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In the �tter of »�l�� !'s�t �t� �r• to f. �le i!, �
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`: f�r�tl�t �R., �o�t �'s� ts !s i�t�ni�i diMitt �riri a�i s�t��L�e3�at }�+ri st+iw�s�ies �
' under Preli�inary Order ��7'� approved— �_t_ 3l�Y �
� Intermediary Order approve� �
� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
� having heard all perso�s, objections and recommendations relative thereto, an.d having fully considered
►: the same; therefore, be it :
D' KESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent anci kintl of im- F
�. ��i���'��li�il�� '
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commisaioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for sa,id improvement, and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city aflicials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed vvith the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �N �3 �,91�
� iy� Adopted by the Council
Y� Carlson Nays JAIV 13 1570
Da lg!ish Approv
Meredith �
S, �.�;ka —�n Favor
v_ .Fn : � ayor
F;rrr;� Ag&in8t �
s-68.$nc �� �� PUBLISHED J�N 1 7 197� �
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September 30, 1969 „�
To the Corranissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul:
� The Coiranissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
! liminary order of the Council� known as Council Fi1e No. 239770 .
I approved Au6ust 8, 19 � relative to imprrnring JEFFERSON AVENtJE '
fron I,e�xiggton Pl�y. to W. Seventh St. (City Pro�ect P-�83). �
'� .
, --
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: '
. 1. The estimated cost thereof 3s $ 3����
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made
, ��-=
a part hereof. , . �u�
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X � ��
1�. Improvement is asked for upon petition
. �
. ���
. �-��� �
� � �
. . Commieeioner of blic W �
, �� �..
�.-?'�7^Sf:� � ETn' .�rr i�n "!� � °°B"�!'..•.^;*°"'._..,.�"7y .- . . -. L._. .. ..,p.,�-.K r �{P;�.�"'.�y1y-9R•r�-�n1*.:�µ,-,�y�. Aew`,;, p, �'Ii �+wt y�`fi'-^'.• �ta� _,:t
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�6brua:'Y 19• 19�9 �
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t �Ir. Claud� Thoaap�sa�n �`
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��ip�t�un�5 at lubiic Works .
l�eat �fr, T3�on�pson s '�
8�tt lb�th he�in ia inlorru�tion pe�tinent t4 the p�I ��IS�I*M�
msnt !os �Lhs �+a�osed public imprav�nt de�c�rib�t arss� ,.
4rad� snd �SVe JB�IPffi��t4R AV�Nt� �a L�xingt� 3�- - F
s+ay tp iie�"� S�renth I�treet (P-�+83�
, .
Tht tota�, a�t9.m�l.�d e�mount r+ecoverable by waa�ee�eat ia �8i$�4s
�4AEd 4II '�.h4 �'O�.QM�.Y'1� 8S$es�ment ratess
Gredia� euad P�ving s
A & B Ra�idsrrtl.�,7. - �,$00 a��ee�.ft. (� $�.OR �24,400 .
C Rls., �dmm., dc Ix�d. - 1,570 a►sseea t't. g �+?•*�U 11,T't�
� Curbing
n 8� s �esi�e�s� - 5«�t�o rti. � �a..2g/i�.�c. 7,�2�
C Re�., co�., 80 7.nd. - 1,440 f"t. C� �a«�0/l�n.!'C. 8l800
k � � '
�'''-tbick - 34� sq.yda. f .SO/sq.yd. 1,9�Q •
7" tb3.ek - £i0 �q.yd�. � �7.50��q.yd. GU4
� �s��g�. ��,.t�. � �o.6ojsq.f�. 6t'�
Tdtai Est. Ameunt aecoverable� b�y Aasee�tent #�i$,854
Plesse ia�Iu�te the follcrraing add3t9.c>nal coste in the e�ted tot.�1
,ex�ndituses a�ox this gro�ect: .
� Va►luat3on and Aaaea�n'� Ber�v3eee� (et��lma►t�d) $ 98Q
I�.sc., publicatiOn, coll�tc�ion� aaur�� and o�ltao�
(�.00 p�rce�.s � #6.3oj # 630
'VerY truly Ycuxs�
' Ro�y L, 8redshl� �r.
HEB/�t Valusti,on �ngine�r
�N,�.�„�,N��, C I T Y � O F S A I N T P A U L ot,�T� �oMM,,.,o„�
Capital of Minnesota •
234 City Hell & Court House bb10Z
Commissione� . �;���Jo,,,��'
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September 30, 1969 " ' ;
a ,�I,��0�,, ,,�•
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Hpnorable James J. Dalglish � ��s �,_ ,-
Co�iasioner oP Finance ' ��
�.3 esty ga.0
Lexington Pkky. to W. Seventh St.
