247022 ORf61NAL TO CITY CLERK �Ly�� J� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� � ' ���� OFFICE OF T E CITY CLERK ��E NO. CO�INCIL RES N N�RAL FORM PRESENTED BY ¢ .� ' COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, the City has contra�ted �rith Van Scoyoc & Wiskup, Tn�. to make a study of ga� and eleQtr3.c rates b�3.ng charged the pe�ple of Saint Paul and to p=epare and give testiman� p�rtaining theretof �nd WHEREAS, the $50,000 budgeted afld pronided for f�e� and ex- p�ns�� und�r s�id contract have be�n exp�nded and it appear� that it will be nece�sary to spend additivnal fund: in the amo�t of $10,00U for said Van Scoyoc & Wiskup, Inc. to eomplete the afore- mentioned workj now, ther�fore, be it R�SOLVPn, Th�t the additional fees a�d expenses� und�r said �ontract a=� authorized and dir�eted to be charged tempor�rily to Speci�l Revenue Fund 308�, Asmory Real l:states and be it FURTHER R��OLVED, Tha�t th� Council hezeby suthorizes and directs th� Comptroller to in�l�de in his 1971 Budget Fstim�te an item sufficient to repay to Special ReveM�e Fund 308�. Armory Real �st�te, sueh sums as are drawn from ��ch fund by reason of the eo�tract aforesaid, and the Co�ncil hereby expre�ses its intention to make auc� appropriation in its 1971 Budg�t, unless earlie= p=ovision i� made pur�uant to Charter Section 2�3.3. f ORAR P c;o��w►H c�'�"'., JAN 15 1��Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson J�N 1 a �J�� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � rn Favor Peteraon � Sprafku ` 1 Mayor V Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byr-ne P�BI.ISHED �AN 171970 O