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03-588Return copy to: jao o p� 1 � i � e i � C011IICll �12 # �.1 �' S�O Real Estate Division j°� � 140 CSty Aall Green Sheet # 30 O\\ t�(� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA '3 �1. �� 1 1, PresentedBy Referred To Cominittee: Date WHEREAS, upon the peution of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, on November 22, 1992, the Council approved CF# 92-1762, vacating three parcels of land consisting of part of Seminary Avenue and parts of Blocks 12 and 13, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 2; and WHEREAS, since the City has fee title to the adjoining Pierce BuUer Route, Parcel3 accrued to the City; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the said Parcel3 be conveyed to it for the purpose of clearing title; io ii THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed iz to convey to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, any successors and assigns, by quit claim is deed, the parcei of the land described below, subject to the conditions outlined in said resoluuon ia CF#92-1762: 15 ie The East 1.00 foot of the North 89.70 feet of Lot 23, Butterf'ield Syndicate Addition No. 2 n and all that part of the vacated alley adjoining said Lot 23 that lies between the Northerly is extension across said alley of the East and West Iines of said East 1.00 feet. i9 (Torrens Certificate Number: 171097) ao zi Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: Y5/�.� �.W�7iwa-..�, D'uector Form Approved by City Attorney By: lQ.,.. �pp��C�_y Mayor fgr Su is iq�ftj o�iu cil , � Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council cretary � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � o� -s�r DeparhnenVofficrlcouncil: ' Date Initiated: TE — TuAnologyandManagementSesv � OS-JUN-03 Green S�eet NO: 3001166 ConTact Person & Phone: DeoartrnenT SmtTo Person InitiaUDate JUANORTIZ RealEstate � 0 echnol a e entS 6- �� - Assign 1 " Attome Ci Attorne ��� Mus[BeonCouncilAgendaby(Date): Number Z echnolo andM ementS DearimmtD;rector s�+�� RoUting 3 a or's Ottice Ma or/Assis[ant V Ofdef 4 nn "1 Coancil 5 echnolo aMl Man ement S TA4S Real F,sfate Rml r� Total # o.' Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) � Action Requested: Convey small strip of vacated land to the Port Authority for clearing tiUe issues. ��� ���+��� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Serviee Contracts Must Mswer the Following Ouestions: Planning Commission �, Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City vacated this properry in 1992 and the Port has usel of it. In order to convey said property to