249953 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � � jg��� • � , , CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCa NO. LI.,�.��si Cor�+�T�T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '� AU�USt L�� 1970 COMMISSIONE pATF BESOLVED: That Application L-4887 for the tra,nsfer of Off Sale Liquor I,icense Bo. 2415, ex�irin� Januaxy 31, 1�j71? issued to the N:idway Liquor Store, I�,c. at 1944 Universit;� :�venue, be and_ the sa,me is hereby transferred to Jimtom, Inc. at the sa.me address. Off tiale Lic�uor �stcblishment TRt1�iS��;R (Licens�es� Informally apyorovzd by Council June 30, 1970 AUG 4197�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �.� � ����, Butler Caxlson rove� 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst �e�.. Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED AUG $ �97� � .�.w CJ�'' � �— � o— 1 fl � � I. � �� '� �J °� .� , RF �2`� �� CITY OF $AINT PAUL � �;.�`� APPLIEATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE . Application No. (Thie form must be Slled out in addition to the aDD�[cation form And �worn statement required by the Liauor Contml Commt46joner of the State of 1�Snne�ota.) Name of Applicant J i mTom, I nc. proe Residence Addres�. 1400 Northwes te rn Nat i ona 1 Bank Bu i 1 d i n q Telephone No Are you a citizen of the United States? i n sot or orati on A11 offi cers � di rectors are ci ti zens of the Un i ted S tates Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? No When and Where? If corporation, give date when incorporated June ' 1970 Name and address of all officers of corporation, and name and a,ddress of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold �ames R. Gorman, President � Treasurer, 112 Exeter Pl . , �i� Paul , Minn. A Thomas R. Farrell , Vice President & Secretarv, 102 Exeter Pl . , St�: Paul , Minn. Names and addresses of Stockholders James R. Gorman, 112 Exeter Pl . , St. Paul , Minnesota Thnmac R FarrPll , 102 Exeter P1 �, St. Paul � Minnesota Name of surety company which will write bond,if known , , Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1944 � University �Prior Ave. � Prior � Lynnhurst • ' ' ' App roxifiate ly How many feet from an academy, college or university (m ured,a.long streets)? 1 ��1]Q m i 1 e �6.�(((�4'� �pproximately How many feet from church (measured along streeta)? 4/5 m i 1 e (�1224�� MP r r i am Pa rJs P�^�a�ta r i an Appro imately How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets�?1..�2; m� �p (��l�n') Name of closest schoo� Lnng fe]1 o►N E 1 emen�a r�• FIow are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?�omme rc i a l On what floor located? 1 s t F l oo r If leased, give name of owner Z i mme rman Cmm�an� , Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? exc 1 us i ve 1 i q uor s tore How long have you operated present business at present site? nPw �nPr ��I� obrnPr - ���e�rs) Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxicating liquor license? No (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an ofi'ieer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be veri8ed.) Issuance of license is not recommended. �,----�-._. .--� � Dated �9 � �� f �� ,i License Inspector. APPLICANT. Form 8—R.evised 4/1/60 � ' STATE OF MINNESOTA � LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER APPLIGATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corpora- tion one o�cer shall egecute this application for all o�cers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership one of the "APPLICANTS" shall egecute this application for all members of the partnership. EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. 1_ I Thomas R. Farrell as officer (I»dividr�al ownec,oA'icer,or partner) for and in behalf of J i mtom, I nc. , hereby apply for an Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at 1944 Un i ve rs i ty Avenue , (Street Address a»d/or Lor and Block Number) Municipality o� S a i n t P a u 1 , County of Rams ey � State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, commencing 19—, and ending , 19_. 2. Give applicants' date of birt�+ 9 9 37 (Day) (Month) (Year) 6 l0 31 Birthdates of Partners (Day) (Month) (Year) or 9 9 37 (Applicant) (Lay) (Month) (Year) Officers of Corporation 16 5 32 (Day) (Monrh) (Year) 3. The residence for each of the applicants named herein for the past five years is as follows: Thomas R. Farrell , 102 Exeter Place, St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 James R. Gorman, 112 Exeter Place, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55104 (1968-1970) 2200 Hartford Avenue, Saint Paut � Minnesota 55116 (1965-1968) 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United States? Yes If naturalized atate date and place of naturalizatioll_ I# a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship atatus of all officera or partners. James R. Gorman - Born U.S. citizen Thomas R. Farrell " " b. The person who executes this application shall give wife's or husband's full name and address Sinqle 6. What occupations have applicant and associates in this application followed for the past five years? Applicant was claims adjuster for Crane Sup�ly C�_ , Minnea �n lic� Minnecnta Mrs. Gorman has been with Midwest Federal Savinqs & Loan Association as Midway Branch Manager 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership Not applicable . � 32. If this application is for a transfer of an Off-sale License, give name of former licensee and st�.ate whether any consideration, money or property has been paid,or will be paid,given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license;also atate the amount of consideration Midway Liquor Store, Inc. (Mrs. Geraldine Rigali , owner) Stock in corporation has been purchased by applicant. No consideration was assigned to the license. I hereby verify the above statement . (Signature of fortner licensee) 33. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the Lawa of the State of Minnesota governing the tagation and the sale of intogicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that I have rea.d the foregoing questions and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. ( ' n ure of applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this � � 19" (Notary Pu6lic) My commission expire WILLIAM F. ORME u ic, amsey County, Minn. My�Commission Expires Aug. 10, 1976. REPORT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS BY POLICE DEPARTMENT Thia is to certify that the applicant, or his associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of l�linnesota, or lblunicipal Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as hereinafter stated pOLICE DEPARTI�IEN7 (Name of city, village or borough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you have no police department, either the l�farshal oc rhe Constable shall execute this repoct on the applicant.) REPORT ON PREMISES BY FIftE DEPARTMENT This is to certify ihat the premises herein described have been inspected and that alC Laws of the State of lblinnesota and lbfunicipal Ordinances relating to Fire Pcotection have been complied with._ FIRE DEPARTMENT (IVame of city,village or borough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you haue no Fire Department, an authorized member of rhe Volunteer Fire Squad shall execute this report of the applicant's premises.)