246949 ORIGINALaTO CITY CL6RK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONE r� ' � ��' �- �` � DATF � � � I�SOLVEU, Upon the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Immanuel Lutheran Church, as owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul, zoned in "A" Kesidence District, under the Zonin� Code, and described as Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 6, Summit View Addition, and located on the east side of South Snelling Avenue between Lincoln and Goodrich Avenues, that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the ex- tent necessary therefor, and the 15-foot required parking lot set- back hereby is waived; FURTHER RESOLVED, Upon due consideration of the pertinent application of Immanuel Lutheran Ch�rch, owner of the subject nremises, si�uate in the City of Saint Paul and described as Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 6, Summit View Addition, that a permit hereby is �ranted unto said Immanuel Lutheran Church for the enlargement of its presently authorized and existing off-street parking facility, established on said premises, by the increase of the present and heretofore authorized car capacity of the same to 59-car capacity parking spaces, all in accord- ance with the plan therefor, dated Received September 29, 1969, here- �; with filed, subject to the chan�es on a new revised plan as suggested � � by the Zonin� Board and Traffic Engineer; further subject that said �� � '�� Immanuel Lutheran Church and its successors and assi ns shall compl 3`; g s Y n� with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes � � k=; z1�"js � and rules and regula�ions of public authvrities having co�nizance. ... •• ¢ i� � � � � JAN 13 1'J�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �N � 3 ���� Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith _ T� Favor Peterson Sprafka 1� Mayor A gainst .-�ee�r,�re-- Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED JA� 17 �s7a � ' • �'$ o .4A � �4�� �� � o (Mt , BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 � PHONE: 223-4151 December 10, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal and application of Immanuel Lutheran Church to waive the setback and permit the enlargement of a parking lot on property located on the east side of South Snelling Avenue between Lincoln and Goodrich Avenues. This property is further described as: Lots 9, 10, and 11, Biock 6, Summit View Addition. These matters were considered at the November 20, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the appeal requests that the 15-foot required parking lot setback be waived indicating a variance of 100 percent. It was noted that a parking lot was first approved for this property in 1961 and was enlarged in 1965. Present plans call for an enlargement to a 59-car parking lot, which has been installed under an informal approval granted by Council prior to this application. The staff concluded that by redesigning the lot, 60 cars could be accommodated without a variance on the setback requirement and that no hardship is claimed or apparent. Regarding the application for a permit, the staff noted that submitted plans did not meet design standards and revised plans had not been received. The Traffic Engineer indicated in his comments that any alley access should not be located adjacent to the east-west alley in this block. The staff further noted that a revised plan had been suggested to the applicant which would meet all design standards, the approval of the Traffic Engineer, and eliminate the need for the setback appeal. The applicant has reviewed this plan and indicated that they would still like a relaxation of the setback. Mr. Jim Olin, representing the applicant, said that three services are held at the church on Sunday mornings, and that they need all the parking space they can get. A new plan was submitted showing a four-foot setback and providing 60 spaces. Mr. Olin indicated that they would be willing to move the alley access. