251096 � -0riQin�l to City Clerk , � O R D I N A N C E ����.k �b COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO f �� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles, and specifications for Parking Ramp Attendant Parking Ramp Manager . � � c � o � � V :_c.t c j O � i - O Q i O U � O � d W -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By •Oriainal to City Clerk , '� ORDINANCE 251�9E� COUNCIL FILE NO " PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -4� NOV 2 4 1�J70 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler .� Carlson In Favor Levine •� Meredith � I� Against Sprafka Tedesco �`� 2 U ���d resident (McC Approve Att City lerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' PUBLISHED NOV 2 81970 n.�e.a a r.�ar - . • � RDINAN � E 2� . 1��6 COUNCIL FItE NO PRESENTED B�Y ORDINANCE NO `�' At ordi�saet am�eadia� Ordioaac� Np�. ?60T, �#it�d: "As o:diaasce fi�das t�e duties �ei r�spoad� atrd th� miiim�m qmsiiHeatim�s fos tlu �rloss classes ot posi�s ia the �lass3fi�ed Ser�rics af th�;Citt, " spp:o�rsi Febr�ssr I3. 1935. as am�dsd. ; THE CO�ti�TCIL OF THE C1TY OF SAII�1T �AUL DOE& Q�JiN: Sectft�s 1. Thst C3rdiaaata No. ?b0?l. sppsot� Feia�i�''� 23, 193R� u staesded, be s�d the asme is b,ss�� fart�r sm�i�d � i�ssstl� i� th�r ps�e►psr alg�cst ordar t�as foller�3i6 t�ttt�s, � sp�ei�catisas imr , Parlda� Ramp Att�a�da�t Parkiss Rasnp �tsaa��� ..1� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Councii Butl�er Carleon ��e Tn FaVO! ��i� A pas►inat T8(�89C0 Mr. President (McCarty) Appmvetl: Atteet: City Clerk Ma�or �� Form approved CAr�or�fon Couasel BY _ ___ ;i ,; � �.ar�e " . , + _ . � ORDIN � NjCE . 251�� COUNCtt RLE NO PRES� BY ; ORDfNANCE NO } Se�#iaa a. Ttiis vrd3ua�c� �1ra1L'�ik�rr��t a�tit �t tis+ts oa� tht #ir�t da� a#�e fiss! paTroll �ksbod �siler�i�t���t#y ds�� a$�: its Ps=s�►ie, �'Proral, aad p�li+ta�io�. ; � ; $ � "4' NOV 2 0 1�70. Yeaa Councilmen Naye Pa�eed by thm ounci� Butler Carlson n Favor I.evine �P.YB(�1�1 � A.��IIBt s 2 0 1970 Tedesco �v Mr. Fresident (McCarty) APP��� Attest: City (�erk Mayor �� ��� �orm s�proved Corpor�(I�ion eow�eel �y _ � � . ���u�J6 TiLle o� �lass�. PARI�ING R.t�.�.�!P ATTE�I��.T1T Du�i�s ai�d responsibilities; Under super�ri�i�n+ to assis� in �he opera.�ion �{ •rY�,� Gi��i� Center Parking Ramp; �nd �o p�r�arm rcl�.i-�d work a� �.sskgbx�d, Ex�.mple� a� work p�rform�d; To direc� �ars to proper parl�;in� are�s: To dssis� in collccting p�.zkir.; �ee�: To malce p�riodic inspe�tions of ;t+.e Pa;king F.amp �sr�as and �o x�epor� �:nusual �ondi.'�iozis. To gi•�✓e informa�ion and assis:�.n�� �o cL:ei�omm�r3 when r�r�,�cs�ed, To assist in cleanup of ;;he �'arki.n� Rarnp� Ivlinimum qua�.if.i�a$ions: Eigh±h�gradi edti:ation> _�m . . 