246962 2469fi2 co,��u�xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT • and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby propoeee�hemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City ot 8aint Psul,vis.: 6r�da and sarfac� with bite�aai�ous �steriai and construct coe�crete curb an� gutter oa IVY AVEN�E frc�oA Farrington St. to Matilda St. Also construct stona water drainage fa c i i i t i es........��_�.�?�'.�.................................................... ...................................................................................._... Dsted thie.......13Sh�....�.daq of.....Janua ry......................... " ._,���r� ...............��f��.�._.�............_.-----... ......�...... counoiiman. PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for tbe making of the following improvement, vis.t 6rade and surfsce aith bitu�inous aiaterial and coRStruct concrete curb aAd 9utter oA ...........................................................................................___............._...................----............................................................__ IVY AVENUE fro� Fsrri�gton St. to Matilda St. Also co�struct stor� aater drainage ......................•---................_............._...................._.._......................._...............................-----••--•-----•--.......................................... faci.l i t i es.......��-1-�2'��.......................___....._......._.........................---..............................---.........-•---....-----... ...... .......................................................................•----___..................................................._.......--•...._........_.......------------.................... hsving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_..................................................................... _.... therefore, be it RE$OLVED, That the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the aecessity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature�extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the totsl ooat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. - 4. To atate whether or no�esid improvement ie askecY for on�he petitio�of three or more owners. b. To report upon sll of 4,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finsnoe. JAN 13 1�7� Adopted by the e:ouncil................................... ......-------.......----........ Y�wwe Councilman Carlson �AN 1 3 1970 De l l i s h �lpproved.........................._........................_.............. g ��,�.�:�.� �d Meredith Peterson �� ......».. ..... ........•-- Mr. President BX�rre M83'°r• �000 9�6i � '"� PUBLISHED JAN 171970