246879 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK F�'� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0, s �68 ,(�I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .LICk�+TSE CONIl�ffTTEE C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY > 3T � 9'T COMMISSIONE " DATF J&�111&� 6 1 O RE.SOLV.��s That Application L-134 for the transfer of Off Sa1e Liquor License No. 2362, expiring January 31, 1970, issued to Mre. Ida R. Binder, 158 West Seventh Street, be and the same i$ hereby trans�erred to Mrs. Ida R. Binder at 665 West Seventh Street. OFF SALE LIQUaR ESTABLISHI�I.' TRAATSFER (Lc�cation only) Informally �pproved by Council April l0, 1969 New Location JAN � l��Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 6 ���Q Carlson �}r, Approve 19— Meredith '�' Tn Favor P.Je�e�se� � Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne 19�� PUBLISHED JAN 10 O • � �f6 � 7� CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFf SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE " Application Na. F ' (This form mwt be Rlled out ia addition to the aDD�i�ation form wnd eworn statemmt required by the Liqiwr Control Commtu[oner of the 3tste of Hinnesota.) Name of Applicant IDA R. BIRTDER� A�P 69 Residence AddresQ 740 River Drive Telephone No 699-1985 Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nat�}re? I am presently operating an off—sale liquor store When and Where? 158 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesotas From 19 to present. If corporation, give date when incorporated 1'dot incori�orated Name and address of all officers of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold Names and addresses of Stockholders Name of surety company which will write bond,if knowa St. Paul Fir�e'and Marine C ompanv , , Number Street Side Between What Cross Streeta Ward 665 �W. 7th St. � West � St. Clair and Michigan ' Ward 5 How many feet from an academy, colle�e or university (measured along streets)? over 10,000 feet How many feet from church (measured along streets)? over 1500 How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets)? 850 Name of closest achool Hammond School �Iow axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_ Light Tndustrial On what floor located? Ground If leased, give name of owner Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? $xclusive liquox store How long have you operated present business at present site? over 30 years Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxica.ting liquor license? NQ (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an oflicer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be veri8ed.) Issuance of license is not recommended. . /� i �`� Dat� �9 � � ---� ���- � � '�.�. License Inspector. APPLICANT. �. �- , , CITY OF ��i,�fT PAUL , , _ • C�►pital oP Minnesota � � L �`� �j V � / oLJe a�ti�e�t o r��`ic c�a et p . � POLICB Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIBE ALABM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDaty Commieaioncr DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspector april 3, 19h9 Honorable Ma;;ror and City Council Saint Paul, i�Tinnesota Gentlemen; Currently Ida R. Binder holds t�f Sale Liquor I,icense '�o. 2362 and miscellaneous licenses� all expirir.g Januarrr 31, 19?0, at 157 4Jest Seventh Street. Due to the recievel_opr�er_t process in that area, application is mad.e by Ida i�. B�_nder for the transfer of the licenses from 158 �est Seventh Street to 665 West Sevenj,h Street which is at the intersection of St. Clair �venue. Z'his is a new location for this t�*pe of business. Currently it is la.censed as a Uas �tation and General Repair �ara�e �aith the licenses in the name of the �hell (7il Company. There is one 3.2 establishment within two blocks. 