251086 ORIGIPIAL TO CITY CLERK . ���.� �b � . CI71( OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �d '~ ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' �� NO. UNCIL RESOL ON ENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y � COMMISSIONE ATF In tne ;�iatter of hazardous �uildinas beinq that si ngl e farli 1 v frame dN�el 1 i qq kno��n and describ�d as A��3 Carroll l�venue in t;ie Cit�r of Sai�t Paul and situa�e�! u�on thase nremises lecallv described as Lot L8, Block 17, i��tac�ubin ana ,��larshal7 's addition to 5ain,t Paul , accordin� to the plat an file and of record in thP office of the Register of Deeds in and for t�ie Countv of �,ar�se�r, State afi SYlinnesota. !lHEi2EAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. Plo. , an�roved Senten�er 25, 197U , a �±ublic hearino-was du1;� �e on �ctober 13 , � , hefore the Counci 1 of t}�e Ci t� of Sai nt !'au , sa� nearing ner�ta�n�n to the condition of the structures located at , 453 Carroll /�venu� , Saint Paul , '�tinnesota; and t-�HI��:EAS� Unon the fac�:s rresented at the sa i d heari n� c�nsi sti n�; of pi7otogr•api�s, i nsnectior� rent�rts and the reco^r�endati ons of th� Ci tv l�rch i tect, i t i s found and deterr�i ned 5�� thP Ci t;.� Counci 1 that accardi nq to the records and files in the office of the Renister of �eeds, the � last record ��;�,��/o��rners of the above-�ESCrik�ed nraner�y i/�/are Bernard and Edna Pfefer; anc! that 7��,�i n Ci t�� Federal i s mort�a�ee; <�.nd rurtner states that unrecoraed ot�iners of �1"0^P.l^LV are H�,rnan Si�al and Jean f�utchinson; • !1HEt2��iS, It i s further detr,rmi ned that the above-descri bed dwel l inQ consti tuies hazardous bu i 1 di nq� ���i thi 7 t��e �+efi- nition �or :��iinnesata 5tatutes Section �63.15 for the folla:•,�ing reasons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine t_In Favor Meredith Sprafka . � Mayor Tedesco Aga'nst FORM APPROVED Mr. President, McCarty Asst, Corpofation Coun 1 O � � . � � � ����:: "�� �d�E 2. a. The d�:ellincr, is s�an�in� vacant, a�andone� and is subi�ct t� beinq entered by unauthorizec� n�rsons; h. Th� exteriar conditi�n or t'�e dti�,e�lina is as follo�ti�s: t�ie ' entire exterior is in an advanced stat� of decav; the roo{ is in r,aor condition; th? norc,�e; are decayed ancl dangerous to R;alk on; ' c. Tf�e interior condition of the ci;��ellin� is a; f�llo;•is: the baser�ent lir�estone fo,ln�ation is delar�in�tin�; th� four raoms on the first floor have beer darna�e� bv fire and vandals; all utilities have been stolen; d. The dti;�llino in the above conciition is bevond reasonahl� renair; e. The dutel 1 i nc� i s unf i t for :•��ar:�an h�bi tati on i n i t;s nresent condition and tEie above corrections !�ust he nade in comnliance !�aith the �uildin�t Code anc+ the ��ousinc� Code of the Git�� of Saint Paul in order to make tt�� same ha�itablp; f. The d�;rellin� constitutes a nuisance and a hazard ta the nublic health, safet��, and v�elfare because of its rhvsical damane, dilani��t7on and inadequate naintenance; ORIOIMAL TO CITY CL6RK � � ~ ^�'���.Lap��� . . -; , , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO: � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED sY COMMISSIONEQ DATF R�i^ '� na�rr, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That in accordance with �linnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 throuc�h 463.26, and based upon the foreqoin7 findings of the Citv Council , the Council of the Cit.y of Saint Paul does h�reby make the follati��ina Order: � ORDER 1 . The p,��,�,�^�'o��rners of the above-descri�ed dwrel l inq shall make the same safe and not detrimental ta t„e nu ic neace, health, safetv and avelfare by havinc� the said d.