Dear Sir:
Transmitted herewith is a preliminary estimate oP cost for the impro�vement
of JEFFERSON AVENUE Prom Lexington Pkwyr. to W. Seventh Street, under Pre-
liminary Order C.F. No. 239770, approved August 8, 1968.
. Would you please hane your ofPice submit the Intermediary Order vith the
Pollowing wording:
Improve JEFFERSON AVENtJE from Lexington Pkwy. to W. Seventh S�.
. (City Pro3ect P-483) as, follows: Widen, grade, pave, curb;
construct street, a11ey and driveway returns; construct storm
water drainage. Pacilities; construct sewer, water and gas service
connections; and do a1�. other work Which is necessary and inci-
dental to complete said improvement.
. Also reconstruct sidewalk on JEFFERSON AVENUE as follows: the north
side f]rom Lexington Pkwy. to 116 Pt. east; the south side Yrom
, . Lexington Pkwy. to F�z].ton St.; both eides from �a].ton St. to Bay St.;
the south s�.de from Osceola St. to Da1y St.; both sides from Daly St.
` to Webster St.; and the south side from Oneid,a St. to W. Seventh St.,
except where it ia determined that good and sufficient poured side- '
xalka exist. �
� The estimated costs and financing for this improvement axe as follo�rs: �
Estirnated Costs .
Estimated Construction Costs $345,100 �"���
Engineering �.' 12� 41,�+00 ;, ��
' : Inspection � 2� 6,9� --
, - Valuation and Assessment Services 970 4.
� � Misc. Publication, Court aad Other Coeta 630 � �
Other Costs 3,000 '
' 'roz'AL $398,� ��
� � �
. ' ' P-�&3 JEFFERSON AVE. '
Lexing�on Pk�ry. to W. Seventh St. -2- September 30, 1969
Eatimated Financing
Estimated Property Aasessments , $ 48,800 .
Municipal State Aid 1969 � � 78,200
Capital I�provement Bonds 1969 271Z000
. TOTAL �398,�0
Estimated property asseasmenta are based on the folloryring rates:
Grading and Paving
A and B .Residential - k,800 Aasess. Ft. (� $5.00 $ 24,000
. C Res., Comm. & Ind.- 1,570 Asaess. Ft. @ $7.50 11,775 .
Curbing .
A and B Residential. - 5,700 ft. Q $1.25�Lia. F`t. 7,125
� C Res., Comm. t� Ind.- 1,�00 Pt. �3 $2.00�Lin. Ft. 2,800
.�D� r_ivewa�s
6" �n�c� - 30o sq, 'Yds. c� $6.5o/sq. Yd. 1,950
, 7" Thick - 80 Sq. Yds. 'e $7.50�Sc1. Yd. 600
1,000 Aasess. Sq. F`�. @ $0.60/Sq. Ft. 600
, Total Est. Amount Recoverable by Assessment - $ 48,850
Water service connections, �here applicable, aill 'be charged ag per the
- Yollo�ring schedule:
Jefferson Avenue Prom Lexington Pk�y. to Victoria St. - (80' R/W)
: Size • 3�4�� ln 1�� 2�� and laxger
; � Chaxges $187.00 $203.00 ' $285.00 Actual Coat
JePferson Avenue from Viatoria St. to W. Seventh St. - (100' R/W) '
+ Size 3/4" l�" 12" 2" and larger
Charges $228.00 $2�+1.00 $325.00 � Actual Cost
� Sewer service connections, where applicable, will be chaxged as per the
� follo�ing schedule:
Jefferson Avenue from Lexington Pk�y. to Victoria St. - (80` R/W)
� � �� �
�� 4 �`� = New or renewal (6 ): $31�.00
, � � ��
OCT1469 �-'\ Jefferaon Avenue f�om Victoria St. to W. Seventh St. - (100' R/W) ������
DEPT, pF . = ��� incorporating a drill hole and connection to a sewer tunnel: $2�000. �
�'�` � ��
FINANCE �;�; Renewal oP an existing sewer service connection in this area is not �''�
' �`' applicable because these connections are made to� a drill hole that is �°���-
°4��'j.������y beh3nd thc property line and ia not aPPected by thia impz�o�rem�ent. '� �
_ , ''" P-k83 JEFFERSON AVE. + '
- ' =` Lexi,ngton Pkvy. to W. Seventh St. -3- September 30, 1969
This pro�ect includes the construction of a bridge over Short Line Road on
JefPereon Ave. and t�ro ramps connecting Jefferson Ave. to the northbound lane
of Short Line Road.