'i'he closest On Sa.1e Liruor as zaell as Off �ale �iquor business are each. ahout three-fourths of a block awa;r. The ne�rest �hurch as ti��ell as school are e_.ch about one and a half rlocks ataa�-�. �e �inder �'amily h a.ve n e�d the li cense since 1942� and T�Irs. 2da �inder as an individual since t'u�ust 19h5. Ver;;- t�xly J�urs�� � /'//LC License Inspector �~,°-�--''��---`mm_w�W _�.:�.... `�'. .,G � 0 LAb'J OFFICES . � � ' � ' RUSEt�� & RAVICH WILLIL.wF S. PtOSEN . . ... � � � . . �� � � . . PAUL I-a. RAVICH � �� � � � � 630 OSBORN E3UILDING OTIS. F. HIL8ERT � � � ' � � �. , . �� � � SAlNT PAUL� MINNE50TA 55102 � � � � - � �� , � � TELEPHONE 227-773i � . . � � - � AR[A CODE 612 M�arc3z 2 6, 19 69 The: Honorable �irlay�r and C it y C auncil c/c� C ity C Isrk Rovrr� 386 C�itr Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In Re: Transfer of Location of Off—Sale Liquor License of Ida R. Binder Our File No. 3292 _ G�ntlemen: Mrs. Binder a�sires to tran�fer the location of her off—sale liqL�Qr business fram its prasent location at 158 W.• Seventh Street, St. Paul to 665 W. Seventh Street, St. Paul,tand has prepared the ' foll�wing documents which are fflec� herewith; 1. Original and one copy of State of Minnesota Application' for Off Sale Intoxicating`Liquor License. 2 . Original and two copi�es of City of Saint Paul Application tor "Off Sale" Liquor T.icense. Also enclosed and filed is an Endorsement of St. Paul Fire and Marine � Ins�arance Company indicating that Mrs. Binder`s bond to the City applies t� ���e new location. , � Flease,issue your f�esolutfon consentirxg to the change of location of this Iicense. ; Very truly yours , ,y,^,r` ! ; S ' /, �! �. �� Q�,, ,. � ,�,,,,�. �v�� s� Ro��r . fp Enc � < , . ; , , ST11TE OF MINNESOTA � SS CO(J10TY OF B�1IS�Y ) IDA R. BINDER being f irst duly sworn, doth depose and aay that he makea thia affidavit in oonnection w:i.th applioation fbr " Off Ss►le" liquor lioense ("i Sale" malt beverage lioenae) in the City o�' . . _ _ 3t�te of 3�inaeaota Sain.t Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therei.��l her life �, and is _ _ 3ta te now sn.d has been for the time abwe �nticmed a bona fide reaident oP aaid �C and that ish.e now reaidea at N0. 740 River Drive, St, Paul �, Minne s ota. � ` � ^ :�`� � �-' �� ��� " \ Subsoribed and svrorn to before me this �S� day 19 �( A N a lia, msey County inneaota Bt1yy cammission expires WfLLIAM S. ROSEN Notary Publlc, Ramsey CowKy,Muu+. My,t3ommisston Explres Mat. 4. 1473. ' C ITY OF'SQIl�t'T•PAUL , � DEPART�NT OF P�TTBLIC SJIFSTY ZICEntSE DTVISICIN Date March 2 5 19 &9 ____._.r 1• a�pliaatian for 4if—Ssle Ltquot � Licer�ae 2. Name o� appla.aant Ida R. Blnder 3. Bus�.neea addre�e 665 W. 7th St. 8esidena� 740 River Drive. St. Paul 4. Tre►de name, 3f a� The 7th—St. Cla�ir Liq� �tgr� , , 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p X �evi.11 be uaed, _ .. . _ _ . _ _ �_.. 6. t� vrhmt floor loaated Gtound Neamber of r000ns� u�ed� ?. Betwe�ea wYiat crosa �treeta st. Clair 6 MichiQa�,.i��. $�de o� 8trset WeSt _ . .:.,..:.:. _ _ _. 8. �re premisee now oacsupied Na tiPhat businesa Ho� long 9. �Are premi�ses nox unoQaupiedYes How long vacantelnce 10�68 Frevious use g�ylce $tation . _ _ �.�..,... .,.,_. 10. wra you a new awner Y�eB Hr�ve you been in a similar busi�neas before Yes '�fhers 158 W. 7th Street 1Rhen For the past 30 years tip to snd includinQ_the _ _ _ .� � presen . 11. Sre you going to operate �his businesa peraonally Np If not, �rho xill oparate it Stnnley Diamond 12. hre you in any other busineas at the pa�esent tizme No 13. Have there been any csomplaints against your operation oP this type of p],ace �ijp �i'hen 1PPhe re 14. II�ve you ev�er had a�y licsen�e revoked No ilhat reaeon Qnd date 15. Are you a citisen of the IInited Statea Ys$ Nativ�e Yes Naturalized �r .....�,,,_�..._ 16. lAhe� irere you bora 3t. Paul, MLntiesOt� Date of birth� 2/„�,p/,�,9Q,Q 17. I am. not marriad. My �rorz.Pe's) {husband f s j nama and addr�as is �.I am a widow. M y husband'a neme was Max Binder. 18. (If married fem�le) �r maiden nams ia lda� R. Coupllti 19. How long have qou lived in St. Ps,ul All my life 20, H�ve you ev�ar been ar�reated No Violatioa of what ariminal �avir o� ordinanoe 21. Are you a regi�tered voter in the City of St. Pau1 X Yea No, (Ans�rer full and oom letel . ThOee a �Iioations are thorou hl chealfled an�d an fals f ioati o�a 9r3.