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning, by a 5-0 vote, recommended approval of the appeal and permit�subject to the changes on a new plan as suggested by the staff and the Traffic Engineer. Very truly yours, � �--r .=.: ___ ._` ,-' � ,\ �--� l ` , �`��- t� �� d, �PETER J. MAIET�^� � G'�`�`'� Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z.F. �k6881 and 6882 � � ..� � x_t,�� � �,,� �}�,,`,<; � �fic • � - City of Saint Paul, �innesota �� APPLICATION FOB SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT ' (Please print or type) TO THE FiDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN+CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Applicatioa is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existfng Y (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. Qf islands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) �employees) rivate use (public use) (other) Capacity of parkin� lot �� b�,�� �jtOl�e,,/ Q ^/�i�, To be used in connection with: �jy��A�lU�z.. ��T�fEk�✓ ��i�° � MISCEI.I�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Befreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tatioa, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location •/V F eD2��'�C c�c �Ji�u 9✓a� .� �i✓c.o%/ /`�r/er , Legal Description : Lot f� Block � Addition � �, S��i,i- �e�,✓ Applicant's Name . / �A ��/l�jyL✓l/a� f—��E�/�ro l.l�i�/� Home or Off ice Address: �V� � ��j���� �` ��; ,. , Phone Number . '-' � � ��'- :�5�� O `'� �';^ FOIt/BY TF� APPLICANT, ` ;;, _ � / ���� l, ,^ i :J `��: � �` , , �.`.. C� Signature I/�� (dat � �''<t r�;' ► v ��:. ��{� . �� �' Address . '����``'"�<,��'�`a�.,�.; Phoae No.: � When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the prelimiaarq lay-out plans of tBe proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, Cfty Hall and Court Aouse, Saiat Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 �py� J�� , *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. "" � ((L77 � j �l 2. 3 o u t h s i de o f M a in S t. be tween F irs t an d Secon d S t.s � � � � �P 2 9 1969 ZO N i NG Ft L E �'"�1, Y P�ry��N� BOARD int Paul, Minn��,,. � � � . � . I' �U�IIQ 411L�a2 � /� `1] (,y �I� <)/Ill� (IIIr IIQ � . l� / C1I1 ( ( �. �✓ l htl4 lcibtkt (111(� al�l¢ - ��(�.,,a� t«de,� IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH " � � �-�� � C�„J �I ,��N� �J. � ' � t 104 SOUTH SNELLING AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 • 699-5560 699-2389 • PASTORS: E. K. BE MES TANGEN n�.a�i°riiF:w. F;ie�r„ 9�p�eeber 1?. 19�9 The �norable 1�yor �:nd Ci�y Coun�il ±� �/o G i�y C leric Roc� �86, Qity A�11 �k Co�r#ch�u�e t�ent le�en s ?he folloxin� infc����ion i� furz�i�he� tn the City Pla�nniiag B�ar:r� fol l��tin� the ��rd+a� �tatline s a� I�an� of �.ppli+�s�nL: Z�.nu�l Lutheran Chttreh b) Telephone: 699-5560 a) i�gai De��rip�imn: Lot 11, H3o�k b — �um�it Vi��r Addi�ior�, 8) Lo�►�f�lons Yorth�a�t aorr�er of Bn�ll�.ttg Ave� an� Linooln A�e—�rher� we propa�,e �rt gdd on �o the e�c i�t1,r� p�rk ing lot. e� Fresent nee: �a�a�iL lvt !} Pra�sed u�e: �rilar�e p�rk3r�r area �) �'urpaae ot Agp�a,l.• To �btnln pe�r�,i�Alon to enlar�e preeent pr�rki�z lot. h) 1ie� oX �ppeals The Ghur�h �e�ez�tly boti�ht and. re�Fed a Y�se froa �hi� lo�. �aw �re �a�t# to e� 2arge the lo� to aa��€��tadate peeple at— tendiz�g �h�x�ch fc�r nmieerc�� tr�not3ons c►� Z��p�P� �a�� �t� a 7 c��y a �ree� be�i�. I�n�ne3 L�therua� � V 1 �_ V�,? C�rtah no� oxna �he entire blo�l� aa 9�ne11— in;� Are fr� Llneoln Av� ta Gbac�ri�h b�e. �ie need r�pi�, ag�roral to f3nteh �;rsding UI-- - ; , , +�: to �et the lot finiihed +�d �ari�ec! U �� '�� : � ;J ;� (�' before� the a�n�tr��ctio� aea�e�n ea��. ��.f� � ;+ ��J6� Z��11 NG �I LE �$��.