03-573I Council File # �3 �5�.� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 106368 OF Sl�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To at Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, State law and the Ramsey County Solid Waste Master Plan require that recycling is offered to all residents, and City Code Chapter 357 establishes recycling requirements; and WHEREAS, Sec. 6.05(3) of the City of Saint Paul Administrative Code, Division of solid waste and energy, provides that "Under the supervision of the city engineer and [Public Works] director, the division shall...Coordinate and administer any assigned duties involved in the planning, construction and maintenance of solid waste disposal or resource reclamation facilities including cogeneration facilities or other energy-producing facilities"; and WHEREAS, City participation in and promotion of recycling and other waste diversion and reduction strategies conserves valuable resources, is the sustainable way to conduct business, and significantly reduces the volume of material disposed at landfilis and incinerators, thereby minimizing disposal costs; and � 5 WHEREAS, a resource recovery-based economy will continue to create and sustain many productive and 16 meaningful jobs in Saint Paul and Ramsey County, and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has entered into a Recycling Services Agreement with The Neighborhood Recycling Corporation dba Eureka Recycling through December31, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Recycling Services Agreement guarantees no increase in per ton costs through 2013, provides a firm foundation for financing and implementation of a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) for Saint Paul, and could provide an independent market of last resort for other Ramsey County municipalities and WHEREAS, development of independently owned processing capacity for Saint Paul is essential to effective waste diversion, will help protect residents from unnecessary recycling service fee, other tax and county environmental charge increases by stabilizing costs, and increases private sector competitiveness by providing a neutral processing facility for independent haulers; and WHEREAS, Eureka will begin collecting recyclables throughout Saint Paul on April 17, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City and Eureka Recycling intend to increase recycling services in 2004-5, by changing the collection system from bi-weekly source-separated collection to weekly two-stream (all paper in one bin(s) and all containers in another bin(s)) collection with plastic bottles; and WHEREAS, the City's savings from lower processing costs and increased revenue sharing from the Eureka MRF could exceed $4,000,000 over 10 years; and WHEREAS, each District Council has passed a resolution of support for the project; and a 41 42 43 44 45 46 03 -S�3 WHEREAS, financing for the facility includes the following: paper company capital investment of $750,000; Eureka Recycling capital investment of $250,000; City funds contribution of $600,000 previously approved in CF 02-972 and CF02-1161; Office of Environmental Assistance has committed a$100,000 grant for an optical sorter; and Westem Bank of Saint Paul loan to Eureka Recycling in the amount of $1,000,000 for equipment; and q.� WHEREAS, PED's analysis shows that an additional $900,000 ten-year level debt City loan can be 48 amortized from the Eureka cash-flow projections; and 49 50 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2003 budget; and 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund Financinq Plan 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund 9830 Use of Fund Balance 7302 Transfer from Ent. Fund All other Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Current Budget $126,560 $5,488 2 538 928 $2,670,976 Change $770,458 $146,042 $0 $916,500 Amended Budget $1,043,060 $151,530 $2.538.928 $3,587,476 Spending Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 232 Solid Waste & Recycling Fund 32401-0218 Fees - Attorneys $0 $3,000 $3,000 32401-0219 Fees - Other Prof. Services $37,858 $13,500 $51,358 32401-0519 Outside Loans $0 $900,000 $900,000 All other Spending the Same 2 633 118 $0 $2,633,118 Total Spending Plan $2,670,976 $916,500 $3,587,476 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council adopts above additions to the 2003 budget. 7� FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Directors of Public Works and PED or their 71 designees to negotiate final terms for a loan of $900,000 from the City's Solid Waste and Recycling 232 72 Fund's unreserved fund balance as a key final step in completing the financing for the project. 73 74 75 Y EdS enana�l ,/ a eB7Tc p � ✓ os ro� � ,� Coleman 'I Harris Lantry I � ei e� ✓ Absent Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �, a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved By`I�i�yor: Date _ � �, Public Works By: /l�C"�J'7/i0� � N�/ � Approval Recommended by O ice of � Financial S�rvic s Director: l`0 By: ��� Form Approved by City Attorney: by Mayor for � DEP(+j2TMENflO�FICE/CAUNdL ATE INITIATED � PGbtic Warks 4-7-2003 GREEN NO. 1 �-� INI71ALlDATE — CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � BOLS3II�QlIISY 3�DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR O CIT'COfJNCIL ASSIGN NUYBERFOR OC�An�RNEY O CITMd.EPoC MUSTBEONCWNGLAGENDABY(DA'f� RWrING ❑BUOGETDIRECTOR q❑ FlNSMGT.SERNCES 416-2003 � 6QMAYOR(OF2ASSISTAMJ ❑ TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (dJPALLLOC/iIOtSFORSK+NANRE7 t��ATE _ 2��P�Ti'�ENTACWUNT ACiION REQUESTED Resolution authorizing negotiation of $900,000 loan to Eureka Recycling from Solid Waste and Recycling 232 Fund balance for construction of a MateriaLs Recovery Faciliry (MRF) to process Saint Paul's recyclables. RECOMMENDAnONS:Apprwe (A) w Rejm (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUSTANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMM15510N _CMLSP2VICECAMMISSION � ryasMispersor✓firmeverxrorkedunderacomraciforMisdeparoneni? CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO STAFF 2. Nas ihis persoNfirm ever been a ary employee? A — YES NO — DISTRICT COUNQL _ 3. Do2S ihiS pCr50NflRn possess a Skill flOt nOrtn211y pOS5E55ed by any CUREn[ City EmpIOyEE? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLOBJECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answ¢rs on separate sheet antl aHach to green sheet INITATNG PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORNNIT/(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHYJ: The City/Eureka Recycling Services Agreement guarantees no increase in per ton costs through 2013, and provides a fum foundation for fuiazicing and implementation of a Materials Recycling Facility (MKF) for Saint PauL After several years of analysis by Public Works, PED and NEC/Eureka Recycling of oprions for best program perfoiu�ance, a MRF owned and operated by Eureka Recycling has the best potential to achieve the mutual objectives of increased resource recovery and stable costs through 2013. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City and Eureka Recycling will expand recycling services to Saint Paul citizens in 2004-5, by changing the collection system from bi-weekly source-sepazated collection to weekly two-stream (all paper in one bin(s) and all containers in another bin(s)) collection with plastic bottles. The Eureka Recycling MRF will support the expanded service. The MRF could also provide an independent market of last resort for recyclables collected by other Ramsey County municipalities. Every District Council has passed a resolut� #�q�,s�pjro����e project. . ;.�.,,.: M �� oisnovnrrrnces r� nvarzweo: �'� �� « � ' �� , None. Analysis by STAR Prograxn staff concludes that sugficient collateral and assets exist t� amortize the loans. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVE6 Without fihe MRF, the City may need to curtail the recycling program and/or increase the recycling service fee significantly to cover increased processing costs from private vendors over time. Total project cost is $3,600,000. Previously committed financing: paper company capital investment of $750,000; Eureka Recycling capital investrnent of $250,000; City funds contribution of $600,000 previously approved in CF 02-972 and CF02-1161; Office of Environmental Assistance has committed a$10�,000 grant for an optical sorter; and Westem Banlc of Saint Paul loan to Eureka Recycling in the amount of $1,000,000 for equipment. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTONE $B9B'BP10 �/G SOt7� COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) yEg r+o FUNDtEIG SOURCE ���d Waste and Recvcling Fund 232 ACfMN NUMBER 32401 FINANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) There is sufficient cash balance in Solid Waste and Recycling Fund 232. The reserved amount will be reduced annually as the loan is amortized.