�1 be csause f or enie►1. _ � _ . 22, �umber of 3,2 plaoea �rithin t�vo blooke Ona � ' 23. Closest intoxicat�ng liquor plaoee � Sals 3i 4 81xk OPf Sa7.e 3/4 Block 24. Ne�reat Chuz�ah 1-1/2 Blxk Naarest Sehool I-J,/2 81ack 25s Number of buoths Tablas Chaire S`tools 26. iRhat occupation have you follow+ed for the past five yearso (Give namea o� emplo�srs and datea so employed.) I have owned and operated the 3even Cornets Liquor Stcxe at 1S8 W. Sevehth 3treet, 3t. Paul, Mlnnesota for the pasL five y�+us. 27. Gi�e� ne►mea and addreases o� t�vo peraons, reaidents of 3t� A�u1., M�.nn,, �+rho oan gia�a infoxme►tion oonoern3.ng you, ��e . William 8. Rosen Address 630 Osborn Bulldinq, St. Paul, Minn. xa�e Georqe Maler Address 308 Ch�ro ee, . Paul Minn. !-' � 3ignature of pp icant State of Min.r:eaota� �sa C ounty of Ramsey ... _ �dL Q �,,.,� �,u�� being firat duly a�rorn, depo�ea arnl say� ,�.r._ - . upon oath�hat he Y�a read the foregoing statement bearing hi� aignature a►nd l�o�ra the oontenta thereof, and that the sama ia �rue- of his uwn �awledge except aa to those me�ttera therein s�ated upon inform�tion and belief and as to those mattsrs he believea them to be trueo � � ? �� � � ���--�-�Q�_ Signature oP dpplicant Subsaribed a,rxi s�w�orn. t� before ms ' th3.a � � dsy of ����/� 19� No ry blia, Ramaey Countqe i,sane aota 'OTiS F. NILBERT My C o�cuni s a i on expire s �Otd�' ��� Ramsey couMy,•Minn. pt. 8. 1973 (Note� Theae statement fornas are in duplicate. �Both csopies must be fully filled outa notarized9 and returned to the License Division��— �F�a,vz� sY �p�zc�r � ��. ��r�, BErR oR LzQ�uox z.zcars� Res Off �Ze__,,,,, Liaruor Lioe�e Name of applicant Ida R. Binder Buaines$ addreas 158 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Are you the sole oa�.er of this buainea�4 yes. Tf not, i� it a partsnerahip4 0 orporat iorx? , other3 Others intereated in buainesa, include thoae by loan of money, property or othenvi.ae� Name Addreas How If a corporation, give ita name 11re you interes�ed in �ny va�ay in any o�her 8etail Beer or Liquor buaine sa? 11s sole awner? Partner3 Stockholder4 Qther�riae? (Thrnugh loan of momey, eto. E�p7.ain) pddreaa of auah businesa and nature of interest in sam� �, -Q-�. Signa�ure of apQlicant State of Mirineaota) )s� Co�ty of �meey ) � , �,,.�,�(L bei.ng First-�duly eworri, depoaes and saya upon oe�th that he has�read the f oregoing a fic�avit bear�ng hie aignatui� an,d kno�re the contenta thereof; that the sam� ia true of his awn l�awledge, eaoept aa to those msttere tharein ata'�ed�upon inf'ormstion and belief and as to thoae mattera ha be— lieves them to be true. � l '���--- o�` �--� 3ignature of applieant Subacribed and evrorn to be�ore �e this 2,�j�' day f �19� / Nota ic, Ramsey ounty, Minneao OTIS F. FfILBERT My c ammi.s a ion expires �otary Publig�tamsay County, �tnn. �'���bn"�xPires Sept. 8. 2973 Apocil 3, 1969 Hon. Willia� $. Csrlson, Cc�sr. of Public Satety, Tenth and Mina. Ste., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: A�rr. Daniel P. McLaughlin Dear Sir: The Cit;� Council today laid over to April lOth. 1969 for heexing the application of Id,a R. Binder, holder of Off 3ale Liquor License PTo. 2362 and miscellaneous licenses, all expiring Ja�nu,ary 31, 1gT0, at 158 W. Severith 3treet, for the tranafer of the licensea f�a� 158 W. 8everrth St. to 665 W. Seventh Street. Vtry truly yours, City Clerk hp LETT�;R GRAP��II�'G INFOEZ:•;F�L AYP'r;OVl1I, Commissioner of Public S�,f�ty, • Tenth �.nd Aiinneso�a Sts. , St. Pa.ul, P4inn. . . � . April 10, 1969 Hon. Willia.m E. C�rlson, Co�snissioner o�' Rtbl.ic Ssiety� Tenth and Minneaota 3ts., St. Prsul, Minn. Attn: Nh�. Daniel P. MeLa.ughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today gr�.nted inf�rmal approval of the application of Ida R. Bin�d�r, holder of Off Sa,�e Liquor License No. 2362 arxl misce�.laneoue licenses, all expiring January 31, 1970, at 158 We SevPnth Street, Por the transfer of the licenses from 158 West Seventh Street to 665 W, Seve�th Streeto Will you please prepare the