The estimated cost for the bridge is $382,300, xhich is financed entirely
bY Z969 Municipal State Aid F�inds.
The estimated coat Por the ramps is $88,900, xhich ia financed entirely 'by
sT-9 Boncls.
No assessment ia to be made for the bridge or ramp construction.
The total estimated cost for this improvement, including the bridge and
ramps, is $869,200•
The Final Order for this iiuprovement should be coordina.ted with the Final
Order for slope and construction•easements necessary Por this improvement. .
�ro copie� oP Preliminary Order C.F. 2k5652, dated September 18, 1969� and
one copy of each oP the dra�rings referred to in the condemnation order Por
. slo�e �and conetruction esaements are enclosed.
' Yours very truly,
Robert F. Peterson
Co�nnissioner oP Public Worka
Attachments �
cc:' Joseph J. Mitchell •
C. L. Thompson
J. W. Donovan � , .
J. Schxartz ' ,
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113 Covrt Hans 55102
December 19, 1969
File 17431, Page
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Saint Paul will
hold a public REHEARING in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and
Court House at 10:00 a.m., on January 13, 1970, on the advisability of
proceeding with Preliminary Order 239770, approved August 8, 1969,
which proposes to improve JEFFERSON AVENUE from Lexington Parkway to
West Seventh Street.
Details of the above improvement may be found in our notice to you
dated November 7, 1969.
ON JANUARY 9, 1970, AT 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner of Finance
Januar.y 13� 1970.
Harry E� Ma.rshall, City Clerk.
Re-hearing on petition of Independent School District �625 for vacation
, of Jenks St. between Arkwright and DeSoto Sts.
Re-heaxing in matter of advisability and necessity of correction or wrecking
- and removal of building at 629-31 Ashland Ave.
Re-hearing in matter of advisability and necessity of correction or wrecking �
and removal, of building at 547 Caxroll Ave.
Let�er of the Metropolitan Council submitting for City Council review a �
proposal of the Ba,ptist Hospital Fund to construct a school of nursing
at �+35 Aldine.
� . A letter of the West 7th. St. Assn. for Neighborhood. Development urging approval
of the total Neighborhood Development Program on Friday, Jan. 16th.
IV. NEW BUSINESS - Resolutions and other m.atters off�red for consideration.
V. MISCFLLANEOUS - Committee Reports, matters requested Uy Councilmen, citizens, etc.
,• � .
• . • .
Tuesday, �anuary 13, 1970
GRADE, SURFACE= SLOPES AND SEWER East-West alley in Bik. 2� Como Park
2nd Add. f rom Oxford St. to Argyle St. and the North-South aliey f rom
the East-West alley to Hatch St. Sewer in said North-South alley and
in Hatch Street f rom the North-South alley to Chatsworth St. {6-1875)•
The above orde� comes before the Council based on public necessity.
There is a record of numerous complaints of standing water in the NS
alley and a request from the Health Department to remedy this potential
health hazard.
The oniy way this altey will drain properly is by constructing; a
catch basin and se�r in the alley. The grading of this alley was held up
awaiting construction of the "LEXINGTON STINSON STORM RELIEF SEWER. This
sewer system dces not come up Hatch St�eet far enpugh to service the
proposed sewer in the alley. In addition to this sewer in the alley, a
sewer must be built in Hatch Street to connect to the storm sewer system.
Since the property owners in this block will be asscssed for the
LEXINGTON STtNSON RELIEF SEWER, Public Works will pay the additionai
cost to extend this sewer system in Hatch Street. The prope�ty owners
will be assessed for the grading and surfacing and the alley sewer.
Conunissioner Peterson and 1 have viewed the alley and are of the
opinton that thts would be an improvement to this neighborhood. Because
of the sewer in the aliey, the estimated rate per assessable foot is
$6.45. However, we are of the opinio� that the benefits outway the
cost, For that reason, the engineering recortrnendation is for passage
of the order s� written.
CURB AND GUTTER IOWA AVE. both sides from Chatsworth St. to Milton St.
The order to const�uct a concrete curb and gutter between the above
limits comes before the Council _based on a petition signed by 17 property
owners who c�nprisa approximately 85'�6 of the assessable f rontage.
It is the opinion of ths Engineering Department that concrete curb
and gutter will do much to enhance the appearance of the netghborhood.
The total estimated cost of the p�oject is $5,661.00, including engineering,
inspection and finance charges which comes to a rate per assessable foot
of $5.52. Because of the large petitton, it is the Enginee�ing
recanmendation that this order be passed as writte�.
