247044 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � � 24'�Q 4�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �' COUNCIL RE�q UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / / COMMISSIONE ' � DATF �AS, The brid.ge that carries Ds1e St. aver the rig�,t-of-vay and. traeks ef the Great Northern Railway Co�pany was struck by a freight train on Oct. 3, 1969� eausing extens3ve d�ge and partial collapee oP the bridge, which neces- sitated the closing of the strueture to vehietil�ar trsffic; and W�AS, Because of the age of the atrueture and. as the br3dge �ras eon- structed wi.th `rrought iron, th� da�a�e infl.ictsd to the bridge is probably greater than can be readily deteeted and. therePore cannmt be econc�mieally restor�d to a safe aondition; and � WHEREAS, It is desir�d to remove the exieting damaged structure and construct a� ne�w bridge �rhich will a�eet present day deaign standards �rith prov3sions for ftiture traffic needs; and i� � � , Construction of a neir bridg� ean be expedited if the City of St. Paul orders the struetural metals S'or said a�r bridge in advance of th� ec>mpletion of the design for the entire bridge; be it �30LVED, That the Plans and Specifieations for FAB�I�ICATION and DII,IVERY OF S'TR�TEJRAL METALS Yor the DALE STREET HRIDGE ovQr the right-of-wny and. tracke of the �reat Northern Railve,y Company, as sub�itted bg the Cc�issioner of Public Works, be and the same ar� hereby approved; and. be it t�u�ther �SOLdED, Theit the Purchaaaing Agent 'be an�i he is her�by directed to r�dvertise �or bids on this improvement. O � � � C JAN 1 �, ���Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � Carlson '� ���o �_�Ij�� Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBIISHED JA(1� 1 7 �97� O UL couNCa �� /l��'� DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER C��( OF ST� PA �LE NO• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONE W�, The bridge that carries Dale 8t. over the right-of-waY ax�d tracks of the Great Northern Rs�il�ra.y Cc�oapany was struck by a freight trai�ich n�ces- 1g69, causin8 extenaive d�e � P�i� CO�P� of the bridg+e, sitated the closing of th� s�tructure to vehicular trat'�'ic; and WHEI�, Hecs�use of the age of the atructure eald a� the brid6probably structed w3.th �ught 3ron, the d�ama6e inflicted to th� bridge gxe�.ter t�hen aaa be readi-lY de'tected and 'f•here�'ore canuot be economically restored to a se�Pe condition; and. WH�;AS, It ia desired to r�ve the exiating damraged structure and. conatruct e� new brid.�e wh3ch will me�t Preaent day d,esign st,andards �ri'P.h Provis3ona tor fliture traff3c s�sedsT and W�RI',�E1,5, Construction of a new brid�e can be exped.3ted iP the City of St. Pau1 ord,ere the structural metal� �or said ne�r bridge in adveace of the campletion o�' the d�esi� for the entire bridge; be it ��pL�� �,t }�e plans and �ecifications for FAB�RICATION euzd DELNERY aF STRUCTURA�, METALS for the DAI�E STREET BRIDGE ov�r tbe right-of-way and tra.cks of the Great I�orthern Railw&Y Co��3'� a� submittea 'by the Caa�mmissioner of Public Works, be �nd. 'th� .Beme ar� hereby appraved; and be it f�irther RESpLVED, Tha,t the Parehsaing Agent be axid he is hereby directed to a.dvertise Por bids on this imPrarvem�nt. � v � , ' � ,'`' J�, : �� i`. �^;, � , :� `,,� . . _,,., �l�I� � � �:�F�4 Adopted by the Council 19--- COUNCILMEN Yeas NaYs - Carlson Approve� –19— , Daigrisir" - Meredith _____�n Favor Peteraon � Mayor Sprafku =,�,gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O