246932 • � __ � ��� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 9�.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMIl�TEE COUN OLU N—GENERAL FORM M, PRESENTED BY �T&T1.L1&Ty 13� 1.970 COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED: That applic�.tio�or the transfer of On Sale I,iquor License, issued to Herg�s� Inc. (present ownership) at 981 IIniversity Avenue be and the same is hereby � . : transferred to Her�es, Ine. (new ownershi.p and stockholders) at the same Sunday-�On-Sale-Liquor� ; +. a.ddress, and their applic��tion forfRestaurant, Off Sale Ma.lt Beverage and � ` � Cigarette I,icenses for the same location, be and the same �,re"!hereby��ranted � �, on the condition that within U days of this da.te said �Ierges, ,InE� F-�;• � :� ' shall comply with all requirements of the Burea�is of Fire� Health� �.nd�Folice . . �- � ,�.� .� . and the License Inspector puraaant to the St. Paul Legislative ,Code and all other applicable ordinances and lawe. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou�ci� �a� �'3 ��7019— Yeas Nays Carlson ��1¢,� � 3 1�7Q Dalglish / Approved 19— Meredith J Tn Favor �- Sprafku () Mayor A gainst �eeso--- � � � � i�� �uBUSM�� JAN 17 1970 Mr. Viee i'rc�ideat (Peteraonl ,� \ • , . . CITY OF SAINT�PAUL Capital o! Minnesota �������a �e a�t�e�t o a��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGEIt M. CONWAY, Deputy Com�uLdoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, License Inspeetor .ran�arr 13, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemeri: Her�es, Inc. (present owner-corporation� joins Her�es, Inc. (new owners and stockholders, and corporation) in making applicatioh for the tra�,efer of On Sale Liquor Licenae No. 7483, expiring January 31, 1970, from the present ownership, Herg�es, Inc. to thenew ownership Herg�es, Inc, at the same address 981 IIniversity Avenue . The current licensees have held this license and operated at this address since November 1965. Herges, Inc. (new owners� also make applic�.tion for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the same business. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1934. The present ownership ha,s held the licenses since 1965. The ownership officers are Ronald Kraemer, President and Treasurer; and Elaine C. Kraemer, Vice-president and Secretary. Rona].d Kraemer is the eole stoekholder. Mr. Kraemer was employed by the Admiral Merchants Motor Freight from 1957 to 1968. Since that time he has been Manager of the Little Dipper Bar, Inc. also a liquor business. Mrs. Kramer worked for Group Health Insurance for five years and the past year at the Midway Hospital. ry truly yours� G•,.�:.a:2 �l-Iti`o� � License Inspector P.5. The new corporation also makes application for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License for thie same location. This is the initial applic�.tion for that type of businese at this establishment. O . � CITY �F SAINT FAUL DEPARTD�NT C+� P�7$LTC �AFETY LICEbTSE DIPISICJN Date JMmnu�v �. 19 4�A 1. appri.oatia4a for f�1•8a1� R�f'ie�l 3'►i.qq�' ' LiQense 2, Na� of applioant 1�Ai�1 � • �s'ids�t a�d T!lll�arl�' ot E��ta� �� 3. Buainesa �►ddreee 9�3. Ul111�l�si A�eane Residencae �� 1� ��tl �►�,.� S�. F�'�. �q* - ""�";'paul;,��FG�'�►-�--" ______.r_ 4. Tre�de r�ame, if as�y �I�B� mit3, 5. Rete►il Beer Fedoral Te�x Stamp i Retail 'Liquar Federal Tax Stam.p � �ril1 be usedo 6. � whe►t Ploor lccated �'� ���` Number of rou�na used'��, f�t. � ��; �,�,�r _ t'i�a�sMa3tt�h and __ _ 7. Betareen what oro�a etreets ;���r� ����. 