249983 o�a a cces c� ; - r LL- ORDINANCE ��g�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �bert F. Sprafka ORDINANCE NO � � S�" � An ordinance granting permission to Gombold Electric Canpany to construct, operate a�d maintain a 7� high cyclone fence in connection with their property at 521 Randolph Avenue ir� the City of St. Paul , Minnesota. THE Cou�C I L OF T�iE C IlY OF ST. PAtlL DOES ORDA 1 W s Section l. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Gombold Electric Company to construct, operate, a�d.�aar.�fi�a�4n a 7' high cyclone fence adjacent to the property at 521 Rapdolp� ����a�ae, St. Paul , Minnesota, said 7' high cyclone fence to be cor�str�wct�;�� fr'an'a point 134' east of the ncrtharest corner of the Gombold Ele�tr�c Canpany property at 521 Randol ph Avenue to a poi nt 223� east of tk�e nor�tl�west corne r of the �` Ganboid Electrtc Canpany property at 521 Ran�o}p!� A-venue, seid 7� high f.f- cyclone fence to be constructed along a line as :shown ora plans dated c July 10, 1970, on file in the �epartment of Public aorks,. l'� Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized +r:. - to issue a parmit to the Gaabold Electric Company for the construction, `operation, maintenance, of said 7� high cyclone fence upon and subject to - the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct said 7' high cyclone fence entirely at his own expe�se, under the supervision and to - the satisfaction of the Car�nissioner of:Publ ic Works and in accordance with the approved pla�s and spec,ification as shown on w;;,pla�s.,dated July )0, 1970, on fi le' in 'the',Deparrtme�t_ of Publ ic. , ,lil�ir't�s•• Y;- . � ,. ` , r . , . , .,. . > _ ;.: , . . .� , . , �. - ;. , b. Tha t sa i d pe rm i ttee sh�l l p�y fo r pub�t ca�i aw- o�k ,tt��s , Ordinance and ali related resolutions; c, That said permtttee shall pay the cost of aciministration, engir�eering and inspection of said work, said costs to be accounted for u�c�r the Department of Public Works Project Number E-1062; d. 7hat said permittee shall properly protect ali excava- tions made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid ali damage or inj ury to persons or property; shail properly fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to avoid settiing and shall restore said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to their original condition; e. That said permittee shall incorporate in said fence reflectorized scotch light reflective material or its equivale�t to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public 1�orks; Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayo � �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , Oalsins!to Cit�Clerk � ` � � = ORDINANCE �����3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Robert F. Sarafka ORDINANCE NO 1 "r P89e 2 f. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and ernployees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation, maintenance of said 7' high cyclone fence and by the permission and authority granted herein; g. That said permittee shall furnish and deliver to the City of Saint Pawl a surety bond ir► the amount of Five Thousand Dollars �$5,00�.00) conditioned upon the permittee complying with all the terms and conditions of this ordinance and to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Sai�t Paul f rom �11 losses, liability, ,judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages, or expenses that may accrue to perso�s or property or the City arising out of or grow- ing out of the construction, presence, maintenaace, repair and removal of the fence , which surety bond shall remain in force and effect so long as the 7� high cyclone fence or any part thereof remains on that portion of James Avenue between �i�e and Duke Streets described above; h. That said pern�ittee shall furnish, upon request, the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incide�tal to its execution including but not limited to addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans and tracings; i. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works when the co�struction starts a�d notify the same said Construction Engineer when project has been completed to allow for a final inspection; j. That said permittes shall , during the term of this permit restore and repair ali property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the constrwction, operation, mainte�ance, or presence of the 7� high cyclone fence provided for herein; k. That satd permittee shall remove the said 7' high cycione fence or part thereof in such manner as is satisfactory to the Commissioner of Pubiic Works whenever the City Council of Saint Paul shall so order; 1. That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless �nd until said permittee shall Mave fully complied with the provisions regarding insarance and indemnification contaiaed in the City of Saint Paul Department of Pubi ic Works Specif ications, for Street and Sewer Construction, dated April l , 19gq, Section - - numbered 1.44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a�proved Corpor��ion Counsel By Oal�lnal ts Cit7 Clerk . . - � � ORDINANCE ��9��3 , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �bert F. Sarafka ORDINANCE NO t�9e 3 section of said specifications, number 1.44, as amended, shall be . read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word �'contractor", wherever the same appears in the aforesaid S�ctio� 1 .44, as a�nded. Said Section 1.44, as amended, of the Specifica- tions for Street and Sewer Construction in tt�e City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully ar�d as com- pletely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shail be in such forr� as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paal may direct, and the docwnents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall , after sub- mission to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the Comptroiler of the City of St. Paul ; m. That said permittee shall submit bond and insurance documents to the Off i ce Eng t nee r of tMe Depa rtment of Pub 1 i c � - Works; and n. That the said permittee shell , within thirty (3�) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance the reof wi th the C i ty C 1 erk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days f rom and after its passage, approval and publication. AUG 2 0 1974 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �trtier � Carlson