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R,�t�tion Ratifying Assesament By
File No ��
In the matter of the assesament of 1����� �tt 111i �aM � ���'�ttitl� a �1lr!
aw�r in 1!lLSiQ �'!'�R! l�raw '1� �st �M rrt ��t+r �srt to 'l+�t�r �rlwl �*�i�,
under Preliminary Order �' ��"� ._,approve� ��� i�"�
Intermediary Order �� ,apprnve� �t�= �: ���
Final Order ���� ,apgroved ��+�r �s �� .
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment�or �he�.bo�ve improvexi'ient, and said a,ssess-
ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
be it therefore
R,ESO'LV�,D, That th�e said assessment be and the sa.me is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be aubmitted to the I7istrict Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
B� IT FURTHER RIES4LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby deterxnined to be
payable �n l � equal inatallmenta.
Yeas Nays � 12 ���
Adopted by the Couneil
LEViNE � 12 lg�a
Fo:m x�z zx iasa 8� G 151970
'�. • F ;� !
. . ����
9� �2
Repert of Completi,on of Aas�essment File No. ��
In the matter of the aasesament of �f�� � ,� � �t �ts� i �r��
•irwae �r !�"�C �!�' l4�vir 7'NI !� tw� +rt '�t M�r�t a► �r �� �Ll��s
under Preliminary Order �t�� ,apprnve� �� '�� �
Intermediary Order �°�`� ,aPProved OI� �. �'1i!! ,
Final Order �' approved � �� �� .
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a atatement of the ex-
penditurea necessaxily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impro�vement, viz:
Total conatruction casts .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... $ S�016 2�
Engineering .BUd.Iuu��ecti0u.. . . .... . . ..... .. .. . $ 745 t�0_
� VsluatiQU. �aad.asseaa��t.S�tw�ces. . $ 149 c�
Postalcaxds .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .... . .. .......... . $ 1 �-
Publications . . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .... ... ... ..... .. . $ 16 �Q_
Collection costs . .. . . .. . . ... . .. .. .... .. ..... . . . . $ � 33 Q�
Court costs for canfirmation . ... .. . ... .. .. .. .. . $ 1 ��
Camptroller's Costs 16 50
TOTAL EXPE�tDITUR.E� . . . . .. .. . . . . . ....... $ 8�979 y�_
Chargeto . .... . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... .... .. .. ..... $
. . ... . . .. .. . . .. . ... .... .. ..... . .... .. . . . ..... .. $
Net Asaeasment . .... . ... ...... . . . . .... .. .. . . .. .. . $ 8�9�9 66
Said Commissioner further reporta that he has assesaed and levied the total axnount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the aum of � g-979_6b upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and ir► the case of ea�ch lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefita conferred thereon; that the said asaesament has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Gommisaioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assesament as
com�leted by him, and which is herewith eubmitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
conaidered proper.
� e �'/�Ite��►��i�'
DatecL Jaly 14, 1970 Conur�i,s�n�j �ry�f b� nce.
Form R-2 2M 10.68 8� �/ ��k%r�/v�
August 12, 1970
` � .
j 1
t �
�,._-_'....:_��� �:
Mr. J. Wm. Donovan, �.�--�� .���
Valuation and Assessment �ngineer. i j \
Dear Sir. '
f`\ .�
Attached for your info�tiqxi�s a letter of
Allan G. Poucher, �+71 N�rstic Stree ;�estioning the
assessment formul�. for�����ing a, ublic sewer on
A�jystic Strect which � ratified``�y th�`�yity Council today.
/ \ � �'
\ '
, V � truly youre,
-�`_� \ �_
�j "`"" Ci�y Clerk
AO�hp �
, , August 5, i97o '���
C�_ty Clerk of St. Pzul; ��A
y � p `�
A� I won't be in town ta personally give my views
I wish the following to be re�d �t the Council Chambers
on August 12, 1970 (rezson) : sa.r.itary sewer on Mystic St.
I am plezsed tha.t the sa.nitary s�wer on Mystic Street
is in but not with the method used by the z{yessor to fin-
�.nce it.
I own z f'ull 50 foot lot (#43) plus z 18 foot lot(�}!�2)
that is 70.2 feet in the rear. The total a�iessa.ble front�ge
zccorc�.i.ng to thetriangle lot method is 78.8 feet. My build-
ing permit shows my house on lot 43 and off street parking
on l�t 1�2. I have only one 4 inch SCWrr connection.
Lot �I�7 i� 50 feet in front znd 8feet in the rezr.
Their a�ssable fronta.ge (using the tri�ngl� r!m�th�ril is
only 39 f�et. They cu:. !^_��*c only on� 4 inch sewer connec-
I believe this formul� unfur because:
1) I need only one !��' sa.nitary sewer connection ever. with
68foot fronta.ge. ��
� - ��_ r�:.._
2) Using triangle lot formula'my 18 foot lot becomes 2�.8
feet and a 50 foot lot becomes 39 f�et. I'm pa,ying
almost as much for � lot (used for parking cars) with-
o�t a sewer connection as one with a house and �
. * �
� sewer connection. My 78.8 (or $774 a�ssment) is
more than twice of a lot (47) with 39 feet (or �3�3 a�es-
�nent) but each h�ve only one sewer connection.
I rczlize that it is difficult to arrive at a'�fair"
method for a�essing but �rhy not take into zccount the lots
that are suitable for only one sewer connection. After
all, this is a sanitzry sewer a.nd not a. stoxm sewer which
is based on the squar� foot�ge of land.
Thank you,
Allan G. Poucher
1t71 Mystic .