private ownership, the title company worldng on the [ransacfion has asked the Port to have clear ownership of the property before they convey any rights forwazd. Advant�qes If Approved: � �� � � p / � � Tt�e properry will be properly conveyed into private ownership. i� DisadvanWqes If Approved: None forseen ([he City protected any rights it needed when the vacation was approved). �,��� �������� Disadvantages If Not Approved: The conveyance will not proceed fully and full conveyance canno[ occw. Total Amountof � CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: Finan cial I nformati on: (Explain) 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota SSi02-1661 Mr. Peter White, Manager Valuations Real Estate Division 140 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE Dear Pete: Sy way of background: �Ev ;r�._ - �l�,,, , The Port Authority entered into a Contract for Deed dated August 5, 1992, agreeing to seli to R.J. Schinner Company, Inc. parcels 1 and 2 on the attached Exhibit A. Subsequent thereto by Council File No. 92-1762, attached, the City Council vacated part of Pierce Butler Route adjacent to the Schinner parcel described as parcels 3 and 4 in the attached Exhibit A. At the request of the Port Authority, the City Council by Council File No. 97-1477, also attached, authorized the conveyance of the property described as parcel 3 to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, and a Deed of Conveyance from the City Yo the Port Authority was filed of record on April 1, 1999, as Document No. 3133605 in the office of the Rainsey County Recorder. Parcel 4, which is a one-foot strip by 89.10 feet on the east of Lot 23, Block 13, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 2, was vacated in Council File No. 92-1762 subject to a reverter to the City if a sign on the property is ever removed. The Port Authority has been requested by the title insurance company for a subsequent purchaser to request that parcel 4 as described in the attached Exhibit A, which was vacated in the original 1992 proceedings subject to a � ight of reverter in the City of Saint Paul, be conveyed by the City to the Port Authority aricJ to the subsequent purchaser. The property described as parcel 4 is Torrens property, Certificate of Title No. 171098. We would request that you review this matter and determine if the City would convey, subject to a right of reverter, the one-foot strip parcel referenced as parcel 4. TJG:ca Attach. cc. Mary Ryman, Comm'I. Partners Title (w/o attachments) p 0 R T Te1:651-224-5686 � 9 Fax:651-223-5198 J G Q ,, Toll Free: 800-328-8417 °- x w� � o� _ s �r z � /bS 1,Y � � :' �t,` i� ��� April 3, 2003 ` � � Yours truly. L'" I/ Terrence J. Garvey General Counsel 27107.1. � /2-11-2003 10�36 COMMERCIRL PRRTNERS TITLE 6123372471 P.12 � "' �t �`r;v' ri'�' ��', f.a :�,»;i--.;;,b;,t•.. m ; _ ,�; • - ..,i.: '..iY".,ti.