�;�ellinc raze�i and the r�ateri al s therefrom i^e�oved fror� t,ir e nreai�ses E�a�t»'�T'n � thi�^ty (30) days fror� the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to ca�nl.y tvit�� this Order ar an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the C1 erk of the Di stri ct Court of �ta7�sev County, ?�1i nnesota, v�i thi n twenty (20) days from the date of the service afi this Qrder, � f1otion for Sumr�ary Fnforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said dFtellina _ ��rill be made to the Ram�ey Caunt,y District Court; � 3. In the event ti�at the d,�rel l irq i� �'�'q' to be razed b�� the Citv of Saint Paul �ursuant to judcm�nt of the D�strict Court, all personai aro�ert�,� or fi>:tures c�hich mav unreasonabl�� interf�re t��ith the razin� and removal of this _ ��1�� sh�ll be remov�d +•r;t�7in ten (10) davs from the entr�� of iu g�:�ent; a�if not so rer.�oved, the !'it��r of Saint !'a;�l shall re�ove and disp�se of such nerson�l �ronertv and fixtures as prov�ded b�� latv; 4. If the Cit�� of Saint Raul is compelled to take any correctiv� action herein, all necessar,y costs exnended bv the Cit.y will b� assessed against the ahove-�escribed real estate and collected as otyer taxes; an� be i t FU2THER RESOLVEJ, That a certified cap�l of t�is resolution and incorporated Order herein be served uqon the last record q��lr���/ovrners of the above-descri bed pro�erty i n the mann�r n��o�teddbyvtiie`�ouncit N�kV � i97Di9_ COUNCILMEN p Yeas Nays Butler � IVOV 5197� Caxlson 19— Levine �—In Favor Meredith " Mayor� Sprafka v Against � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV T �� . O � �� � ITY OF SAINT PAU �, .��n. . ,t r -_ � , , k , ��-rs r ��� ;, � .,� Capita) of Minnesota ; � � , ,y. �.s E � ��tp - � ..�^�� ' � ��,„,.�$a ��`�_ra::. "��'` .. � . , y p ,,,e� ..� - . . ,,, t'�. ' r ' ,',. ,.. = � �� ,,, E • • .'/.. �; 3- . ._"'���3 .° ��' ,�'� '�., .„(,a..,�Y'�.-,�c� I:'I, e.. ` < . - ` ` ..�C y. _. : � � � '1"'�7 • � �� � :�m �-' ,,.�-... , ,N .. , `� . .� �'� � 3 _ . ..... RR. _ . ��s r- �"'"r's �y - ,��, �� � ' ��`�, . � �'� ' ���, �' � � " `. ,� � - z,� � BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architec+ 445 Ci�Fy Hall, 55102 223-4212 October 13, 1970 Hon. Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2037--453 Carroll Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record is Jean C. Hutchinson and Hyman Sigal. The legal description of the property is Lot 28, Block 17, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition. A recent inspection ind.icates the following: Building Classification: Single family frame dwelling. Exterior: Entire exterior is in an advanced state of decay. Roof is in very poor condition. Porches are decayed and dangerous to life and limb. /Basement: The limestone found.ation is delaminating. First Floor: Four rooms on the first floor have been severely damaged by fire and vandals. Second Floor: Four rooms and bath on the second floor have been vandalized. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Systems: All utilities have been stolen or ,vandalized. The subject property has been boarded up by the city since September 28, 1970. �r�"� '� l�� ? . s� � � . . ' H n. Chas. McCarty -2- October 13, 1970 Mr. Hyman Sigal has submitted the attached copy of a letter which he received from Housing & Redevelopment stating that the property would not be acquired until after May 1, 1971. This department is bringing the matter before the Council inasmuch as the building is p�-esently a public hazard, and the date of acquisition is not definite. ry t ly yo rs � Robert L. Ames City Architect R LA/mfs cc: Mr. J. J. Segal Mr. D. Norrgran Mr. F. 5taffenson Area Coda 612 THOMAS J.STEARNS C1T5' IIp • 223-5121 ��.w y ARTHUR M. NELSON � JEROME J.SE6AL � • • 1� y , : - � � :,"••""'° "' THOMi15 M. MOONEY . , � �t.:::>,�;: ,� ,,� - ^� KENNETH J. FI1ZP/�TRICK PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E. CARTWRI6HT - CITY OF SAINT� PAUL R.SCO1T DHVIES PAUL J.KELLY PIERRE N. REGNIER DANIEL L. PICKER Fint Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Hatl, St. Panl, Mianesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel �e���?�� Flov�r�her 4, 1970 '�ir. 111 bert B. O1 son Council Recorder Citv C1erF:'s Office [3uilding � Re: F i 1 e rd�. 2037 453 Carroll Avenue Uear f1r. dl son: . . Attac�ed, hereto, is resolution/order nrrtainina to the above hazardous building. Unon nassac�e of the same by the Cit.y Council , �lease fortirard ten (10) certified co�ies to me. � Yours very truly, ��� �h PIFRRE t1. l;ECfdIFR llssistant Corporation Counsel PNR/klm Enc. i1-6-70 i0 Cert. Copies to Mr. Regnier NG O , •o�.�.,r►T�,����R CITY OF ST. PAUL � couwc�� �c�O.�i��, - F ' OFFICE OF THE C1Tlf CLERK p+� NO GOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � . � P"��D°Y Yic '.tcr?-_T�,a!!CO DATE �i�• Z5� 19T0 ; COMMISSIONEQ WHEREA5 the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings , said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: -�_ Address Legal Description . Type of Structure Lot 2a, Block 17, M+Iu�kstbi� . 453 Cax�rall and M�sab�all�s addi�i� �ingi� fs�tily d'a►�lli�. ' ' , WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owner� of said buildings are as follows: B�sna�rd a�td'Ze1a�► Pfsle: aad J�sas L. l�i�tbi�ser� THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, th�.t a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of 5aint Paul ir; the Council Chamber of the Court Hous e in s aid c ity at 10:00 a. m. on *b�A to consider the advisability and necess�i�o cD�in�correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above c�escribed property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City �Architect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested p�ersons of record , of the date and - time of the hearing. � �P 2 5 19?0 CpUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Connci� �19— Yeas Nays S�P 2 5 ��� . Butler ' Carlson . Approved 19�. Levine � Tn Favor Meredith ��or Sprafka � Tedesco �} �gt , Mr. Pres�dent, McCarty �,�,�Y ��, . Q„ : p�� - �� ��ci�ti� �.. _ �� �J'„'� � b '� �/� °�� ! ��£ �r$��.�j I� ��. �'Il#r;'f� �; � �',t ., 1 ;de d. + I con'' 'c 1.` �;�fA. � e $', • �. � ��i - � �:• >� 4,'� -,,�0 ,��, �"' ,_a. � � � , ofi;aR+`. Ado �'��`L�. iS?6. �P�' ; ; r . .. ,f��r� .. _ , .. . -e;:- ` .� • . � :� , �:� ,$u�ti.t-University Service: Center, 785 Dayton Aveazz�e,- Saix►t Paul, Minneaota SSI.04 � �. -�� � . - .. , � .. .. - � -� � . . . . . . #� , .� . . . � . - .� � ' � . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ,. . � . . . , . �. . ' .w . . . .. . . . ' ' � � , . . . _ . .