Respectfutly submitted,
Richard A. Schnarr
Chief Engineer
. � J � � V"� �
� " � ' � � � � J
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SLOPES JEFFERSON AVENUE from Lexington Pk�ay. to Clifton St. A1.S0
IMPROVE JEF'FERSON AVENUE fran Lexington Pkwy. to W. Seventh St. (City
Project P-483) as follows: Wid�n, grade� pave and curb; construct street,
alley and driveway returns; construct �ewer, water and gas service
connections. Also reco�struct sidewalk on JEFFERSON AVENUE as foll�►s:
the north side from L�acingtan Pkwy. to }lb ft. east� the south sid� from
Lexington Pkwy, to Fulton St.; both sides from Fulton St. to Bay St.; the
south side from Osceola St. to Daly St. ; both sides from Daly St. to Webster
St.; and the south side from Oneida St. to W. Seventh St. Postponed from
The Jefferson Avenue improvement fran Lexington Parkway to W. Seventh
Street was before the Council on November 25, 1969. At that time the
Council , after hearing much discusslon on the matter, directed Mr. Donovan,
Valuation Engineer and myself to conduct an informational meeting in the
neighborhood and at that time explain the project to the abutting property.
last Friday �ight, January 9, 1970. we conducted this informatfonal
meeting at the Paface Playground. in attendance were �epresentatives from
the Public Works Oepartment, including Mr. Grege Beckett, Local Improvement
Engineer, Mr. Claude Thompson, Design Engineer, Mr. Robert G. Peterson,
Traffic Engineer. Also i� attendance was Mr. J. William Donovan,
Valuation Engineer a�d Mr. Roger Rottach from the Finance Department.
The meeting was welj' attended and I would esttmate that approximately 50
people from the neYghborhood attended. tt w+�utd eppear that the great
majority of residents from Victorfa to W. Sever�th Street are not in favor
of the project for one reason or another and I was informed at the meeti�g
that a petition against this portlQn of the project had been presented to the
City Clerk someti�e a�. ft might be well to review our ftrst report to
the Council which we presented on Nove�er 25: 1969.
The above order is before the Council by recarnnendation of the
Department of Public Works.
Jefferson Avenue is presentiy 46' wide. The po�tion from Lexington
Pkwy. to Victoria St. is a combination of reinforced concrete pavement
center section and bituninous pavement in the outside lanes, all constructed
in 1931, and is very rough riding due to a peat subgrade and eutensive
asphalt patcMrwrk. The portion from Victoria St. to W. Seve�th St. is
graded and oiled and in fair condition. The a�cisting aad 20-year projected
t�affic volumes from Lexington Pkwy. to Victorta St, are 7,000 and 14,000
vefiicles per day respectively, and fran Victoria St. to W. Seventh St. are
3�000 and 6,000 vehictes per day respectively.
Because Jefferson Avenue wiii provide a major connection with both
T.H. 35E at Victoria St. and with Short Line Road east of Leacington Pkwy.,
the proposed improvem�t will consist of a 46� wide bituminous pave,ment
with concrete curb and gutter. Sidewalk will be ranoved and replaced
only at intersections and at no cost to the property owner.
A temporary construction easdnent must be taken at the southeast
corner of Lexington Pkwy. o� Jefferson Ave. for the construction of a
retaining wall. This wall wiil be the extension of an existing retaining
wall and is necessary to prevent the removal of laterai support adJacent
to the home at this corner.
Various slope easanents are also necessary on both sides of
Jefferson Ave, f rom Lexington Pkwy.to Victoria St.
The Jeffersan Ave. 6ridge over Short Line Road has been inciuded
in this project.
A t�nporary ramp is the oniy connection fran Jefferson Ave. to
northbound Short line Road at the present time. This temporary ramp
will be removed when tonstruction is begun on the Jefferson Ave. Bridge
over Short Line Road, therefore, the two acceleration ramps necessary to
replace the temporary ramp have been included in this project. One ramp
connects eastbound Jefferson Ave. b NBL Short line Road, and the other
ramp connects westbound Jefferson Ave. to NBL Short Line Rosd. Both
ramps will consist of 8" concrete pavement with concrete curb, va�-ying
in width from 16' to 24�.
The estimated construction costs are as follows:
.lefferson Ave. Paving $438,700.00
Bridge Construction 382,300.0�
Ramp Construction 88,900.00
TO7Al $909,900.00
Bridge construction is fi��nc,ed entirely by 1969 MSA Funds.
Ramp canstruction is financed entirely by ST-9 Bonds.
