250020 ORI6tNAL TO CITY CL6RK ��Q��o • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc.�rsE cor�r�mr� �O CIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY AU�'ClS't 11� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF WFiER�;t1S: The St. Paul Chapter, Disabled !�merican Beterans, Inc. has made application for permission to conduct a ta� day on Frida.y, :�eptember 18, 1970, between the hours of S:OC a.m. and 10:00 p.m., therefore, be it &ESOLYSD: That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the St. Paul Chapter, Disabled American Veterans, Inc. to conduct such solicitations on the day, date� and between the hours requested. R E N E W A L Inf.gppn. 8-6-70 �i11 1970 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��. AUG 1 1 �70 Caxlson / ve� 19� Levine �J Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka or Tedesco A Sainst PUBLISHED AU G 15197 Mr. President, McCarty �� ',' � ! , ' CITY aF SA�NT PAUL �r � Q,�� - Capita.l of Minnesota � oUe aHt�ne�ct o ub�C'c �a et /' � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota. Streets FIRE PROTECTION ���� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissianer HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILI.,Depaty Commieetoner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieenee Insyector Au�;ust 6, 197G Ho�or�.ble Pi��yo.r �nd Cit;; Gouncil Sa,int Paul, T�Yini��..esota Gent�.e��:e.z ;;.nc�. I�iad<:�:: ihe wt. Fuul Ci7�,pter, Disabled �sieric�.n V�terans, Inc. m�kes applic�tior� for permission to co.�ic�uct a ^�,� ?��,y on Friday, September 18, 1970, bett-;eer. the r.ours of 5:;`v �- .m. �:r_d l0:OC p.ra. The�� Y�ave complied tv�ith Ordir_,:nce No. 1.3338, amendin�; Chapter No. 450.G0 of the ;t. Faul Le`islative �ode un� �rdir.^rces uinici: de�,ls wit�L t'r�e solicit�.tion of �unds. Tlle ap�lic�.tion is n�::de by John R. rlert�:2r., i.djutant. Ver�r truly yours, �G�Yt.�.l.�i �//zc0� • License Inspector �O . : '� � ii . ! . • �, ' j , � � . , ; • , I / I I� II ` � � CITY OF ST. PAUL ' / ', Offiae of iLioenae 7sispector ' { : � % 202 Public Safety Building I,� � ��� i St. P�i ul, Il2inne s ota 55101 �� � � i , I � I Application for pe�misai to aoliait funds, or ito oonduot tag days, �ipon the atreeta of the City of S . Paul, D2innesota, , ; ; ; � • , � ;i Dat� of Appliaation A1zg�tst 5 19 70 I 1. Name of organization St. P aul Cha ter Disabled America� Veterans Inc. Addresa oP organization R. State V terans Service Blid St. Paul Minn. 5101 � ' 2. Ch3ef of�icer of organization Henr Weber Co nder i � 3. Seoretary of organiae►tion John R. Merthan Ad'utarit e 4. Name of peraon or peraons reaponeible for the diatribu i of oollected funde. , � Ch�ter Executi�e, Co��ttee and Welfare C 'tt e i � � � 5. Purpoae or ob�ect for wliioh solioi tion is to be made � a�d an� Aasi st t e � , . 6. Uae to be made of funda oolleoted Same as no. 5 �I ?. Soliaitation �rill be made on F�ida�r, Se tp ember 18, 197 ! datee, between the houra of 5:00 A.M. and 10:00���'.M. I � 8. .Loi ,ion will ,ta_ka�laQe St. Paul M�t�nesota - . bation where soliaitat' _ ____ ; , �, 9. Li� t the amounts of any taagea, fsea, coam�►isaions, aoata bt� expenses paid or. � wh'oh are eapeated to be paid in conneotion with aoliaitation. Also liat na s of pers ona �o wham; pe►ym�ants have been m�de or will ��be m�de and thd amounts of auah yments. (A finanaial statem�nt inaluding thia infornoQtian ; may be att�ot�ed,� I �' � � � , j''� John R. Merthan Fo et- e- ot � ; . I ` �.� j l I ' � � � � i ' � � ���� i � I i ��r� R � , � : , ; ; , I ' � . i ; � ; , , , , ; , � � � � i • � , i � i � � i � � • i . � � i � ld. Attaah a copy of bud�etl�shovring solicitations for thia fisaal or calendar � y�ea r. 11. Have you read Chapter 45"0 of the St. paul Legislative Code, which pravidea ;I for the securing of perr�.iasion to conduct the aolicitation of funds, or tag , daysa upon the streeta f the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand i the regulationa also pr ided in said ordinance? �Yes j . ' 12. Application made in beh lf of the above organisation bys � , Name John R. Merthan Title or Offioe Adiutant ; . Nama _Henry G. Weber Title or Office Commander � . . . , . , STATE OF �tI1QNESOTA) . � . �S3 COiTATTY OF RAMSEY ' ! , John R. Merthan and Henrv G. W��r ' being duly a�rurn say that they are the petitioners in tl�a above application; that ; they he�v�e read the foregoing petition and laiaw oontenta and urpos t reaP; that eame ia��true of'their oRn Imamrledge. / � , � •, , , �/ � _ . � ,�� , , i i � ' . . . . � . Subaori�ed and sworn to before me this -� day of 19i � � , � tary b ic, � ey CoLm y, M esota � ` �l�}r oommt.eaion eapires . �- !�''�.� . � ' . ' ' KENNE�H 0:•ATKINS. ' • �� • - � � ;' ' ' � Notary Public,Ramsey Counry�(Ninn, ' Mx r�am�mts�sd Exejce�F�8.1919 , I . - ; . , , j ,� i ! ' �; j II j i l li iI ! -t ' . , I I j i � � 'I I' , I ! , ;I Aug. 1970 �__��.,..�_.' t ,,,\ \ ,%,---�,� .�� Hon. Dean Meredith // 1 Comsr. of Publi.c Safety � � � Publi c Safety Bldg. �`� �/'� \'��/% Dear Sir: �--�-:a�entibn:<''Mr. Daniel McLaughlin /��--- -.�'..._`''r__._.`..� �. The City Counail tod ��nf�rmally` ppro� the application of St. Paul Chapter, Dis led Americ Veteran�, Inc. for permission t� conduct a Ta� 1)a,y o Frida,y, Se . 18, 1970, t�etween the hc�urs of 5 A.M. and 10 p.M. Will you p�}s�pr'epare �i`-�c.�is-t'�amary resolution cove.rin� this matter? �/ Very tru]y yours, City C1erk ns