251 f'96 Ti�le o£ ci��s. PA.RKING RAMP MANAGER Dt�ti��s and re.sponsibili�ies� `1nd�r dirc�v�ions to super�ris� th� aperation ot gh�e Ci^wic Center Parking Pam�; and to per�'arm r�la�ed worlc as assigned� Ex�.mpl�s ai: work �erformed� To assi,�n �nd gup�rvi�� ih� p�rsonnel working �.n the Parlcing Rampo To �rra�.n ziew �arking ramp perscsnnel in operaZing procedures �znd i�z �h� op�ra�ian o� �h� r�lated eg�ipment. To b�.l:�n�e �h� receipts �dlcen in by the Cashiers: To dLposit res�ipts. To design�:e th�; s��tions o£ ��he ramp to be usedo To load rh� ti�kir disp�nsing ma�hine. Ta �rder st�pplies and ee�<ipment. To m�in4atn rteoids, To pr�p�.rc r�ports �nd re�ommendations, RRinamutm c��al�.fi�ations: Hi�h school �rad�aiion 3b1C� ��'1T�� y�ars` experien�e as a Clerk III or ���.�°�alent� or ttir�� years� su�ervisory �xperie��eo _3�. ti . � 2�1��6 �'i�l� cf �iass: P A�R��S:?�1L:� RA'.v(P i�2A�1.AGEF. Du4:i�s and r�sponsibili�i�s� �Jnder clirc�;:ion� °�o sup�x�d�:�s� �hc operation o� �h� Ci�ri� Cen$er Parkin� Ramn; ai�cl to perform r�lat�d �rork �5 ass'sg.��d: Ex�.mpl�s ��° ,�rox•I: perforrned� To �ssign �ncl supc�•��isc� �'�e p�r�onnel worlcing �n �he Parlcin� �,amp.. To ��r��.n z��w �xz�Icin� r�mp persanncl in oper�.��in�; pres�ed�res ant{ i�z �he opirafion a:�. �h� rcla�ed eqtzipmc-nt. To b��,�.q��� Fi.��� re�cip�ts ��ken in by the Cashi�rs, To deposi� re�c;i�a��� '�'o dcsinz9u:e z�� s��tic>ns o� �th� ramp fio bc used� To l�ad '�h� t;,r�kcp disp�z�sing mu�hinc;� To �rder s�,ppli�s and �e��:,pm�n�, To m�.ir�wa±n rc:�ords� To prEpar� r�poi•�� and re�omrnendations� I±�Iii�imum �a��.lifiCation�� g-ii�h schoal gradt�ation a�ad �hrie ycars` experienee as a Gl�rk III or �c���•,ral�:ntd or �hre� }*cars° supervisory experi��n�ce� , e3�. 1 • ► . �V�,1.1 ,,J� k 1�1� O:i 4�id5�`. �'AR��IN� R:�T�.1P A`T7E�1P�.�,�`T' Du�ics a��c{ r�sponsi.bilitic;s° UndCr sa;.p�rv-�sic�ni to assi.sd in �shc� og�ra�I�,�rl c�� •�h� Civ�3:' Gent�r p3Tl�lx:a� P� r Ej' Ram � and i0 ?JL11Cf1'YTl �C::�.2��C1 1VDT�iC ct:i :3.$��. f'C , ?='x�.mplt;J c�f �,vorlc pi;rfarm�d•> To dar�:�,k ���rs �o ps•opc�r gar?ciaz� ;�x�as� 'To a�^isr �.n �o11�;c�ing p�.z?cir�; :��cr_-�: To m�k�: periodie insp��t�,r��n� n;C �.h.� Pa�kit��; Rarxip �,reds and �� x�i�o�•^t �'.nustxal condi•�;�ons„ 20 �i�ve i*�sformation anci a�si�;�.��e �.a .-uEtG1�7C2•� when i����a;tisc�d: To �.�.3i�� in cl��nu;� of ;;hc- �'aikxn� Rarnp, 2��lin�.inum c�t�::��.if.i.��,.�ions: Ei�ta�h-��ra.de c;du+=a�ion: ��a � r% . , % I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app dopted / / �� Yeas Nays Yea�s Nays Bu+ler �utler Carlson ���i? �,�' �.,` �Sarlson Levine �Levine Meredith +�Aeredith /'� Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco V'edesco '` Mr. Presidenf McCarFy Mr. President McCarty O