^n.J •'�X 'i�f"';'$ .,,',�'.. . ./' + �' �yl�.��.il�l il�r,�y��i� ^i._\ rGisF.'U'�:. �'�!'.., lrl ":�x�.•„ .. px , ; .,i,,�0 5 :. �+;-Y��.�INr..�,.:�., �':+, T 6 ��,M, e Y y ,t � � y � 'd' J;� �y.,�ti�y � rc ; r.� . ri �..�r :}'v,tl^ti! :iy'n;e,�;i�?]��i�"�h°'J" �`�r'G„X3 rAjMmri`'`.'=(`' F n.. � A l 5•' .:t.�i�Y�. k6 � a<.��:�.i.�'Pi �,u�:. 'er� i, � � ! v� � y . . ., ,.;i�� �y ?`reA �.' �.,�.£#.�,:...��uer...�::._ r__„��..__. .. . . � , a sS� i,, _ . .. l ,� : • . . . I�'�s5i ..:�...—• - ti. : e•; , �i\��� u ` �Dy.tO: � ;:'.�eal'�Es[a[e DivSsion � �;�.218 �Cicy Nal7. ' . � �� '(Yierce) (FH) � '' Presented.8y Rafarrad 70, � �.052452 ��; ; �ovn�s� F��a � .-� , , ereen sheot i a�'j RESOLUTION EHP€Fc4(NTFihNSFEE{f{EGORDS C1TY OF SA1N7 PAUL, PhINNE50TA •�:��, ,•. 19q ; � � � • n � �n ' � _ � OIRECTOR, PpDPERTY TAXATION z that u on � the p 1ti.on of the Port 7,uthority •of � the a . gE80LV£Dr. P et � City oP Saint'Pxul, per PinBrice Department FSlo No: 11^1992, � '. those parts oX.,-Seminazy Street and Pierce Butler Route lying '�. batveen 6rotto,'Street and Ddle'Streat are hereby vacated and discontinued as public propeYty. ' ,�y'e�vahated;property ie described as fo.11ows: � .:.' •.�•,." . �.�..PAItCEA.I .�.,,.., :: :'•' '' • . '. ,. �:. . '•,� i,�.�.��;itr.,i�. ,. . ,.� ..,. , .,, .. .,. . . . . ";M1.:;,;�-:i :'i °''AYl';that;part`'oE the Nozth:,l/2 oP Seminary�.Avehue y,�,; .Lot"s•9,.and.'S0,"B1oCk,l2,-,BUtterPield SylldiC&te„Additlotl No•' • �,� �� � escribad as,�follows: ' , ` „'�„ .: + . - 2. that is d :r;� ..ts,', .. •,...... • `^l; r:�f( .: :'r: . � . . . ,�., • i „ } .. �.. �. • , :.. `� Y . . �,'.; . . � . ^. �„ ' : :.. .. ... . . . . . .. .. : .. • . . . :�±i Be inning�at`�the�,SOUthve"st�corner•ot T.ot,s;<.saSd,Elook 12; � ���� �'���'�'• �'�,'thence"South�,0„degrees�01"ininu'tes'55�secortds°'EasC;`;`on' an ?;:� �:r;,..,.:. : . . '�:.'P`4:; , ...,.,. ., ..� s �, ; ',. • ,,, * , ��`� '� �;oozner:�to;,'the,,NOrthwest• corn'er of'L'ot,a`;in'�STockf'Y �"F�;•,:;� �i,;�• ' , ti•,• r • `•Butteki'iald',Syndicate' A8d'Sttom No. •2,' a,`di�stanCe'%oP;, ;�;�t .• , ;::.,, ` ry�< ,. ��:r-.;�:` Yfeet;,to'the.�centerline;of•;s'ai'd�Semina Avenae;,,,tneriaa;'Wast; �;Y��,.,.:,�AI. ,�. 'r' • ��° ' -:ialong`,gaidlcentezlfhe; :a?;d�i's�Route ftherioe;,N'orfbiJe�starlyi9ht ,i�::..•;,'.r. , ;,oE;:waYr,lir,e''of �i.�ica'tHutle'r„i � '"'r`>f'`',^;;;;�'-��"'�� n<a2oli 5a1d;�2'igtit'•,of`oiay:�l�ne�;being a hontarigentiia'T;:curve 'G�:c n � . 