249982 ' Okiri�lll to Cify Clerk
� � � ORDINANCE 2�g��2
S�ction 1. That Chapter 216 of the Saint Paul Le�gislative Code per-
tatning to Street Obstructions b� and the same is hereby repealed in its
entirety, arrd the follawing s�bstituted in lieu thereaf:
216.�1. Permit Required.
It shall be unlawful for anyone, other than the
Department of Public Works to obstruct or occupy
any street, sidewalk, alley or other public property
in the City of St. Paul in any cuanner whatsoever,
withaut first obtaining a permit to do sa from the
Department of Public Warks. Work within the area
covered by said permit shall be diligently prosecuted
in order that said area may be opened to traffic
in the shartest time possible.
216.02. Permit Fee.
Any permittee granted a permit pursuant to this ordir�a�ce
shall pay to the Ccx�nissioner of Public Works at the time
of application a permit fee as set forth below. Such fee
shall not be deened to limit in any way the right of the
City to reimbursement fra�n the permittee for the actual
expense incurred by the City in restoring any snch public
property and improvements to �ts original condition. The
permit fees shall be as follaws:
A) Temporary Permit.
The sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per calendar day
or portion thereof for the first day and five
dollars �$5.00) per day for any additional days
to a maacimum af tF�ree consecut�ve days. The
amount of public property to be used shall be
determined by the Commissio�er of Public Works.
B) Period Permit.
The sum o�F twenty ($20.00) for the first
fifty lineal feet of street frontage or portion
thereaf and ten dotlars ($1a.00) per fifty lineal
feet or portiort the�eof of additional street frontage
requested per block per th�ee r�onth period or portion
thereof. Continued use of public property beyond the
three month period wjtl requtre the issuance of a
new permit and payment of another fee. The width
of said street frontage permitted to be used will be
determined by the Comniss�oner of Public Wor�s.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Meredith In Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk or
Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,,
. '. \
, . I�iT�v.,7F;i
216.03. Any person desiring to 'use public property shall
apply for a permit ar rene�val of a permit, a minimum
of two working days before starting wark and must
submit detailed plans for street or sidewalk use
and pedestrian safety on maior projects. This pro-
vision or portions thereof, may be waived by the
Cornmissioner of Public �lorks in the event of an
216.04. No �ermittee obstructing or occup}�ing any street,
alley, sidewalk ar other public property shall so
obstruct such property that the natural , free and
clear passage of water through the gutters or other
waterway shall be interfered with.
216.05. Any permittee obstructinq any street, alley, sidewalk
or other public nro�erty shall keep such obstruction
or obstructions aroperly c�uarded at all times. From
sunset to sunrise, all obstructions must be guarded
by a sufficient number of warning lights of the type
or equal to that specified in Section 215.03 of the
City of St. Paul Legislative Code; placed in such
manner that the,y will give proper warning of said ob-
struction. The Commissioner of Public Works mav require
any permittee obstructing a sidewalk to build adjacent
to such obstruction a tight board fence at least six
(6) feet high, exce�t at street intersections where
a six (6) foot open board fence shall be built and
maintained and ad,�acent to each such fence shall be
built and maintained a good substantial temporary walk
at least four (4) feet in width for the use of the
public, with a substantial railing alonc� the outside
edge of the walk at least thirty-six (36) inches hic�h.
The Corr�nissioner of Public Works may waive the re-
quirernent for a temporary walk when, in his judgment,
he shall determine, in view of the circumstances, that
a temporary walk is not necessary and that the pedestrians
can more pro�erl,y be nrotected by rerouting them to a
walk across the street.
216.06. Covering Over Sidewalks.
Whenever a permittee shall construct a building abutting
directly upon anv street or sidewalk and said buildin� shall
have reached the height of onP (1 ) story, or shall repair
or tear down a building abutting directly u�w n anv street
ar sidewalk such �ermittee sh�ll build and maintain a
good substantial scaffold and covering over the sidewalk
at least six (6) feet in width and eight (8) feet high
clear, to be satisfactary to the Commissioner of Public
Works or his authorired aaent.
216.07. Derricks and Hoists Prvhibited.
No person shall place or use derricks or hoists of any
kind or any portion thereof, including outriggers and
pads, upon an,y sidewalk unless the perrnit specifically
permits such action.
