247041 ORIGINAL TO G7Y CLERK �/'r�0�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • LICFStsE Co�T� COUNCI RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY � January 1.6� 1.970 COMMISSIONE DATE Rk�OLVEI): �.at Application L-�1020 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 755s, expirin� Januasy 31� 1970, issued to Joseph G. �,nd Robert G. Tschida at 497 Wabasha. Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Sam Leifman at 2239 Ford Parkway. On Sale I,iquor TRANSFF�t (I,icensee � and *� Location� Informally approved by Council danuary 15, 1970 !AN ]. b 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .�A�1 I b �'7Q Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafka (� Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne Pl1BLISHED JAN 171970 �o • � � T ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Z ` � . ' Capitsl of Minnesota �.� O � j _ � � ' .r= / �e a�ti�e�t o k�`ic �a ct p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets NEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Dcputy ComaLdoner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieenx Inspeetor .Tanuary 15, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Sam Leifman is 3oined by Joseph G. a.nd Robert G. Tschida in makin� application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7558, eapiring January 31, 1970, from Joseph G. and Robert G. Tschida at 49? Wabasha Street to Sam Leifman at 2239 Ford Parkway, Currently Mr. Leifman will hold the liquor license at this address and also makes application for" Sunday-On-Sale Liquor, Restaa�ant, Tavern, Off Sale Malt Benerage and Cigarette Licenses which formal application will be made at some future date. This location has been licensed for a similax bueinese since May 1955. The last licens�e$, holdin� a simil8,ic license at thi� address, were the Highland Terra,ce, Inc. which license was recently transfersed to Ben L. Price as "Inactive." Mr. Leifmsr�. is in the citrus fruit groving business, erytruly yours, /� C ( C���CI � License Inspector <_,`s. r�}�'`°� � � �f � � ���$ 0 LAW OFFICE8 j - . • ROSEN, RAVICH & SIJMM.ERS � WILLIAM 6. ROSEN j ` • PAUL N. RAVICH � d30 08BORN BUILDINO JOSEPH P. SUMMER$ BAINT PAUL�MINNE80TA 5'3102 JAMES S.MOLME8 • TCL6PMpNE 227-7731 , wnu eooc eis • �, January 14, 1970 . ' The Honorable Mayor and Council • �• • � of the City of Saint Paul • . City Ha 11 ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � In Re: Sam Leifman -v- Highland Terrace, Inc. , • ' • a Minnesota corpora.tion, and Ben L. Price . Our File No. 3 5 67 ' . Gentlemen: ' This is to advise that plaintiff herein, Sam Leifman, agrees that if • the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the transfer of the • on-sale liquor license now held by Joseph G. and Robert G. Tschida • . at 479 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to Mr. Sam Leifman, . � . and the transfer of the location of such license from 479 Wabasha . , ' � • Street to 2239 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota, the plaintiff will . . dismiss the above entitled lawsuit with prejudice and without cost ' � ' to either party. . ' Sincerely, ' . ROSEN, RAVICH & SUMMERS . .� • - , By oseph P. Summers ' . � JPS:hh ;� • �:; , , , ,, , • , , . . .v , . 1 :, .. t ' january 14, 1970 , ,�.� � � V �Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul: , • T hereby apply for transfer of the on-sale liquor license currently held by joseph G. and Robert G. Tschida at 479 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minneaota, to me, Sam Leifman, and the transfer of the location of such license from 479 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, to 2239 Ford Park- ' way, Saint Paul, Minnesota. , _ _ - Sincerely, � S�AM LEIFMAN r . � , , � =�. � . C ITY flF SA INT PAUI� • DEPARTb�NT OF PUBLIC S�►FBTY . I,ICENSE DIVISI�T Date January 14, 1970 l. Sppliciatian for On-sale liquor license � Liaense 2. Nam,a of applioant Sam Leifman _ _ _ • __ _ 3. �Buainesa addreas Reaidenoe 5151 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, Fla. 4. Tre►de x�ame, if Qn�y Coleman's _ b. Retail Beer Federe►1 Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federe►1 Taa Stamp�11 be uaed. 1 6. C'�i what floor looated Number of roamos used'� ?. Bet�raen what croae atreet•s Whioh side of street ti4�,� ,• 8. Are premises aoar oaoup3ed What businese Haar long �� . - _ _ .......__ .. - -- � � __ _ 9. Are premi.aea now unooaupied Hoav long vaaant Previous use . _.._ _ ._ 10, �re you a new orymer ye3 Have you been in a s3milar busineea before No . 1Phere fiPhen . 11. Are you gaing to opere�te thie buain�sa personally No If not, who xill oparate it Unknown at present time 12. Are you in any other buaine8s at the p�eaent tim�e Citrus fruit grower _ _ _ . .. -- . ... . ... .....,. � 18. Eave there been any oomplainta againat your opsration of this type oP p]ace No 1Rhen il�here � - - ... . 14. Bave you ev�er had a�y lioenae xevolosd '+t res+�on and date ' , - -- ' 15. Are you a aitisea of the United States Nativ+e Naturalized XX �" ......