249974 ! . . . 2�9��4 OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO � .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � � ATF �J la the matter of constrdcting the g�adiag aad surfacing of C�NCORD TERRACE - 1970 (llaricws St�cets} City Project No. 70-P•Si7A (inclwdes S-1394�s heretefore approved for adv�srtisea�ent for bids on Wednesday, Aug�st 12, 1970. MHEREAS, It has been detera�tned that ar� atternate bid based on a restricted trec�ch width is desi�able 1n order to establi�h more exactly , � the cost of constre�cting the ser+er withcx�t r�ovtag or dista�bing ��� existi�g in�provements; now ther�fore, apon the recomaendation of the'-�,:= Ceamissioner of Publtc Wbrks, be it RESOLVED, That the specifications for the above named ia��oveaient, as approved by the Cou�cil, are l�ereby aa►ended with Adde�dun� No. 1, ahich is attached fio and made a part of tMe above a�er�tioned contract, a�d that f��ther, all interested parties be notified of this addendc�m. AUt� � 191_Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ;�� � 1970 Butler Caxlson rove� 19— Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka (� �y�r A gainat Tedesco AP_ - Mr. President, McCarty -- . AssL orporation Counsei PUBLISHED AU�, 8 1970 �,� � .i . . . � " , � ADDENDUM N0. 1 �. � TO THE 4�� wy� SPECIFICATIONS � FOR GRADING AND SURFACING FOR CONCORD TERRACE-1g70 (Various Streets) City Project No. 70-P-0517A (Includes S-1394) Formal Bid No. 4239 1 . DESCRIPTION � The intent of this Addendum to the Specifications. is to �provide the City with the opportunity to receive and consider alternate bids, based on the additional requirement of constructing the sewer by a method which will allow the trees to remain in place with no damage to them. It is also intended to determine the difference in cost or this method of construction compared to open-cut construction and removal of the trees. ' 2. PROPOSAL FORM This AODENDUM also refers to PROPOSAL FORM on page 2 of 4 in the Contract and revises Item number 503.635 to parts A � B. Part A shall be a lump sum bid for construction of the sewer in accordance with the original Plans and Specifications. Part B shall be a lump sum bid for construction of the sewer in accordance with the Plans and Specifications but shall be based on a method which will permit the trees to remain in place with no damage to them. The Proposal Form shall be changed to the following: 5�3.635 CONSTRUCT SEWER Approx. Quantities Units Amount A) According to original Plans and Lump ' Specifications � 1 Sum ' B) According to Pl'ans and Specifications with this addition of tree protection Lump in ROaIE ST, - State St. to -B�vc. 1 Sum �'t�sR$Av�, The Proposal Form on page 4 of 4 shall have two totals labeted A � B. Label A shall reflect a bid according to the Plans and Specifications as written. Label B shall reflect a bid according to the Plans and Specifications with the addition of tree protection as �would be included in 503.635 Part B. � 3• AWARD OF CONTRACT The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to award the contract to the lowest responsibte bidder on either the base bid, Part A, or the alternate bid, Part B, regardless of comparative prices, as they may determine to be to the best interests of the City. � . .. . .� -2- . , 4. Refer to Division B, Special Requirements. Page il , Delete B-213 and substitute• 8-2.3 On trees which are to remain, the root system shall not be removed � or disturbed except on direct order of the Engineer. Root cutting so ordered will be classed as incidental work. � . . . ., .�_ ,. -.-r eu�ucws vo�R�Nroe CITY OF ST. PAUL w�UNql NO �� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . , . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n���.r COMMISSIONER DA� In t1N �nttu� Of construatl�g th� lraal� � wrfaei� �f CONCORO TERRACE • 1970 (Y�rleus 3teNts) Ctty �roJ�et Ns. 70-l�-SI)A (i�elwia x-i 394). h�r�t��er� a'prov�wl for adwrt i swnt frr b 1 ds �a M�s�1►. A�ust 1 t. 1970. M�REAS, 1 t hN b�a �ta�wf a�d th�rt a�+ �i t�rn�t� b i� �q�i �a � r�striet�/ trrnah wiath is �a1ra►1• in order to �stabiish wors �caetly ths o�st of� aonstruct 1 n� tb� swwr wi thewt �s�vt n� or a1 strrbi n� �oci st i n� i�rev�nts j na+ th���fse�. �en !M ra�a�d�t loa of ot ths Cw�t ss toeNr +ot Ih�bi t c 1d1��1cs, b�� t t RESM.II.EO� That ths sMc 1 f i catiaAS for ti►� �bow na�i I�ro�v�r�t, as a}�rowd by t!� Counei i, are h�r�bY �wnd«i +rith Aad�w No. 1. which ts attaieh�d to a�d �e a N�t of th� �bow rntlo� a�ntraat. and th�t further. ai l i nt�r�st�d Mrt i u ba uot t f l�d �►t !hi s ad�. AUG � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mci� 19— Yeaa Nays AUCx 5 19�� Butler Carlson Ar*►s*�►� 19.— ��� Tn Favor �P•Tef�l�l Sprafka � ��r Ag'aiIISt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �e . . , . ADDENDUM N0. 1 ��t7a,���� TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING AND SURFACING FOR CONCORD TERRACE-1970 (Various Streets) , City Project No. 70-P-0517A (Includes 5-1394) Formal Bid No. 4239 . l . DESCRIPTION The intent of this Addendum to the Specifications is to provide the City with the opportunity to receive and consider alternate bids, based on the additional requirement of constructing the sewer by a method which will allow the trees to remain in place with no damage . to them. It is also intended to determine the difference in cost or . this method of construction compared to open-cut construction and removal of the trees. • ' 2. PROPOSAL FORM This ADDENDUM also refers to PROPOSAL FORM on page 2 of 4 in the Contract and revises Item number 503.635 to parts A � B. Part A shall be a lump sum bid for construction of the sewer in accordance with the original Plans and Specifications. Part 8 shall be a lump sum bid for construction of the sewer in accordance with the Plans and Specifications but shall be based on a method which wi11 permit the trees to remain in place with no damage to them. The Proposal Form shall be changed to the ' following: 503.635 CONSTRUCT SEWER Approx. Quantities Units Amount A) According to originai Plans and Lump Specifications � 1 Sum B) � According to Plans and Specifications with this addition of tree protection Lump in ROB1E ST. - State St, to �rew+rAaE. 1 Sum �dn�S�hE, The Proposal Form on page 4 of 4 shatl have two totals labeled A � B. , Label A shall reflect a bid according to the Pians and Specifications as written. Label B shall reftect a bid according to the Plans and Specifications with the addition of tree protection as would be included in 503.635 Part B. 3• AWARD OF CONTRAC7 The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder on either the base bid, Part A, or the alternate bid, Part B, regardless of comparative prices, as they may determine to be to the best interests of the City. w < . � -2- , � 4. Refer to Division B, Special Requirements. Page il , Delete B-213 and substitute: 8-2.3 On trees which are to remain, the root system shall not tie removed or disturbed except on direct order of the Engineer. Root cutting so ordered will be classed as incidental work. .