4'•, ;�t1: ;`; ,�. �`.:.;.°.�;?. cdncave,.,to� tHe.cSOUtht+est;�an�;.having a: eent�'al+�;angle":.of?z ,...�.•_. ,.. ..� •d a :.rzAius'�of.J12'.50''4eet'� ' `' ':" ,1.,fdeqrees,,;01�;•minlltes;;52 „secbnds • an �.� ;!;.:.,,.� . �� ;,�or`�'en,:arc!'dieti�ance'�of�i1�1:;08'��Eeet ttie' , ..,. ... ---. ._�.c:,in�..:�ortrooe'r,S2.J�01t113teS;�46 .tesjy�55,: eeconde, Westi;;,a,.'di'sCzt�ioe �of fwe�trcorner;'o£ aai'dr<L'ot :10�`,'thence' :�n'e's;'oE''sald I.ota.•9;;'and��:10; ��a�• • • , .'t'o 'the''point oY tieginnin'g:"" � • .' � , �� �'.�' ' . . �.. J•.'. �.", -� s'7� . j;•�,9;�.;and i0�, Blocic,,;13;'Butterfield.�� • �z�:arid:'that part- of �6emi'nazy�'}ivenue, . , � '.r.. }• � � )1�oW8: � '�:.';:� .. '''vi{i�,�:.:•� , ,•'';,•;.,,;... �� ....� .:,�';'�� .. ��:��:..�;... .bet'>cozrtes "nf,:'sd,i'd' Lot R;�,'tHence � � :i"iiq':�'long •the south's.ji'ing'of,; said..; 3,:,06?;Peet to tihe ii4ht �'F�^�, - ' `NOrLn'� u runy '+'�',. , �.' �,r22:62.; Eeof�S +�!";t��� ''Eaet;'• ,'��.', ,,di'stdnce;;oE �1.+}„Yj� '�"•'�i:� �;.;.`< '� � PA?tcLl,:.,2 �"; . •�1:;>!. ,' .',,'(' :''. �s!�.' �irt;%c `' ` ,r 'rAlJ: , <that;pa :r `.'i'<'�; ".,`: Syndi'cate_�� ',,.ir.,,1 . l.that',;-'i's de't '� ,'i°,� �;i.: .,�;.. �•n;.. �'v;c`' ='; �i„ '��E '�'Becjinning: �� wes� on. ari� �; yoti': 8,� �'�a.�;,d ;;',.t��S.;:,. ''of;'Piero¢' a�a<I'.. . , ri4l�tf.of';oi� '%��� �� tT�e'.Southvii �'��� , ' ',.minutos"OO' , .., , - ��r, . � 3econas;�end�,e}= of 312. V rve'',boiicave to f:,33•�degreea 20, feet�'Eor an arc � n e �i ,',; �'1 ' " .'.i` { ,' � ..: � - - - -. - a ,w.w�,,,,. . . . �2-11-2003 10�36 COMMERCIqL PARTNERS TITLE .z�xc:,nmx�a;���ra�,e,rawN.x..a..�.+nw..,^.,.p.,.r?.��m��'�r.*^cr^�-rrz:_��'.:.. _.:..;. l:n' �41 " A4[itS1M%P - �Sf. - '1: '^v , t '•arx,. .�+�'� �§v �r>�r:i ��; �' ::;;';Y.� _ -��'� �'"�+- .. ,..... ..�.il;:=:.�..:w �...... . '�052452 6123372471 P.13 -���„�� ���tv � f ,. � � ,��;��,�3 -Sf Y '''G% ���` ��' �,. � , ����� � �,- • �h,�y �� . , a�n�,r• `4.1� �yy � wr� �� �I �M(aK• �r ' gY,p, ! l . ,, ' '6 > . r"; . � q r m { ""yyr7��,r`Cf ` 'F )i �iri ` �i:iF��...u.:S�'.�� �.� . /�/. � 1"^YJ '4'� � -/7f�'Z .t�eY�7";c! ,-:�-- � . distarice oE�lg1•&0 feet:,the.chozd o£ said beara ' , • �� Narth'•3o deyreas 31 minutaa so seconds Y7est'to the ' °' ' i'''f id �Avenue• thence Eaet along cantarl ne o sa Seminary , . said,centerline,, a distance�oP:70.60 feet; thence South o degrees,ol minutea 55 saconds East a distanca oP ' � 30.00 .feet to''the�Nozthwest' cbrner of 5aid Lot 8;� thellCe � -.SOUth 44'degrees 36 minutss'21 seconds East a'distance of� 56.le.Peet to-a point on the Eaet oP said Lot B that �� 'is 40.00�feet South af ttie,Nor'thaast cornez�thezaoP;��thence '." �' South O degre¢s O1 minutes 55��seconds East, along said ,.