246938 . . �OR161NAL TO CITY CI.tRK 2y�Q� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. j `' � ' � , . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DAT� WHEREAS, the City Council has, passed Ordinance No. 14314 creating a Department of Model City Area Development-«Summit� University Area, and providing for staffing of such department; and WHEREAS, this ordinance provides for the establishment of classes of positions in the Unclassified Exempt Service, by resolution; and WHEREAS, this ordinance provides that the salaries for such classes of positions be established by resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the position of Janitor�-Model Cities is hereby established at the rate of$�r:99-per hour. �2,"15" � :� � � �a , �I � x � � � _. � JAN 13 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Carlson `Jp� 13 1970 Dalglish � pprove� 19—_ Meredith ��n Favor Peterson ' Mayor Sprafka v ���� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne - PUBIiSHED JAN 171970 �� � ;�4f�9�� CITY CLERK " �. . ` s , � �."����At„� 1lrr +�lt� C�r�r�rsti i�rs� �t��� �11�. 1+�1� � �r ��, ar�� �t�i�1 i�r��'�ii��� � s�► ��rMi� �� /�s u�Lir�a► � �t 1M �1�i1�w! rt � +rt��s i�1►IM �rsa�trrli��t �, 1gr t��+� . � �� �+r�r� ��r1�M�r ��ir �atM�►� �w�r t�rr� � «t�� ��iwr�t trf �r� t�r. 1Mr�!�r, �s � �.�. '� 1�1r �r�11Ms �E ia�l�t'••� � �11►iN►� �s1�ltiNr!aR� �rM �rt�.�!'�'M�1e. �'2.�5 Adopted by the Council - �Q� f 3 i� Apprmred - ��� 1 � l��d � � .. . ' ,G • ��, �� �� , � M�„iT,�S Model Neighborhood Planning Committee x�enCr City Youth League January 5, 1970 The MNPC met January 5� 1970 at the I�=r City Youth Leaguee The meeting was called to order by Ch�irman Pilate at 8:00 pm and a moment of silence was observede °-� Ea� Council memb�r was provided with an enda; Minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1969; Report of the Dir.ector January �:��; C�sation of Ta e Recordin . .�.,.._....,...,,.... of Meeting at Camphor Church D�ember 22, 1969; l.etter to Mr. el e d • ate Decemher 29, reaffirming the sCatements made at the Decemher 2 mee.t ; letter written by Mayor Byrne to socia2 and governmental agencies requesting atteizdar�►ce�at a meeting January 13, 1970, 7:30 pemo in the City Council Chambers to respond to the needs of the Model Cities progrsm; list of a�eiicies to wham the Mayor'� letter was sent; lEtter from Mr. Helfeld dated Ja uary�,�1970 obtaini��g the resolution passed by the Commissioners of the ; memo from OEO and suppoiting infonaati,on requesting MNPC - - review of Target Area "A" pl$ns and Frioritiea. MI,i.'�iU.. TES Rev. Mclntosh moved, seconded by Mro Mann that the atte:;dance records for the December 15 meeting as part of the minutes be amended to show that John Frelix was present and not absento Mre Frelix speakirig to the motion felt if he was co be couated as present and be compensated that the same should be done for Paris Carter. He explained he was at the church before the majority of MNPC members, but was told the meeting was cancelled, Motion of Rev. Mclntoeh to amend the attendance record of the Dec�tber 15 meeting to show John Frelix and Paris Carter present iastead of absent was passed with Mro Aden voting against. It was moved by R�ve Williams, a.id aeconded by Reve Mclntosh to approve the Minuteso Motion carriedo Mro Harris suggested that persons respoasible for securing meeting places shOUld also assume the responsibility of seeing that the facilitics are opened an timea The auggestion was made because some mErabers were unable to gain entrai►ce at the December 15 meeting and lefta DIRECTOR'S ��p�'j In addition to the printed report of th� Director, it was �nr�ounced that a retreat is being plFtnned for Council and Staff at an early date, In regard to building nEeda, the Director stated that al.though the space at 165 North Dale is not sufficient for the needs of the Program, there is r►ot time to move the officea He .cecoamnended that the present building be utilized ta the fullest extEnt a,id at the eame time planning- consider future needso He reported that students of architecture and design from the University of Minnesota are working on present buildin� accomodation and will also work for the Council in recommending alternative soluCions to future needse -1- � ' . . . � r � • � A�;iIPC ili►.utcs Jc�nu�ry 5, 1970 page 2 Cha.�e in the reso2ution r�:sarding trav�l a� prizted ir► the Director�s Re:port was revised to read zs follows: t•7H�Rcl4S, the City of St. Paul i� ei►��ed it1 a compreher�sive progr�vn to revitalize a portio.: of thc City know:� as the ttodel Citie� Area, and 4JHEREA5, the City and the U.Se DeparGaent of Housin� and Urban Develop- ment have eatered into a contract establishing a budget which sets forth amounts of �ney to be provided by the City and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the purpoaes for whfch the money may be spent, and WHERBAS, one of the pvrposes for which money may be apent is travel, and WHEREAS, the HUD adminiatrative policies and procedures set forth guides. lines for allowable travel charges which include non-city employees and v�hich latest known polfcies and procedures may be foand in "HUD Handbook, ri�+y, ],969, rICGR 3I00.2A, Chapter 4, Sectfon 18e", no�v, . therfore, be it RESOLdED� that upon approval of the Director and Chairman of rlodel Cities, NNPC members, residents or other persons desi�nated by the NIDTPC to travel on behalf of the NIodel Cities program may be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred while participating in eli$ible Model Cities activities. On motion of Vice Chairman Reginald Harris the Director�s Report with the revision noted in the resolution regarding travel was accepted unanimously. Rev. Mclntosh moved that the resolutfon regardinE, the poaition of Janitor be approved as follows: WHEREAS� the City Council has passed Ordinance No. 14314 creating a Department of rlodel City Area Development--Swamit-University Area, and providing for staffing of such department; and WHEREAS, this ordinance provides for the establishraent of classes of positfons in the iJnclassified Exempt Service, by resolution; and WHEREAS, thie ordinance provides that the salaries for such classes of positions be established by reaolution; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the poaition of Janitor-�lodel Cities is hereby established at the rate of $2.75 per hour. Rev. �IcIntosh moved that the two resolutions be submd�tted to the City Counc�.l. Rev. Carty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE CC[�42TTEE R�ORT: Chairman Pilate stated that the �xecutive Committee has requested the Core Co�mittees to write reports so that the Director and Staff can work with them and the Council can have the9n also. The Chairn�an spoke of the necessity of having a coordinator for each District and also of the urgency of hirin� six comnunity organizers or neighborhood �torkers. The salary of the c�nity organizers,. one from each Diatrict, would be approximately $500.00 per month. Mr. Mann questioned and spoke against payit►b this kind of salary without advertisin� in the community newspapers. Chainnan Pilate stated the subject had been discussed for a number of months and members should submit names of those wanting these jobs, A aeven minute break wae allowed for each district to caucus to choose a Coordinator for the purpose of relayfng information to and from hie district. A request was also made that districts make known to the Peraonnel Co�nittee persons in their distiricts who might be hired in any of the personnel categories.