247059 24'7Q�59 co,moil F5k xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' construct aTnl�°�derei�nedherebypropoeeethemal�iagofthefollowingpubliaimprovementbytheCityoi8aintPsul�vis.: � reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Erie St. fr� Michigan St. to Superior : St. .aud.bq doing all other work which is necessary and incideatal to complete ; .....sa.i.d...imF�ax�nt........................................................................................ ._..................._...»......»......--•---_.... Dated this.... 20th. day o�...............:......................Janu . ....,,1� . 7 ...... .���:�a.'� ...�.�.:...........____...._.... , -_.. _ �,��. � ; ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. �ItEAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.: construct aa or , reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Erie St. from Michi�an St._.to .Su�erior.St. i .........._...............................................................................---............---•----................................ , i ....apd...b.y...daing..a.Ll..�ntJ�e�..�nr.k..rahirh_z.s..aecessa�,�..axid..�c3.denta.l..-.ta..c,omple.te..................... said improvement. .................•-•----........_........-----•--..................___.............---..............---................._................---..............._......_....... ...... 6e►vin6 been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul....-------_.._...................................•-----...----..................... tb�efore� be it RffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated: 1. To inveatigate the neaeeaity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigste the ni►ture� extent and eatimated ooet of said'improvement� and the tot,sl ooat thereof. 3. To furnish a plsn, profile or eketch of aaid improvementi. • � 4. To etste whether or not esid ianpmvement ie seked for oa 4,he petition og three or more ownere. �' b. To report apon all of the foregoing mattere to the Crommieeioner of l�nsnae. Adopted by the Council.._..........-•.................._....:r 1�� �.�.���#:�� Ysne .lAN 20 1970 Councilman .Carlson J �� APPtoved.........................................._........._........... ��1�� Meredith Peterson . ' Tedesce ......_.:.......... ........ . . ........... .. Mr. President B�t�ne Mayor. �000 �.a � —O �� PUBLISHED JAN 2 4 19�d