247024 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �L��o�/4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , LIC�3+TSE COMMITTF� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL SO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY aT8�11L18.1'y 1.5� 1970 COM M I551 ON E DATF WSE�EASs Froper notice ha.s been received as to chan� of officer in the First Grarid Avenue Liquors, Inc., 918 Grand Avenue, holders of OfP Sale L3.quor �,icense No. 2383, expirin� Januazy 31� 1970, therefore, be it RF�SOLPr�Da That James C. Hellin� having resigned the office of Secretary, and Hubert W. Renchin becom:i.ng the S�cretary with no stock involved, be aud the s ame ie hereby approved. Off Sale Liquor Establishment Change tJfficexs Informally approved by Council January 13� 1970 Appn. 8804 exp. 1-31-70 A�pn. 474 �. 1-31-71 JAN 15 1�:� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19—. Yeas Nays Car�son JAIV 1 � 1971D Dalglish Approved 19_ Meredith .�n Favor Peterson Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED JAN 1 ? 1970 0 • . ' CITY OF �SAIN� PAUL � � , Capital of Minnesots � . . /, c � � �G� �e a�ti�e�t o a�lic c�a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH F►RE rnorECrtox WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ItOGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commla�ioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieen�e Inspector January 13, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently the First Grand Avenue I,iquors, Inc. axe holders of Off Sale Liquor License No. 2383 and miseellaneous licenses, all expirin� January 31, 1970, at 918 Grand �venue. James C. Helling, the Secretary of the corporation, on record havin� resigned this office, ha,s been replaced by Hubert W. Renchin as Secretaxy. N1r. Helling held no stock nor will Mr. Renchin, in the corporation. Frederick W. Thorne, Jr. remains as President and Norma Jean Thorne remains as Yice-president; and Mr. Thorne is the sole stockholder. Attached is a copy of Mr. Hellin��s resi�nation and a copy of NIr. Renchin's application for tha,t office. Mr. Renehin has been associated with this firm as an employe since 1964. ery truly yours, ���` � � License Inspector O i I TELEPMONE 225-6501 . , _ . ��� (��rtt�td ,�.up�t�Yr �������r,�, �i�.r. . , Member National Telefood LAROEST SELECTION IMPORTED WINE9 IN SAINT PAUL 91B GRAND AT MILTON SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 ' _ Januar� 3, 1970 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin Licenae Inapector ; . City of St. Paul ' . � Department of Public Safety Tenth & Minneaota Streets C lty - Dear Mr. McLaughlin: � This ia to advise you that there has been no change in stock or ownerehip or in other words there has been no changec' ' � whatsoever in the ownership or operation of my . I� buainess (First arand Avenue Liquors Ina. ) other than the election oP a new' Searetary (Mr. Hubert W. R�enehin) . Mr. Renchin has been in my employ for the past PiQeyeara and in my 3udgment � � I find it more convenient and practieal to have the Secretary right in the store. �� Yours very truly � � • Frederick W. Thorne Preaident / _ � /.�''.. G�N��� ry y ..��/�'`��; II� , TELEPHONE 2Z5-6501 1,�# (��tt.�t� ,�.u���r �rt�q�.t�arx��, ��. Member Nation,al Telefood LARGEST SELECTION IMPORTED WINES IN SAINT PAUL 91B GRAND AT MILTON SAINT PALJL, MINNE50TA 55105 ssp���ber 19. �.9b� 20 1�hom it r�y Qoncern3 �, J�te• 4. �Slliq,� do hereb� sta�s th�Z I h�►» ��ign�d an Aear�- t�r�► of F��t t�r�an� A�nrta� Liq�or�, Ina. tor tht rs+�scn the�t I hawe other bc��ine�s 1nte•• r�etp and he.te movsQ Zo xlAneapolis :n4 there— fore tind it ��r7 inoomr�salent to e�y ou ia th�a� poeitio�. f .. �,��>� � , � ?�� - s . �g . Habsoribe� �rsd e�r» ta batora a� -�•�� %� � � � �hla 1��d�y ot �:.� � 9,..: { Notsry� Fubiis, it�m�ey �Co�unt'* tt3n�e�ta My Oomais�ion sx�i�ea �-' 9.,,,Z`� c,£_,789 �ti�~ � ,��� � JAh 1970 � �_, � �:; ;.. �: � FIVED c� � ti�E DIV. � <`'� � i f�ubiic Safety � c�`��'�'�f�, �,�"$� �f��� � CITY {7F SAIldT PAUL � DEPART�NT �' PfT$LIC SAFETY LiCEI�TSE DNISIdN Da te iT�ti�►�' � 19� 1. Appl.ioatia�. Por d ' Licen�e 2, Na� of applic�nt 3. •Buainesa addreas��1� E��#�d Ay*. _ Residenos_ 4� �IQ1i� ♦1+�1f�p1'� �o Tre�de name, if an�r �'irs# �}1�Ad.�'rrntu� �.i��t+� Ls 50 8etail Beer Faderal Tax Stamp Retail I,iquor Federal Tax Stam.p w�ll be usedo 6. t� what flotsr lcoated #��•o� l�p��* Number of rocm�,s used°: ee� 7e Betw�sen �at croaa streeta �iltan b �t�otori�nich side of atrest SOY�_ 8. �re premisea naw oaaupied �41� ylThhat businesa �tf $a��,t� L��ne�l�io�r long �' �'iii"� . . 9. �re premises nor�r uaocoupied�Haw long ve,cant Previous use 10, �re you Q new v�mer�0 Ha4e you been in a similar buai.nees before • { l . . '�18I'9� + `., .{ , ,t + �Ai3 11. Are you going to oper�te �hia business personally � c I� not, arho will oparate i� � � 12. Are you in any other business at ths gresent time �► � ," � ' • ` � ' ' +" _ � 13. Have there been any oc�plaints againat your oparstion oP this type of plaee YPhen 1Rh.e re L � � .,; -._ 14. Hav� yo�i'�v�ez� had�any liee�ae rFe�oksd��9lhat reas on az�i date 15. Are yoc� a aitisen of the United S`�ates �`�# Nati�re �+�� Naturalized "x!� _�� 16. lfhere w�ere you bo� �'�. l�aul Mit� Date of birth� A�� 1�2� . 17. I am.�_married. My (wife 8�) (h��11"�RX�f�name and addres� is �h�'�.ij '! ��AOh�t +Ji� �or�tb Yto�ori�► 8� �aul��i�► 18. (If marriad female) my maiden name i� 19. Ho�r lon.g heve yo� lived in St e Paul �►11 �► I�PO �k4 y'M►�"� - 20o Have you e�er been srreated � Yiolation of what ariminal la� or ordixtancse 21. 11re you a regiatered voter in the Ci�r of $t e Psul � Yes Noe (Ans�er fully and completelye Theae a �lieatioas are thorou hl checlosd anci a falaifioation. �rill be cause for enu�lo 22, l�umber uf 3.2 p]aoes within txo blooks �nx�s 23. C].o+�est i�atoxicating liquor plaoeo t�i S�le �► ���y,�_ 4Pf Sale 24. I�earest Churah . ], ���� Nearest Sahoul_� b�t,,, 25. Number of bootha Tablea Chaire Stoola 26. 'i�t occup�tion have you follow!ed for the past five y�oarse (Give r�ames of amploy�sr� and datea eo emplayed.) � lirs� ar.na Arr. L r�► x 27, Giv�e► aamea and addresses o� t�ro peraons, residents oP St� l�ul, �.nne, �rho csaa gi�e in.