246863 OrItinal to City Clerk • • � ORDINANCE ;��b � �s� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO J An ordin.ance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An o rdinance fixing the dutie s and re sponsibilitie s and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13� 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the specifications for Landfill Caretaker and by substit�u.ting in lieu thereof the followi.ng specifications: .»1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk M�y • �� V Form approved Corporation Counsel By OrlQinal to City Clerk • � �� � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 246863 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / `-� � Section 3. This ordinanc� shall take effect �nd be in force thirty days a�ter its passage, approval, and publication. "5" JAN 21 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � � Me�gth �j Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka C' Againat Tedesco �qN 21 19�0 r. President .) Appr d: A es • C' Clerk Mayor �� Fo�m approved Corporation Counsel By Pus�isHEO JAN 2 41970 fjriQinal to City Clerk • - � ORDINANCE �4b�+6� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO���� Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by insertzng i.n its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Mechanic..Welde r p3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Maqor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By ]Uaplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ��'����� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / "t��� � / Seetion 3. �'h�i� prdin�nce ahall take effect and b� in fcrrce thirty daye after its pa,�sag�:, appxaval, and pv.bli+�ation. -5- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �.,�4� � a ���`� Carlson ���' �-' In Favor Meredith Peterson � Sprafka Against Tedeaco Mr. President (Byrne) -��:•w',; :� •:_ � "� '' Approved: _ Attest: • City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Ouplicate to Printer � J '� � �C I,,s�,:��"��'e ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. I�-> � � .An ordinance am�eading 4rdinance No. 7b0'�, entitled: ".�► ordin�.nce fixing the duties and r�spanaibilities a.�d the minimum qualificatione fc�� the �varioue claeses of positiar�s in the Classified Ser�ri�� of the City, " approved February 13, Z935, as amex�cled. TH� C4UNCIL �F THE CTTY 4F SAINT P,AUL D�ES QRDAIN: Sectiaa l. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved F�brua.ry 13, 1935, as amended, be aad the same is hereby further an�ended by �triking out the epecifi�atians f+�r Landfill �areta�ker a.nd �y substitutin� in lieu thereaf the followfng epecifications: -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �aplleate to Printer � �������� ORDI �NANCE �'`������`���`� COUNCIL FILE NO �� � / PRESENTED BY , ORDINANCE NO j� - Sectfon 2. That saicl ord%nance, ae aamended, be �d the same is hereby farther a�nended by inaerting in ita prapex alph�beta.cal �rder the following title. and sp�cificatioa� for Me cha�ic-We I.de r -3•. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By , � � ;��68�3 '1'i`le of c�a5s; ���:�C�I_�1��XG..�"%E LDE F, ��uties �i�+� r�s��r.sibilities: TIn�?