T� Favor Levine �� � Meredith � Agaittst Sprafka � Mr. President�(McCarty) �U� 2 � 1��0 � Approved• ttest: �� -� � � ty Clerk � Ma r �B Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel By . - PUBU ED AU G 2 21970 • Area Code 612 �ITY o �g� �� THOMAS J.STEARNS 223-5121 �4� F� ARTHUR M. NELSON ' 4 � � JEROME J.SE6AL � " THOMAS M. MOONEY `—� '' KENNETH J. FI7ZPATRICK �'`, T� � "c pAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E. CARTWRI6HT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCOTT DAVIES PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER Pirst Assisten4 LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 Ci+y Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporafion Counsel �uty sl, �9�0 Mr. Robert F. Sprafka Comnissioner of Public Works Building Re; Request for review of ordinance granting permission to Gombold Electric Com�any, 521 Randolph, to construct a 7-foot high cyclone fence on City Right-of-way. Dear Mr. Sprafka: Enclosed please find the above referenced ordinance which has been prepared by the undersigned for your office prior to your request of July 24, 1970. You very ly ME . E A ista Corporation Counsel JJS:fms Encl , 505 RANDOLPH AT SHEPPARD ROAD ' ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • 227-8288 E L E C T R I C A L C O N S T R U C T I O N • S I N C E 1 9 1 9 St. Paul, Mi nnesota September 21, 1971 To the Honorable, City Counci I St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Mrs. Butler. We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the fierms and conditions of Council File #249983, Ordinance #1469 adopted by the Counc i I on A ugust 20, 1970. GOMIBOLD ELECTRIC, INC. BY ����� � C:��� �-...�� � , _ . ., . . . . , . . . , , . . . ,. . _. ,. _ �aa a rs�.ae y . -� ORDINAI�T � � _ ��9�83 � �'�t COUNCtL RLf NO PRES� 8Y �"�K i. �kt : ,- - OR�NA�E NO A� oe�t� �raatia� p�r�i�sio� te d�s �■Iw1� E1�ctfic Go�► �a caastr�rat, aM�at+a arwi �ttataiA a �� �ig1� c�ralo�r #a�o� #• e�tiow rixh tl�i�r as 52t ��� 14+�u� i�t tM 61�°�f it. tl�ti. K . � 'to _J � C0�t1. OF '1'ME �' � �. 1lt� �OEi OMA�A: �rttiaw 1. 'llrt 'artiw��s�ar snr a+fdia�r#tp a�+r � �bri �o tl�s Coi�tf �i�slria C+arp�ar =o co�str�, �ir��, aiai ini�t�i� a ?' i�i�h a�ti+Mr� f� a�jao�wt ta tirt �+�+�partr at �! ��i� A�a�s, t►t. �ri, i���ar�o►tt, �i� � hisA c�1aa� firna to IN► ma�att�ct�i f� a psiat 33�►' �rst of tM �t c�o►rns� of tlr oo�iMsi1 El�ttt Ca�► �'�r it �i2t �io�i� l�r��w to a pi�t �23� +nti � d� �o�rtMNast �e*r� ef tlrr �eio1� E1�et�ic Cw�r Rrops'tY at SZt �i� ��, saitl� 7• !ri¢� e�etar li�� t�r bs �tr�bd ala�g a 1 tM �,t shorin a� piaas i�t� .iriY i�, 1�� aR #i tt i� tNr is�e�t�rat a!` Mbi tc l��ks. �iatio� t. fiist t�s C�awissi�sr af !�►i i� M�ks ts iwn�► ar�Ortimr� t� f�l�sw • Nse��1t !o t�r Qo�b�l� EiectrJs �In�r fa�r dl� oo�str�st��r, e�stiM:, rt�Ma�os,, d �i� 7� hi� carat�ews !+� +� aw�t aiijs�t ta tM► fs11�wE�y �s � �oo�iltio�s: a. �1w1t s�i� Nerrit� siasll �l�tt►'w�t sit� �• hi� CYCtw� f� �st i+�l Y at a t s ar� �, w�isr tl� s�ystv t s taw � �Do ti�r satlsta�stf+r� v� t�s Ca��is�io� �o�f' !lliii ia tbrhs a�+� tw aaer�vs wit�M tM ap'�+o�wNt Piaa: +� �tftc�Rtaa arer sAa�w ww '�;*�a! .Mrtiy l�, 1�8. o� f i i� t� tM �urt+�t of 14it ia �. TM�tt sat� M�wi t�rr sM�l l � tolt �b t lcst i+� �f tb l s 6Nt�aar� awrl at i t���i c�al�rtia�s= c. 