41Z4 ;rt Galtiex 5t., east side fram Cook Ave. �v Jeseatinine �Awt.
�:" f �.QI,,°'�2445$?. � SylvaA St,,, boCh sides fram Jessamine Ave.', to Gera�iws �,b4.
� ,�, � . �
.� F.4, ,�Z44386 � &g2van'S�,, east side fram Magnolia Ave„ to �e�sa�eui�e Av,�e."=
,:-� �"+!4.;�Z�r3784�.'- Arnndel St., east side from Va�s Buren Ave. south to th�'#�I1,ep
s $gproximately 124 feet. T�:=
$ , , ;
-� ��.Q. a�Z4#57$�`� Farri�gton��St., east stde fro� W. Rose Ave. to the �outh . '��" �
,� '` � , �-�� ` approximately 79.5 feet, � �' - �
�',.Q•„�244379,�= Cha�sworth St,, both s ides fronc Cha��es Ave, to Edna�nd AyQ, . i
`� - F.Q.S �244590..•- Avon St:� eaat side,;from Lnfond �.vem ta Blair Ave.
; �p0. ,#244S80`- Cit��tsvore� Sto , b�th aide� frc�n Sherbnrne Ave, to Chaxl�s� Ave. � ;,
F,,tj,� �2t►4.252 =++ A].bea�t 3�,, easC��stde from Ghar2ea Ave„ to�;,Edianti�d Ave.
: F.O.. �2442�i9 'M Aldine, S�„ �st sid� from Blafr Ane� to the soe�th approx.
, , 140, f�. � `"; , .
F;O. 2�►3868 • Rent St., wes� side fron Front Avee to Wa LaWSan AveO
, F.O. �z44387 '� Sylvan St„ both sidea from Jeasa�aine Avea to Ger�niina Ave.
: F,O. �24�r5$6 • Sylva� St,, ea�t �ide from Magnolia Avep tar .Teasamine Ave,�°
F.p. �244579 - Chats�orth St.�, both sides fr�rt Ch�rles Avee to Edmund Ave,
F.O, �244590 '� Avon St,� eastt aide fzom Lafond A�reo to Bl�ir Ave.
�.0. �244580 • Chataworth St., ba�th sidea from 3herburne Aaeo to Charles Ave.
F.O, �244252 '� AJ.VCYt W7�4' �Apt side from C1aarles Aveo t� �aimund Ave,
_ F.O. #244.249 - Al,dine St., vest side �ram Blair A�ree te the soaCh approxp
1�0 f�,
Y�,T,��, Na�$ AUG 12 19L71�
� Adopted by the Counci�
LEVirv� �U� 12 1970
McCART`' Favor
�Againat PUBLISH AUG ? y
F�rm x-z zn� iaea s 1 5 1��
� ' � �5�� 249�t�3
� crrY aF sT. PAUL ��
Report of CQmpletion of Ass�essme�t ��
In the matter of the aaaesament of �s M� +IM � !�t s�11�t#+�Mt #�
r�M�r�#�r �! �1�ur +r�M trrt�t �ni�rl �: t�� f�f�4'�!.
�� i1►� i• L�! �r. is
_ - -- —_. -- _��_ _ - — - _ , -_ _ _ ___�_ __�.__.
,.nw..�: _
,: x�;;;,,
�.0. 243868 - Beat St., �eat side from Frant Ave, to N. L�raaa Aw. �
�. - 1�.0. �243a67 - lCent St., �►eat sids fraa W. Cook Ave, to W. Ja�aadine Mr�.
�r'" F.O. #243873 • Rera�t St., ve�t aide frcn Larso�a Ave. to Cook Ave.
1�.0. #244124 • Galtier St. , east side fras Cook Aw. to J�a�aa�ine Av�.
F.O. �244587 - Sylvan St.� both aides from Jesamina Ave, to �ieraniumm Avo.
F.O. #244586 - •Sylv� St., aast side �rcm Magrsolia A�. to J�ssaaine Ave.
F.O. #243784 - Arundel St., aast side from Van Buren Art. south to tha alley
approxi�ately 124 fest.
' . `F:'C�: �'�rS78 - Fhirringte�` 5�.. esilE st�e fram`1i. xose Ave, ,to't&e south _ . ,° ` .
approximately T9.5 fe�t.
`F':�.•'ft�FS7! - �t�wortli St., both �fd� � Ch��}sa' Av`s.�to'�ad Ave�"_ .
F.O. #244590 - Aron 3t., east side fram Lafand Ave, to Blair Av�e.
1►.D. �2�ti43�A � t�aE�birth st., bbth s��e�t"°f�e� �U�rbn� M►e. to t�aries Aira`. :
F.O. #244252 - Albert St., �aat side from Charlet Ave. to Eclmund Ave.
F.O. #24t►24! -`Al�litte fit., rest side fro� Blair Ave. to the south approx.
140 ft.
�'�0. 2�43868 - Keat St.� veat sida fran Froat Ave. to W. ?.avsoa AvQ.
1�.0. #24�►S87 - -S�lvan St., both sidea from Jessaa�iae Ave, to'Geramiur Ave.
1�.0. #7#�r5a6` + 3�lvan gt., east side fron Ma�nolia Atre. to J�sasmime Ave.
F.O. #?.4�4�79 - Ch�tnrorth 3t., iro�h �idas i�r� Chariea Ave. to Ed�und Av�.
F.O. �t4459t1 '+ Avan St., eaat side froia Lafoad Mre, to Blair Ave.
F.O. #244580 - Chatsaortb St.. both sid�s fro�m Sherburae Aw. to Charles A�e.
F.O. #Z�442S2 • Albert 5t., ea�t side fraa Charles Ave. to Sdmund Ave.
F.O. r�24ri2�t►i9 - Aldiae Jt., vest side frar Blair Ave. to the south approa.
140 ft.
Charge ta . . ... .. .. .. ..u9"14-1l�.�.. . .. .. . . .. ... $ 3�831 3$—
. . . .. . ... .. .. .... ......t�Qm'4��.���hl.�. . .. . . . . . . . $ 1�c�hS ��
Net Asaessmen.t . .. .... . . . . .. . . .. ...... .. .. .. .. . $ 9�727 08
Said Commiasioner further reparts that he has asaessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to-wit: the aum of $ g.727-08 , upon each and every lot, part or parcel o� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of eaeh lot,paxt or paxcel of la.nd in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asaeasment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commiasioner, and made a pa.rt hereof, is the a�d assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Da}�d Jul� 14� 1970 CommisaG q�e� o'r����c�
Fa� R�E 2M 10.88 s� � � /�"°'�'��