- ci�,f ��ht���,���� ���no Saint Paul, DJlinnesr� � ' • � s • . . d - . � , . (, y l.Q�ttQ 111L1Q � �)R� �,(�'y� J� � {i�i� �a�ion .nu� ati¢ �T{e,o�� �,aQn IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (�'r�a ,�,a,(�r' , 104 SOUTH SNELLING AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 • 699-5560 699-2389 • PASTORS: E. K. BENTLEY JAMES TANGEN 4tia� ��.>�� ,-z�t. MA'1"I�HF.W, h;lev�n � ���� I� i� l�at Qpg1l�a�bleY �he !e♦ ia at�aol�ad--Certified +�he�k in the Aa�nznt o! «�4t}.C?Q, �'e raap��t!'ul�,y er�li$'� your support in e�cpidl'6ing �I�38 r�oue�t b�— �aue� ef tha late deta s►�'fec�ti� gradin� �nd i�tproTin� t�e Ic�t / �'� �e ;2 � Uot�n 1 %� / � C� �' �� f ' ����� e e. . . �� ��► Sen�er P�stflr , . a�es ,..�,..,....�.. , f.�e—Pp�ei�ent i V� �� �� ��� : u � LU ���� -���� �� . � �, . ������ � �_r ., , �96� Cir; NLa�viv���� �oARD 5�ie,t P:.'i�l. i,!;�nR:�. � __,.�._. _ . --.---- _ � I�1 t A�,r,�,y 20 �c• � n ,� , _ �---,— ��=-t- • �-� ��..T� i� �� _lK,s ' '�-� � � � �` � i I � A, � , i � � :� ' s' + � _ s�! �`�` uL � `,_ Ai s:i s� r s� cA _ � - .�. — — -- - � e� '`,� ���,.i ,O �� ,: - � N � ' � 30 � � � � i � � . 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J ,, � t�', � _ ---.�s; �� � � , � , - , �vD - c� . 2,�- 1 _ _ . � ` , Ny � � i � � `� _� _ — 43 .i , �`� � � ; i �' I ��± � -t-_ 4i ' , I I .� +, � '� I � � , , �. � __ . _ _y ou�_ _._. ;G'�t+�'�►- 8�I1.I�N� � ' je.o , .,: '� _ _.�___. _ _ , � s - � - 3`►I i + i � i 38 , I ' .� � =o� _. � _ � � • io c�R P�'�K�N� cor t Mr'MN�t �vr,�c,l�r�► c�wtw I, ST. P�1Y�, lrf��vi'V���T�1 I N �V ' t�yA�f t !�T! 9� 1�� ►!� 81 K d f 1 •. jr.NM�T V�w A�a. �__��K____..__._.�._.__.._�.....�...._.�..a��.��►� �•swM��r•.� surt���-� ....___._— - ':�k......J #�1CRT1� S<Ati � �/ s :G� 1 ..�.�._.___.____� ' Z��� �� �� L E ��g� � ._�•.W_.�y . ' I3JARD 'Ji' 70NING REPORT AND ACTION November 20, 1969 T'lat '1a� #12 � , A<:tinn, under Le�?isl�tive Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � - -- — nissecl Ai��ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1368 6882 --- 6A81 � - . , '.'1'��':: ��A'il; . Immanuel Lutheran Church 5832 470b � � , •:, ��� �I;'I';��'I'ION . 0 Amendnwnt � Ap�l ❑ �'ermit � �)ther X_8�7 � '• `�'<<.' %��t� . Waive the required setback from South Snelling Avenue �. . ;:'?; „;��;i; . East side of South Snelling Avenue betWeen Lincoln � and Goodrich Avenues - � -.`�' %�;, r�i:���1PTI0.1 : Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 6, Sumnit View Addition . • !' �:;I:'J;' 'I,�iIIN;: "A" Residence - � �' ;':� �,'+'JT "►'� 2,onin� Code Chapt�rt 62 S�ctions .O1 P�ra�*r3ph; + , ,.>1�;!�!' TNV;;TI�ATION � RCPORTt Dat�t 11/13/69 I3y; ATH A. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: No action. B. I�ISTORY: A 20-car parking Lot was �pproved on part of this property on 7/1/�1. An enlargement of the site and parking lot vas epproved on 8/28/65. A revised plan rec'd 11/20/69 indicates a setback of 4 feet. C. PROPOSAL: Enlarge the aite and provide additional parking Apaces. D, NEED FOR APPEAL: To provide the tnsximum parking spaces aa proposed the appellant requests the setbsck from South Snelling Avenue be relaxed to 0 feet. E. PRF;SENT STANDARD: The required setback for a p�rking lot on this site is 15 feet . 