250006 Oriafnal to Clty Clerk OR-DINANCE �5t�� �� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY °, �, ORDINANCE NO �� .An ordinance settling the claim of Gharles L. Wildenauer and Mary A. Wildenauer against the City of Saint Paul . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DQES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Mary A. Wildenauer the sum of �525.00 in full settlement of the claim for damages to the realty of the surviving joint tenant, Mary A. Wildenauer� as a result of alleged acts of the City agents and employees stated to have occurred in May of 1969 at 618 Joy Street� Saint Paul� Minnesota. Section 2. That� in view of the decease of Gharles L. Wildenauer after the alleged occurrence, and the fact that no probate will be had of his estate , said sum shall be paid to the said claimant Mary A. Wildenauer upon her execution and deliveryof a release and indemnification agreement to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing, indemnifying and holding said City harmless for all damages and claims sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. AUG 2 b 1970 Yeas Council Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson��-���v ��!+ Me� ���.� � � Tn Favor `r PP+�90*� � A Sprafka gainat ` Tedeaco r�. resident �'rz`_ �z� AUG 2 6 1970 A .'—' Appro - City Clerk Ma or �� orm approved Corporation Coun e By PUBLISHED qU G 2 9 1970 Daplicate to Printer QRDINANCE ��� i� �� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.—L—� An ordinance settling the c1�im of Charles L. Wildenauer and Mary A. Wildenauer against the City of Saint Paul. T33E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES �RDAIN: Seetion i. That the proper City of�'icers are hereby authorized and direoted to p�y out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Mary A. Wildenauer th�e sum of �525.00 in full. settlement of the elaim fo� damages to the realty of the survivin� join� tenant, Mary A. Wildenauer, as a result of alleged aets o� the City a�ente and employees $tated to have oeeurred in May of i969 at 618 Joy Stree�, tiaint �Paul, Minnesota. Seetion 2. Th�.t, in view af the decease o� Charles L. �dildenauer after the alleged occurrenee, and the �'aet that no probate will be had af his estate, s#id sum shall be paid to the said elaimant M�ry A. Wildenauer upvn h�r exe�utiau �nd deliver a� a r�le�se and indemnification a�reement to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corparation Counsel, releasing, indemnii'ying and lzalding said Cfty harmlese for alI damages and elaims sustained in the manner aforesaid. Seetion 3. Thi� ordinanee shall take effeet and �re in force thirty days a�ter its passage, approval and publication. ,;:,+ `"" � ,� �.��� Yeas Councilm Nays Passed by the Council �'� Carlson �����''��''z H�lgk� =' ' � Meredith �- In Favor P��� �� Against Sprafka Tedesco ;; ;�• �� ��'��� Mr PraairlPnt fxt.�,.,,.,1 � ., �'..� .a ,^�--- . �� ,�:z .� �- Ist �/ 2nd— �/� . Laid over to 3rd and app. � —Adopted /� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson �5��? Ds Carlson Levine L�erine—� Meredith � Meredi+h Sprafka Sprafka J Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarly O