251076 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . ��-i Ll*�� �
PRESENTED BY November 3, ].9��
WHEREAS, the Dayto 's Bluff Youth Council has requested the City of
Saint Paul to act as Grantee for the Dayton's Bluff Youth Action Program;
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul act as Crantee for the Dayton's
Bluff Youth Action Program and. ad.minister the funds in behalf of the Dayton's
Bluff Youth Action Program for the period. from January, 1971 to January, 1974;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor Charles McCarty is hereby authorized.
and directed to execute such an agreement as requested by the Governor's
Commission on Crime Prevention and Control to implement said. program/grant.
� N�V 4 ]��►
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays �v � �'�e
Caxlson 19_
Levine ��n Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst
Mr. President, McCarty
. � . � . . � �5����6
Application is hereby inade for a grant under APPLICATION NUMBEft .
the Oinnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act �Leave Blank) .
oi 1968 (P.L. 90-351) in fhe amount and for the pur- DATE RECEIVED
poses indicated. (Leave Blank)
1. Title of Project: .
Dayton's B1uff Youth Action Program
2. Type of P.pplication:
L-xJ Original ❑ Revision ❑ Continuation of Grant No.
3. Project Daration: 4. '!'otal Federal Support Sought: �.
January, 1971 - January, 19.74
��+Qs 2�0
5. Request for First Year:
�13,000 �
6. Applicant: ' 7. Project Director:
� (Name,address and telephone) (Name,title,address and telephone)
�'' Dayton'� Bluff �outh council Curxently being interviewed. �
919 E. Seventh Street �
St. Pattl, 2;innPSOta 551U6
8. Financial Of�'icer: 9. Official Authorized to Sign Application;
(Naine,title,address and telephone) (Naine,title,address aiid tPlephone)
llon I�leites� - Trea�urex
. lst i•lerchant's �tate $ank
7th & 1�4innehaha Streets
�t. Paul 1:innesotrz 551Qb
7'74-599i) � . �
10. Type of Agency or Institution: 11. Type of Governmental Unit:
❑ Public Q Private Nonprofit ❑ State ❑ City ❑ County � Other
12. Other Federal Support: 13. Other Federal Subrnissions:
I1one � None
� �
. . . '
•, L
14. Budget Summary for Total Project: �72�360.00
Bud et Cate ories Federal Funds Onl Beyond 2
� g � Y) Ist Year 2nd Year ���,d s,Y,j Totals
Personnel �
��, 000. �7, ?oo ��., 4oc �zi, boo
ConsultantServices 6, 000 6, 200 � 6, 400 18, 600
Equipment _
Censtr itcti.on • �
Other (Supplies,telephone,rental,etc.) •
Total Federal Funds Requested �]..3�000 �1�',s/�00 � 13�800 $ l�.0�200
�otal Grantee Contribution . �10�6J0 �10�6g0 � ii,650 � 3z,�60
15. Er.planation of Grantee Contribution: , �
� �rantee�s contribu�ion, /�l,..L�� of the tatal program cost, is the curxent
cost tl:at grantee u.ndertakes in running the Da;,�ton's �1uff �ou�h Center. This
cost is net by 1�he membership of the Youth Council, through -the contributions
or local churches, civic grota;�9, industry and business, four_dations, and f�hrough
' the donations of private individuals nnd tne membersh3�p fees at t�ie Center.
� . ' Grantee also contributes its present investment in the Youth Ce�ter in �he form
' of pool ar.d pa.n� pong tables, chess, cribbage, T.V. , sterco, rowlir_g machine,
two desks, type�rriter, 7 tables, 25 chairs, 40 rolf� sea-ts, and m�isce�laneous ,
I6. I:xplanation of Budget: .
The Dayton�s Bluff Yout11 Council i•rill provido sal�r3.es for the youth �
secre�aries, travel, equipment and office ex�enses, b•ailding rental, utilit3es,
insurance, maintenance, tolephone r�.nd programming co��s.
� �
17. Applicant's Agreement:
The undersigned represents, on behalf of the applicant,that:
(a) Any grant awarded pursuant to this application shall be subject to and will be administered
in conformity with conclitions applicab2e to the Fiscal Administration of Grants under Part B,
Title I, of P.L. 90-351, General Conditions Applicable to Administration of Grants under Part
B, Title I of P.L. 90-351 and other policies, rules and regulations issued by the Departinent
of Justice or the Governor's Commission on Criine Prevention and Control for the administra-
tion of grant projects under the Omnibus Criine Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
(b) Any funds awarded pursuant to this application will be expended only for the purposes and
activities covered by the applicant's approved plan and budget.
(c) Any funds awarded pursuant to this application will be used to supplement and not to sup-
� plant local funds otherwise available for law enforcement programs and, to the extent prac-
tical, will be used to increase such funds.
