249989 � ((�[ n OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ' �9�trl�{ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "��� v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee on July 2, 1970, took action to place certain accounts in the Summit National Bank; and WHEREAS, the Capital City State Bank of Saint Paul was designated as a depository for City funds on April 14, i966, pursuant to Council File No. 228131� as amended by Council File No. 248104� approved March 31, 1970; and WI�REAS, Northwestern State Bank was designated as a depository on April 3, 1968, pursuant to Council File No. 237887, and Council File No. 228941, approved June 3, i966; and WHEREAS, Produce Exchange Bank of St. Paul was desig- nated as a depository on June 11, i969, pursuant to Council File No. 244410; and WHE REAS, Guaranty State Ban.k was designated as a depository on December 28 , 1g66, pursuant to Council File No.231328� as amended by Council File No. 246548, approved December 2, i969; and T � �� WHEREAS, by reason of �he action of the Sinking Fund �` Committee on July 2, 1970, which was approved by the Council o ..Do on the 24th day of July, 19?0, pursuant to Council File No. � 249849, whereby said Summit National Bank was designated � p as depository, the City of Saint Paul shall cease to use � m said Capital City State Bank of Saint Paul, Northwestern o State Bank, Produee Exchange Bank, and Guaranty State � Bank as depositories , now, therefore , be it • � � =°- RESOLVED, That the collateral pledged by said Capital City State Bank, Northwestern State Bank, Produce Exchange Bank and Guaranty State Bank pursuant to said prior resolu- ° tions of this Council, are hereby released. q(� 5 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler A(,� 5191.� Carlson p 19� Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka (� yor Tedesco ASainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty $ �97Q PUBLISHED AU G � ' 249��. ��,����,� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRBS9�ITED�Y COMMISSIONER �AM irSEgEAS� the Sfskin; Fund GosOittse on Jnly 8* 1970� �ook aotion �o plaoe oertain aoeounts in th• Suomit Nation�l Bank; and W�REA3, �th, Capt�sl City stats Dsn1c o! Saint Pau1 wa. d�eign�sted as s depository ior City iunda on �•pril i4, i966, pnrRnant te �onnail Fiia No. 2Q813t� a� auneaded by Counoil Fils �to. S�8iO4f a�►�rorsa Karoti 31, 19?4; aad W�REAS, North�estern State Haak wes desi�►ted ae a depoeitory on �pril 3, =9��, pnr�uant to Coanoll I�ile I�o. 2g7887� and Counoil File No, 228941, appro�ed June 3, ig66; and 1�ERSAB, Produoe Ezohanse Hanlc ot St. Paul �aa derig- asted as a depoaitmry on J�ne ii, 1969, pursaaat to �,ouncil P'ile No. �l4�410; and WffisaEAS, Quaranty State Bank xa� dosianated a�r a depo�itory on Deoenbor tt8� i966, pursuant to Couno il File No.st3i3ste, a� amend�d by Qouaoil Fila No. $46�48, appro�sd Deoesber 8, 1969; and W�AEASf by res�on o! the sotioa oi the Sinking Faad Co�eittee on July S, i�9?0 r�►ioh �ra►� approvsd bp the Counoil on th� Q4th day oi July, �970, pursuwt t+o Counoil File No. Q�9ea9, i+hereby said �uas�t I�ationsl Hanlc Nga desiansted a• depo�i�ory, the City oi Saint Paul �hall oesse �o ose said Capital City 3tate Hank oY Saiat Paul, NorthMOatern Stste Hank, Pr�daoe Bacchaage Hank, and iivarsaty �tat• Hank s� dspo�itoYies, noM, �her�lore, bs it RESOLYED� That the oollatersl pl�d�.d by •aid Capital City State Bank* XOrthMest�rn 3tate Bant, Produo• Esohenge Bsnk an�k auaraaty �tate Bank pnr�nsnt to said prior resolu- tions oi this CounoilR are herebq relea�ed. -- ,� 5 i9�e COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co».rc�l 19— Yeaa Nays Butler l�(1G 51970' Carlaon ApprovR� 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��