247085 � 24'�{��� c���xo............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theuadereignedhereby proposeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8sint Paul�vis.: Grade and surface with bit�ninous material the alley in BLK. 14, OAKVILLE PARK from Walsh St. to Weide St. , also construct a sewer in the altey. ; ....._...........___.................................................................................................................._..........................._............. Dated tbis. 16th......day of........January............ ... ..... .... 70 ........__._......_ .----...�--::�:�:::�������. . .�,� ...�...... .............. � co�au��. PRELIMINARY OItDEIt. WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the me►lring of the following improvement�vis.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 14, OAKVILLE PARK fro� Walsh St. to Weide St. , also construct a sewer in the allcy. 6sving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul.--•-------•----................................................._»................ t6erefore,be it R.ESOLVED, Z'hat the Commissioner of Publiu Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neceesity for� or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, pro8le or eketch of said improvement. � 4. To stste whetiher or no�eaid improvement ie asked for on 4,he petitioa of three or more ownere. 6. To report apon sll of the foregoing msttere to the �m�nieeioner of l�inanoe. Adopted by the Counail......................................JAN 2 � 1�10 .........................» Ysss Councilman Cerlson �A� 2 Q 19�0 Apptoved_...............».............---•---..._........._........... XIII�XXl6l�X Sp raf ka Meredith Peterson Tedesco ._.-..: •- • » - ---•-------• Mr. President B�rrrre Mayor. �000 s-sa -- � PUBLISHED J�N �4197Q,