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216.08. Noist3ng or Lifting
Whenever any pexson applies for a permit for the
use of a street or sidewalk or portion thereof for
the purpose of hoisting or liftinq equipment or
material over, across and above said street or
sidewa1k, he shall provide for closing off those
portions of the street and or sid�walk encompassed
within the lifting area with suitable barricades,
siqns and warning lights and shall provide a four
(4) foot pedestrian walkway around said lifting area.
Said walkwa,y to be suitably enclosed on the street
side with barricades and warning lights.
216.09. The Corrantssioner of Public Works may direct that flag-
men, as described in Section 1 .42, City of St. Paul,
Minnesota, De�artment of Public Works, S�ecifications
for Street and Sewer Construction, be used to control
216.10. The permittee shall notify the Cit� Traffic Enqineer
when the permit area is closed ta pedestrian and vehicular
traffic and again when it is open to such traffjc.
216.11 . Any permit issued under this chapter may be revoked at
any time by the Comrnissioner of Public Works when he
finds it in the t�est interest af the City of St. Paul .
216.12. Bonds.
No permit sh�ll be issued unless or until the aoplicant
has secured or can show provf of a �5,0�0.00 surety bond.
Said surety hond shall be approved as tv form by the
Corporation Counsel and filed with the Co�nnissianer of
Public Works and so conditioned that such portions of
the public propert_y and improvements which are requested
for use shall be restored to their original condition
and the restorativn to be performed in accordance with
rules, regulations and conditions as �rescribed in City
of St. Paul , Minnesota, Department of Public Works,
Specifications for Street and Sewer Constructian, as
216.13. Insurance.
Whenever a Use of Street Permit is issued, the provisians
of Section 1 .44, Subsections A-C-�-E-F-K-L-M-N-O-P of City
of St. Paul, Minnesota, Department of Public Warks Specifications
for Street and Sewer Construction, as amended, shall apply.
Said certificate of insurance to be of a form approved by
the Corporation Counsel and filed with the Gommissioner of
Public Works.
216.14. The word "permittee" as used herein shall be read as though
the word "permittee° were substituted for the word "con-
tractor" wherever the same appears in Section 1 .44 in the
aforementioned Cit�� of St. Paul , Minnesota, Department of
Public Works, Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction
as amended.
, ��rir{qal to City Clerk
- ✓ � � ORDINANCE 249��2
. - -
216.15. The word "permit" as used herein sha11 be read
a.s though the w�ord �permit" arere substituted for
�he w�rd pcontract'� whererrer the same appears in
Section 1.44 in the aforerrtentiQned Ci�y of St. Paul,
Mtnnesata, D�par�r►ent of Public Works, Specifications
far the Stree� and Sewer Construct�on, as amended.
216.I6. Partcing Prohibi�ed.
The pa.rking �f private vehictes within or adjacent
to the permit area is prohiblted. The laading or
un�aading of tr�acks adjacent to the permit area is
prohibited unless specifficaliy authorized by the permit.
216.17. Parking Mete�s.
Tfie provisions of Section 147 of the City of St. Paul,
Minnesota�, Legislative Code are addi�Gional requirements
over and a6ove the use of street permit,
216�18. Daubte Eee.
Shoutd any person or persons begin work of any kind
witho�[t first havtng seGUred the necessary permit
therefor, he shall be required to pay double the fee
provided for such p�rmit, and sha11 be subject to all
the penal pro�istor►s of the Cit�r of St. Paul Legislative
Section 2. Thfs ord�nance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3U)
days from and after its passage, approval and pwblication.
Au� 2 0 1910
Yeas Council Nays Passed by the Council
Mer��--�'��-,-�-� C� � In Favor
\ S rafka Against
Tedesco ��, ,_,
Mr. President�� F�..1� ' �, �' � �K
� i Approved: ��� �
Att st: ��
C' erk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
PUBLtSHED AU G 2 21970
� _
1::: ,,
� . .i .
-2- .
216.03. Any person desiring to use public property shall
apply for a permit ar rene��al of a permit, a minimum
of two working days before starting work and must
submit detailed plans for street or sidewalk use
, and pedestrian safety on ma,jor projects. This pro-
vision or portions thereof, may be vraived by the
Cornrnissioner of Public Htorks in the event of an
216.04. No permittee obstructin� or occupying any street,
alley, side<<�alk or other public property shall so
obstruct such property thati the natural , free and
clear passage of water through the gutters or other
waterway shall be interfered with.
