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Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi 8aint Pe►ul�vis.:
! Condemnin and takin�_an easement in the land necessarx_for.the slopes, cuts and fills, ittcluding
right of re�oval of lateral support from sub�t land or re�ainder th�roof�occasioned.b�r.excavations
ithercof or construction of slopes in the.�radia� and..swrfacin�_with.bit�ainous �aterial tfie E�W aile�
� ......................___..........-•---.................... .......................................----------......
in T.B. SOMWERS ADDµ froa� the N-S alle�+.to_Farrin�ton St. and the N-S a11eJ�„ip T. B�St)hiMERS ADD.
'fro� the E-W A1�ey to Orange Ave;......--- ..... ............. ..... .�....._ _....._.. .....�.... w__.__......
! Dated thie...._.....�Xl�.....dsy of...........�aAA�tt#11:�............ .................. ..... ..... ... 7.
..�.... .. _ .. ... unoilman.�
WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the maldng of the foltowing improvement, vis.:
i Coadea�n i�g..$�d..���I�9..�aun..4a�.e�n�...i.t�_.t,h�..1sx��..x��s�ss�nx�r...fAr...tai�_.�1��,..c�u�..�unsl..f.IJ.ls�..�.�t�]�1d i ng
� right of re�oval_ of.laterat..sup�ort_froa�_subject..land.or�re�atAder,therec�f,occasio�ed. by__excavations
................. ...... ................ ..... ..... .............__ ... .......... ..__. .. ...... ..-- - .. .... ......---.._ .... ._....
thereof or constructior�,of.siopes_.in. the..gra�ding_.and_surfacin,g.with.bit�i�ous.,material�the.,E-W alle�
.................................. ..... ....... ....... .. .. -- -- - - - • - -
in T. B. SEx4MERS ADD, frc�a the N-S allay to Farrington St. and the N-S alley in T. B. Sp4MERS ADD.
f rc,�n th� E-W a 11 ey to 0 range Ave.
Itaviag been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul---------------------....---------..........._........-------...._..................
thesefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered aad direoted:
1. To inveetigate the neoeeeity for� or desirability of,.the msking of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatimated coet of said improvement, and the totsl ooet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or aketoh of eaid improvement. •
4. To etate whether or ao�esid improvement ie asked for on 4,he petition of three or more owners.
b. To report upon all of 4,he goregoing mattere to the �mmiseioner of Finsnoe.
�lAN 81970
Adoptedby the Counail............................................................................
Councilman Carlson
JAN 8 1970
Ds-�g�ts�r- APProved....................................................................
,��'t� �He�-�atfd "
P°��=�„T .
���;,� Tedesce • _ ..... ........ ...... ..�................
Mr.�IPresident a����' , �'[3���r Mayor.
�000 �-�
\5_- v ����,s�;��, JAI� 10 i970