D001186�� Plnk Canary • cny ci�k � C�' t [ �'"� Fin. & Mgmt Services No.: Department � _ � � , � '� Date: CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATNE ORDER FOR TIMI: ESTENSION AD�IPTISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, in the matter of that certain contract ]mown as Aciivity No. 25052 for ��tv Avenue Realignment City Pro,ject No. 95-P-1119 Danner, Inc. Contractor, the specified date of completion is November 3, 1995 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because of late award of conuact. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to May 30, 1996 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby dces waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. • APPRO D AS O � Assistant Ci Attorney � Date �� ��� � _ /•�-L� � epartment Head a� �v�t l�,L. Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Public Works Construction COMACf PERSON E PHONE Daniel A. Haak 266-6084 OP SIGNATURE PAGES 3/18/97 GREEN SHEET WR TE - FPAHfA1ENTDINECiOR m nrroa�v (CLJP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANFIE� Q3 EO Wam D oa r f �� No. 38480 cmcouNCa _ crtv a,eaic FPl d MGT. SEflVICES DIR O DEPMTMEMACCOUM Extend Contract Complerion Date from I3ovember 3,1995 to May 30,1996 PROSPERTTY AVENUE REALIGNMENT; City Project No. 95-P-1119 Contractor. Danner, Inc. flECOMMENDAT10N5Apprwre (!q a Reje�s (Fn PLANNMIGCOMMISSION CNLL: C�B COMMfREE A STAF� — — _ D�STHICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILOBJECTNE7 PEpSONAL SERVICE CONLRACTS YUST Al6WER THE FOLLONIING WESTIONS: t. Hasthisperson/firmeverworkedunderacormactiorthisdepanment? YES NO 2. Has tliis parsavfirtn ever been a tAh amWM'ee? YES NO 3. Doas tivs parsorvfirm possess a sla9 mt normalN possessed by any wrtent dry empbyee? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on aeparab sheet and anaeh to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfiY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHEFE. WHI�: ' Due to late awazd of the contract, the Contractor was unable to complete the work by November 3, 1995. ADVANTAGESIFAPPpOVED: The rime extension authorizes adc}itional contract rime required to complete the project. �E��wvE� DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: None C6�Y CLERK �������� t��'��"�� �'����� � "_ e , , �' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Contractor's work performed after November 3, 1995 will not be authorized. FUNDINGSOUpCE �V(A FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (IXPLAIM COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � NO ACTIVt1YNUMBER C94-2B019-Q784-25052