,lefferson Ave. pavtng is financed �s foilows;
Estimated Property Assessment $ 48,800.00
Municipai State Aid 1969 118,900.00
Capital Improvement Bonds 1969 � .2, ��i 000.00
TOTAL $43tS,�'0.00
The estimated property assessment is based on assessments at the
following rates:
Gradinq and Paving
A and B Residentiai $5.00 per assessabie ft.
C Residential, Conxnerc��ai � Industrial $7.50 per assessable ft.
A and B Residential $1 .25 per lin,eai ft.
C Restdential , Commercial � Industrial $2.00 per lineal ft.
6 inches thick $8.00 per square yard
7 inches thick $9.00 per square yard
Sidewaiks $0.75 per square foot
Water Service connections, �t►ere instailed, wili be charged as per
the foilowing schedule:
Jefferson Avenue from Le�cinqton Parkway to Victoria Street
3/4 inch connections $245.00
i inch connections $270.00
1-1/2 inch connections $370.fla
2 inch connections and larger Actual Cost
Jefferson Avenue fran Victoria Street to West Seventh Street
3/4 inch connections $290.00 *
1 i�cfi connections $315.00 *
1�-1/2 inch connections $425.00 *
2 inch connections and larger Actual Cost
�In addition, cta,�,i-ges ranging from $50.00 to $250.00 and up, wili
be macte dependent upon the amount of rock encountered.
Sewer service connections, where instalied, wili be charged as per
the following schedule:
Jefferso� Avenue from Lexinaton Parkway to Victoria Street
New or renewai (b inches) $314.00
Jefferso� Avenue fram t/ictaria Street to West Seventh Street
N�, incorporati�g a driii hole and connection
to a sewer tunnel. $2,0OO.OQ
All service connections will be installed only at the property oamer's
Respectfully submitted,
Rithard A. Sch�arr
Chief Engineer.
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FRED C. NORTON � �, ������'r �� COMMITTEES:
DI67RICT 48A '+�' � .�.����.'� l � APPROPRIATIONS
Y01 FAIFMOUNT AVENUE � (�, i r��=j ����`��r&�h 'F�� k� � � -., CIVII.ADMINISTRATION
'� n�[,rxi�.�a '� —1'� #'x
ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 53103 �1" ���ry '?'���►fEaf.i�.��� CLAIMS
� atU'F
�'r' ,r'C � .���t�',� "`'r1 .`�f nM�'�=— JUDICIARY �
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L L. DUXBURY, Speaker
November 22, 1969
Honorable Thomas R. Byrne
Mayor of Saint Paul
City Hall
' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Jefferson Avenue �mprovement
Dear Mayor:
A hearing wi 11 be he t,-. bef ore �:-ie C��ty Co���.c�..: on November
25� 1969� relative to a number of proposed improvenE,-.�s for Jefferson
Avenue. As I may not be able LJ be present at the n. ary_ng, I would
like to bring to your attention some of the �hings i :�ave: iearned from �
investigation and some Guestior.� which I feel shouio oe �.lswered.
To begin wich, whiie a relatively small amount oi �ne cost
is to be assessed against abutting property, the owners o� �cais pro-
perty are not weaithy and any assessment will be very burdensorne. The
City should clearly demonstrate the need for widening, repairing and
re-curbing between the freeway entrance and West �eventh Street, which
is largely residential in character. '
Likewise� the purpose of this project should be examined. If
the improvement is being made to service the freeway or if Jefferson
Avenue is to be made a truck route (I have heard this), then the Council
should consider whether it is fair to assess any part against local pro-
perty owners.
If the need can be clearly demonstrated, the proposed costs
should be reconsidered relative to other projects. I have been told by
City officials that in the Summit-University Area and in census tracts
9 and 10� the paving and re-curbing are included in a $5.00 per assess-
able foot assessment. Inasmuch as West Seventh Street has qualified as
an NDP area� I believe its residents should be afforded equal treatment
with these other project areas.
Simiiarly, I was told that driveways in the Summit-University
Area are being assessed at $4.50 per yard rather than at $8.00 as is
__ � proposed for Jefferson Avenue. Fairness would seem to require equality
���,� . ,
'�, �
, �/
� � ,
Honorable Thomas R. Byrne
_ November 22� 1969
Page No. 2.
here. This is particularly true because Jefferson Avenue has a 100 foot
right of way instead of the usual 66 feet. Since driveways are built
from the paved portion of the street to the property line, by historical
happenstance, Jefferson Avenue residents must have a longer, costlier
driveway than the ordinary.
Further, I hope it will be clarified whether or not water and
sewer hookups are voluntary with the property owner.
While an informational meeting has been scheduled in the morn-
ing before the Council hearing, I believe that an evening meeting would
have be�n preferable. If a postponment is requested by the residents in
order to have such a meeting, I hope it will be granted.