'l'he building setback line !a 30 feet. F. VARIANCE: The variance requested ia lUOy, -- 0 feet. G. AREA ZONING: The area is zoned "A" Residence except the east side of South Snelling Avenue between Grand and Lincoln Avenuea which is zoned Comnerciel. H. SITE CONDITIONS: The site hae been graded and a blecktop surface installed. The Council gave informel approval for the parking lot and zoning appeal an 9/23/69. The bituminous surface ia within 4 feet of the South Snelling Ave. property line. I. AREA CONDITIONS: To the weet ia M�c�lester College; north a filling station; east a reaidential area; �outh the Innanuel Lutheran Church. � Coun�il Letter � 9. 3�ARD ACTION; To Recottm��nd L1Approval �Denial Dated 12/10/69 "loved by; Maietta Yaas Nays Date of }iearin� X Ames � Seconded by; Cohen X Cohan 12/11/69 Danna (Alt? Council Action � X Gadler , X Gaugar Secretary s remarks: X Maietta Date Subject to the changes on a new plan as McPartlin (Alt) suggested by the staff and Traffic Engineer. Mansur (Alt) LE�AL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF TEiIS SfiEET � D�A2D Or ZONING REPORT AND ACTION November 20, 1969 nlat ;dap ��12 . Actin� under Le�islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 i n=�ssed Au�;ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1�6� 6881 fi882 . . •'�. ' � ,^.;��;��;, N����; , lnrmenuel T,utheran Church S�•�•� �—t 470� I .. . �:!.. ,:�:�if'Z�'A'I'ION ; LJ Am�ndmsnt � Ap�eal � �'ermit � �ther I � . ' ')�ti';.�i; ; Install enlarged church parking lot ,� .�,�y„, I,.��. � East side of South Snelling Avenue between Lincoln and Goodrich Avenues ., • ;..I:!;A'. :�F:SCRTPTIO;J : Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 6, Summit View Addition • • !'::::5�:'J'1' 7�t�IPJ';: "A" Residei►ce � . '�;�:<;;_,;'�:!'I' 'i'� 7oninp Code Chapt�rs 60 ��ction: •23 Para�raph: 2 { . '�'I'AE'F' (IJV�STIGATION b (tCPORT; Dat�: 11/13/69 Bys ATB A. NISTORY: See Zoning File #6882 -- appeal a[t�ched, B. AREA ZONING: The east side of South Snelling Avenue Uetween Grand and Lincoln Avenues is zoned Commercial. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: A revised plan received ll/20/69 indicates a setback of 4 feet and parking for 62 cars. It will meet other design standards and the approval of the Traffic Engineer with the relocation of the alley exit. D. FRONTAGE AND ARF.A: 160 feet along South Snelling Avenue and 150 feet alonF, Linco2n witt► an area of 24,000 square feet. E. TRAFI'IC ENGINEER: Did not approve the plan submitted. He sug�ested r� different design for the p�rking lat and noted that. access to the alley stiould not be adjacent to the east-west alley in the block. F. SITE CONDITIONS: See Zoning File 4�688? -- appeal attached. G. AREA CONDITIONS: See Zoning File #6882 -- appeal attached. Council L��ttt�r 9� 30ARD ACTION; To Recommend (� IApproval L.�Denial Dated ; 12/10/69 ; "4oved by; Maietta Yeas PJays Date of �le3rinz* ! x Ames ----- � Seconded by: Cohen x Cohen 12/11/69 Danna (Alt) Council Actior, ! x Gadler i x Gau.p,er i Secretary' s remarks: x 19aietta r)ate � P4c?'artlin (Alt) ± Subject to the changes on a new plan as Mansur (Alt) ._._1 suggested by the staff and Traffic Engineer. LE�AL NOTICES ON THE DACK OF TIIIS SI{EET � . . . , ��, _ .. _. . �. __ � � � ��-'e�._ ~ _____ _� � � r _. - ,- ,- __ ; —;_--.-1 / � � G , p.�rr'. �.r_Z.. � i � C ,, � '1� (� , � _._., �. __ �-- ._ : � � � � � � � �! � f � `r i .. , � � r � ��'� �' � I � i : � �,, � � E ! —r' �E5'� �o �= � C,'E -.� 1 ; , : ` � F , � � , � ' ' � 1 b ` -----� , i._,I ; i � � �----' � • � .� � .�.�.�. • �►,• .• w� � � � y � _ __, ( � ♦ �' � � �r ' , '� ` �� � C . t . 8.� � � � � . . , ,�'C:^L>T,_.R � � � � � Z- � � r --,-,- �----r � ,�' °`' � . � i ; -C�'-�!�v. . ! 8! �� ' .l �' " •-. � , � , ! (� � (� �,../� � � i �� �- � n , �� '—r_ __ �-- � �T� I_i...i __i � i i � `�n �, � � � , —�p-�' - _..._. � ' c' �QANQ' I . tiG qvE k � '�--' , _ .