250036 oR��ir�i��ro,c�rv c�eRK �. ��V ti (�� � Y CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSiONE ATF WHEREAS, Pubtic Law 90-351 (Omnihus Crtme Cantrol and Safe Streets Act of 1968) autharizes the State af Minnesota Governor's Comn�ssion on Cr�me Prevention and Cora�rol tm make grants ta municipa,lities and counties to assist them in carrying oc[t programs to improve Problem Ident'�ftcation and Response Capabitity in the area af Crime Prevention a.nd Control; and WHEREAS, A study by the St. Paul Comnunity Health and Welfare Plan- ning Councii indicates tha� juvenile delinquency is at a "high" ptroblem rate tn the DayfiAn"s Blu�f ar�a and the south and centrat portions af the Phalen area; and WHEREAS, The Phalen Area Cammun3ty Council, in cooperation with camawnity groe�ps trt the neighborlr�g Dayton's Bl�ff area, recognizes the emerging problems of youth and deiinqe�er�ce and also the ex�st�ng con�n�nity resources; fe�is the r�eed to develop actfion pxrograms to effect�tvely reduce the inctdence of ��vrenite crime, drug abuse, a�d other problems; and is requesting funds to hire a "Yout� Enviro�nent Coord�na�tor"; and WHEREAS, The Phalen Area Coamunity Cuuncil has requested the City of St. Paul to act as grar�tee for the �Pragram Action far Citizens of the East Side (P.A.C.E.a�; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE� IT.RESOLVED BY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUt: That the praper City officers are hereby a�thor�ized to ex.ecute applicat�ton far the "P'�c�gram Actton for Cft4�zerts of the East Stde (P.A.C.E.)° and that 4t be �i1ed wtth the State of Minnesota GoKernor's Conmission on Crime Prevent�on and Contral on b�half of the City of St. Paul for a gra.nt under the Omnibus Crime Contrml and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-351) in an area or areas to be designated and specially described tn such a►pplication and that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed ta f�ite suGh appticatio�, to provide such addttianat lnfora�at�ion and furnish such docwnents as may be reqaired by the State of Minnesota Gavernor's Canm�tssion or� Crime Preventtoa and Control, to e�cecute and fite requisjtion COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19` Le�ine �n Favor . Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �ORM PPR VE ' s Cor r i C s�) �� oR,��Ai TO;CITY CLBRK ��a��� , � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEIt- DATF s2� for funds; and to act as the authortzed representative of the City of St. Paut tn the accnmptish�aent of the pPxagram Act�Ion for Citizens of the Ea.st Side (P.A.C.E.)." I�LIG 11 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �' ��JCa 1 � 197'd Carlson � rove� 19� Le�ine _�� Favor Meredith Sprafka � or Tedesco Aga'�$t 151970 Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHEO AU G �� ��,.�,��� �50�`�3f, � � _� CITY O� ST. PAUL Fc�,e�cit N0 " �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUI+�CIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PR89rTED tT COMMISSIONER �ATF i�tER�AS, Pub11c Law 90-351 (Oamitws Crime Caifirol and Safe Stre�ts Act ci 1968) authorises the State of' Minntseta 6ov�rnc�r's Co�nission on Crime Prevention and Coatrol to a�ake g�ants �o �nicip�titi�a and counties tv assist tham in c�rrytng oat prog�a�: to i�prore Preblen identification and Respons� Captbllity ia the area of t�i�e Prevontlon and Control; �nd NNEREAS, A st�dy by tMe St. Paul Coanwnity Hoalth aad Miel1'are Plan- ning Counctl lndicates that �uvenile deltnquency is a�t a "high" prnblem rate 1n the Dayton's 61uff area and th� south and central portion� oi the Phalen area= and WHEREA5� 7he Ph�len Area Goa�ntmlty Council. 1n vooperation aith . ca�nity groups tn the nelghboring Daybon'a 61utt area� recognius the +raerging probtaas of youth and delinqueeice a�nd also th� exlsting comrnuunity resourcea; feels the need tp develop action pre�ra�s to effectively reduce the lncidence of �uvenil� crime. drug dbuse, and other problens; aAd ia requesttng funda to hire a "You� Environment Coordinator"� and WHEREAS� Th� Phalen Area ConmuM ty Cauncil has reqaested the City of St. Pau1 to act as grantee for the "Program Action for Citizens of the Eaat Side (P.A.C.E.j"s NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOI.YED BY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF ST. PAt�.s That the proper Ctty officers ar� hereby authoriz�d to en�te appllcatlon for the "Progr� Action for Citlizens of t.ha East Stde (P.A.C.E.) "�and that 1t be filed wlth the State of Mlnnesota 6overnQr's Co�aatssion on Crirn� Prevention and Control on beh�lt oi the Ctty �f St. Paul for a grant under the Omnlbus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1966 (P.L. 90-351) in an area or areas to be designa#�d and specia�tly desctibed 1n auch applicatlon a�nd that the May�r is hereby authorl:ed and directed to f11e �uch application, tfl proytde such additior�al infonnation and farnish snch doc�aan#a as a�ay be requir�d by the S#�te of Minnesota Governor'a Coa�iasion on Cr�tiae Prerention and Control� to acecate and t'ile reqitisltion COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmcil 19— Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Approv� 19` Levine Tn FAVOP M@TQfll�l Sprafka �Y� Againet Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . �� .��,�,�.��,� 25(�C 36 . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO ` ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESBiTED!Y COMMISSIONER DATF �2w for fundsz a�nd to act as the authoriz�d representative ot the City of St. Paul in the accom�lish�ent ot the "Program Action for Cttizens of the E�st S1de (P.A.C.E.). , ' lyl�i 11 197_0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmcil 19� Yeaa Nays � AUG 1 1 1�� Caxlson Approv�l 19.� �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka '� �� A ouinwt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��