_..... _ . . _.�......,...,_ 16. �ere w�ere you born Russia � Date of birth November 20, 1894 � _ _ � 17. �I �rried. My (wife's) (�re�ts) nam�a and address ia Ruth'Leifman, 5151 Collins Avenue, Miami.Beach, Florida � _�_ 18. (If marr3.ed femQle) �r ma3den name is � ____ ' l 19. Horr long have you lived in S�. Paul I lived in St. Paul for 55 years before movinq to Fla. ` 20• Have you ev�ar been arroeted N�iolatioa of wh�t oriminal law or ordinanoe�� 21, Are qou a regietered voter ia the Ci�y oP St. Pb►ul � Yes XX No. � (Anawer fully and oompletely. These a 'lioationa are thorou hl oheol�d and an fe►lai.fiaai:fan �rill be oauee for denial.� � , • • 22. N��mber of 3.2 p7aoes within two bloaks 23. Cloae$t intaaiaating liquor plaoe. L�i Sale OPf uale � 24. Neareet Churah Nearest Bohool 25. Number of bootha Tables Chairs S�ools 26. •1Nhat 000upation have you follovred for the past five y�eare. (Give namea of employrers Qnd datea eo employed.) Citrus fruit grower ' 2?. Give► ramea e�nd addresses of two persons, residente of 3te Pl�ul, Minns, who o�n give � informe►tion ooncerning you. �� William S. Rosen � Addreae 630 Osborn Bldg. , St. Paul, Minn. Name jules Braufman �ddrea Pioneer Bld . St. Paul Minn. _, � Si�natura o p ioant State of Minneaota � - sa C ounty of �m$ey � Sam Leifman tieiug firat duly sworn, depoaea and saya upon oat that he haa rea the foregoing statement bearing his eignature and latows the oontento th�sreof, and-tha�"the eam9 ia ti�ue� of his own l�vwledge exaept as to . thoae m�tters therein atated upoai inform�tion and belief and as to thoae matters he bmliev�ea them to be true. igaatare licant Subeor3bed snd aworn to before me thia 14th day of Tanuary 19�� , , �� :�' z/ -, _ . _ � �±1?.' ,/ ��-�GC-r7�_!)�� NO b131�'�9�A�0�1'�:3►> 9 80ti61 .. otary Public, Washin¢ton County, Minn. �1 C0�].S���S���July l. 1976. , ' � (�ote� Theae ata�ement forms are •iu� duplioate:""Both oopiea imaast be Fu11y filled out; � y : ; � note�rized, a►nd returnsd to the Lioenee Divisfon.�— . . . . . ' . . ... - .. . � . A r . � .� .. - .. - . . . . � �.. r , � _ � ..... . . . . . . . . . .. � ,. �� . . . ' . . , .. . � ' ' . . . _ , . t�� ..N. .. . � . . .. . � .. . . ./. . . . . .. .. , . ..� .. . . . ...... . . ...:v . '� .. � . . . . . . , . .. . . ,. ' . . .' �. �. .. . . . . . . . �. '. . � �.. �. ;, . .. . ... . ..�_. � . �..�.. . . . . . . .. . . � . � � �. � . . � . . .. . . . . . . :: , . . . . � � . . . . , . . .. ...... . . .... . ... .. . . . .. . . , . �.. . . �._ _ _ . _.�_._. ` . . , . . . . � . . ���'. ` . . AFF ID.�V IT B Y APPL ICANT � . • FOR ` RETA II, BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re i On�,Sale Liqoar Liaense Name of applioant Sam Leifman Busineas address 5151 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida License to be located at Coleman's Restaurarit, 2239 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, Minnesota ' Are you the aole owner of thia bueinesa? Yes. IP not, is it a partnership? oorporat3.on? , ot�her? Others intereated in businesa, include those by loan of money, property or other�rises �s� None Address Haw Premises is mortgaged for $100,000.00 to Carl Chalfen, Morris Chalfen, . and Sam Golden. This will be paid off by proceeds of anticipated sale. If a o orporation, give ita nama Are you intereated in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bueinesa? No Ae eole oamer? Partner? Stookholder? � Other�rise? (Through loan of money, eto. .Explair�) pddresa oP auoh buaiaess and nature of interest in same , , 1 ' Signature of pp oant State of Minneaota sa County of �msey - Sam Leifman being first duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that he a read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and ]�nawa the aontents thereoP; that the same ia true of hie own lainwledge, except as to thoae mattera therein etated upon infor�tion and belief and as to those m�ttera he believes them to be true., , ignature oP a oant . � Subsoribed and sworn to before me thia 14th day of January � 19 70. :� .':-tt.�L—»-n-- _ Notar Publia, �ase,� County, �i.nnesota . HOPE R. HORMAN D�/ 00�11L�8�iD� eapfR'��shington County, Mir�i� my COm►PIISSIOfl Y � . "'�� • i . ^ Jan. 15, 1970. Hoa. William T. CarLon, Caosr. ot Public Safety, Textth and Minn. Sts., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: I+�. Dsniel P. McLaughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today inPormal],y apprcrved the sppli- cation oP Sam Leif�nan, �oiried by Joaeph G. �r�d Robert G. Tschida, for the transfer of' On Sale Liquor License No. 7558, expiring January 31, 1y70, Pro�► Jaseph G. and Robert G. Tschida at �+97 Wabasha Str�eet, to Sam Leiflnan at 2239 Ford Parkway. ALSO the application of Mr. Leifman, who holda the liq�or lic�naa at this address, for Su�y-On-Sale Liq�or, Reataurant, Tswern, Off 3ale Mdlt Beverage ar� Cigaret�� licenses which lormal applicati� �rill be made at sc�a�e future date. Will yeu please prepare the custamary resolutionsY Very truly ytx�rs, City Clerk hp