-_____.-�__ � ---.�. �y �`� -n '� � � ..�r� IQ V ' �. � 1 0 � �' � ( ) � - �_ �� � � � �. � � ��� �� � � f ; .- � � �. �.._, '.� � ,, i '�' } , T , �-- �' , G , � � i �_`� �� � � � � � �-,.. � , ,Q j � � �-. � r � ��' / -- � . - � ..-.� * . • . � +. � � • � � .. .. � .� � ' 1 -- �� � 1 ' , I � � i� . � � �� � ` � � � ' � � 1 � �,` � O C� �U ,� �', t�. i , G � � �? c � r: ,� � . J f I `, Lf �,' � 0 �. �� � Q � - -- � � ? �, Ial o � ., { Io ; . _ �� � �,, � l `- I �,,,,, I � �.; G C � C, � , J I ! i ! d � � � I � � �r � - �. 1 i _ _1_ � _ _� � �__ -- Z � � _ __ , - -- _ ___ - __ - - _ . . ---- -- - vt � : i --- __ _� . ; - - ; ' � , �1 ! t �J Cl C.i � i". � � � ,-� .-� � - �. � U � �J � �r . . C�,, i • Y-� ' _ .r �J i � � 000Rac �-a ► �� o , � � „ � ► � C` ��' .�� �"_. ; _�� . `� O U � G � �!� � i! �, ; � - - �: ��� J � � , .I i � , ; ! � ' ;:> � c `; �" � , , �, �__ � ; ; _ . : � . ... .�._ .�.__. . L � . � . I�_.__ ' . .- _ '.+����_�. _.._.._ .�_ ... � � �_"""_�__'_ --.... , .... �.. . .._. .1. _ .. � �� � � 4 • � _ , � �- f � � . . � � � �� ^ �" � �.- �_ `: rl ( i �-' �. W� �, � ' � i_.._ --� ! . ...__.�-__---- .. � I �c � , ` . - ' APP L I CANT Immanue I Lutheran Church L EGEP�!D PUf�POSE Install 25-car additional parking spaces LAND USE PRE5ENT ZONING "A" Residence � ONE-FAMILY � T1�10-FA�sILY PETITION SlGNER� �� THF�EE-F/tPr�ILY FQUR-F�rYAtLY � M ULTI-FA"�,�I LY FILE No. 68s� N4�2TH ' � • nCO��MER��AL n � INDUST�I�L u VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date: 11/13/69 � Property under consider�ion , • . MINUTES OF THL FEIB�IC BEARING BEFORS THE BQARB aF ZONIl�TG on Thursdsy, November 2C�, 1969� at 2:U0 Pori, PRESEI�: Messrs, Ames. Cohen, Gadler, Gauger, and Maietita of the Board and I�r, Sorenson and Zlrs, Frantzen of the staff. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN QiURCfi: Axc ap�seal eo waive the required setback from South Snelling Avenue and an applicr�tion for a permit to insCal�. a parking lot on property locaCed on the e�st side af Sou�h Snell�tng Avenue between Lincoln and Goodrici� Avenues. Mrd Sorenson au�narized the staff report statirag that a 20-car parking lot was approved on psrt of this proper�y on J�:ly I„ 19b1e An enlargement of Che site end park�ng lot was appr�aved on August 28, 1�65, To provide the ma�cimum parking spacea as psopo�ed zh� appell�nt req��ats the setb�ck £rom South Snelliag Aven�e be rel�xed to � fee�. The requ�.red setback for a parking lot on this �ite is 15 feet; 30 feet fo� the buildtng setb�ck linee The are� is zoned "A" Resi.dence excep2 £or the east side af South ;n�lling Avenue between Grand �nd Lincaln Avenues �which fs zoned Cousnercialp The site has been graded aad a b2r-acktap s�arface instal2.�d. The Council gave in�oru�a2 $pproval f�x th� paxkirag �o� axad zonin$ �p�esl. on September 23, I959� To the west of th� sub3ecL site is Macslester Co21Qge� r�orth is a fil�i.ng atation; esst is a residential ares; x�na south the church itselfn The pLan aubmitted does not meee desigxx sCandards; it wauld have to be r�drawn t� scale ,�nd give aal the iu£ormation th�t s.s requfred such as dimen�ionss surfacing, curbs, wheeZa�ops, etc. The �r�ffic �ngf�neer did r►ot approve the plan as submitted. He �ugg�ated a di�ferent de�ign for the parkfrrg lot and not�rl that access to the �l1ey shc�uld not �ae ad�acent to ti�e east-wegt alley :Cn the block. The staff auggested a revised pl�n �ncorporating ehe rec�uired setback and providing one more pa�k�.ng space th�n reques�ed. �Ir, S�renso� noted that the applicant has reviewed the stiaff°s plan �r.c would �tikl like a relax.ation of the aetback. Mr. Jim Olin, zepresentiag the appel2ant, �aid �ha� three �a�rvices ere held at the church on Sunday mornings� and that �hey need aIl the p�rki�g apace �hey ca� get. A aew plan was submitted sho�a�ng a four-fos�t ae�back and providing 60 spacese Mro Olin ind�cated �nat �hey wr�uld be wi�.ling �o move the alley access. Mr, Maietts moved for approval of �h� appeal and perm�t s«bject to the changes on a new plan aa suggested i�q �he st�S��c �nd Tr.