246969 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ��`�V`./q.� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` CO C RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF W'E�;3, it ha.� been made to appear t�at filing oP affidavits of candidacy for Citg offices for the City �'rim�ry Eleetion to be held on March 14, 1970 close� og Feb�uaPy 17, 1970; �na WI�R�A,3, It Purtl�mr appsar� that the clo�ing date.� for filing such affidavit� of candidacy is also by �tate Statut�e the last day to register for voting fQr the City Primary Slection and the ofPice� of the Bureau of Bleetions is ��qui�ed to be open until 9 P.M. f or the registration of voters; tr�d � W�S, it ha� been the prqetico for many �ea.rs to �.ccept r�ffidavit� of candidac�r on the last cla;� of filing until 9 P.M. ofl said final day on tha basis that the office i� opmn �or re�i�trationa until th�.t hour; �d WH�R�3, it appears that there is no eapreasly demignated timm under law a� the ti�e for filing affidavit� of candidacy, now, theref'ore, b• it RBS�LVF�D, That the Coun�il of the �it�r of �aint Paul hsreby direet�. the C�.ty Clerk to �ecept affid�.vit� of candid�cy for City biPf3.cas at ,the B��eau of �lection� until 9 P.�. on Februarg 17, 1970. JAN 13 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays car�son JAN 13 1�70 Dalglish /' Approve� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ` Sprafk2 � Mayor A gainst m„•—r�— Mr. President, Byrne Pt1BLiSHED �aN 17 �s7o �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �A����C� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF W�iER�.�aS, It ��� be�n znade �o �.�pa�.r ��a�� f ilin�; af ai'i'idavits �f crandi.d�cy f`or �.ity� offic�s for ���� C:Lty :�'r3.:m�ry �:lection to be r��lc� on .f4mrch 10, 19'7d cic�sns on �'ebruarY 17, 1370; �nd WI�iE�3�£�AS, �t furth�r ap�.aears t:�:�.� trie cl�s�.xr� d.�.i,e fur filin� such af'fid€�vi�s of candidacy is also by Statm St�atute tn� la�t d�y tc� ret;istor fUr voting far the City I'rizn��ry �:1oct�.an arxd the officc� of tY�o i3ur�au of Electic�n� is r�qu:ir�c� �c� �e open unti.l 9 }'.P�. for tl�ie re��i�tr�a�iQn of voters; and W�ti��,�R1i;l�.S, it ha� laeen the pr�c�ice �'or rnany y�ar� ta aec��at affidavits a�' candidau�- an tl�.e lns� day oF fil:i.n� until � P.�'�I. on sd�.d �"in�l c�ay nn the bagis th�t thc� off:ice `is open �°or re�;is�rat:3.�ng unt.i.l tYi:zt riaur; �.nd t�1�3ER:C..�S, it �ppe�rs that there is no oxpros:�ly desi�n�.ted ta.me und�r law �.s t.�e tizr�e for �':i.lira� at".�'idav3ts ni' candidacy, now, therefore, be it � R��SOLV"�;D, That t}Ze Counci7. of tka.e C�.ty of ��int 1'aul hereb� d�.rects tkxe �;ity C:1�rk �o �c:,e�at aff:id�.vits v� c�did�.ey fcar City t�f�ice� �.t t'r�e �3ureau caf Llect3.�n� until 9 P.�7. on February 17, 197a• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�� � °� ���� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��`�«; z F ,�-4;� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafku � Mayor A gainst m + '�'CUC.`SCV--� Mr. President, Byrne O ��