custa�ry resolution? Very truly yours, City Clerk hp . LE`I'T E;R GR�iv i I i�'G I NFOR:�J'1L A��Y'r;0'!AL Commissioner of Public S�,fety, • Tenth �.nd Alinnesata Sts. , St. Paul, P�finn. . . - • . Form 8—l�vised 4/1✓60 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOIt CONT80L COMMISSIONER APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answera to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corpora- tion one o9icer shall execute this application for all offcers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership one of the "APPLICANTS" shall egecute this application for all members of the partnership. EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. 1, I IDA R. BINDER as individual owner (Individunl owner,ofFicer, or partner) for and in behalf of myself , hereby apply for an Off Sale � Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at the N.W. corner of W. 7th Street and St. Clair , (Street Address a»d/or Lot and Block Num6er) Municipality of St. Paul , County of Ramsev � State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, commencing March 25 19 69, and ending Midnight january 31 � 1970 . 2. Give applicants' date of birtr February 10 , 1900 (Day) (Month) (Year) Birthdates of Partners (Day) (Month) (Yenr) or (Lay) (Month) (Year) Officers of Corporation (Day) (Month) (Year) 3. The residence for each of the applicants named herein for the past five years is as follows: November, 1965 to present — 740 River Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota 1960 to November, 1965 — 578 Montrose Lane, St. Paul, Minnesota 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United Statea? Ye s If naturalized atate date and place of naturalization_ I# a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers or partners. __� 5. The person who executes this application sha11 give wife's or husband's full name and address Max Binder (deceased) 6. What occupations have applicant and associates in this application followed for the past five years? Owned and operated off—sale liauor store 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership 82. If thia application is for a tranafer of an Off-sale License, give name of former licensee anu state whether any consideration, money or property has been paid, or will be paid, given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or tranafer of the license;also state the amount of consideration Ida R. Binder, the applicant herein, is the former licensee '�-- �C ` �_.-�, '' (-� I hereby verify the above statement Ida R. Binder (Signature of former licensee) 33. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with a11 the Laws of the State of Minnesota governing the tagation and the sale of intogic�,ting liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing questions and that the anawers to su st' ns axe t�ue o�y own nowledge. ����--�'!� � 4�, �ti� --y ',('.�� Ida R. Binder (Signature of appCicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� � - , - 1� . (Notary Public) My commiasion expire ��� M�'p��BER� , , n. �j� ��4R�5§§i@FI �i�s Sept 8. 197� REPORT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant, oc his associates, named herein have nor been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of 161innesota, or lbiunicipal Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as hereinafter stated pOLICE DEPARTI�IEN? (Name of city,vi[lage or 6orough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you have no police department, either the lblarshal or the Constable ahall execute this report on the applicant.) REPORT ON PBEMISES BY FIItE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the premises herein desceibed have been inspected and ihat alC Laws of the State of ,�, 16linnesota and ll�unicipal Ordinances relating to Fire Protection have been complied with._ FIRE DEPARTI�IENT (Name of city,village or 6orough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you have no Fire Deparrment, cm authorized member of rhe Volunteer Fire Squad shall execute this report of the • applicant's premises.)