�€fi� En�ineer. The motion was seconded by k1r. Cohen, �nd carrfed una�.�mouslq. Suhmitted bya Coloael Lo Ss�r�nson �t�bert I-0� �raes, Chs�rnian -9- 1 -�s�- 6� _ City of Saint Paul, I�innesota �� � `� . APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �"'�f �� yb ` � (Please print or type) � �-, � TO THE I�DNORABLE MAY08 AND CITY COUNCIL � , % the City Clerk c� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota -� 8/ �j� � ` � Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing J/ y (cross one out) 6� � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) private (public use) (other) indicate type) ���v/��T J��f j��- Capacity of parking lot :lj��l �� f}-,�,,�'`e0c . � -� ��S . -�V f To be used ia connection with: �� ���4, ,��Ti��12N�! �1r'�,, � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : /v L�. �Cs/°Z�L/� Sit/ef�/�vy /l�z � /�//�c�/a� �7✓t. / Legal Description : Lot /� Block � Addition � ��/�'I,.v��T �lEr�✓ Applicant's Name : ��� A� �,�.L nQ �.r b-�c�N ���U� Home or Office Address: `� � �� ��,������ ��� Phone Number : 69 g + �r6 Q FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, •� ' ' 9 �.i` (Signature �� (date Address . Phoae No.: When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and thre prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the ity Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. + :City Clerk � CITY OF SAINT PAUL , �. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 November 28, 1969 Ff.le X+807, Page You are hereby notified that a public heatiag will be held ia the Council Chambers of the City Hali and Court House ia the City ot St. Paui at 10:00 a.m. on December 11, 19b9, on Cha application of L�nanuel Lutheran Church for a permit tuo in- stall a 25-cax additional parking epace on Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 6, 5ummit View Addition. The property is located on the east side of S. Snelling Avenue, between Lincola and Goadrich Avenu�s. For further information contact the Planniag Board, Room I010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAM83 J. DALGLISH Cvromissianer of Fiaance O :...__..--) ��������� Thursday, December 11, 1969 ;- _ . REZONE ( / ' Notice typed 11-26-69-NG X-803 Petition of Belair Corporation to rezone from a Class "i4" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District the following described prope rty: Subject to Hazelwood Avenue and except North 328.1 feet, West 1/2 of Northwest 1/4 of Southgest 1/4 of South- west 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22 and Westerly 1/2 of Southwest 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 and Westerly 64.26 feet of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Tawnship 29, Range 22, subject to streets and excepting there£rom SoutherZy 173 feet thereof ineasured from the center of Maryland Avenue. The property is located on the east side of Hazelwood Avenue between East Ivy and East Maryland Avenues. Applicant and Owner: Belair Corporation PARKING LaT X-807 Application of Immanuel Lutheran Church for a permit to install a 25-car additirnal parking space on �ots 9, 10 and 11, Block 6, Summit View Addition. The property is located on the east side of Sou�h Snelling Avenue between Lincoln and Goodrich Avenues, Applicant and Owner; Immanuel Lutheran Church