��.East.;line,'•a distance�oP 64.40 feet to Che poSnC of heSinning... ' �;�..,;�:�, . .�PARCEL�3•. , � .• • ..��`•The'�Eaet"1,00,£oot',of the•North H9.70 feet of Lot 23,� ��'��'%"•: •,. 81ock,-13,�_BUttarfield.SynHicate Afldition No:.;2 attd � � ;`„'`:",.` :j;:,all.jttiat.paxt."oP'.the.vacate'd•alley adjo�,ning'ssal.d.' �,�,."�>',;.�-':' ;','.,;. Lot,:;2.3 �that',.1des,batWaen;;the:Northerly ezten'sion,. :r:r'?.:`;=.::.'' across,:eaid;.allay of „the' �aeE and west line5' of 'sAid , � . 4, � , i . . . . , i: �"'�;,�; , �,; �.Easti'l.00,•foot� � • � � , • :f; i•f :. . ;',;. , .. . • ., , .. , ; .. . ; '�."�. �; , ", , , , � , , �..r7.'.� .. �. . ., . �, � . . . . . � . , [ic:i%•('iti�'":�'%�=This��vacatiori2shall'�be��suHjacr`to the Eollowing��conditYonsS ' Y:d;�f.)�.1, :,, i?'� :..,, ' , ' ' ;, `��'�%""�'�' ;t.:�Tfiat,��tliis;�vaca�ion.;shall;;be,subject'to'the`"Eerms�� .�;.,i,,:,.,':.: �'11.: `"''` '';and'.:conditiotts of:Chapter'130,"codiYied;:Maroh' 1', 9%�"�'''�iy; ,;; � �'�,j1981;;.'of; the�.5ai�nt'Paul'Legislative Code'as,' .� ' i!?�-%;�,' �'r'amended.. � ,� . . . . , � h i:..` �' i,m�.: 'r�.. � , .L .. • . . . ij`i /�. ' ..,;�';.,: ;.i;:'.�. �....•..'!,'•;�.', , t ,t ' .' , ,l ; , i . . , � ' �'.: '.' .. i,�.!.� ti l • ;;;�:�;�`„;''�,��; -:2':�.:That�ttie . ����;,:7;y; �.�';�' ' i"�;'ehall:;paq� $500'�'aflminsLxative chazge Por this ',' , ''�j""S:'��.'''��,�� -�.vacation•,Whieh i's duej.�and;payablo,within�60 days . �, ��'';�;�� �- :�of.�.thef;publidati'o,n�date;;of� �hie resolUtion:." � : • �;,,::.',vi� �.,,,�°;, �� ,:-. ; :;1'•'c'. ;'�+_':�'t ...� .`( : ; �:::. , �.:'�;. ;� " ,1; ,"1 �jja�L� ���3`.,�:�;;:•That"�'a,i'peztna'n'ent;:�¢tility;";ea'seme^tt,$e 'r�taineii _ , ;. ; ;. i t � ��xc-� �. • ' i•YUDl1r WoL'/�a ''�l'i''"` t'ti' ' i',,.. ;� thea aast ?ii `�dnd'f'sh'al'•2•�.b`e %,;:`hiS�^';s•i ',": '.'.''L'�:�,�.r'.� � �"� �'r�;; �' • ,tr � ' �• �� .�a : �'�No.l {r �•�' ` � : i'witYiin;;t �� n!': � y : ,lr �stiz;iictiv'"r ,ap`•�'���r;,r. ; �. - ob: �'Ct's',; �,, i'�.. y+�:�'�, ; �:: , . ;, .'.seWer ', "' �;, '. i'.•:�:..;'. �� . . .,. �'��a�C'+;���':,��;j,,. •�.��;;�: .•,A:::%.;.;ir;,:`���i(''. �' �, ,,.. '�':.po;chang. ::";��j(: '�:).�;i ', ;•�'• :.��...witHoUt:�. '%::;"r,': . . ' of::�the%D ? . .. . '" ;''�;,A . . ,. . ,` . , :��G,., ';u'% :� , 2 j>"+('.`.1.....'.�'sY�`; �, .' i)''` . . . : �i �'. . .. __ ". . ... cel No. �oP U'. ° �stial l'� P8ti1� � d area,' ido. 2: n � ; .,, . :`'ructures, er'tree's ient;'area', no'r' ariy t 'i'aY,:�torege� fixtu i1;� prohib3b normal'�,' :.'ifor: aiait�tenance, "p .