247061 2�� . connoill�Yle xo......_..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereigaedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowiagpublioimprnvement by the City oi 8aint Psul,vls.: , recoastruct the sidewa.lk on both sides..of_ James Ave. from Edgcumbe Road to Griggs St. and by doing all other work which is necessar and incidental to co lete said ......._.................---�....-----..............................................................�............................»....................�................_.... im�r.ovemeat�.____.............................................................. ........._......................................................._................».... Dated t6is. 20th. .....dsy of........................................Janua . � - .... .. ..............` .. . ...:Z:.h_Z�:�.... ... .............. ... . �.... Connailman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEItEAB, A written pmpoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.s reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of James Ave. from Edgcumbe Road to Gri s ..............................................................•-----•--..................-•---_.........--•--.........................................................----......._.....gg_.. St_:�_and. bq doing .all._other.work�which is,necessarY.and incidental to.co lete�said .�? .._ improvement. ..........................................................».............-•-----•---...--•--....---....................._...----.._..........................---.................................. having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of$sint Paul..............._......---.._................__......_.......................__.... t6erefore, be it 8E80LVED, That the Commiseioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated: 1. To iaveetigate the neoeseity for, or desirability of,.the ma�ng of eaid improvement. �, 2. To investigate the nature� extent and eatimated coet of esid improvement� and the totsl coet thereof. � ' 3. To turnisb a plan, proSle or nketch of eaid improvemen� • 4. To etste whether or no�esid improvement ie aeked for on�,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report npon all of�he foregoing matters to the �mmieeioner of Finsnoe. Adopted by the CounaiL.......................» .,..----•-:�.�i v_�:.;! ��!ii Ys�s Councilman Carlson APProved.............�A� 2 Q..1���:................._..... ���� �-_ . ........._.. Meredith Peterson � Tedesce »».....: .- ----------- -•-- ............ Mr. President Byrrre M83'ot• �000 �.a� '— C� pUBLtSHED JAN 2 41�70