1�hich side of etreet t�o;134 8. A,ro premisea no� oaoup3.ad Y�� 1Phat businese ����r How Iong �O y�a�'a 9. �re premi.ae� now waocaupied -•HavQ long vacant -- Previous uss .�► 10. Are y�u a new rnmer �e� I�,ve �ou been in a si.miiar buaine�s before '�� Where �• TRhen W- 11. dre you going to operate �hia businesa per�sonally Yes If not, lrho xill opera�e it •- 12. Are you in anp other busix►ess at the gresent time Zyo 13. Have there been any oomplaints a�ain�t your operation of this type of placse � �iea .,.. ilhere �.. 14. Ii��+er you ev�er had any liQenae revolaed i�o Ythat reason and date ...+• 15. Are you a oitizen of the IIr�ted Statea Y�atS.ve Y��s Natura,lized _ _ _-.__..._� 16. llhere �rere you born �t+. t'alul� �I.cm�ev�a Date of birth��vlx 16� 1Q�i 17. I �rried. My (wife'a) (1aWq;q�qri;a� name and addrea� i8 �d �. ass�Ma��" � It39 �ht. I�afrr►#,�tt S�eefi►� 3�. Fsul� �":ir,��c:sc�t� 18. (If married f�msle) my maiden nams ia �r+ 19. Ho�v long have you lived in St. Paul �'�'� 1�+� 20, B+av�e you e�+ar been arraated_^����iolation aP �rhat criminal la�r or erdi.nan.Qe�_ .��_ � �v d � N� �E' - - 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the Ci�y vf $t. Pl�ul �M Yee . No, (Ana�er fully and comp2etely. These a �lioations are tMorou hl ohecs2flad a�el au fals�iea�un xii.�.l be oause for enialo , . - . � • - 22, Number of 3,2 p]aaea �rithin two blooka � 23. Cloaeat iutaxioating liquor plaae. (�i Sale : � �Pf Sale �� �� ?4. Nearest Church 3 �� Nearast &shool �' y�� 25s Numbe� of b4o�,}a.e � Tablea � Chaira � Stools �1 . __ _ . . _ ... , 26•. 11�t, oacup�tioai hmve yot� f'ollowed for the pe�st fi.ve years. (Give zramea of employ�et°s and date a �o. employ�ed,) . �dra3 il�erah+�nta Ke� Fs�d.,�� � 1957 1s 19'b� /l�(j�? 3r�l.�'t►1e �ipp�r Ba�, �e. 19f8 t� p�rs�t ti� '. " 27. Giiv�e� a�m�s e►nd addressea of tv2o persaas, reaidents of St„ Pl�ul, l�,i.nn„ vrho` Qan gi�e inf orio�►t 3`on e onoe rning y oue Idame_..�ib�"'L� �;tats "aort:k o�'���. Yavl dddreae �Z�y_at �e11.iz�g, :�t. �'snl, �i.�r�llsta ... .. Name �smrge J. �Crsee�t�r �ddresa �ra�nd .�venua, �t, Parul� I�iiaAS�!'6a 3i�naturo oP pp ioan wtan KlaM�! 3tate of Minn�e aota� � �a� C oun�y of Ramseq �tAt�7 1�R,�r'�BR . tieing firat duly avrorn, 8epoae� a� say� upon. oe he h��i rea the orego ng ata�ement bearing hie signatare and ]�aowa �he earitente tY�erebf, and�that-t�e eama ia �rue- of hie vem l�rnrledge e�ecept ae to thoae me►ttera thersin atated upam. information and belief and as to thoae matters he believ�es them to be true. - � ^ Signature of Applicant !=tonaZc� r'a�t��' Subsaribed and e�rorn to before m� ' th3a �th gay of Janva�r�y g 70 � � No ry bl c, Raawey C , , eaota � . Xsrtin 3. I,�daa �dy Ccrmmiasion expirea i�srarb� 28� 191� ' , . `" (Note� Theee atatement Porn� �re �iu dup].icate. "Bo�th copies muat be Pully filled outa notarized, and rett�raed to the Licenae Diviaionoj— \ � , AFFIDAV IT BY APPLICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Res ��Sa1e �� i� .{�,er ` Licenae Na� of appliaant �� � • F��idsnt and Trea�aurex of H�r$�a, Ine• Business a�ddress 981 Univsraity 11rre�att�, St. Pavl, Mlnnesota 551�1� Are you the sole onvner of this business? T•� It' not9 is it a partnerahip? � . corporatian? -Y•a , o:bher� N Others interested in buainess, include those by loan of money, property or other�risei Name Fr�k J. Hergss Address 979 Uaitroreity Ar�u• �� Honsys cniing to hin fe� � premi�s arcur�d by P1�� r �aid corporation. Flaine C. Kraer�er u3� tro. �'�irvie�► Ave��e Via� I�rea. arid �scretar�r �t. ''a��� I�Ilinnersota If a a orporation, give its name EiF]�QrSB� II�C. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa? �• As eole oavn.er? �+ Partner? •� Stockholder? '"' Uthex�rise? (Through loan of money, etc, Explain) ��• �lddresa of such buainess and nature of interest in same ��e � Si na ure of applicant ra�!' State of Minnesota ss C ount� of' �msey �LD ICRdP�R being first duZy sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�iows the contents thereof; that the same is true of hie vwm lrnowledge9 except a� tp �hose matters therein atated upon informQtion and belief and as to those matters h� believes them to be true. � , / �7 , � Si ure of a plicant � ald 1C�a� Subsoribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of danua:'y 70 Notary u lic, Ramse o ty, 'nnesota Mat�tin J. L e�a My ao�ssion expires D�• 28 lg ?3 J STATE �' �RINNESOTA� � S$ C(7UNTY OF R!l�2SEY RONALD KR�.E�� being firet duly srorox�r�., doth depose and say that he makes this af'f'idavit i.n conneQtion with application for " tlfnn Ssle" liquor licenae ("��Sale" malt beverage licenae) in. the �ity af Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of ths State of Minnesot� and has resided therei.n for �:,tire l.ife years, mor�.ths, and is nve� and has been for the time above mentioned e� bona fide rasident of said State and that he now residea at 43;� ho. i��irvie�r Ave�nne, � Address ti�..t'aUl , Minnesota, City or To�rn ��"—� � _ `���:���-----�--_� N.,�na1�3 �'�xa�r $ubsaribed and avrorn. to before me t °s Sth day of JaAUSry � �t�.� Notary -blio, Ramae C ty, l�i esota K�rtin 3 Lyd�n My c or�uni�s�i on expire s �pNqbQr 28. 1973� C ITY �F S�Il�T PADL DEPART�iT � PU$LIC SAFETY LICENSE DIVISI�J Date J�u� �s Z� T�? _�._.._ 1. Applioatioa� tor f�'�sle T�tail Li�c�s - Lieense 2, 2�a�e of applicant l�.aino C. 1Cxew�rr - 9ie� �rssident wd Sa�erft�a�rq oF FI*mrgr�� �s. 98� �T�nira�eit,�r ,Rtieoave _ �39 �o. F�ir�►i� �v�., ��. Paul, M�n. 3. .Bueiuees addrea�a 8esidencae 4. Trade �sme, i#' a� �rffi� II�C. 5. 8e�ai1 Beer Faderal Tax Stamp x Retsi]. Ziquor Federal Tax Stamp�11 be used. 6. C�. �rha� f18or looated �'r� l�umber oP roa�as used�• � �d M�lMap► ?. Between �at aro�s street��'�rd �'��� 11b.ich side af strea� �@� 8. �re prem3aea nrnv oacupiedZ� lqhat businese �'1�0�` Ho�r leng � ��� 9. �,re premiaes naw unoocupied�" Haa� long vacant "" Previous use �" . �. 10, �re you a ne�r owae►r �� Have you been in a si.mi].ar busineas befure �� 'l�here �" Vfhen M 11. Are you goiag to operate this busin��a pereonally � If not, �rho ui11 operate it �� �� 12. .�re you ia anq other bueinesa at the present time �� 13• Have thsre laeen any Qomplainta again�t your operation oP this type ofl pLaQe �� +� llPhen iPhe re "' 14. Ba�e you e�v�er had any licenae revok�ed � �Ihat reaeux� and date �""� 15. Are you a aitisen oP the IInited Statea ��e Nativ�eT� Natural3.zed "" _.._..... _ _ �_ i�a�irs.a.. xi�m. aot�b.r 3l. �9�t 16. l�ex� w�are you bor� � � Date of birth � 17. T am mar7^ied. ldy (M'!