I wish to thank you in advance for your careful consideration
of the contents of this letter.
Yours very truly,
Fred C. Norton,
State Representative
� >
West 7th Street Association
for Neighborhood Development
c�o Thomas A. Schaenzer
662 Armstrong Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
November 25, 1969
Honorable Ma.yor Thoma.s R. Byrne
and City Council
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
This morning the City Council has scheduled a public hearing in
regard to numerous proposed impravements to Jefferson Avenue. Most
of the section of Jefferson Avenue involved is contained with the
West 7th Street N�ighborhood Development Program grea--the area for
which the City Council ha.s designa.ted the West Seventh Street Assoc-
iation for Nei�hborhood Development as the representative citizen's
At a special meeting last evening, the Association's ad.minis-
trative board, along with representatives of the Jefferson Avenue
residents a.nd the Housing a.nd Redevelopment Authority, discussed
several issues involved in the project: the burden of assessments
on low-income or retired residents, the relationship between Jeffer-
son Avenue and the construct3.on of Interstate Highway 35E, and the
degree to which a reconstructed Jefferson Avenue is 3mporta.nt to the
over-all West 7th Street N.D.P. plan.
We believe that it would be in the best interest of the area
residents and the .c�ty as a whole to "delay any action on Jefferson
Avenue pending the finalizing of Interstate 35E".
Thank you for considerin� the contents of this letter.
�j��,C�l ' ` �",�'�-�
Thomas A. Schaenzer
West 7th Street Association
R� " ,.- _ _ _�
/ . �
November lfi� 196�
Hir. James J. Dalglish
Commissioner of Finance
`� 113 Court House
`�;,� St. Paul� Minnesota 55102
� ��, Dear Sir:
;`�,�`' �� -
) � �" In reference to your letter, file � 17431, page 22, T am protesting
� } ��� � r vigorousl�;, lt is the most i��otic thir�g the city has done to date.
\��' � °`' The more I think of what the so cailed elected officials of thia
��, '`� � city are trying to pull, the madcier 1 get. So��C: cour.cilma.n is
, -���,; �r; �" trying to take the money 1 feed. my �aby �vith and apend it on
��� improvir_g a street that doesn"t r.eed it. As f�r as I can see, there is
� '� �� gross mism�,n�emer.t in our city �overnment and I inter.d on c�,using a
�\ � co m plete investi gation in to where all our mone y is bezr.g d r a i n e d t o
r l�� � �.� and into whose pocket it is going.
.,.�, ���
��; � 1, Jefferson Avenue d.oesr.' t need to be wider_ea, it doesn"t need curbs a,nd
��' '�;��� �;, the hell with the alleys. Jefferson is i� better snape than most of the
� `'
�� <, ;,\`-atreets in St. Pa.ul. All you guys in Cit3� riall try to do is run us
�� . �,� , little �u�s into t�e poor nousa. l'vell L'm not going to be olack�r�a.iled or
�;\'., `J pushed araur_d by City Hall without a fight. You can spend $43�5�700 on
�,,� �,J,'�� improving a street that doesn' t rLecd it but you can't afford to ke�.p up
�� �� ; ;,� our police and fire aepartment ana you tnresten us little people with
��. �� �.,'�� `' threats of not plo�ing oar strcE.ts, closin� our lior�,ries anct less
�_�� � �,
' garbage �ick-up, �u�.you.'re �uicx to vote in a salary increase for your-
, _ __._. . __.___-- - ---.�__._.._—_____---.�
' _ sel�,,,ve�s,_ Tn�s farce of a Jefferson Avtr.ue proposal is tne atraw that broke
� f�the camel's �ack. No�v l�m going to fight to keep you from tak:ing tne mon�y
1 use to feeci m�� b�::oy. it is time we little people stuck. together and
f'ou�ht you. Anci 1"m �;oing to right in front. lf you dan't believe this
is stupic, tY:en answer me this. IUho else �*�ou1a improve streets tnat
don't need it? 'Nnat ;ood woula it do uB? titio.ala it oring us new busin�ss
in our area? tiYould it releave our t�.x burden? No--it wo�.ldn�t:
'�-s�:ecially when in a ye�r or two it will be: a dead street when the ne�ti�
free�:�ay is compiete. As far as i can see� it isn't to our advanta,ge
whatsoe�-er. It isn't nelping tne little peoplt:--it is hurting us.
Fioping to have a few heads,
� , ° (�` - � }
���.+l !!/ �'� . 'ti��-�\,�/�---"�-(
D=wvid ','V, Hir.kleJ ,/�
691 Jef�'eraon �,
St. Pnu1, ;v inrtesota 55102 .