�z� st�l�ex✓zsion, to c�veri�aul and repair automobiles, trucks aric! i•oacl ri�aint�nant�e and road construction x�achinery; to �o zcetjrlene and arc�-w�Iciiilg; and to pe�rform relate� work �as assi�i��d, i�'a:�rx:��les o� ���or1: p„rfc>rmcd: rE�o servic�>, .r�.:�iritaizi, �nc' re��aiz ��..i1�0271O�1I�s, tru�ks, t�•�.ct�>z s; �rades•s, �;cax•ifiers, oilers, flushers, s�veepers, st���t�rplows, �urn�inb r.n�cl:iner. r, and other municipal et���xn;.�er.t,. '.r=o �t�t�.�t the �auses of troubl� in equipment and to malce the �ie�,-ess��ry �epairs. '.t o �isr:�:r��le, r��.ai?r, or �enlace l�rolcen or ti�vor.n parts. �ro ;�s:s^a~�-,':�le, �rljus�, a�icl te�t inte�•naI COITII3US'C1QI1 Cil�1!1C5, ti��,7tg�; ���rs i�nition and tx��.ns�xiission systexns, bralces� cl�,;t:;:ile�; riifferer:ti<�ls, mannetos, carl�uretors9 etc, '�o a:•c`i_t }aist��ns; r;istoa�i rings,. «,rist pins, and htas�ings. `1 0 -rc:.�_�t r.�ai:� ���anectin� rods� Glnd c�msh.aff bcarings� ��:o rY:�z':n p�niscell?rze��us paz•ts and fittings whezz necessary. .-o op�r<zle acetylc�ne �tic� axc �weldin� equipment in the repair of :�,��cY�anical eqi!i;�m^nt; To ;v�ld or ��•�ase steel, copper, and ather metais and alloys, 'To �lo ����:Idir�; i.n conn��ct-ian �vitlz _�nauiatin� snow plows on , truc�:. an . i;r�ctors, 'y o :�s� .3n acetyl.e�ze to�:c�i to c�it steel and to burn out lead joitits: `I'o �•en�ir. ��:icic��t ieet'ri on Yao�X�er r�i;ging �quiprncnt. Tt� siLZrp�n snower. t'l.acles, scarifiei• teeth, a.nd road discs.. ��Iinirnum qualifications; �'i�,��li�i��r��c �c�ucat;.on anc] COYr1��:E'�lOFl of a faur-year aufo n�echaric �.j���eniicesl�i� progpa.r: �vhich must have included caux ses itl �,��elclin„or four y�,ars` full-time paid experience �:•epaiain� �uton�o��i.ve �ngin.^s, brakes, transmisszons, c�i�:'��t;�etors, i�;nitian syst°ms e1c, , at least two yearse of ,-,�kiich mus1: I�.ave '.nc�Iu.dect �•;�eldin� �vark:. ..,�}_ - �468�3 Title of class s L.!`,NDFI.LL CAP.?�:'Z'AKF'R DLlt1C:S and r�sponsibiliti��s: �.1.zde,. supervision, to perform the worlc involvc�d in main�taining a city landfill or disposal site; to collect fees; and to perform relatec3 warlc ,�s assi�n^d. Examples of wor?: p�rfo��med: To direct vehicle:s to the proper dumping are.a on a city landfill or disgosal szte, and to collect du}�licate receipts for dumpin� f��es� To inspe�t v�ast-e matexial and to separ�ete cornbustible from non-combusti`�le ma.terial: To as�ist in mair.itaining the roadways �vithin the landfill areas. 7o as�is't in rsiai.�taining bui.lclings and other structures on a l�ndfill or disposal sit�_ T� al�eratc� a watnr tanlc tr.ucic i:o ea:tinguish and prevent fzres. To assi�i firer3�en in e�:tin;uishing fires on 1 city landfill or disposal sit�, To collect f�:es, issue xec�ipts, and keep p�ri;inEnfi records at a citv landfilla To check drzvrr�s licenses for �.ity residency� Io cizeck rubbish hai�ler°s licEn�e�; and vehicl�s for compliance �vith reqt�iremer�ts and to ve�rify �h� rate�' ca��,�city� Nini.�7��urn qualificat;_ons� Ez�hth��grade �duc�,l:ion: _Z�. • ��-z�,� ��� ������: �46863 ^ "��E`.'ET �ER ��3:;.�.'GiI.%��':ia.� .. °._iLl.tit`S �t?t� 2'�u�C;Y15I�::l�.11:x!'S: ;.In�'er stip�,rv;.:;zc�n, �:o ovc�rha�zl �.nc3 repair automobiles, trueks ar_r-1 roa�l r���i.nt,�n�n.:e �nr reacl ccnstruction rnachine ry; to �lo �cetyle���t. a,.�c1 .zrE��welc�z.��� and to perforz-,.7 related woric �s ussi�n�r'. 5''�"r'� 1 t' �...c.a_.1��1P F�' :J.t �l%F,ll'�: 1�"1"1C)1"i�i;�'.r?. r��Cl SE'.I'V�i'�,, ""i:?2i1.'7,1.I� cltiC� i'G���lli uli�OIT]0��21�Sx tI'L".f'�CSj tla.ctor._ �,��,��,-r. , s<<<..:i_if�._•s, oilex•s, flush�i•s, sweepers, ' �IZt��;�t?]