'f'wst ss�! Mrrt�r sMa11 ps�r �M �ass � adrfaistr�tivn, a�gtr�l�y ,r� [�sp�c�ta� o�f sat/ �as1c, sal� cosri � � aao�at�ri . 4�or .r�.�t cw. l�rrrn.�wt af ldbl ta MorMCS lroj.�ct Mr.�6ar E-1ei2; 1. '1'1��t s+�t! p�s�t tt�rs �i t p�rop��lY p�r+ope# ai 1 �ca� t i+�M �ri 1� tM �tt�'�t�t, s 1 i�wir�k� s� bor l+�ar�s bti� rs�r aAi �i*L so as ti�► avst�l s11 �'s or t�rry Ro �so� or !�`�Xi eM�11 �eo�rly t111 siwt �r■p �1,i st�nrts, siiwliar„ a� �1� t� a�s��l s.ttilag a�t sM+�li r�s�s �td stnsta� l�i�tits aMi iail�Ns ts �1� a�igi�1 e�ittio�; a. �"Ast �i� �tta� sia11 i�� i� sifa fiaACa e+�filK#or1�1 a�ot+cw 1 i9Mt r+aft�ctiN rrq�rial o� Ita s�iwl�t to tl�s s�t t s€sct t a� ot ti�s Ca�3 s�s toirrr arf !!ib 1 i4 lbrks; Yeaa Councilmen Nsys Paesed by the Coun�;� Butler Carleon Levine T� Fsvor Meredith e�ra,�, sp� Tedesco - Mr. President (McCairty) A����: Attsst: City Clerk Mayor �� :: �orni a�►yrov4d Corpor�i�ion Couneel By nati•.a a r�.ar . . �,� ORDINANCE ���� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY �� F�..,��� ORDINANCE NO � � pya 2 f. 1'Wat ss i i p�rsi tbr �pt+ass i y a�ss a� �wlssEalass t4 #ui�X t�d..Rify, I�ia lwre.l.ss a�i drfi.�t aie ttt�r o# s�l.t llwt, its a�gM�s, offiqrs a�+t �pl+�ss f�a� a� a�i atl i�t. tta i�ar�t. }oa�s�s. J qd9Mats. �i ts:or s� artsi� �wt o# +ar� occssrawi b�r ta. ica�stnKct�� lio�, ..i.�i.�.a.o. vM� �ri� 7* hi9h �l+oa� fiq�os �i byl tbs���,atsst� s� srtd�o�ityr gr�t�N �M�YA� J i g. 'ihat sa i d ptsri tl�s shsl 1 !�f�w �i �st f rse Lo tM C1 tyr of �iat llwi a sn�+st�r ba� i� dMe �� e�f fi�rs Tbo�i i�olis�rs (�5s�•0�� e�ttia� �oa tb� pr�n�3tt�s +oe�ly��y rtth all tM tan■s a�d c+ou�i tlaws e�f tl�is oNiaanos a�i ta i�dwrrify, �isl`�a�i and sav� lMn�l�ss tha 6 t ty df f�l at !�w I f t�+o� al l l o�srs, 1 t�b i 11 t�r. ,�u�w�ss, :utti� Co��it�,� C�s#. �� s� a�p� �st a� •GCTfM t0 pN�O1Rf of' p!^0�1'#� Of t11t C�Ry i!'�f�IM,� OMt O� O/ �1'A� tAg wtt arf tht +ooastruttEon. Pt�raoss �atnt�aaas,� ��Ir sn�i t�r�va1 af tMs ��c�, � rhtcb sw�+sty bo�d sbri 1 �watA i� �oe+a �rrii a�`#�ct sd l e�ng as ths �' a i gh cy�l ans #u�s or aa�r Mrt dNr�a!` n�r t ns a�n that p►t i oR o�f .irs Av� I�t�� Fstr 1 a�i !�r � . Str�ts iescrib�d ab�s; h. Tha# sati �eerttts� sb�ll fw�isY, dpoa nqwsts +t� Np�t a# !�b 1{a ibrks a i t �ts of treaN �a� an a p�rt of tIN t��atract or i ac l d�atal to i t�s �cat�o� i�twiiag Iwt �at l twtt�i to �iu�, a�N of eauttact, sa� at rrautract. "as Iwllt" p1M�s a�d tsscia�r t. Yra# ss�� �i�t�s sh�i i wotif� tMr Caw�tr�wttoo E�gi�r ef tws tspr�a�t � l�bl ic Yorks � tIN �o�strdct�a� s�rts a� �a►ttt� #,�I� sr t�i� Ca�s��oa �i�+r M� p�+sj�ct !� � ca�p��f to sl iow 1°or a f iM� tw�#far; ,j.,...�� ss�� pert�tx#�s �Mq�ti, dw �.�Cat �� � ��: e��qMM�d ��tl�r st i ProP�"�!�'s �' p�bi ic wr RrivptL�r i�� +e� rwir,�t+�Mi a� tr� � � �r+ �s c��tio�, �tat�oa, ��s,� ar � +�!` d�► T'� M�M �toar �i�ce providsd f�sr M�+s��i k. �st ssia pa�+�sitt�s s4�1i �e�wov�s t� sai�i �' 1�t4h cycia�r fa�a sr �t tbre�of 1a sw� �nas�r ss ts s�atisf�e�r � tiM Caw�iss�orr o!