�'9) (husband�s� name and addreas i� ��� �a�� b39 lio. Fa�irr3nr �ir��, 3t. Favl, I�Zans��a . I8. (If married fem�le) n�r maiden name ia 81,d�+� �. B�slt�► 19. Haw long havie you lieed in 3t. Paul � �a'!'s - 24. Hav�s you e�+er been arreated tt� �iolatioa oP xhat ariiainal ].a�r or ordinancse �• 21, Are you a regietered voter in tha Cit,y of St. Pl�ul ;� Yes ` Noe (Ans�r ful],y and aom�letal�, The�e a `lioations are thorou hl ahealflad and aa galaifioatian lrill be cause for enie�lo 22, l�umber oP 3.2 plaaee within t�ro bloaks �� 23• Cloaea� intbxicating liquor plaQe. tai Sale � B�'�� OPf Sale 1 ��� 24. ATeare�at �hurch � ��� Nearest Scshool � ��� � 25.' Number of buothe � Tablea 8 Chaira � a�oole �9 �� ' 26. �Phat ooQU�tiari. have qau follow�ed for the past fi.ve y�aara. (Give namea o�` emplo�ars and datea ao emplay�ed.) � arerop H.sit� LawramrN 5 ?'�aar• � I�tidw� li�slait�al � St.F� 2 y�e�ar 27. Give� xemea and addreese� of �ro persons, 1•esidel�t� of 3ts RguT, Minne, who Qan gi�e , in�ormatian ooncern.i.ng youo ��__ Li�y s�a�e �a�k �aaress�►.Zlin� �t �o2.�r�, St. Paui, li�+��sotia �� _ _ . .. Name �'�dre,�► UoMert� �ddreasZ991t A.�hiaad Ar�ns, S�.Paal, l�an�acta 3i�ture o pp icant e • �'�' Stata of �[inx�eaota) _ 3s� c oun�Gy^ cf �maey �A,It�IE C. KRA�t . being firat duly s�rorn, depoaee arid say� upon oa t e �� read the orego r�.g stataiaent bearing h.3:s sig�atare and kn.oeva the ao�teata tbsreof, an.d-that�the aams is �rue�of his o�n l�vwledge except aa to thoee mattera therein. etated upon inform�tion and belief and as to those �mtters he believ�eo them to be true. - 'gnattzre of dppliaant • Subsaribed a� eworn to 'before ma ' tnie '�` ^aay o� a°r'p`� i s � ��"�� � , - , No i�,�ey ut�ty, , ota � . �y Commisaion �pires �• 28, 14�3 � ' ' (Note� Theee statemant forms are.�in dupliaate. Both copies must be fully .filled outa n.otarised, and return.ed to th.e Liaense Diviaiono�— � AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE xe: chA sale Retail Liqnos Licen�e Name of applicant C • Vi ce s t • et of F.� ea , Business address 981 Unirers3 Av�nUe St. :'aul �b.r,�eota 551d, Are you the sole cmner of this business?��. IP not, is it a partnerahip? No corporation3 �'ss , o:bher3 .... Others interested in business, in.elude those by loan of money, property or othei-mrise= Name Ronald Kraemer Address lt39 Nc, Fairvieri Avo. �� Sole owner o! t� �:F'aul;�inneeo'—`�� stook oP Hsrgat� _,..�u�k J_ Hdrg,ge s49 jj�iqer4i�,y �v�Lw '4o1'�eys txlitle � h�� 1�0� rt_. naul, �^inneaota +aal.e of aforeaaid pr�dN! ew���Atl � Plsria� �t �� Forate s�taak of aai! s�sa ti nn �f a aorporation, give its na� f�T;;�;�,;4� -�p„�;� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesaR �o As sola owner4 ,._ Partner? .._ Stockholder4 -- Othex�rise? (Through 1o�n of money, etc. Explai.n) ��Net�e Addreas o£ such business and nature of interest in same Mnno � ignature of applioant �� � ���. f aS�'•8�'tA Of M:171T1@ 9 O'ta� jss C ounty of I�msey ) �S C. �A�R being firg� duly svvorn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and 3cn.o�+tg the contents thareof; that the sams is true of his awn lrn.ov�rledge9 except a� to thuse matters therein st�,ted upon inf'ormation and belief e►nd as to those mattars he believas them to be true, Signature of applicant .�,1�� �� ��� Subsoribed and s�orn to before ms this�_day of 19�� - c Notary Public, County, �+Iinnesota I�lsrtin J. Lydaia , �y aommission expires D�. 28 19� ! s�� � �nVrr�so�A) ) SS CdUNTY OF RA�SEY � FLAZ�� C• ���� being first duly sxorn, doth depose and say that he malces this affidavit in connection with applicsa�ian for " 4� Sale" liquor licenae (" � Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a reaiclant of the 5tate �f �dinnesota and has rasided therein for � yeare, �� mari.ths� and is nc�' and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State and that e he now resides at �;39 �.u. r'aiTview siv.