246943 OriQinal to City Clerk r � ORDINANCE ;�4�;��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY `'� ORDINANCE NO � �� _ An ordin�nce amending Chapter 54 of the Saint Pa�l L�gislmtive Code commonly known aa th� Hou�ing Code, pertaining to plt�nbing fa�cilities in rooming houses�. THE COUNCIZ, �F THE eIT7L OP' SAINT PAUL DO�S ORDAIbTs Section l. Th�t Section 54.17(1) of the Saint Pa�l Legi�- lative Code i� hereby amended to read as followsr WATER CLOSET, HAND LAVATORY, AND BATH FACILITIES. "54.17(1) � At least one water elaset, lavatory basin, and bathtub or showes, properly eonaected to an approwed water and sewer system aad in good workiag conditon, ah�ll be s�pplied for each six (6) persons or �raction thereof r�siding within m rooming house, incl�ding iaembers of the oper�tor'� �amily wherever they sl�are the �se of ��id facilities. l�il1 auch faeilitiea ahall be located wit�in the residence b�ildiAg :erved and to be directly accessibl� from a eommon h�ll or p�ssag�way to all perso�s ah�rinq sueh facilities. Fver� 1a�atory baain and batht�b or shower ahall be supplied with hot and cold water at all tia�es." Sectio� 2. Thi� ordina�ce ahall take effect �nd be in force thirty days from and atter it� pasaage, approval �d publication. �AN 2 � �970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson /' Dalgliah �� Tn Favor � Mer�B�r C� Sprafka Cl Againat �:� ,..,�s t���� J A� 2 � 19�0 . v�e �� nT, Approved: ea • ty Clerk /�s�r Mayor �O �'orm approved Corporation Counsel By !L - ^ F�UBLISHED �AN � 1 19�fi � a r WILLIAM E. CARLSON C[TY OF SA[KT PAUL B. J. MEARS, M.D. Commissioner Capital of Minnesota a Health Officer ROGER M. CONWAY //• ���^f��.o'.,�r �e a�t�ec�t o ablic �a et �-�' Deputy Commissloner � � � � ,��.� �, 1�uz.Eau o f �Ea��i Health Center — 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 December 30, 1969 Mr. Daniel Klas First Assistant �` Prosecuting Attorney 316 City Hall & Court House . Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 ' Dear Mr. Klas: Enclosed is the proposed Nousing Code Amendrr�nt. We have added the title to paragraph (1 ) , which was inadvertently left out. The amendment is acceptable to Mr. Edward R. Eberhardt and Dr. Burtis J. Mears , and we recommend that you submit the amendment to the License Corrmittee for their consideration. Yours truly, . aul J. Co , D.V.M. , M.P.H. Director of Environmental Hygiene PJC/cls Enclosures 0 1 st � � � � 2nd I��� Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopter! � " Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carlson Dalglish ���� �� �alglish 9 Meredith eredith Peterson � 1�'�r� Sprafka �\Sprafka Tedesco \Tedesco � Mr. President Byrne �;= tF���f��i�'�� te �� 1�Ir. Vice �'rr�de:nt (i-'eterson)