246894 L
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-- CITY OF ST. PAUL �7� 6894
Report of Completion of Ass�smeat File No ��
In th� matter of the aaseasment of i�M!'i�t i�M�a �Mi �rll� �Iqt l�Mrl�fy �i lf�iM��
��� �! !� �tllMlla � R� 1�#it � �' ��li�r ��R��l�
Mir �N fft �M � �Ms �C�� iM � � sM� wM it��� ��L�j'
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t�'�i! � �� 1�'�R �IM�I�ly� �► #�R�.lM� •�'+1� 'M�' +��
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�rr�rr�'�t aN 1�' � a�� �e r�it ri�M #r �r�► �! t��al �► �►I�ar
rs� ���Nt.
under Preliminary Order —�'�'� ,approved � ���r �� ,
Intermediary Order � --,apprnve��� ����----,
Final Order � ,approved �i� .
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commiasioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a ata,tement o�the ex-
penditures neceasaxily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impro�vement, viz:
Total construction costs . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .... .. ... � 367,726 97
Engineering . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . $ 43,O10 71
Inspection . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .... . . ..... .. .. ... . .. . $ 14,186 31
Posta� caxds . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . $ 10 95
Publications .. . . . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . $ 109 50
Collection casta . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .... . . .. .. .. . $ 219 00
� Court costs for ca�firmation . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . $ 10 95
Comptroller cost ��
425 383 89
TOTAL EXPEND�T�jR�S �,und's. . .. .. . . .. . . ....... $ , �+�
Charge to . . ... ..�e�titq Eiid'Ftit�� . . . .. . . . ... . . . $ �—
. .... . . .. . . . . . . . .�itq•�c►g 'Wea t•S�:•Pani. . . . .. . . . $ �s�'��s �_
. .�:5�.�: �Suapense .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . $
Net Assessment ,
Said Commisaioner further reports that he has a�sessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to-wit: the sum of$ 23_767.02 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in aecordance with
the benefits confer•red thereon; that the said asseasment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the eignature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asaesament as
com�leted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated December 9, 1969 C iesion of Fi ce.
Fo�, a.s z� iaes s�
r �,� �,
_.. : -
f ;, 246894
R�e�o��utio� Ratifying Asse�ssment By
F51e No. ��
In the matter of the assessment of 1wMli,�s# +It�lta �ii � fos l�+�f#� +Mi �1#f�11�
�� i'�L! !r� +���t �ir�w� !� O�is1�r A�w�r i�r �i�r�• �wrq�
+�r 'Mau� # tia� �ti�i �n�r, �n�wr�, a�1 a�rt� d� r�r� aM �►s�nrr�r a��
�rM i� �[�d�s� iqr sue�r�stt�set�i *�'�� t�is ��ts sLiw��t +nM
esat�'� �►�, ,�rs�r � w�+�►t �"!' arr�rtt#r� r�iar� �wtppr �M
�ii�rs� !�► +awr�anrMrt� �r,� �rrtrs wri �r iadrrri�sr� �t�e �
��p�p�r= arai i�► M� a11 +�t�r �t +�Yt�► i�r �� a� ia�st�l t+�► �irw
� �s���.
under Preliminary Order 9C13i1! ,aPP��� �rri�■r L'�;� �i#� ,
Intermediary Order � ,approve��–�Y �s ��i --�,
F`inal Order � ,approved ��,r� ,
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and aaid assess-
ment having been further considered by. the �ouncil, and ha�g.-�-es�s��d-.f�a11�-��atisfaetorY. _
. _.__
be it therefore
RFSO!LVED, That th�e said as�essment be and the same ia hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Diatrict Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHEK RIES4LVFD, That the said a,ssesament be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in ��—equal installments.
JAN 7 1970
Y� �ar�sA�t: Nayg Adopted by the CounciL
!v�eredtttr JAN 7197�
�prafka A prove�i
�'edescc� �
�y«� J Tn Favor '
J Mayor
Aga���t D1' JAN 101970
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8a� �prLPS��