250000 - ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �)Ao��o ' CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL N�,, rV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU ESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE Sobert F. Spraf DATF Au�i18t 6� 197� WHEREAS, The following SIDEWALK CONTBACTOR having met all of the provisions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the Citq of St. Paul, and having made the proper application for a SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR�S LICENSE, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the said SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR vpon providing a bond and the payment of the Sixty Dollars ($60.00) license fee is hereby granted a license suthorizing him to engage in the business of SIDEWALR CONTRAC3'OR in the City of St. Paul for the year 1970. Mianesota State Gurb-Gutter Corp. ♦ y c � O p U > o a o � o` U � .� � y W ¢ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council AUG b 197�9_ Yeas gut ler Nays Carlson aVG 61970 Levine � Approved 19�_ Meredith �n Favor X�SY�4til� Sprafka � ayo Tedesco A gainst Mr. President,�� p����, 8 ,970 McCarty AUG 0 DUPLIC.C76 TO PRINTER `�5��:�p CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�ONErt Bobert F. 3prafka oArF August 6, I970 Dent. o£ Public �c�ks WI�R�AS, The following SIDBWALR CONTBACTCfB havimg met a11 of the proviaions of Chapter 220 0£ the Legislative C.ode of the Citq af St. Paul, and having a�ade the proper application for a SIDBtiiALR E�I�RACTOR5 LICSDTSE, it ie hereby RBSOLVED, Thst the said S'ID�GIALR C011T�ACT08 upon providing a bond and the paqment of the 31xtq Dollars ($60.00) licease fee is hereby grant�d a licenoe authorizing him to eagage in the bu,sineae n£ SIDBWALK CONT�ACTO� ia the Citp of St. Panl for the peaz 1974. M�nne�ota Stat� Curb-Gutter Gorp. �,1+� `' ���'���i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas gutler Naya Carlson � ,`�� `.: �,��tte � Approved 19—_ Meredith __In Favor x��� Maqor Sprafka �Againat Tedesco Mr. President,��@�C HcCarty O