• ' �- . i
- , �
November 25� 1969
Harry E. 2�iarsha�.1, City Clerk.
Heaxing �o consider correction or wrecking an�i remova.l of apartment building
at b2g-31 Ashland Ave.
� Hearing to consider correction or wrecking and removal of duplex dwelling at
670 E. Sixth St. •
Final Ado�tion - cF 2�+3319 - Rezoning property on east side of Westminster St.
between Cottage and I�yyacinth to "C" Residence District.
Final Adoption - CF 2�+b237 - Repealing Chapter 363, as a.mended, pertaining to
� the licensing of photographers.
. Third Reading - CF 2�+b287 - Amend. Ord. 3250 re allowing employees off duty due
i.� iu,iul-:ie� i.v uae acc:tunui.ai:ea sic� ieave. va,caLior.. or• com�ensaLOrv �ime. ete. �
Thixd Rea.ding - CF 2�+6289 - Rezoning No. side of Sherburne bet. Snelling and
Asbury to Comroercial Dist.
Third Reading - CF 2�+5290 - Rezoning No. side of Hubbard bet. F�y and Snelling to
Petition of about 12 names opposing the proposed improvement of Sue St. f�om
Norfolk to Sheridan.
A letter of Paul Preiner, Clerk of Municipal Court, requesting an additiona,l
appropriation of $9,275.00 to be credited to their budget for the rem.ainder
of the yeax 196g, to cover the cost of salary increases for Municipal Court
Juc2ges as appro�*ed by Laws of I�Iinnesota for 1969.
A letter of Mayor Byrne will be submitted being a veto message for C. F. 2�+0381,
which authorized the Corporation Counsel to communicate with officials of
Northern States Power.regarding the Compan�y's gross earnings tax.
IV. I�a BUSIR�ESS - Resolutions and other matters affered for consideratio�.
V. MISCELI,AT�OUS - Committee Reports, mu.tters requested by Counci�lmen, citizens, etc.
Tuesday, November 25. 1969
STORM SEWER In LEXiNGTON AVENUE f�om Palace Ave. to James Ave.; in
CHATSWORTH STREET from Palace Ave. to Randolph Ave.; in MIL70N STREET
f rom Randoiph Ave. to James Ave.; in JAMES AVENUE fram i.extngton Ave.
to 280 feet more or less East to Miiton St. and there outletting in
the existing sand rock tunnel. All to be known as the JAMES-MiLT�I
Thfs project was initiated by the Department of Public Norks to
both alieviate a history of sewer backups in the area end as a part of
the overall program recorm�e�ded in the Sewerage and Drainage Report
submitted and approved by the City Councii in 1967, as a �asure to
eliminate sewage backups in the basements and to begin a program of
sewer sepa�ation to abate water poliution.
Backups on record in the Department of Public Works are:
10i8 Randolph
Id24 Randolph
)028 Randotph
)038 Randolph
These people were previousiy asaessed for the Milton-Watson Relief
Sewer but will receive no benefits until such time as this James-Milton
Sewer is canpleted.
A sewer system is proposed in Milton Street north and south of 1.S.
35E, that will provide additionai relief for those a�eas on the
northeasterly edges of the subject assessment area.
No other projects are dependent upon this tmprovement.
The cost of this proJ ect is estimated at $85,450.00 with proposed
assessment rates of $0.01 cents per square foot for Class A a�d B
residentlal sites and $0.015 cents for Class C residential artd Commercial
and Indugtrial sites. The amount recaverab}e by, assessment is $ig,480.00.
The remaining $65,970.00 is to be financed through Capital lmproveme�t
There are no foreseeable cor�struction problems to be encountered in
this project.
This pro,ject is to be co�structed during the 1970 construction season
and the completion clate wlll be specified as Nov�nber 1 , 1970.
it is the Engineering reoanmendatton thafi this order be passed.
SLOPES JEFFERSON AVENUE from I.exington Pkwy. to Ciifton St, ALSO
IMPROVE JEFFERSON AVENUE from Lexington Pkwy. to W. Seventh St. (City
Pro,ject P-y83) as foltows: Widen, grade, pave and curb; construct
street, ailey and driveway returns; construct sewer� water and gas
service connections. Also recanstruct sidewalk on JEFFERSON AVENUE as
follows: the north side f rom Lexington Pkwy. to 116 ft. east, the south
side from Lexington Pkwy. to Fulton St.; both sides from �ulton St. to
Bay St.; the south side from Osc�la St. to Daly St.; both sides f�om
Daly St. to Webster St. ; a�d the south side from Onelda St. to W.
