246947 ��69�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' - � ��: t �. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ COMMISSIONE � ` DATF `J RESOLVED, �Tpon the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Aaron-Hodroff and So�s I�uneral �hapels, a� owner of the sub�ec� real es�ate, situate in the City of S�in� Paul, zon�d in Com�ereial Dis�rict, under the �oning �ode, and described as Lot 7, 1�a�AFthur Addition, and located on the southeast corner of Seheffer and South Snelling Av�nues, � that the provi�ion� of said Zonin� �ode hereby are dt�termined � � and varied as and �o t�ie extent neeessary therefor, and the ❑ � setback requir��nent� from Scheffer Avenue are Y�ereby waiv�d . �1 � � g� < � � _ ""�.°�,� � � ta ttereb vea �tat a v��bi�lyc. � � � ����� �! f�ti boat � ,the e�� ' �� � . }'w .,:Q. t$t�l1` s�G. i�`aui �'��; �1�8 C4da�. tor re- �O = � . `b�si��tt of a� •� . ,�� �QttL sI.6!� "#.�S$C-. �T O�'. , � � ��. �� •���.���. ... / ��� ��) �j� 13 1�10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� � � �,�Q Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku �/ Mayor A gainst ,�_ Mr. President, Byrne PUBtISHED JAN 171970 � � N � ' r ` • �OARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 ����� �4�f .r� ,�,, December 29, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal of Aaron-Hodroff and Sons Funeral Chapels to waive the setback requirements from Scheffer Avenue on property located on the southeast corner of Scheffer and South Snelling Avenues. This property is further described as: Lot 7, MacArthur Addition The Board of Zoning heard this matter at 'rts meeting on December 4, 1969. The staff reported that the requir.ed setback from Scheffer Avenue was two feet and the requested variance was 100 percent. The appellant indicates that to obtain maximum parking on the narrow lot it is necessary to use the setback area. The application for a parking lot includes the buffer area, a condition of the rezoning of this property, and wheelstops to prevent encroachment onto the public sidewalk. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning moved to recoimnend approval of the appeal. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Very tru y yours, � �� ��>� , /1 c r �/ `;;✓ / �/�/���_ ,�=',,f,, ti� ��TER J. IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf AT B Z.F. �k6822 �� �,.-.�� �.�`r,�. �_.a�' (.� � � �� 8� --� ,� . , � . . . � ..� b � � .� � Saint Paul, Minnesota 671 So. Snelling Ave. July 11, 1969 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We hereby request permission to relax the 2-foot setback on Scheffer Ave. in connection with the establishment of a parking lot for the Aaron-Hodroff and Sons Funeral Home on Lot 7, MacArthur Addition, described as 658 So. Snelling Ave., at the ___�e�th�a�t corner of So. Snelling and Scheffer Aves. The present >� use of the property is rental, which building will be razed. The purpose of the appeal is to facilitate ingress and egress of parking vehicles. This appeal is made under Chap. 64.03� Par. i. ry truly yours, �,��XX.���C��oc�-o , P�= s � Aaxon-HodrofP and Sons Funeral Chapels, Inc. 698-8311 � � `� ��� k �� '� �J .�U� � ► ����� CITY PLA�NIi�� ���,�� Saint �auf, MiH(1@�F ZONIIVG �� 6� LE _..