�n�e � Addreas 3t. P�u2 � �innesota. City or To�+rn �r� � � ? lair�e �.:. Kraemsr' Subsoribed and a�rorn to before me this 5th �� o f Jant{ary 9 7� ot�ry blia, Rama Co y, Minnesota �x'tin J. �Y�� t)eee�mb�r 28 19T3 �y commisaion expirea � � , . . . . AFFIDA,YIT F{7R S�JDAY i,I+�UOR I,IC$NSE APPLICATION Nat� r __ /^'_� `l � Reaidenoe Addrees�_��-�—� ,, � � '' �,� � ` Lioea�ee '�� " � < n � _ 1lddreaa of Business � �� �,,,,.� I heraby apply for a Speoial 3unday i,iquor lioenae. I hsve a Restaurant - Hote7. (aross oat one) liaense with aeating oapaoity Por /,�"� pe ople. - �� / Sign.ed j`�� —v�.�. • S'�e►te of ldinne a�ta) )SS , C otmty of �ay ) ,� , � _ . being Piret duly �rorn, depoaea an eays upon oa�h tha► he has re� the faregoing ai'Pidae3.t beariag hie signature and -I�veveAthe oontenta `thereoP; that the same ie �rue oF hia mRn kno�r].edge, exoept ae to thoae �atters �lierein stated upon informati000. and belief and sa to those matters he believes them to be true. � '�... �� � Sigz�ture o applicazit Subearibe� and s�ro to befa�re me this /�z day n '� 19� � C- - N ota ry i , ey Cotmty, s ota My cc�eaartiesian eapires / a -a� 19'Z� DOROTHY 7. MUNKELWITZ , NOtary Public, Ramsey County, A9inn. My CoMmission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 � � �a�fin. �. �'t�.c�n ATTORNEY AT LAW � 641 UNIVERSITY AVBNUE . � PNONE� 228-0144 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS104 Jsmt,�,ry 5, �97C' Ta � The Honorable �a„yc�r a�ct G�,ty ��unci2, of the C�.ty a£ 9ain� ��ul, M�esota CQUrt Hrnus+� St. Paul, Minneac�ta Gentlemen« Pl�a►se be advia�scl t,hat I have purQhased the cagi't.+�. �t,,�c�k caf HF..�3�a �dC., 983 Urti�er�3t� �tn$r�a�, �t. Pse��., �inne�c�t�,, �i.c� corporati.c�n is ao� tk�e �►�ner of an t?�n-�al.e I�etail i.�quc�r t+i�e�n�e scnd c��h�r ,��'�3.Z�.a!ted 1ic�s�s, tog�tht�r �aith p�rean�T. property locaa'�rl in said pr�nises. �l�e ��id carporatis�n t3aa�1.1 �n��aue ta da busi�+ese arid vperate at 9$'L Univar�i�y �w�nus, �t. P�3., Mi.�neso�. �he Bo�rd o� ��.ra�crs wi?1 eonsiat o.fa R+anald Kra+�c Elsin e C. I�r�,iea�r and t�h� corparat� ot'f'�.oers �f sald �o�poratscr� tid.3.1 bea Ranald Kraemsa� - �r�aident a�nd Treasuxer F�1�#.rre C. Krae�er, Vi ce ��si.d�t�t �d Secr�tax� Yov�s �t�ry r�sr��t.fu�.l�, ' � -� � .� • � h . <�� � �a�fin �. .L'tJ.c�n ATTORNEY AT LAW 641 UNIVERSITY AVENU[ � PMONi� 228•0144 SAIN7 PAUL. MINNESOTA 55104 �`�UB� �: ��� ',�E� th9 Hp�tb�'8b16 P�ay�tar �d City ��unail of �h� �S�tg ot S�.i.nt Pawl R�eae� ���ty �c�u�t Nqu�a �t. �'av�3., �a���ota t3ernL7.�eaa e Pl+�a�e be adv�,�� tba� �� �� is p�rar�l�ain� a'�,1 �arp►orit� ar�c� of �that crrtai� qr��-��.� FEe���:l Ll.c�uar bum�.tnere lc�t�tsd at 9$1 tIA3v�irai�y �re�u�, ��. P��u].�' Mir�n�a�o�a, �o�nra a� �IE�t}�, :f.'�. a�d rt�sp�ae�t"�l.ly �+�e�ts t�� �i�► �aar�c�,1. a�t tho City o!f' �airrt Pa�l, l�I.n�resots 'Go a�ktw�l�e �t�i� ��an�.�sr, eharadr�� �hat �toaald ��c�a��r ia � aole s�4�-�older o�i aa�.d �slnee��t, �hioh #.n�lut�ar ��e fh►-�3a�e Re�G�,l. �iq�so� �.i�err$e ir� fi�e �am� a.t S���a�, �n�. a�d � »vtrr y��ur reasrd�a �;a�or�l.ng�. �e���'t�t�li�` �'cs�r� '-`/� , -- -C- � d +�asr i��, 3�C. c�ner c�f a3'orsa�.d bnsiness �aaid �ct-�ls �+rt,ai3, Liquor 1�.��uat��, �� r�apeat,�v3.Iy �a�,�e in t�a abo�re me��o�aed request for transfer and: �taat �he re�ccrd�r re�:ee�t '�t Ro�aal.d �ra�� i� »o�a trh. o�nner of aa'�..1 c�c+rperst� �ot�ek a�" ��d F�er�e�, �c�. �'�k yov. �ffi, �1C. `. �---- ,� Hyr � -�,�,.. G!/ - `°�� ��-� d+e�t re re c