216.05. Any permittee obstructing any street, alley, side��ralk
or otf�er public nroperty shall kee� such obstruction
or obstructions oroperly guarded at all times. From
sunset to sunrise, all obstructions must be guarded
by a sufficient number of a�arnin� lights of the type
or equal to that specified in Section 215.03 of the
City of St. Paul Leqislative Code; placed in such
manner that thev �vill c�ive proper warninc� of said ob-
� struction. The Commissioner of Public Works may require
any permittee obstr�cting a sidei�ralk to build adjacent
t� such obstruction a tic�ht board fence at least six
' (6) feet high, excent at street intersections ��rhere
a six (6) foot onen b�ard fence shall be built and
maintained and adiacent to each such fence shall be
built and maintained a good substantial temnorary walk
at least four (4) feet in r�idth for the use of the
public, with a substantial railinq along the outside
edge of the walk at least thirty-six (36) inches high.
The Commissioner of Public tJorks may waive the re-
quirement for a tc�nnorary wa1 k arhen, i n hi s judgment,
he shall determine, in vie�� of the circumstances, that
a tempor�ary walk is not necessary and that the pedestrians
can more pronerl,y be protected by rerouting them to a
walk across the street.
216.06. Covering Over Side��alks.
I�Jhenever a permittee shall construct a building abutting
. directly u�on any street or side��ralk and said building shall
have reached the height of one (1 ) story, or shall renair
or tear doNm a buildinq abutting directly upon any street
or side��alk such permittee shall build and maintain a
� good substantial scaffold and cavering over the sidevralk
at least six (6) feet in width and eight (8) feet high
clear, to be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public
Works or his authorized anent. .
216.07. Derricks and Hoists Prohibited.
t�� }�2r°son ;hall �1ace cr �,� d�rricks ar ho�sts of an��
kind or anv �ortion tl�ereof, including outriggers and
pads, uaon any sidewalk unless the permit specifically
permits such action. �
� �. ,.
. e �ie ,
� %��9��2
216.08. Noistinq or Liftinq
Whenever any person annlies for a permit for the
use of a street or sideHtalk or portion thereof for
the purpose of hoisting or lifting equipment or
material over, across and abave said street or
sidewalk, he shall provide for closing off those
portions of the street and ar sidewalk encompassed
within the lifting area with suitable barricades,
siqns and warning lights and shall provide a four
(4j foot pedestrian walkway around said lifting area.
Said walkwa,y to be suitably enclosed on the street
side with barricades and warning lights.
216.09. The Corr�nissioner of Public Works may direct that flag-
men, as described in Section 1 .42, City of St. Paul ,
Minnesota, Deoartment of Public t�lorks, Specifications
for Street and Sewer Construction, be used to control
216.10. The permittee shall notify the City Traffic Engineer
when the permit area is closed to pedestrian and vehicular
traffic and again when it is open to such traffic.
1 1`
216.11 . Any permit issued under this chapter may be revoked at
any time by the Corr�ni ssioner of Publ ic Warks when he
finds it in the best interest of the City of St. Paul .
216.12. Bonds.
No permit shall be issued unless or until the applicant
. has secured or can show proof of a �5,000.00 surety bond.
Said surety bond shall be apprvved as to form by the
Corporation Counsel and filed with the Comrnissioner of
Public t-lorks and so conditioned that such portions of
the public property and improvements which are requested
for use shall be restored to their original condition
and the restoration to be performed in accordance with
rules, regulations and conditions as prescribed in Cit�
of St. Paul , h1i nnesota, Department of Publ ic �Jorks,
Specifications for Street and Se�yer Construction, as
216.13. Insurance.
Whenever a Use of Street Permit is issued, the provisions
of Section 1 .44, Subsections A-C-D-E-F-K-L-^1-N-0-P of City
of St. Paul, Minnesota, Denartment of Public I�Jorks Specificatio.ns
for Street and Sewer Construction, as amended, shall apply.
Said certificate of insurance to be of a form anproved by
the Corporation Counsel and filed with the Commissioner of
Public �Jorks.
216.14. The �tord "permittee" as used herein shall be read as thouQh _
the word "permittee" were substituted for the arord "con-
tractor" wherever the same apnears in Section 1 .44 in the
afor�nentioned Cit�� of St. Paul , Minnesota, Department of
Public Works, Specifications for Street and Sea�er Construction
as amended.
