246931 /. Orlainal to City Clerk O1� DINANCE '�4�'��� � _ COUNCIL FILE NO f ^ r PRESENTED BY � " '��'" �,=1 /` ���� ORDINANCE NO An ordinanee arnending t�e Zoning �odc, Chapters 60 to 6�, inel��ive, of the �aint Pa�l Legislative �ode, pertaining to LTse Distriet�, Heigk�t mi�tricts and Rezoning of certai� proper- ties in the Ctity of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COt�TCIL �F THE �ITY �F SAI.�TT PATJL mES ORDAIN s 3ection l. That the Zoning �ade, ��i�gters 60 to 6�, in�lusive, of th� Sain� Pa�zl Legi�lative Code, pertaining to Use Distrie�s, HeigMt ZJi�tri��s and Rezonir�g of eertain properties in th� City of Saint Pat�l, a� amended, be a,fld the �ame is hereb�r further a�nea�ded �o aa to rezone the follo�in� deseribed praperty from "A" Residence Distr�ict to "�" Residenee District, to-witt Lots 13, 1�+, ar�d 15, Bloek 2, "l�errills Division of Rice S�reets Villas"; situate on property located on the northea�t corner of unimproved �iTest California A�enue and Park Street 1n the Ci�y of S�.int Paul. Seetion 2. �his ordinanee shall tal�e effect and be ir� Yorce �hirty (30� da�s from and after its pas�age, approval and publication. _ . JAId 2 7 1978 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith _,� Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco J/�� 2 d ��7� .,vi�� �,. , .1 ':; APAroved: es Yre a Ci Clerk � _,_. ' 1 a or �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBL.ISHED �AN 3 X 1970 Daplicate to Printer � � DINANCE �'����A��. COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending the Zonin� Code, Chapters 60 to 6�, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code, pertainin� to Use Distri.ets, Heigh� Distric�s and Rezoninp; of certain proper- ties in the City of S�int P�ul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chap�ers 60 to 6�, inclusive, of the Sain� Paul Le$islative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of aertain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, b� �nd the aame is hereby further amended so as to rezone the f�1�o�ring de�cribed property from "A" Residenee District to "C" Residence District, to-wit : Lota 13, 1�F, and 15, Block 2, "Merrills Division af Rice Streets Villas"; situate on property located on the northea�t corner of unimproved West Califarnia Avenue and Park Street in the City of Saint Paul. Sectian 2. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passa�e, approval and publication. �A�� � ;� ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith ���� � Against Sprafka Tedesco � ::,z�a���?'a�e�a�er�t�,..(:P��tc:l�d: . , : � � . _ �4f�9.`�� , � � � �OARD OF ZONfNG, CITY OF ST. PAUL , � 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNE50TA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 December 29, 1969 , Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk ' Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the petition of Roy T. Spannaus to rezone from "A" to "C" Residence two parcels of land. Parcel�is located on the northeast corner of unimproved West California Avenue and Park Street and is described las Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 2, Merrill's Div. of Rice St. Villas . Parcel B is located on the south side of West Larpenteur Avenue east of Rice Street and is described as: Lot 9, Block 1, Merrill's Div. .of Rice St. Villas. This matter was considered at the September 18, October 2, and December 4, 1969, meetings of the Board of Zoning. The staff report noted that three larger areas between these parcels were rezoned to "C" Residence in April, 1969. The proposal at that time was to connect these areas with these presently being considered by street vacations resulting in one large area that would allow a 150-unit apartment development. Both parcels presently petitioned are hilly and vacant. Parcel A has a frontage of 40 feet on West Larpenteur Avenue and an area of 5,000 square feet. Parcel B is triangular in shape and has street frontages totaling 215 feet with an area of 8,125 square feet. The staff report noted the Comprehensive Plan recommends single- family use for this area and also a new major thoroughfare along the railroad tracks which would require much of Parcel A. At the September 18, 1969, consideration of this matter, the Board of Zoning expressed concern over several unresolved factors regarding the area and consequently laid the matter over indefinitely. % �i seconu uubiic nearin� was neid on uctober �, lybN, at whicn t;me a ietter was nresented from the Department of Public Works concerning the proposed highway along the railroad right-of- way. The letter requested that no construction be permitted within 200 feet of the railroad property which includes all of Parcel A. The Board of Zoning discussed factors concerning the matter including the proposed highway, street vacation proceedings, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's interest in the property. Subsequently, the Board again laid over the matter indefinitely to allow the petitioner time to resolve problems with the Highway Department, Housing Authority, Public Works Department, and Valuations Department. At the December 4, 1969, Board of Zoning consideration of this matter, the staff report was summarized and a new letter from the Public Works Department was noted which indicated that the proposed highway would best be located along the east side of the railroad right-of-way. Mr. Joseph Summers, representing the applicant, stated that the petitioner desires a package of "C" Residence land and that these two parcels will complete the area together with the vacation of Park Street and West California Avenue which are the subject of a new street vacation petition. He described the area as vacant and consisting of a large hole and a large hill, and indicated that the Housing Authority would be only one of the prospective purchasers of the property. Mr. Don Cosgrove of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority noted that it is the intent of the Housing Authority to purchase the easterly portion of the site for low-cost, elderly housing. They plan to have one access from Park Street. Approximately 12%0 of the elderly would own cars. The Board of Zoning discussed this matter and noted that the Planning Board laid over the matter of an elderly housing development for this property. Subsequently, it was moved to recommend approval of the rezoning of both parcels of land, subject to the street vacations . This motion, however, failed for lack of a second. It was then moved to recommend approval of the easterly parcel (A) subject to the successful vacation of Park Street and W. California Ave. because this parcel is isolated property. This motion was seconded and carried by a S-0 vote. Following this vote a motion was made and seconded to recommend denial of the rezoning of the westerly parcel (B) on the south side of Larpenteur Avenue because of dissatisfaction with. the proposed use. This motion to recommend denial carried by a 3-2 vote. �f� Very,�ruly yours, ������ � ���'i'/,+ ��„{/ � � 'i.•�-Z `��_'} /,-�.:� T�1 � PJM:gaf pETER�.1';�MAIETTA � 1�Y"� CLS S=��S�cretary, Board of Zoning � ' Z.F, ��6830 I // I st 2nd ��� Laid over �Fo 3rd and app���►dopted l'� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carison Dalglish ����a�t� Dalglish Meredith Meredith Peterson � Sprafka Sprafka �YP V Tedesco Tedesco Mr. Presidenf Byrne �' 'p r ��Mµ . . s�ENt�fi . v�e rr�ae�c �,��t��e�n)