}� .� � � � � �d . � . � � . . . �. . • z .< ,.� . � _ , . . .. . , . ... ..... . . . . . .. � . . .� � . . � �. ' . . . - . . . ' _ . . . , . . '�. b.' . , .. . .. . . . J . '. : . . . � .. .. . :' :.t.' i r '� .. ,�, HOUSING AND R�DEVELOpMENT a11��QRl�II '�!i'��=�;� � � , r;,� ,,�+�t�J(iT� , � . . . . :. . , '1• . , � ;�`uly 24, i9�a . � . - °` , { . , : � � �7� , ,r . � ; ,� : � � � ( {�� ... Z p . . ���- , � z� � � .� � t a ,, ,�, ' ' , 4-� �n. , M a � -�i- �r, , € t;. = t ha.7{. 2 . n . h .�:. � �, ,S �� .. � "� � ..y�i�.j g a "� - �-r .t�� s�?� r „d�'� �� � . ���'ilt'a�iF� �� �' �'�RY2t 'IiA� � .rydF Y'S° 1 y„ k L 1 � . �(�F. ..t, ayt�_� � � _!'^♦ t S w <�M�"� *t.-: ''.� ib A'' . �a � ''�"s a � `. A�y � " � � � sc� w ��� y a� a "�ti � o "�� r.;,� 7/��-, � ��� �� �t,y :�y* t'r t`,�h'�3. y�v.a�5 S ' _' t ydy9'�.'!!.��:k�u ��'S ' �. � ' S� � ;z }�g',p� ' 'f 5H � . � - ��� s ��� � '� ' ,� r �z' ��� � ��������f r,- pF �,� 1 *%'* .� an� �,�pA '' '�`.�`�c�"1ep�;�f�.�. .+i..'° r{.� �� � � .s . � ° .7 . � r+� ' �' �`� « }� �� "�'�.$�t' ;�'e�'#�, "' g " �°���'1�`esl""t"'.; � w ,. 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AMES, City Architect 445 City Hell, 55102 223-4212 October 15, 1970 Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: 453 Carroll Avenue Gentlemen: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority advises us that the above vacant building is scheduled for acquisition shortly after May l, 1971. Shortly thereafter they plan to demolish the building. V ry uly y�r�,, ` � c:. � ? � p� '`✓�������t� ��� ��_: Robert L. Ames City Architect RLA/mfs ±, y P�,z...�� (� .�'� � �4 � . :� k .. , �` J (1 oct' 13, 1970 a�-,�°.� � �` �,.� ��� �P�4r. Baniel A. KLas ! � ; Corporation Counsel ' � Building � ;� ,�'�" _ . _ ��/� Dear Sir: �=---� �' '� %,��__—..:;;\., ,\ The City Council toc�a� requestec�� hat �ii.i pxepare � resolution 4rderin� the correc �on or wreck g and removal aP the hazardous single family dwell �g �t �+53 Ca' oll Ave. � �, / �� �.:��,' Very truly you.rs, � � �� 3 City Clerk � n� �� � \•,��..��°� r� i ; Oct. ].�,' 19`jo i ,_--."_ � I ',------_.----�,1 . �,` . /�.` �� � ,.� ��� P4r. Dana�]. �. Kl.�s ' � C��r��o-rat3r�n Counsel �\ �� Buildin�; � � �\ '�!/ �----- _ � Dear Sir: %�� '�'�"�,, �`�•�`�� � � �� �'he City C�uncil t d y rec�nsid d th�ir ac�ian of October 13th and laid over �ne � k. to Oct. 1 t the matter oi' the candemn��i.on of the buildin� a°t Carroll { e. �--'_ `�._._,i�/ ,�---�' �„�_._�,� Vexy truly yours, \� .,�...�. ,�°' �•-�----�' City Clerk AO/ng oct. 1�� �970 i � I � t f....�._.�__._�_j �,�� `` .'` i�- � �;` /, ��, � Mr. Robe.rt L. Ames i I City .1lrchitect �� � �� Bu�lding ��,\`. _ �" �'_.�-- _'�� .'� �� ,-----�, �� �',,, Dear Sir: � �` �� \ � � '=�� � The Cit3r Council t d y reconside d the:ir actiQn oP October 13th and laid over one k to Oct. t the r�mtter af the condemn�ti.on of the building at Carroll e. �� �'--�l /i \``�""� Very truly yours, _,��,.,r-•!, City Clerk AO/ng � /� Oct. �1, 1g70 ��:"r_._,�._._.�..�„ � . •,`'`,, ///_._., ,`\ , .,�i /,� J`' i Mr. �'?nnl_�1 :!�,. '';Las �\ ✓ Corr>�r�tian C��ir�^e1. �� ��' �.�/' Bui:l_dinf; . � _— � �1..°&2' ti�.2': ,/ _-- ���. �,� ; .��'�•.. . �� The City Ca�neil tod requested at you prepa.re a :�esal.u'�.' nn ordering the correet n or wreck.i and removal_ of the� v�,caf�.t building a� �+53 Carr. 1 \ .1ve, \`��_..�' i��` '���� Y�ry truly yaurs, / � City' C1er�. n�; �.;_.�.-�°