Dup!icate to Printer
216.15. The word "permit" as used herein shall be read
as though the word "�ermit" were substituted for
the word "contract" wherever the same appears in
Section 1.44 in the aforementianed City of St. Paul,
��innesota, Department of Public Works� Specifications
for the Str�et and Sewer Construction, as amended.
216,16. Parking Prohibited.
The parkir�c� of private vehicl�s Yrithin or ad�acent
to the perm9t area is prohibited. The loading or
unload9ng of trucks ad�acent to the permit area is
prohibited anless specifically authorized by the permit.
216.17. parking I�eters.
The provisions of Section 147 of the City of St. Paul,
Mlnnesota, l.ec3islative Code are additional requirc�ents
over and abave the us� of street perriit.
216.18. Double Fee.
Should any person or persons begin arork af any kind
e�ithout first having secured the necessary permit
therefor, he shall be required to pay double the fee
pravided for such permlt, and shall be subject to all
�he penal provisians pf the City of St. Paul Leglslative
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, ap�roval and pu�lication.
J¢'i��i2�, ,°� ,. f"� ..
Yeas Councilm .,,,. Nays Passed by the Counci�
���-,,,-��.e�- � In Favor
Meredit�i ��
P�1� Against
Tedesco �---
Mr. President �yrne) ��-�--� �<���-�t- . ...
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Dn�plIcate to Printer �,y����
Section 1. That Chapter 216 of the Saint Paul Legis1ative Cade per-
taining to Street Obstructions be and the same is hereby repealed in its
entirety, and the fo1lowing substituted in lieu thereof;
� 216.01 . Permit Required.
It shall be unlawful for anyone, other than the
Uepartm�nt of Put�i ic Works to obstruc:t or occupy
any street, siclewalk, alley or other public property
in the City of St. Paul in any raanner whatsoever,
wlthotat firs� obtaining a permit to do so from the
Department of Public t�orks. Wark ►vi�fiin the area
covered by said permit shall be dilic�ently �arosecuted
in order that said area may be opened to traffie
in the shortest tjme possible.
216.02. Permit Fee.
Any permittee granted a permit pursuant to this ordinance
shall pay to �he Commissioner of Public Works at the time
of application a permit fee as set forth below. Such fee
sha11 not be deemed to 1imi� in any way the right of the
City to reimbursement from the permittee for the actual
�xpense incurred by the City in res�oring any such public
property and improv��ents to its original condition. Th�
permit fees shall be as follows:
A) Tanporary Permit.
The sum of ten dollars {$10.00) per c�lendar day
or portion thereof for the first day ar�d five
dollars ($5.00) per day fbr any additional days
ta a maximum of three consecutive days. The
amount of public property to be used shall be
determined by the Ccxxr�nissloner of Public 4�lorks.
R) Period Permit.
Th� sum of twenty {�20.00) for the first
fifty lineal feet of str�et frontage or portion
thereof and ten dollars ($1Q.00) per fifty lineal
feet or portion thereof of additional street frontage
requested �aer bloci� per three month period or portion
thereof. Continued use of pwblic property beyond the
three month period w911 require the issuance of a
new permit and payrnent of another fee. The width
of said street frontage permitted to be used will be
determined by the Commissioner of Public Ga.r�r";s.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Meredith In Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne)
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Area Cods 612 ��Ty �� THOM115 J:STEARNS
223-5121 ,�� F� ARTHUR M. NELSON
= +9e� � JEROME J.SE6/1L
316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
DANIEL A. KLAS ���t�'y�
Corporafion Counsel
July 31, 1970
Mr. Robert Sprafka
Comnissioner of Public Warks
Attention: Richard Schnarr - Ch�ef Engineer
Dear Sir:
Enclosed please f�nd ordinance pertaining to street obstructions
which has been prepared by the undersigned for your department, and which
has been aprroved as to form.
Yours very truly,
` .Pr��'M- ' . � D
Assistant Corporation Counsel
JJS• ms
E cnl .
. � � �
Ist 2nd � �
Laid over to
3rd and app `�' —Adopted �d
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Butler ,S�rNe��
Carison \�`�,Carlson
���� �
Levine 4 evine
Meredith eredith
Sprafka Sprafka
• Tedesco �� �edesco �
Mr. President McCarty ��`'`Mr. Presiden+ McCarty