`t,c ' �l" �' • - ' . ,� :f-:.;,; •.:., � . .. . . , :h'e,: ex�eting:,gr3de;,: ;perIDission from'th it'+oE��PUb14c Horka. ' . � �. . M : ,r. :.;,,`i �; ;'..` incd'�,".':':�:,, ' ent+`oE.` e1;NO'.�'3 �� ri}iai3 ; ab'ovo, ioris: iocany•,� �,.. � . . 1ho'r" otDer , ags to > �oees: :' , .� . . 'perini@ted �irectoz . r :'r � 10�37 sr�.� , -� . ,.. , . .. �y3 ;*�1-\ �:.., , COMMERCIRL PAP.TNERS TITLE 6123372471 P.14 ,'ir.i'2i, 'x!;j; �`�,�li"•ryi�s`Yi ��ft�y� '�/�'r ,i�r���l; ��;PY" .�': � ....,�'�ty t� ,lryl��a,,� 4.) �'.trr'.' �'�1 .it�iy���{L�'�1�1��.�1. t ,�VU:'Y - �1�1�)�1 9 �r t:�. �� �1� �;,�i�;�, :;��r, Ii.d;�,� ;,:.r .•7:''sp � y�;.F� d i�� �'`�f"'. ��i � �., :1 ; r � �';l'�' ,t D; N, y`l�j,nr�}�:d?,.; '4 .: i :. R s�i+�;;f.:''rr,�ijl�tF t,�::'.i.� N ,...i�r}w.f'�.'.!.'i�. ..:'�i'�''e:6tn1��:.i..' _,li. t Lf n '' 1'.-���G/� r �y} � � 1�,.. 1Q52452 • , �„ No change in sur4acinq within the easement area • , , ,,, • iB:permitted'vith ofpPxblicyWOZks�m the '��;!:; �,;•'.� . � , , � Diractoz of the Dep � •;�;•:. . . ' � its successbrs,'and assigns � g,� That.tho petitioner, and save.kiarmless the shall' indemni4y, defend, e ts, �! 1 City of Saint'Paul, its of4icers', $4 n ;i.,-'.�, ; : ,; • -• ' � and•servants Prom all suitin�uzies�s� �:..'''•� . � ' 'or:claame. or. damag f in%any.serv£ce,.pipe,•o= connection';in said ,;:'i .;;,.:. : ';�,�;;,, .,• � ' ' �iesery?d:e�sem of, tlie resulting ;,ci,; ';,,;, ;• •Rrom; any, adtiion''or,'�nog 9 ees a onte, or :.: :', ..:'�: .. . :petitionszs;, .th'eir';:emplbY + , g. ��,.�• ,.., - ,' : . ;:.,,ry.�,. • .. , . . , ptt:�t:;+:,:.;. ' . ;'': ; . ..� : : . �..biisiness, invit'ee5. , r.c,::z,•:�•..� ,, • . � �. ....�..:, . ,. .. , , . •v .: ; :,. � , r � � Bonrd .oE:Water y-,:,;;;r�.,'..'. 5 •�'Shat;,Po=manent Water Utility �asements'be'retained :on'.bBhalY:of;.the,;Citp..oP sainr raul,'. M'�^':':'- �'�'com�ril�s"sioners Witkiiri`;ttie vacatea areas'.of Parcel No. '�� ' ' Conditions: •y•; .•�`.,,: .,: ' :�.3 'and�;the' ea'st" PeQ�: ectPtoctheNfoll wingribed <<' ^'' ' ` ' ` , : ab'ove and sha11 bo ' , , .. , . . :; ' ^,�'Saic' ; .. , ,.;. . �-. '. ., _ . peLmitted ; ,r '" , , � 'strueturas, or;tr¢es`'are: 6 �...,.,; • : . •: :: . • EemporarY. f� '��i;!f'r:�,,.. . ��,-�a.-:;�No'buildin4s';•,; . , , , .�,,;h;�.:• � :' � 'uiEhin trie;ea�e�ent area, norf�xtute,;or'other � •:' :, l.'� '; , ! ° S .<�tructure; amtaYi'el ,storage�, ti r = l�'.rt,',ir•...�•.... : ': o tij'ect's'.that`,vi 17 : 1 ' , �:P roh'iblt noi � aal;+ ur c osest� , ' :; a intenanoe,,rp. P : , . ��:�i•::;�,,F,�,, �;;'vrater';Yaciliti �.