` lrit lc M�ks ��nsr � Cit1r Co�cit e# �siwt !Iw 1 siqi 11 so ordss; l. Tl�at sstd }s�rittM sbal t Net p�ar��1 rt1l1� cow�sb�cttew un�sss a�d �til ssld �seriLtr� sMll Ir�e �rilY ao■wrlt�rd witl� thr p�rorista�s r�gsrdiw� i�rsuraaa a� ���iilcattaN �oo�lat�i i� ths C i ty +o�f Ss i�t !�w 1 lsp�rt�rnt ai /Mfr 1 tt Mc�k� Sp�t�f tcat to�s !or Strral� aad �r C�strrcttea, �rrbM 11j�t 1 1. t9Sl. �tlar� � 1!.44 +� ssid spr�iflcattvws,�as a�nir, a�pi 1caMi! t� coatracta�rs. Far tt�r p�� a►# th�s es�lir�wr�at, tJw� aforrr�r�ri� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Connc;� , Butler Carlson �� Tn Favor S r�afkah ��_�# Tedeaco Mr. Fresident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City► Clerk Mayor �� ; Form$�yroved Corpor��an Goun$el By D�lesa b Fr1a�r e } ;�� ORDINANCE 249��3 COUMCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ��''� F. Sa�e'afka ORDINANCE NO ��o.�. � 3 s�ct ioa o�' sa 1� spK�f isat te�s� na■b�r l.�i►,,, aa a�i, �ti l bt �f � ;tAiodgh tM rved "'�erltt�s" rs substltut�d for t�s wo�N '1ra�;r�tdo�". �se�v�r tM sar a i� ttw st�rt! l�Li+a� 1.�►, a� a�r�+�, 5s1d 3�et1o+� 1.�, as a�d, af q� i�cttlrar- 11�s;fa►r �trist a� S�` C+�a�ructl+o� t� i� CitY o! �tRt i�wi 1� i�s� i��o�rt�d as�r+s�a by �sfsrt��'as as fn�ly aMt as a�v�r- pi+a�lY � if sst forta Ira�+ti� ri�tts. �� ef a�e�1 ta�aa wrttle prcwtsia�s of tl� afon�ssi� s�cli�a sMil i M 1� sw� �a �t tA�s Corpa�ration C�al o�# tlrs t t ty of Sa�nt liwl wsY �t�t, �el t�e da�uts ts�n i e�N by tbs afot�sa id Sirettan i.�4 �11,� s#!�t s�- ��sstaw tos tM Corp�nttie� Codas�t, rs #t1s�t ta d� o�f#tsr� ot t�r Ca�yrtr�r)t�r of ths C i t�r of �t. /rrul i �. Thtt ssi� psrw�tt+��t sMtll s�.iL boait a�i 1��ra�as �b t�► tl�s 4tf fw► �g��er of dw Mptrt�rwt e�t l�lib l ic 1�ksi �d a. 'il�t tM s+t[d ps��t�ss si�ll, NitMia tkivtY �3lj � �t�e #M p�ss�s af tbis ordtaiwa�, #t la a �rtLbM �apta�es tlre+�rf wi W d� C t ty C ts�k. S�ctio� 3. TMts �,1t�os sbst t ta�i�s si#�ret a�d Mt #• l�ee� tMt�rt+�► �38j irys fera� ai�l �rft�►r tts P�!�ala. iPIK"'o�+rl a� �b1 t+�ie�. ' ; , � � � I AUG 2 0 19�0 Yeas Councilmen Nays �aesed by the Conn�� �kr- / Carlaon S� T++ Favor Le`nne � � �1�1 ,d,�i�,a} Ted�oo ! 0 970 Mr. Presiaent tMcc�arty) AUG 2 1 A�prnved: Attest: ' City Clerk �, Ysyor �� Form a��oved C�orpor�ion Counael By ' � ,. ' _ 0 � � _� a � � y � Au�;ust 24, 1970 � --e.._.� Gorr�bold Electric Co. , �'�-°+�----.��` 521 Randolph Ave. , ` S t. P�.ul, ��ii nn. �5102. `���� Gentlemen: / � We enclose a copy �f nanc o. 14569 �ranting you permission to const��uct and a 7' hi�h cyclone fence in cannection with�etr�gr�pei� at 521 R�.ndolph Ave. ; also bill in the sum o j���� =b.,cove,��'��he cost of pub- lication of this of�d' nce. � ``��,} We ca11 yo ypecial at ntion to Paragraphs g� 1. a.nd n of Section 2 fch requi e the filin� of a bond in,the amoun �ifie ,�insur , and the fi.ling of an acceptane%��Ii�'terms �-�a-i.-� ordinance. The accepta.nee must be ed in this office, Room 386, Cit,y Ha1..1, within 30 days. If not so f ed, the ordinance b�comes void. Very truly ,yours, City Clerk hp � � () �/ I st 2nd / . Laid over to 3rd and app. ��-Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler $utJor. Carlson �)�(�� �`�. Carlson 1Gr a7ay ' °` Levine vine Meredith `�eredith � S rafka � rafka ` P p Tedesco �, �Tedesco � Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O