� � . - �D�ARD QF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION December 4, 1969 ?'1st Nap_��_ ��� . Actinq under Le�islativ� �ode Chapt�r 60 thru 64 nassgd Au�;ust 22� 1922 as am�ndmd to April 6� 1�6H 6g22 � 1. Ar:�L1CAtt�(''S NA"!� s Aareia-�rotf aad �s �wier�l t�epela, Inc. 6821 2. CI,hSSIPZCATION � u Aw�ndurqt tJ AAP� ❑�e�i! X-a15 p U Oth�r 3� n��p�g� = Rel�x setback rt�ris�nt� i� connection vith the eatabliaA�est of a park;ag lot 4. L�CATION s Sautheaat core�r of Seutti Satllia; aitd Scheffer Avenuas 5. GEGAL DESCRS�TION s Lot T� Il�cArthqr �i�� 6. P:t�SCNT ?ANIMCt Co�escis2 7� PURSUANT 'ib Zoning Cod� Chapt�s b2 S�eslien� .01 ParsRrtph� 8. �TAFP INVESTIGATIOM t REPOATt D�tt�� ll/2�/69 �� ATD A. ZO[IING ADMINIS?RATOR: llo action. B. HISTpRY_; Ths froat�ge �Zo�` SoutM sr�sili� �tue�ua to � dopth of 100 feet wao zoned Ccasrcial. The swiadts o! tlr I,ot Ns r�aos�A to Co�rcial oa 10/25/69. C. PROPOSED USE: 9ev�lop t!u pcopert� �� + Ntkia� lot for • fnnerNl chspel located acroee South �nelling Ar�aw. D. NEED FOR APl'lSAt,; To obtiin �1� Nrki� w• oa th� n�r=pr lot, !t ia n�cesaary to requea t permta�iou to ��t t1►� MtbKk �=u� 8. P1tESENT STANQARg; The pre��t rtqdtrd r�misN � �rkiag lot •�tback of twa feet froto Scheff�r wvenu�. F. VARIANCg; Th� requasted variihte� i• ippx; �id •liwinata th• required �etback. C. AREA ZONING: The fronta�e �iay S�uth StNlllw� wv��w i• so�aed Co�rcial; the rest of the area ia zoned "AN Rs�idewe�. H. SI1E CONDITIONB: � old •in�le-f�ly s��i8asc� i• located to�r�rd the rear of the leve2 site. I• ARE�A CONDITIONS: Ad�oiaiy t� t1N �ortM i� a family resid�cN; �+e�= Co�i�� y���� ��i ���� �O;th aad eaet •i�le- Council Letter � 9� 30ARD ACTION; To Recomm�nd L ^�Approval �Denial Dated 12/29/69 Moved by; Maietta Ysas Nays Date of Nearin� X Ames Seconded bys Cohen x Cohen 12/30/69 Danna (Alt) Council Action X C',atdlar X Gauger Secretary' s r�markss x Mai�tta I�ate McPartlin (Alt) Mansur (Alt) LEGAL I�TICES ON THE BACK 'OF THIS SHEET . F � � ► _ � � . � �e �j-, � I 1 r�� � . A .� _'_ . � , ;. , � � . ; � � � ; . ; ; � ; �..._:___- -:� ," t..� _ ,lo;���. � G �410 Q�G'o a�o o� . : . �- ____, , , � � � ,�. � _ . . �. , :�� � o � � �,,. � , , . ' xlq��Fo�O qVe. � � ; ' • o ' ��O O O; O � j � I�T' � ,� • � � I , , O�O O O G O�O�O .O� � ' ` ...�;.� ,O -¢.� _ _Q , '_ . �_�__ _ � .1.__ L � I � � �` � � � . __ __ D_ - � 1---�- -- -r- � .L _ .1 ._�_ � �� '�_, � � .- - - ; 7-- j -r-�(-;�,-= J � � --� ; , --r ;� �. � ,, � i � � � � ( j ( � -� + �r•) � '���T �-- � . c, o;o: o ;c- �,;c:�c�;o�o!o�� p�� ` � � � � ___.._ r�_ � -.-�. Q � � � — _,C� Q �F 1 __D' L^ . � R qV�, ' �A A o , . '� 13 -- -a � � �.._ .°- I, - O (,�.C�'C.? C�iO;G�C+C'�O C�GIQ��i r __ } �-� _ � ,4l t--� �' � I j � ' � �, �� -v ��� � -�-� � o Q s-- _ .� 1� �i �_. 1.� �.., ; . . 1 �! -,T- , ,- --�- �_� - ..:� ��. � _ � -T , ..�..,.r, : oi<�,o;� �o��,00�o�o�U�000' - � � o � �� �:� �� � � - �j , , , �., -�i- . -�- r o -� b� o � � ` W SC HEFFC Q qy�� � „ �,,t h . , ��'o, � �� v � �i 0; �� �__ Q C`, p; 'j � � Q ,v', Q �? � 'E i � � ( � �,: �O ' : , �, � v � � _� G ! � "I . � ' I , � �'�- 4 `, ; v o s / -4`' ' �_'-'-' ; _.: :.. �, , � �', �. ' � � ^-' --- � � � 1 i � � � �+-' r�� . ."�_: �`� \ ' O- � , , ..� . � � ' � � , ��� �� - - �t � � � �� ; o �-- � �� � � .