�; ',;.,. r �,.:.,; ._,. . . ',' , ,,,; , ; , , ,,, , •. . ,•: :; :.; , , . . ���� � , . �. ` an e,:from.'the.existing 9xade`.:is'Permitted rys� '•'b;�:i, 4 , ermission ftom the Water . � f;:�j `,,''•'i;�:.: : :witYiouC wsitten'.P -.. `•'", � Utility. , , .C3'•.;oy'�.c'..�,. '.,: , � . •.` �. : : . . � , . ,u •. ,:`:'�'� . • ' �, .. .� ,: •., . • �� within the,easement�. . ��.r�;;+';.'.�... .:.r';.No�:chari9e'in;surfacing . �'.C�'''k�.:,?y-` r,..:: : c ' ;, • arnitteil without written permission 'U. . r��.r ;a'rea,,is�'P ' .. � ' � :�� r1;47.,'•r�.;: ,:.:' ; : from` the WaCer� Utility . ,, •, •. • •, . •..; , �l•1'::?�;;�r�,,' ;. '� �' e580rs '•and'..� iaa'•l `:(.; i:�' , i:r,;,'.l'�'.•J:.l i lr','.�":.�; �'��5 5t1CC F . . . � '�;�; . ; ;.;rt '�'i;% th'a pet�tidrier� d ' arid , ' �,il� '�,"•`'i;.��''i}t'� • �'d..�%;Tha� � indemni�Y��.de .?. s.�rrN�•�; ;'' •:.:ass14n6•stiall t¢i'. S�v.�;;,�"a:ti:�,',�',.;�%� :...>::a���..":• � � 't}jaJBOaxd,o£ Wa .. £rom '.'��,� `i::.r. ..., 1 � .: ?,'^ i .'.;' , .� : ,.�:_:gave,'Har'ai2'ese,), em lo o�s'';'and.'sez t;�r�s>,%`+i,�,:'�„"��"���' ,-"i�E`5:.officer's;;�a4ents., . P Y � 'arise "�,.", • ac�ions, ,or claims�.which�shall:. , ,��'.�".;i"%4's:�.;c+:.;.:: . ':.,'` .::,all'; . eceivefl�sol�;•.: . ._ �� ?r' : ;:,,; •. ;... :' �. �.r':� � u'ries .oc damagas'r ' '''`�';�`;".' `�;;austainediby^any:bredk:in any,'set.vice°iB�Pe�'. t��:ir�,' ......... . .. . ,,,_ .. .. �onnectzon imr'said•teseried.' . . ,,i. .�...,t; :.o.,�:,,..._,-;.:.-.-.. �� ' �',�;t,: �.,.to;;acCOmmoda �;i;;�'�::•�� . . ;%f�;;�:j;'. '���.�;ret4oval�;' ,' :!;';���''.::'otriervisei"q'on= ',��:�;::; ,'' ,... � � descr: `• � �',:;(,.i, 'i,Vaca'�ed` t'.?>,:i : : ,: • .tn'o' city ot 'Sa9:nt ! �'ai. ;:.;r;�i� „ , . ' ijf ':5': , ���.'�).�i.' . , ' '�'�4,:��j / � , � �„'' 1I��`,. '_ ��....rrt�..+n'����3„ � ng • �oE', or Xes.ulting; Pzom,,,� 2gli.4ence o4,rhe.:pati�ioner,. agen ts,'or buszriass"3nvitiees• ' bed":3.n FarCel".No':'.,9.•�s��being�vacated �ce", arcroachmeitt,`,and; •tri¢�, upon ib ,n�g oE the �encroacYirient; �saSd _ ied in Pazcel No ;`�3 shall; revert �to �dl. as ��tr.eet riglit'°of-HaY cii.thout � V � s� �>----- �._�,�.�,.�:---- /t-11=2003 10� 3B �,:�. �)!:�i-1�� . COMMERCIAL PRRTNERS TITLE ri:\ _' ri :�. A; �.,• ,.'./.. �^, � n"v�^ ��*��t.. . .. „ • . � !F�. �{'./,yvy;� �']� Pt��)l::- V.1�'�'y�� t } k kSY14��•F k �tk' }a+ •1 � 1'r :L, . � 144 Ab th+ ��ii.; , �. :.. Y; 7�'� 1 ' )i 1)L.� 1r �1�i:v;: .p��! r .;_':<l,l.,t ,'.f.'u.r.�?� .. . _ :, �.�524 �. � • �cost-�or charges to the City. �. ,� 7�;`.That �tha petitioner,•lts successors, and assigns, %�.._;,. ' ;,by•acceptance,oE.tha terms and eonditioaefendthis rssolution, horeby agzee to indemnify� � and save harmless the:City oi 5aint Pattl, its �.