249960 E • 0ri�inel to CiEls Clerk �L� _ � . t ORDINANCE �g6� ' � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY- ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitlefl: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- :�ensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out of Section II, Group A, the following: "Sheet Metal Worker 6. 84 Sheet Meta1 Worker Foreman--Board of Education 7.48" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Sheet Metal Worker 6. 9? Sheet Me�Cal Worker Foreman--Board of Education 7. 61 " . Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II the titles and their respective wage rates i.n Group B; and by substi.tuting in lieu thereof the following: 1 -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Attest: Approved: City Clerk 11 0 � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Urtalnal to City.Clerk ` � � ORDINANCE ����� �0 ' � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �"/'�� Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section LI, Group C, the titles and their respective wage rates, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine . Meredith Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By . , ,Uri�fnal to CitR Clerk �' . � ORDINANCE �`��i �4 - COUNCIL FILE NO � ...�, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 7I, Group G, the titles and their respective wage rates, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: -5- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' �ri�►sl to City Clerk �� � � . - � � ORDINANCE ' • � , COUNCIL FILE NO ��g��' �,� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � ��� 7 Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect a.nd be in force from and after October 3, 1970. _7_ AUG 2 � 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Btirth�' / Carlson '�� In Favor /_ Levine (�� Meredith �� � A ainst Sprafka g Tedesco �t��',,� � ;` iy l t� . Mr. President (McCart ) ttest• `� �� Approv , �� � ty Clerk � Maqor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �'� A PUBL.1St'�" HU l7 � �+ __- _ _ � t � t . . .. . . . , , . .. . ` � • , a Copies to: Nick Schneider, Local #8 B. J. Motschenbacher, Operating En�neers Union Frank Rodriguez, Hod Carriers Union AU.en Kelley, Slectrical Workers #110 James Aschenbrener, Plumbers & Gas Fitters #34 t � • . � ������ ��0 Grt��:n Z3 r-�ir c;oinpre:ssor Oucr�.tc}r $� 97 ��acic�:ll�r O�a�r�.�or 5: t�4 �itL.rr�iano�,s Cur3� Niachi.�z�. Op�r�.'��r �� 9g F�i�txnl:i,a�:s Spre�.der ���a���ator 5, b�k G�rba�� Goll�c��r �, 86 �e.a�vy Ec��:«r�mc�n'c O�c;r:�.ro�m-Asphali L'lan� �o b4 �Iois���n� Ezagin�.c.z 5. a4 I�,:xi.�;Er En�zr�eer 5� 03 IVi.r�or Ec�r,���m�nt �J���-as�r , 5� 6� :��fcitor Ec��,ipm�n� �pera�c�r�:.Wa�c� Departxn�n� �. 64 Ivi.o�:or �'�,trol O��r�i�or 5: Ei4 P��v�ira� k3re�.kc:r (�-IyE�Y�, �-iaznmez Upera�:nr; 5 b� �cw��° Shorr�l C>�cr�,t:or 5, �32 Fi�iv�irr.?fRier GpGL'afiOl- �: E�4 �t.m�c,~.cw� rJperator 5, ?2 Rorad �,%��,c�n�.:a�xy �'Jkac�-ra`C'�r 4, 8� F<�ller. �nginet:r a}�nrlc;r � ��ns; a, 08 Rc�Il�r �ngine�:� �� t�ns c�r ci�er; 5. h4 Sri�-Gu �Jr,c.r�.t-u� 5: b� ��veC��r �Jpera�Eor 5., fi4 �'ra`��r Qper�.�or i 5� 0$ Tr�,��or �p�r.�,�or �i 5� F�� Tr.�c�c�A G�p�ra��oa• IZ !La�.':�ioi:; 5., �4 "�'ri�..�k Dr���r �� $b '�r�,�lc t�wiz�r�I?ri��•Yez• 40 8b i _�.,. � . Fd���'� �v*� Groug C ���.ild°zzig Ins�c-�tor $7r 14 �lr��irieal Ins�e�tor 7: 14 E1�•�ator ?'nspecfor 7, 1.� Ga.� L',u�ner InspP�ct�r 7> 1� H��.•y;ng �,n� Pi�in� 7nspeetur '�, 1� �Iea�;iri�, Piging and Ga� �3urner Ins�;e�tUr 7, 14 M.asonry In,�pe;et�o-r 7: 14 Pl�.�����x• .in�pc:c��oa• "l., 14 Pl�mb�ng [nspc�F-or 7: 1� Pl��,mbin� Insge�tor���a��r;r L�p�.��rnent 7, I4 Refrigereition Inspec�or 7< 14 .Seninr Buildin� 7r•.;����:or ?: 49 5eni�r El�cfiri.�al �n�pcc�.or i� 49 Senior I��;e�Izanical. �i�s�e:.taz• �< 4q S�iasor Plumbin� �i�.sP��tar 7� 4q She�'E. I�✓i�tal Inspe�tar 7. 14 ��v . ' ' . r " � i , . � ' ;�������0 Gro�.r� G .!'�spPzal.� Raic�r $5, 23 .r'�sph�.l: Shoveler 4, 93 �r"tc��c Gp��: Leade;r 5, l.3 �ridvc Laborc:r �?, 9� ��xil�in� Labor�r �o $5 ttii.��-� I�i��,er 4, 93 3a rkhamrner O�era�or 4o q7 .��c;`�:�le �'?f em�rz �� 93 ?,a��os� C;.rew L�eade�• 5n 05 :,�,^lin;:r �� 42 I',iir�cl���yt'aE�r Y�e�artxn�n�: 5> 42 I���io rt�,r �+,:i�e r 4 0 9 7 :F'ublzv �°oorks L�aborer 4� 85 �c�o��r�s Help�r 4, 85 S�.iai�<<�i.c�n �ab�r��. 4, 85 Sewer Cre�v L��.dcr 5� 1� �e�ver Latiorer 4, 93 S�ti•�e�- Ivlaint�;�ance L<<box�;r 4.. q3 Se�vcr Pumpin� Sta.i:ion Op�z�tar �� 2� Sw����r I�elpcf u: 60 iamper 5.: 10 T'�nne;l La�or�.r 5� 06 `'i'�ra`�o.r �pc��tor 4, 93 4'Ya�er Serr�iF,r�rnars T 4� 9� Unadcilled Laborer 4. 85 R6a �^ �. �} �' i.,i ,,� � August 5, 197d Mr. John Haider Director of Personnel ��.� Civil Service Bureau ,---�, �. Dear Sir: � i�.'"��`�`� it Council tod.ay gave Fir�t/ading `+��the follow3.ng two The C y �• st 1.3, ordinancea which will conae up f'o3� ird }�lin8 on Augu 1� `� �/ 0: �, �� �� �. �____ , 6�+�+6��e hour].y rates fbr C.F. 249959 amendi �:��No� plast r and In ctor\t;ttles, to becorne ePYe ve from e�n aPter November 14, 19'70; Sec. I, Group A, d Sec. TI� Group C; C.F. 249�o amen Ord. No 4�+6 re hourly r�tes for � ��eet al Wor , Air Compressor Operator, �, ' �c., ' � , etc., Asphalt Raker, etc. titles, in Sec. II, Qroup A,Sec• II in Group B, S�c. , (iroup C Sec. II� {�p G respectiveiy, to be e eff'ect�ve from a�d af'�er Oct. 3, 1970• Very truly yours, " City Clerk n8 . � I st � 2nd��_ , Laid over to ' 3rd and app�_Adopted �d Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bu#kc Carlson \ �Carlson Levine �`���� �evine Meredith � eredith Sprafka prafka � Tedesco desco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O