246954 ��� No 2`��95� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6aunderaignedhereby propoeeethemakingofthefol�owingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8sint Psul,vls.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln Ave. from P'inn St. to Cretin ' Ave. and b doin all other work which is necessar and iacidental to com�lete �..............»...,x........__$_....-•-----•---..................................---_............»........Y......»........................._................ ............._.... . said im�rovement;-•-•........................................................_............................................_................... .._......._.... Dsfsd thie. 13th»....dsy of.............................JanuarY. .. .. .. 1 70 -- - .... ......:��_�'�.. . ......... ................... ...... �.cZ�G',��.� � Connoilman. PRELIMINARY OItDElt. � WHER,EA$ A writtea ro , p poeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.: ,� ,�1�� reconstruct„the sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln Ave fro� Fian St. to Cretin , .................._....._.... .........�...._......................................_____................................,.................._....._..._.._._..._......._.........___ ! Ave. and by doing all other work �hich is necessary and incidental to cos�plete � ...............................................................................__..._.................................................................---.......---...»................---._...... isaid..im�rovement:..............................___............._................................................. .......---......._.....---...... ._ ...........................................................................---.._..............------•--................__.....---...----.._.......................---•--........................_ having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..............._.............._.._.................._................ _.... therefore, be it R.E$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worka be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neoeeeity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent snd eetimated ooet of said improvement� and the totsl cost thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To stste whether or ao�eaid improvement ie seked for oa 4,he petition of three�r more ownere. 6. To report npon all of t,he foregoing mattere to the Gmmieeioaer of Finanoe. Adopted by the ConnciL......................................J A N..1.3..19��N«.. Y�ss ;��� ? 3 197� Councilman .Carlson � Da l l ish Approved.........._..............».........................._............. g ����,�� He�� Meredith Peterson =e�e�,--- : ... ..... . '...... .......:... Mr. President B�t�rre Mayor. �000 �-s� �� PUBtISHED JAN 171�79 U