_i'J�'.�5; i"'Ld:i'l?�i`t7.�; ?':]�3C��.1t1^T'y� 1i1C3 a�ner municipal r�t��it*�rlc�n�.. `?"c� deie�,1- C�ae �.�,us�� u� �rc,�l�I�� in n�;zi�ment anr3 to malce tlae i?�?T_f'5.��..,, ;'r'j�:�13.'.,. `�o eii�r.;;zY:�1€�� w•e,.ai�•, c,r z•.^relace t�roken or �vorn parts: 'l-o �sse,�i'ai�, ufa,;�z��, �.zi:? �:,�c,t ix�te:�nal coxnbustion enuines, �:1?1?'_Ii�? 4?'E.',c?i°:� )f?;1'=i.`C7.C?il %1;1C7 tI'^�13Si�7J..�'S�C)71 SYStE`ri'lS� bY'31CC5; e1.7..i�I�.,s„ r?i`#�i a~�x.ti�i�, �r���.��;netc�s, c�rs�uretorst ctc . `.t:o i�e;zt ��isi;�.~.,�; ;�is�o:x r.inf;s, v:risL pin�, and i�u5hings: `1 0 �ei�_t r,>�z:� c�:�,zn.e�:tiiaJ rocls, zr�el :.ax�nsizatt l�earin�;s.. .Ca t-na.�;� s-��i�c�:�il��.n.�::1��s �::��a•t;., �.nci fittin�s when nec�s�ary. '�:� oy�������c a<.c�-;i..^nc: a�1� arc -�vcliir.��? ^qui.prrle?Zt in the repair Oi Y':7:��:-?1?�'11C7;I '��;�1��:'..1(?Il�:> r�o �Y:�nlz3 et ��i•ri,se�: st��<.�i, co��*��x•, and othc�x° met�ls and alloys, '�� cl�� �,-��Is';_7,�, in co��.�:�;�tio�� �.vi��� :�r�taizti�#; sno�v plows on trtcci:s at��' �r�cti�r;��. :-r� :ts�� �n �ce;s-���cr�.:� torci�. ':;o c��� st�e? �nd to burn ot.�t lead joi:«t:: �la r����iz� iatic'z�,t �e;>i-i� on 7_to:�.�er rai;�inb �quipmen�� '�o sisaz�,°,Az ;z:��;-��e��� ��1<:=�c=.,, se;arziier �:csth; and road. discs.. i.-�inim�.�t,� q;:�+Ii.£ic:ti���s: �l�;i?t!1—{T'.'c1Ci(' "'tiL!�c'�.t`.�Yl �!i?Cl COY7:1�71^'t`<<>Yi_ (�f :�. fOU2�y('c'i� �i1f0 TT�f-'C�7;1,"1r1C �j�?.?Y{'.�:1f1Cf_'��j:Ij7 �"i�'Oi�i.'2.:ii'. ^:✓�]1C�1 tnL�.st: �zavr� in�lud��C� CC>Lil'SE'i3 Li1 ';"rl��ll7i;Oi' �OLiT �TrcxYS� �'t1I�^�;I17?n �31G f'1r.prricnce a i�r,z,. �nn �utomo"iv�� rn� ,1c�s, bral.es, tran�missions, (_c.� '��il C,iia?. :� 1RfY?�1'011 Scr S('Y2�S, '''C., k i�i iC1Sl' �SxlO �Pc1TS� Of �:�l.i�C�l 7.7;U.3'c C1�\'.^.. .17C1t.l;�P�i 'l'':�P.3ClITi� �JO1�:.: :.%�..: . ' 246863 Title ot �el.ass; �,_��.'�1Db�IL:�, C.��RFT�IKI�'R Dutie s at�d re�sponsibiliti.��s: LTnd�r supr�rvisi�n, to ;��z•for�xl t��e work involved in rnaintaining a ezt;T lanrlfill or disposal site; to collect fees; and to perform relatnd c�rork as assi�n^d.: Exar�ples of �vork p^ri�rn�tici� To rairect v�h.icic�s to tFle �ro��er t�urri�iiz� �rea �n a city lai�u:Eii�. or di�posal sitet anc? to collect c�uj�licate receipts foa• dumpin; f�es.: T� inspe�.t ��;aste mat^ria� anc3 to yeparate combu�tible frorr� nonvcombbisti:�le a�:i�tK�riai, To assist in maintainiil� thr. i•o.zdti��zys �vi���in the landfill �reas� `ro �ssint :n mai�ztl?ning bu;.ldin�;s �nd othe.r 5ls•uctures on a landzill or dis�oSal site� To ut�erat� a �vater tar_': trur_ic to e„fiin�uisl= aI1C� pF.�event fires� To �,ssist firernen in :�,�tiiY�uis'ning� £ixes on a city landfill or dis�o�al site, Tr.; collect fee:;, issue zecc�i}�ts, azzd ke�^p p�rtinent records at a eity landfill, To checic driv�r�s licen5es f�r �i.i�y residet�cy: Ta clzecl. r�zubisl:, hat:�ler°s licen;;e•; an�I V�I11CLrE for eompliance wit'n �ec��Gixen-�ents anu ro v�rify t:hc r�teci ca��aci•ty, ��:inimum �,�tialificat;ons; Ei�hth-��rade education, --2p /' � / 1 st � 2nd � — Laid over to ,� // 3rd and app _Adopfed �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carlson Dalglish '^-'-''-.9.,�:�.. \ Meredith {���t:��� Meredith �r (� Peterson �eterson _. Sprafka ;�Sprafka Tedesco '� ��edesco �i' Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne Q , �