246992 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /�h"�� .- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa w ��J ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. f OU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLV�D, by th� Co�ncil of the City of Saint Paul, that the Corporation Counsel, having made written request s�eki�g the authority to �ppoint Speei�l Counsel, is he�eb� �uthorized to appoint Nortc�n M. �Ia�tlie as �3pe�ial Counsel of th� City of S�is�� Paul to handle utility rate h�arings as �ay b� a:signed by the Corpor�tion Coun�el at � compensatiott ot $75.00 per diem, s�id compens�tion to b� p�yable upon receipt by the Corpor�tior� Counsel of ar� it�mized billing s�bmitted by said �pecial Counsel. FUf2M APPRO '�D CORAORATION CQUNS�Et,�'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�AN 13 1��� 19— Yeas Nays �AN � 3 1��(� Carlson Dalglish � Approver� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafk� � Mayor �.._ A gainst PUBLISHED JAN 171970 Mr. President, Byrne • �� /�����2 ��TY o THOMAS J.STEARNS - ' 223-5121 ��.a� '`� dOli i!.-fk!@IQOfleD r � � ARTHUR M. NELSON o '' JEROME J.SE6AL '�` �' THOMAS M. MOONEY �''' �w'�� �c KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK �y���s PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. �����+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL �OSEPH E.CI�RTNRI6HT R.SCOTf DAVIES PAUL J.KELLY PIERRE N. RE6NIER Spacial Auistant LE6AL DEPARTMENT 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Mienesota 55102 Daniel A. Kl�s �seeier-,r.ro�o�rret� Corporation Counsal January 13, 19?0 �v' � J � '.�.� The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council Gentlemenz At the pres�nt ti.me th� Office of the Corporation Counsel has two vacanci�s, one of which has b�en till�d temporarily by contracting with a locsl law firnn, �s previously communic�ted to the Mayor and Couneil. We are still faced with the problem of providing adequate repreaentation for the City in the matter of the r�te h��rings with Northern 3tates Power Company. The late Robert E. O'Connell was the only person in the office who had any experience or expertise in th�:e matters. During the past week I hav� been r�egotiating with one Norton M. Hatlie, attorn�y-at-law. M=. Hatlie mo,�t reQ�r�tly was employed as Chief Counsel for the Minnesota Public Service Com�t►is:ion and for some time b�fore that �s Chief Counsel for the North Dakota Public Servi�e Commission. IIe has had extensive experience in rate matter� and tried several cases with Northern St�te: Power Company. Mr. Hatlie ha� l�ft th� Minnesota Public 5ervice Com�aission to go into prinate practive. He is available on a fe� basis ot $75 per day. A� Corporation Counsel for the City of Saint Paul, I hereby requ�st approv�l, purst�ant to Section 178 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, to ente= into a contra�t with Mr. Hatlie a� special �ounsel to handle the v�ry important matter ot the �orthern Statea Power Comp�ny gss and �l�ctric rate hearings. Very truly yours, ���r'�P� Danie�l A. Kla� Corporation Counsel DARa js