249973 t � 2�9� 3 �T�����:,�x° CITY OF SAWT PAUL FOENCIL NO. . � APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 � . COMM SSEOD BY Dean Meredith �c�,.�; pATF Jnly 24 19 �0 R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS 6Y 50 DOING AN UNAVOlDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM � TO DR. CR. Eureau of Police 0113-20 Detsctive Divisfon - Contra.E�. Serv 150.00 110-300 Administratioa - Commoditiss 150.0 H�reau of Fire Protectioa 0142-300 Fire Bighting - Commoditie• 654.00 141-300 Fire Prevention - Commodities 50.00 146�-200 Fire P1anR, Traia3ng - Oontract.BerT. 600.00 �eaLt OY H881t� Oi80-300 �inistration - Co�modities 50.00 180-400 Admiai.tration - Other Chargee �0.00 Oi85�200 Tubercnlosis Division - Oontract.ser�. y00.00 186-300 Dnil�iag Maistenenee » Oo�oditiee 500.00 0184-»Z00 IsspectionAl -� Contra�t.�er�. 600.00 181-200 Vital 3tatieties - Contract.3sr�. 600.00 0189-800 Housiag Inspeetiosal. - Capital outlay 400.00 l$6-800 Bttilding Maintenan�� - CapiLal outl�ty 400.00 2 0 00 0 00 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS �i UG 5 1970 �Lltler ADOPTED BY TNE COUNCI�- —19 • Carlson ����a �3 19�� �.�� � APPRO V ED 19 IN FAVOR Meredith j 8pre�'ka v �row �GAINST T6dAeG0 COUNTERSIGNED BY — - ��f�� CITY COMPTqOLLER A /�/` . � MR. PRESIDENT MCV�t'i� �, - "' �� � PUBLISHED A�� $ 197� . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`)�l,��� � Capital of Minnesota ��� t� oLJe aNt�ne�tt o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINI3TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�c� DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner HEALTH R.ALPH G.MEBBILL,Depaty Commiasioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspeetor July 24, 1970 t�lr. Lou McKenna City Comptroller Attention: Bob Akenson Dear Mr. P�cKenna: The following transfers are necessary for the following reasons: 0113 to 0110 - Necessary for a routine deficit of $40.00 as per attached order #A 30800, and other estimated supplies in 1970. 0142 to 0141 and 0146 - Deficit of $28 in 0141-340 as per attached order #30583. An anticipated deficit in 0146-274 due to reimbursement of training costs to firemen attending schools. 0180 - Necessary to increase petty cash fund by $50 as per C. F. 249819 attached. 0184 to 0181 - To cover necessary expenses of tabulating cards from state for balance of 1970. 0185 to 0186 - To cover deficit of $50 as per attached copy of A 31850, plus future estimated costs for 1970. 0189 to 0186 - A capital outlay transfer to cover cost of an approved incinerator and floor scrubbing machine for the Building Maintenance activity. � ,.Si-�cerely yours,, ,� <; ,�-����/� �i�2���� RobertUJ. Chermak Accountant III RJC:bjj O . � . � , _ ` 1�=otice CI7'Y 0? ST� PAUL Counci� Fil� ?'o.-����-�3 �.o . I�:]:i��ti:�SGTA • r, Pxinter - � COUI�CTL FL.SOLtiTIO:v 1g - RESOL?�Dt t;:at tra transfers T:*ithin r:i.lds of the various City D�p�,rt;��er.ts . � . . . .: . s h�retofore a��rc�ed i�,r tl:e Cit;;- �c:nptrollez�, as suc� transfers of funds as of AUG 5 1970 axe i,ndica�ed in docur:ents attached lzereto and made a part h�reof Uy �efererice, as .fu11�- as if tl�e s�ne were �ef, fo��th fuJ1y ar.d ce;:,pletely herein, are hereby approved� copies of the ai'oremen�ioned also being on file in �the of- fiee of th° �i�y Clerk �nd in tha cffice of �:he City Ccr�ptrol�_er. � Adopted by tLe Council AUG 5 19701�� . AUG S 1970 �it-y Cgnptroller A�ro�red ag� �y PUBLISHED A�� 81970