246910 2�691.0
Connoil F51e No...»
' and
' Theunde�edhereby propoeeethemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City ot Baint Psul,vis.:
Grade F� Surface with Bltuminous material the alley in BLK. 1 MAGLER'S SUBDIVISION
and.BLK, �l.WALLBLOM'S ADD. .f rom•C 1 arence.St. to Etna�St..•��•..�.........~�.....�........�......�....
� ......................____...............................»..............................,..........................»................................. ........----..._....
Dsted this.......8th.........day of.......January.................. ............ .. . �� "
... ..� �Counoilman. �....
WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.:
Grade � Surface with Bituminous material the alley in BLK. 1 MAGLER'S SUBDIVISION
and BLK. t WALLBLOM'S ADD. from Clarence St. to Etna St.
having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..--•------------•..................................._..........._......._.........
therefore, be it
REBOLVED, That the Commissioaer of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered aad directed:
l. To investigate the neoeeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature� eatent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, proSle or eketoh of eaid improvement. �
4. To etste whether or no�e��►id improvement ie asked for oa�,he petitio�of three �r more owners.
b. To report npon sll of 4,he foregoing mattere to the Gmmiesioaer of Fin�►noe.
�;%;;�a .� ���i��
Adoptedby the f`,onnal..._...................»..................................................
JAN $ 1�70
Councilman .Carlson
n:.,.., {ot, Approvetl..... ... ................... ..........^
� b
�`� `�� Me�re�d i th . •
��� Tedesc� . ......» .... ..... ..... »____�................
Mr.�President -�rtrr�- �� Mayor.
�000 �-a4
�- �, PUB�.ISHEp JAN 1019