•ofEicer"s, and�employees aqainst all:suits, , actions, oX claixis of,any tharace5Treceived ' � � :�as��a.result�of injuries.oX•damag ar..sustained •by any ,Person, persons; ' or " � property';on account oP this vacatiincludinq �'-= ^ � ;..,;:petiti,oner'.s. use oE .tkii� property ;"'; '' ":' '•: �: ,. ::.,but, not. Timiti°d', to...a'.;claim bYOUght beCause . � r:';,; ; ' : 't.�`:.�';:: '';'�'of�.;:anY'�act.,of omissioh,''neglect, or'mclaimeuor. �°�•": .;,, , r,.'ogY;eaid;' patftionar' oz,: becausc oP any , �'���'�` �''•"�� ��':` ,' �'liatiility.dri�inq Erom any violation of any 'f:•�'.�"''�� ��� �' ,f1aw' or;regulation made ia aocordance�with thQ : ��� ., �1•",.,.: `•.i-�::.::>'�;;lari"•wlYether''yY,.th'e•'pfltit'loner or any.:aP ite � , ��;:,;: '+� t a4ent's,;;oi; otnP1oYoes.4' ,. :' . � ,,. � ; . n',•bil:4 •. ' ' ' ' , : . . ' .I:J. "�' . 'f.:j7i'•: •i:,f':Y.��„'�',;�l��;t�..,;: ;;'•i..,;.�y: , . , .� , . n'+,FdLt.: •.,.... �. • "ita,guccesscrs��:;BPd�de61g315 �.S,; " h':' 8.'�;:';That4tti`e'.,,petitionet'�.:. ;•�:: � ��_.:�.. 'withi n +'; 60.dap5.,oE;thO'pu bli"cationdate.oE c .; �. �.slial:l'.; y.y"cleik' 'an' . � �_y, �:p� ,:, � :;, .','; �;,;:; .: �:.r ;i.,:. �'soluti �:{,r:'�...;,�,,,-•,, .:''aCOegtaribe,.i.n� er1'od(e h�,^:.:�::��;`,.,.�p•. ,. �r,� :• .� _. . ,�1 ;,;,Y\,.�:�.�5.�:^`,.�IS;.�,.,:'.,`t;.�?eROlution;.and�:.sha13'.withlA �the g, )�' ; �,^�! ,. . .,,`:.;,: ; r „ :,•;., .. ,,.: speciPiod; :in :the'�.Eez^insallare5pects�w.ithfthese' �7 �� ': ` �,..reao]:utibn;: `'coidplY '��c'.1�s'''<;' , ;"�e.'� � � ' tekm6';:arid'.cond ce�Y� �,;c::> , � ,. � � � u� , :���.N . .r. � � . . � ' � . 1 fTt . li.� Ji:' 1'� i, .. � . . � ; {y.+��ti�'l��i : .��;r % � �. . . , ' y V 'v�� • . ��'� . , �«�Y�i:,.1�,5:�;�of;i' +'i�. , . � '` `� . . . . . f� ` :,r.;`,d�.ry.,,: � ,' . . p,d;y�fi'si'i'.:�il1:j.: 1i �, '�'1��: ,F�y�y�'(41��i:�'�r�.;�,}''.',..���� ., . �. , . , '� � yy' )S!J 7 � t � ;, , ; ''/; , . �;:" i 9i� i � . ' , 6123372471 , �, nf.,��j�y . [' �' ; ._P :,A µ'e.'.4'�'J��.'��f��%' �Y'.1. i:.�:�.;qr; i'.: t , u �:.��,; � .t9N Ha�i.::�a�::�I..Y�:.. g.z -�16 � a is �.S$E' � I _d..,rSS� � ? ,',l . _fp. � . . . ''.:i: ;�y��li. %"�.�'...;� .C. .:'��:/✓/.. . d � St�'•.' •^t�� ..'�'• : . `'� ,' ,• �. �` ' PtlBUS,NfD ,;, ,;�; ;' ;',i;; � . . _.-- t u. � ��� � \, J �: NOV, 2"4 1992' L, 6ecrltazy,� /Y/f "• .: ' i . �cr•,. •s iao�' � pEr, , � '92 . .. �' . NequesteG Dy;Depertm�ut��oSS , ' pfnp"nc, 0 6 HA�e�6 ��n��� e .. •� ey: i DSrec2or . /° � � Foz� TppcoveC by,citiy�Attoz*�Y"' , ::.i' . ,. .. ,' . . �y�;rri "/O�S-5 Dyt , Appro�e �M•yar ior,s mieaion to eouneil ey� _�� � s