� ,, � ; ���c�: �� �� � a � ;c , { �� , n � __� ..� _ � ELL 4NOQ, . `t ' 1� C' � t-� � -' (�� � , �f ,; � �J i�) �. Q.. � � �, � J �� r , � � w I i ' i !, y , �� � 1 . � � . . , � .f � ,y� �' � i �... O ♦ .+�.__ 1 '1� �� , l , ;� r ;. �, ; . , . . � . , , , , , ,� , , ___ � l, , , • � � ��' r_) � l„i I�') � Q� � � �� � �� � � ,���i ; • � � OIU C � � � -- . -- -- -- --� F _.___ r� - __--_.---=--_- -- -�#��� �:A�t=.D: -- -. APPLICANT Aaron-Hodroff and SonS LEGEND Funeral Chapels, Inc. PURPOSE Relax setback requirements in LAND UJE connection with the establishment PRESENT ZONING of a parking �ot O ONE-FAMILY �o�ercial -0- TWO-FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS p� THREE-FAMfLY FOUR-FAf�ILY T MULTI-FAMILY FILE No. 6822 NoRrH � ' • nCOMMERCiAL � � INDUSTRIAL u VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date: 11/25/69 �� Proper?y under consideration � MINUTES OF THE �'UBLIC HEARING BBFORB 1'HE BQARD OF ZONING on Thursday, December 4, 1969, at 2:00 PoMo PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Cohen, Gsdler, Gauger, and Maietta of the Board and Messrso Brown and Sorensan and Mrs. Frantzen of the staff. AARON-HOAROFF AI�ID SONS FITrtERAI� CHAPELS: An eppea 1 to wa ive the setback requirement from Scheffer Avenue ire eonnection with the es�ablisim�ent of a parking lot on property located on the aouth�ast corner of Soutiz Snellin� and Scheffer Avenuea. b;r. Sorensun su�rized the steff report statin.g that to obtain meximum parkfng use on the nar�ow loL,� the appellant indicates that it is ne�essary to request permission to use the setbaclt �rea. Ttbe present standard requires a parking lot setback of two feet from Scheffer Avenue. Therefore, the requested variance is 100�oe An old single-family residence fs lacaCeai toward the rear of Che level site. `The pa,ck3ng Iat application inclndes the bu£fer tha� was part of the conditfon wizen the property �wa� rezoned to Commercfala There �a.�uld be wheelstops to control encroactwene onto the sidewelka Mr. Gau�ex said the rn�n caho owns the Johnaon Fur_zr.�� Ham� to the south was unable to be ae th.e meeting sfnce his wife had juat snffered a hearti attack, but w�as co�cerned nevertheZess �baut ��ie �pp�alo Mr. Gadler aslced if Mr, Johnson had s2ea the plan4 Mro Leo Ao Aodrof€, x�gresenting ihe appeal, said hi� bro�her, Willism, w�ho hsd filed the sppeal, h�d died three dsys earlier. He gaid Mr. Johnson had signed the original petitian far rezaning Che prop�rty. Mra Mafettr� moved for approvgl of th� appeal, which rasa seconded by Mr, Cohen, and cerrfed unanimot�sly, Submftted by: Colonel L� Sor�nson Robert La Nmes, Ct►airman _It�_ , City Clerk � � r . " CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 December 16, 1969 File X815, Page You are hereby noCiffed that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and C�urt House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on Dece�ber 30, 1969, on the application of Aaron-Hodroff and Sons Funeral Chapels, Inc. to relax setback requirements in connection with es- tablishment of a parking lot for visitors on Lot 7, '�MacArthur". The property is located on the southeast corner of South Snelling and Scheffer Avenues. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISA Coamnissioner of Finance O