Seventh St.
The above order is before the Council by recommendation of the
Department of Public Works.
Jefferson Avenue is presently 4b' wtde. The portion from Lexington
Pkwy. to Victoria St. is a combination of reinforced concrete pavement
center sectlon and bituminous pavement in the outside lanes, ali
constructed in ig31, and is very rough riding due to a peat subgrade
and extensive asphait patchwork. The portion f�om Victoria St. to W.
Seventh St. is graded and oiled and in fair condition.. The existing and
20-year projected traffic volumes f ran Le�cington Pkwy. to Victoria St.
ara 7,000 and 14,000 �vehicles per day respectively, and from Victoria
St. to W. Seventh St. are �3-;990 and 6,000 vehicles per day respectively.
��o e o
Becau$e Jefferson Avenue wili provide a major co�nection wtth both
T.N, 35E at Victoria St. and with Short Line Road east of Lexington Pkwy.,
the proposed improvement will consist of a 48' wide bituminous pavement
(widened i ' from each side) with concrete curb and gutter. Due to the
widening, all driveways will be removed and replaced. Existing sidewalk
in poor condition or tile blocks will be �emoved and replaced; also
sidewalk will be r�ved and �eplaced when it is not possible to match
the proposed improvement; also, except for the north stde between
Lexington and Victoria, sidewalk wil� be constructed wherever there is
no present sidewa�ik on this proJect.
A t�nporary construction easeme�t must be taken at the southeast
corner of Lexington Pkwy, on Jefferson Ave. for the construction of a
retaining wali . This wail wi11 be the extension of an existi�g retaining
wall and is necessary to prevent the removai of lateral support adjacent
to the home at this corner.
" -3-
Various siope easements a�e also necessary on both sides of
Jefferson Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to Victoria St.
The Jefferson Ave, Bridge over Short Line Road has been included
in this project.
A temporary ramp is the oniy connection fr�n Jefferson Ave. to
northbound Short Line Road at the present time. This temporary ramp
will be removed when construction is begun on the Jefferson Ave. Bridge
over Short Line Road, therefore, the two acceleration ramps necessary to
replace the t�nporary ramp have been included in this p�oject. One r�np
connects eastbound Jeffe�son Ave. to NBL Short Line Road, and the
other ramp connects westbound Jeffe�son Ave. to NBL Short Line Road. Both
ramps will consist- of 8" concrete pavement with concrete curb, varying
in width from 16' to 24'.
The estlmated construction costs are as foliows:
Jefferson Ave. Paving $438,700.00
Bridge Construction 382,300.00
Ramp Construction 88,900.00
TOTAL $9�9,900.00
Bridge const�uction is financed entirely by 1969 M5A Fu�ds.
Ramp construction is financed entirely by ST-9 Bonds.
Jefferson Ave. paving is fina�ced as follows:
Estimated Property Assessment $ 48,800.00
Municipal State Aid 1969 il$,900.00
Capitai Improvement Bonds 1969 271 .000.00
TOTAL $438,700.00
The estimated property assessment is based on assessments at the
following rates:
�radinq and Paving
A and B Residential $5.00 per assessable foot
C Residential ,Canmercial �, Industrial 57.50 per assessable foot
A and B Residential $1.25 per lineal foot
C Residential ,Commerciai � industrial $2.00 per lineai foot
• -4-
6 inches thick $8.00 per square yard
7 inches thick $9.00 per square yard
Sidswalks $0.75 per square foot
Water Service connections, where instatled, will be charged as
per the following schedule:
Jefferson Avenue from Lexinqton ParkwaLr,to Victoria Street
3/4 inch connections $245.00
1 inch connections $270.00
1-1/2 inch connections $370.00
2 inch connections and larger Actuai Cost
Jefferson Avenue from Victoria Street to West Seventh Street
3/4 inch connections $290.00 *
1 inch connections $315.00 �
1-1/2 i nch connect i ons $�+25.00 *
2 inch connection5 and larger Actual Cost
*ir� addition, charges ranging from $50.00 to $250.00 and up, will
be�.made depend�nt upon the amount of rock enc4untered.
Sewer service connections� where instalied,will be charged as per the
following schedule:
Jefferson Avenue from Lexin�c�ton Parkway to Victoria Street
New or renewal (6 inches) $314.00
Jefferson Avenue from Victoria Street to West Seventh Street
New, incorporating a dritl hote and connection
to a sewer tunnel $2,000.00
All service connections will be installed only at the property c��mer's
Respectfully submitted,
Richa rd A. Schnarr
Chief Engineer
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