247069 2�'�� connott I�le xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. . Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemskingof thefollowingpubliaimprnvement by the City ot 8sint Paul,v�s,: reconstruct the sidewalk on_.the west side of Ed�cumbe..Road from Juliet Ave. to Jefferson Ave. and b�._doin�_all other work which is necessary..and,�incidental to ; ....compl.4tQ...sa.id-imp�o�vm�ut............................... ....... ............»........................................................_....� Dated tLis.,..... 20th»..day oi............................�?anuar.X .... 0 .��..... »r i ..........� .....!�_�--- / ---�...... »..........» Counoilman. i i PRELIMINARY OltDER. WHER,EAB, A written pmpoesl for the making of the following improvement, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk oa the west side of Edgcumbe Road from Juliet Ave. to Jefferson.Ave;__and„by„_doin.g„all_other_.�aork,.which_is,ne��s$ary,,,a�}d._j�c�,��,c}e�ta�tg___�, com�lete_,said,.improvement:...........___..................................................................................................... .... hsviag been preeented to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paul..._............................................................._...�...... t6�efore, be it BffiOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of�.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the total coat thereof. � � 3. To furnieL s plsn, proSle or eketch of said improvement. - � 4. To state whether or no�esid improvement ie aeked for oa P,he petition of three ar more owners. b. To report apon all of the foregoing matters to the Commieeioaer of l�nsnoe. Adopted by the Counail..._.......................... ............�:�;��...........�.�,"� Ysss Councilman Carlson �A(� 2 0 19�0 Ha�-gi�ti— APPrnvecl................................................................. ���� MeH r�edith Peterson Tedesco � . . . ........:........ Mr. President B�rtrre Ms�or. �000 �.a� - � 1970 PUBI..ISHED J AN �4