249970 �!F;
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R�esdlhttian Rat�fying As�assment By
In the matter of the as�essment of �li�, �tt 1to� �t #�e �i�lArs o4c t�+ �
eaast�rmatiaa o�' si+i�r�� � �ark la�r��l �: ��t bl-�i-+4�1i, LI�►r �s. 4,
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1�';4;_`� 235233 - Sheridan Ave., bcth sides frow Wheeler 5t. to Edgcumbe Road. ;
F.O. #243633 •- W. Seventh St., southeast side fram Alton St. to M+tdison Ave.
F.O. #243457 - Norfolk Ava., south side from Prior Ave. to the eaet property
line of Lot 7, Cheaterwood Addition and on the north side af
I�rfolk Ave. from Sue St. to Prior Ave.
F.O. �243628 - W. S�venth St., northwest side from the Milwaulcee Railroad lyracta
. to Davern St.
1�.0. #237340 - Ben�on Ave. , north side from Dealton Ave. to Selma Laa� snd on the
south side of Benson Ave. fram Ivan Way to S�lma Lane.
F.O. �243789 - �theeler St., both sid�� frc� Eleanor Ave. trt �cheffer Ave.
F.O. �244152 - Macaleater St., both eid+�s from Niles Ave. to Juno Ave.
F.O: �243$69 - Macalester 5t., �reat si�e fram Scheffer Ave. to Bayard Ave.
F.O. �241945 - Macalestar St., both sides from Hartford Ave. to Watson Ave.
F.O. #243728 - W. .Seveath St., uorthwest side fran the Milwaukee Railroad 3'racks
to Davern St.
F.O. #2�►3457 - Norfolk Ave., south �ide fram Prior Ave. to the east property
line of Lot 7, Chesterwood Addition aad oa the north aide of
Norfolk Ave. from Sue St to Prior Ave.
F.O. �243?S9 - Wheeler St., both sid�� from 81�eax�or Ave. to Sche�fer Ave.
F.O. #244152 - Macaleeter St., both eides from Niles. Ave. to Juno Av�e.
P.O. �243869 - Macalester St., weat side from Scheffer Awe. to Baqard Ave.
F.O. #�1905 - l�calaater St., both �tidea frcm Hartford Ave. to Watson Ave.
F.O. #237340 - Beneon Ave. , north aide fram Dealton Ave. to Selma I.aiie aad on the
south eide of �ason Ave. Erom Ivan Waq to Selma Lane.
__ __
Yeas Nays
� � Adopted by the Councit
C; .::__:�;�.;N
LCVIi'JE � 5 1970
MCCARTY 1 In Favor
0 or
Form x-z in� �o.�a s�� Against PUgLISHED AUG 8 1970
� �. . . .. . . . y. •,�. . . . •
� • : �
. ^ CITY OF ST. PAU�. ��a7���„'r�
Report of Completion of Ass�essment ��
..��— ' ' �,�
In the matter of the assessment of .!���� � �i � �rl! ��'� #I�C �
+�oma�#� +n� s#�rs��s a�i �aarl� ,f��1 �� �� b�-�r0, � �a►. �,
t�t�t� il�� �t�,
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�.CI. ?�S?�3 - Slteridan Arr�., tioth sidts .�� �lr�c St. ta Edg+cuabe Raad.
1�.0. #243�33 - it, si'w�tlh �t., soaE�est std� iz'o� Alton St. �o Mr�d�.�sr Aw.
, P.O. 1F?43457 • �lor�nik Aw., s�wth sid� fr� Prior Av�. to tho ae�t propNarty
. li�r af Lot 7s Cls�estez�rood Additio� a�d on the aortle side o#
' �Lbrfalk Aw. iycaa Suia �t. to Prior A�.
1�.0. f243628 - W. Stv�nth �t.� ac�zt�s+rt sid� �re�ea t}u Milrr�aul�s Railroad '�ltacls
to Dawrn St.
F.O. �237340 - E+��ron Aw., natth sid� f�rc�e4 DeAltae� Aw. te� 33+t1�a I.s� a�d va� th�t
; +roath •idt o! Deasoa Aw. tron Iraa Way ta �tl�s x.an�.
, a.o. ��►a�a� - ���r sc., both sid�s irom Eluae�r Aw. to ���ffsr Aw,
P.O. #24ar1S2 - M�alester St., batb •ide�r froo� Nila� Ava�. to 3uuo Av�s.
8.0. ��3�! • �t�eai�stsr St., �raest sid� fi�� Sch�f#+r�r Aw. to ]laYard Aw.
F.4. f2419dS - Macslsster St., both sid�s fra� �ertfard Av�, to �Tataaa Aw�.
. NOII-I�f'S1�Ac'�$„�
P.�. #7�►3128 • W. S�wath �t., nc�rth�t sid� �ra�a t.�s �i�lwukN 't�atlroad Tra�ks
� to Dsv+ern 8t.
F.Q. f2�►3451 • �e�rt"oilc Airs., aouth �rid! !�^ewr Prioar Aw. to ths aut propt�rty
li� af Lot 7y Chast�cwood Xdditia�► aad +�n Liu �narth aid,e of
lfarfolk Aw. fram Swe �t ta Prlor Ave.
� F.O. �243789 • iR�ssisr �t., both sidie fron �la�r Aw. to Sch��'fa�r Aw.
` P.O. #24�iS2 + �lqti� St., both �ides !`ro�► Nil�s Ave, to Juao Ava.
'° F.a. �243�9 - Ma�ltster St., a�est afct� fr+t�e� S+ch�ifar Aw. to l�syard Aw.
� 1�.0. #24l90S � I�se:le�ter 8t., both sidems ttrc�m aartford A�te. to tiatsoa A�rs.
' F.O. #23i340 - Bat�eo� Aw., �o�rth stdt fra�n Daalton /��ae. to �elar La�� aad an tl�e
�th sf� of B�u�Om Ava. tra�a Ivan War �o S+el�t Laeu�t.
� _
TOTAL EXPE�I�TDZTURES .. . ... .... .. . . .. .. ... $ 20,412 89
Charge to . ...... 0920-701.. . ... . ... ...... ... $ 3,442 4$_
. .. .. .... .. ...... .Non-Ass�ssable..... . . . . . . . . . . �. 626 �_
Net Asaeasment . ............ .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . $ 1�.,843 87
Said Commissioner further reports that he has asseased and levied the total amount as above ascer-
t�ined, tawit: the sum of $ 16,843.87 _upon ea.ch and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of eaeh lot,paxt or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said a�s�ssment as
completed by him, and whioh is herewith aubmitted to the Council for such action thereon �s may be
considered proper.
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�t� .7ulv Z, i 970 Co s er o � ce.
Form RrE 2M 10.68 8� �i�.