�oa�ro��ian oonoerning youe Name ��! �#�� Addre s e 1@�9 �i� i+rr A_t �iliil ��AN I�ame 1�. �. LIIEi3* �lddresa "�sG�w�� „ ` Signature oP pp soan Sta�e oP Yinrbs aota� C ounty �f �eq �a$ �,,(_ 6 . . being f3r�t duly s�rorn, depoaee aral say� upon � he rea e orego n.g �tatement bearing h3.e signature and l�o�ra the co�ttente thareoP, and�that�the aaa� is �rue- of hi� oro�n l�awledge exoept aa to thoae meittera` there3.n a�ated upon infozznation and belief and as to thoae matters he belie�eb tham to be true. � � Signa'ture of Jlpplieant b�zbaoribed e�rn to or me ' thie J d af 9 � No z^y blic, Ramsey County, , eaota � �r Cenroniasion eapirea ���—c� �— � • � (Note� Theae �tatement forms are in duplicate. �Both copiea auxet be fully filled outa notarized, and re�txr.n.ed to the Liaense Diviaiono�— • � AFF ID.AV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER �R LIQUOR LICENSE Re s Q Sale Lioense Name of applicant Habert �!. ReAOh1A �- Business addreas 918 ara�d A�ren�xA — St. P�111� �IlAA� e�u 8 t i�II � Are �rou the sole awner of this business? j,j�� If not9 is����tnership`� j�jp corporation� Yes otsher4 No � Others interested in bus�.ness, include those by loan of' m.oney, property or otherwiaes Nam� FrederioY W. Tiiorn� Jlt�aress 1?91 eerkeley Ave xo�w O�,mer .—(C� � �f a csorporation, give its na� Firat t�re►nd Avenus L3quore Ino. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busineas? 'ip As aole oa�raer? Partner? Stoeskholder? Othe�ise? (Through loan of moneya etce Explain� Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same r Signature of applicant State of M3nnesota� )as C ount� of' �msey ) K/. � being first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oa�h that he has read the 'foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and l�.�ts the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own lrnowledgea except as to thoae �atters there3.n stated upon inforr�tion and belief Qn.d as to those matters he believes them to be true. �le�%wC�� �, � Signature of applicant Subaoribed sworn o ef�re me thia da �of , 7 � � Nota blic, Ramse� County, Minnesota My aarcun�ssion expires � 2 d 19� � . . � STA2'E i� �INNESOTA) � S$ CI�UNTY OF RAMUSEY Sttbert W. RdriOh1A being firat auly avrorn, doth depoae and say that he makes this affidavit in connsction with appliaa�ion for " Sale" liquor licenae (" Sale" malt beverage license� iu the eity of Sain Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a re�ident of the State uf �tinnesota and haa reaided tharein f or !}}} years, mon.ths, and is nou� and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rsaident of said Sta�e and that he now resides at gp q g $ � Addresa 8 P u , Mi�nesota. Cit�r or To�+rn � n,, � �;lJr Subsoribed and a�rorn. to before me this '� day of 19 7 c� _�y� �� �� o#�ry blia, Ramaey C unty, 1Vlinnesofi� My aommisaion expirea�Z c� ' •�? � � Jan. 13� 1970. Hon. William E. Carlson, Camsr. of Public Safety, 101 E. Tenth St., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. NkI,aughlin Dear Sir: The Citv Council today informally approved the application of the First Grand Avenue Liquors, Inc., holders of OPf Sale Liquor. Licer.se No. 2383, and Miscellaneous Licenses, all expiring Januaxy 31, 1970, at 918 Grand Avenue, for a change in officers as follaws: Frederick W. Thorne, Jr. remains as President an,d Norma Jean Thorne remains as Vice-president� and. N�. Thvrne is the sole stockholder. James C. Helling having resigned as Secretary, thie office will be held by Iiubert W. Renchin. Mr. Helling held no atock nor will Mr. ReYrchin. Will you please prepare the custanary resolution? Very truly yours, City Clerk hp