250037 ' ` �"VL�� OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK . CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ; COMMISSIONE DAT° WHEREAS� the Sinking Fund Committee and the Council of the City of Saint Paul have , by Council File No. 249849, approved July 24, 1970, increased the maximum deposit and required col- lateral pledged by Summit National Bank to �360,000 and �400,000, respectively; and WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has approved the following securities as pledged by said Summit National Bank: �100,000 U. S. Treasury Notes , Series B-74, 5-5/8Io, due Augu st 15, 1974, as additional collateral� - therefore be it RESOLVED� That said securities are approved as collateral security for such additional deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with the Summit National Bank. i��;��:i Ai'PROVED. ��� . CORPOFZA710N COUNSEU � i l 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot 19— Yeas Nays �� � � ���� But1�r Carlson � Approve� 19� Levine _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka Q` or Tedesco A gainst PUBLESi�ED AU G 151970 Mr. President, McCarty O . • • ��/�;�� �� �� G OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER � SAINT PAUL i MINNESOTA 55102 � I LL LOU MtKENNA �,,,, '�' "'r � City Comptroller `, August 6, 1970 Corporation Counsel 315 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: In accordance with recent action of the Sinking Fund Committee whereby the maximum deposit and required collateral pledged by Summit National Bank were increased (please refer to Council File No. 249849 - copy attached) the following securities as pledged by said Summit National Bank; namely, $100,000 - U. S. Treasury Notes, Series B-74, 5-5/8%, due August 15, 1974 are hereby approved. Please prepare the proper resolution to be presented to the City Council for their action thereon, Very truly yours, �� � Lou McKenna Secretary, Sinking Fund . Committee Approved• . ber, Sinking und Committee � � A'Rx»��'��`�'�����¢''R�' �F ����A^�. �. . � � ��`Y�i' .. 5��= ������ � �ftill.tWTt 7'O�.'FI�GQ►t!'TNOL,I;� w ;�� . . �,,...� �e ,� �ff' } 5 � r 4 . .�,,�.�,�t � CITY OF ST� rll�� � h ' �„ �{��r . . �ri � ., . � �: ;�p 9�49 �. � Y'� ` ,� ,�-;}, ,� � OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK '��'* �°p`� r , `� f �� ,� x��° `4 :• ` �v" '� �:{ .� �""' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '"� � ��� �' � y�`�' ragr�irr . � r , . , COMMISSIONER � DAtE t`: .. .Y� . . . . � . . � . � , �BAB! �o�oil FiZo No. a3iao�, appro��d D�v�ab�! �S• �` � 19bb� deai�nat•d Sn�osit Xationel Bank oi St.Panl a� • dep0�itor�► " `� o! a portie� e! tb� soaey� oi the Ci�y d 9ai�at Paul, a�4 iiz�d � a taaci�w� eaaeuai !or •uoh dsposit• es r�ll a• taqaistA oallatis�l : k , ��4asi��► "�Ohsr�lor; aad il��,, Caunoil F11e No. 543876, appro��Q 0otab�r a, �9�9, � y1��qtded the �a�titn� deposit and the requlrsd �toll�t�=al s�cnrlt�► , aa ori�i�llr ti�ced� e►nd ti�8SA3, �b� 9loking Fugd Committm�� at s �etia� b�Id on Tharsday. 'Joly �, i97U, �ook aotioa �o in�os��s� �bs �a�cl�ur de– posi# sad �c�e�airsd ooilster�i to �360,�00 � �yo4,o�, r��p�v�i�slr� No�� Ti�roior�, be i� 8E30LVED,� Tbat tae prior resolutiQn� of thi• Cou noil, Copnoil Fil� No. 83i204, spproved Dsaember i�� l966, and Cowmoil Fi1• �o. a�se76, spproved aotobor 8� 1g69, be ata3 thn �aae t�ereby aro s�ended in ttie iolloMing partiaulsrs= that tbs �asie»a dsposit o! ■oaey� oi the fti�y of $aint Paul in the Sumaeit xational Hsnh ot 3aint Psul is iuoreseed iroo �270,040 to �360,000, anA the requireel oollaterrel �eonrity ior suoh depoait is inoreased ira� ��00,040 to �400�000; and bs it BESOLVED FUBTHER, That all other te�s�, pro�taians aod oorr- ditione oi eaid reeolution, Council File No. 23iSt0y, �h�+ll oontlnne 1n t'ull toroe ena eZieot; as�d be it RESiOLVED FURTHER, Tb�t �hid Resolution shall beoo�e et�eoti�e upon publioatlon and x�pon �elivery to the Co,s�lrrioner .o! Fia�o• . oi a raoeipt froa the Federel Reaerve Baak evidenoina s depo�it oi oollateral seourity ea prorided by this Besolntion. .. --.s�.��.,�� COUNCILMEN Ado�ted by the CdtV�12� ��10 19� Yeas Nays Butler ��... � � ���� Carlson Approve� 19� Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Maqor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty ✓; �� � ��V ��������� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO ��` = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ���� COMMISSIONER DATF iiHlBEAi, ths Slntl�n� Fw� Ca�ltt�• and tb� �om�o#1 oi t4� �iity oi li:int Psnl baw, by Connoil Fil• l�to. �49849, appro�nd Jt�1y �t4� i9?0, iaos�a�sd t6s sazia�u� d�po�it wn�! r�qnir�d ool� lat�rtl pl�d��d by ��ait ]�ational Bank to �33�ii0,004 �ad �44�0,000, l��p�otil►�la►� en�! i�1t81!!�, tb� Sinlcins !"na�d Coaitt�• lus ap ro�sd th� lolla�ia� ��Qnritie� a� pleds�d by •aid Sruuait �s�ic�nal Hant: �i0p�t�0 iT. �!. T�rea,rurq Notea� S�rio� 8-74� 5--�/�. dne At�a�t ig. �.97�, a. �aa�ttio�r ooil�tes�si�thersiar� be �� �SOLVBD, 'lhat �aid sso�riti�s ar� wpproryd a� ooll�t�ral �fourity ior �noh addit ionai depo�it• vi pnbiio i'`�nd� o! tbe Cit� o! iaint Psal rith th� Sqdi� �tati�nwl �a�tl�. AUG 11 1�7A COIINCII�MEN Adopted by the Co»*�¢31 19_ . Yeas Nays �ut�er— 14� 1 1 197� Carlson ApprovR� 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka v ��°r A an;nat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