(d) The applicant will have available and will expend from non-federal sources, as needed, ade-
quate resources to defray that portion of the total costs as set forth in this application as
, "Grantee Contribution" and as approved by the Commission.
(e) The Applicant wili comply with and will insure co�npliance by its contractors with Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352): and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to
regulations of the Department of Justice�issued pursuant to that title, to the end that no per-
son shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in,
be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or
activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance; and gives further assur-
ance that it will proniptly take any measures necessary to effectuate'this commitment. •
(f) The Applicant will assume the funding of improvements funded under the Act after a reason-
able period of Federal assistance.
(g) Any grant awarded pursuant to this application may be terminated in whole or in part Uy
the Governor's Commission on Criine Prevention and Control or its designee at any tiine.
(h) This application consists of the foliowing in addition to this form:
Detaii Project Budget For First Year
Project Plan and Supporting Data
18. Date: ' 20. Signature of Authorized Official:
October 14, 1970 '
19. Total Pages in Application: 1 1
(includes pages 5a thru 5d, Append'
and A endix D
.4 . '
Defail Project Budget ior P'irst Ycar:
BUDGET ITEM Federal State/Local Project
� Share Share Toial
A. Personnel: �
�fo of Annual
Position Timc Salary
ProF;xam_Directox-_—_--1Q�_—_--- __�7_._000 _- -_
Ycuth Sccretaries .25 �.�000
$ 7,CCO � 1,000 � ' 8,000
B. Consultant Services: (List)
Community Rover 100 6, 000 •
�v 6, 000 � � 6, 000
C. Travel: (Ite�nize)
Automobile allowance for Ai.rector (3,000 miZes)
and P.over (9,CU0 �iles) a� 9� per mile.
- • � . - $ 1,0$0 � 1�080
- D. Equipn�ei�t: (Itemize)
� l. Fi1e ����) ' .
, 2. 14irQeo (�,�150) ,� •
. 3. Office & Postage (�450)
� � - S b30 � 630
E. Construcfion: (Itemize)
1. 2��aintenance (�outh �pprentices)
� — S pJ.,.O � 8y.0
F. Other: (Itemize)
l. Hental of Building (w275 per month)
2. Utilities & Telephone(.,��80 per month)
3. Insurance (�35 per month) �
4. Pro�r�mning (�200 per month) -
� — �7,Q$0 $ 7,Og0 , •
G. Total Fedcral Funds Requested �13�000
H. Total Grantee Contribution (Page 2, 7tem 14) . � �0 6 0
�?3 630
Project Plan and Supporting Data:
(See attachments - pages 5-a through 5-b, l�ppendix A, Census Tract Bovndaries,
and kppendix B, Problem Inoieators -� Census Tracts; Appendix C -. resume
of Mr. Henry Glassing and Appendix D- recent press coverage of„The Inn
Place). '
� '
' � .
' .' '
� I. Back�round and nAture of the nroblem. -
Tho Dayton�s Bluff community inclues census txacts 31, /.L,, and /�5. (See
Appendix A. ) In problem analyses of the census tracts in St. F'au1 compiled
by the Cor�n;unity Healtli and l�!elfare Plannin�, census trac� 31 ranks high as
a problem urea and tracts �.�. and �.5 rank �oderate. (See Appendix B for a break-
down by census tracts of the problem indicators used in arriving at the a.bove
Sn .oth.er d�ta provided by the }?ealth ana �lelfa.re Plannzng CouriciZ, wo
find that tracts 31 e.nd 1,./. rank low in Qervice levels and tract �.� rank� moderate.
This m,eans that relative to need, the DaytonTS $luff con:munity ranks "low to
ma3erate'� in service from n17. agencie�. .
Reflected in trie above is the �pecif3c problem which w�a the impetus for
this proposal. Tn the 196� E;nnual Report of �tho St. Pau1 Polico Dopartraent,
we fino that there were 167 male offenders and 43 female ofi'enders in the Dayton�s
B1uf�' area that year--a rise o�' b9 over the 1967 f�.�ureso
II. The Dayton�s B].uf� Youth Council--ihe Inn P1ace.. -
With a growing cor��r,unit�.* awarene�� of the problem came the Dayton�� Bluff
Youth Council. The �outh Council, composed of 1oca1 citizens, (clergy, laymen,
business and civic leaders, and youtl� r��mbers) toolt dead aim on tl:e most irrmsed_
imerendidbvious oausal factorr�in the he:igl-,tening delinquency problem--i.e.,
you go. ... Ou�. -- rliia� did you do?�' ... ��I�Iothing:��--by open-
ang�the Dayton's Bluff loutn Center or, as the lc3ds know it, the Inn Ylaco.
Opened in December, 1�6g, vnc�er. totatly volvn teer staff, the 7nn Place hus
since moved to its present location (oustinb an ��adu.lt�� bookstoz'e 3n the procecs) .
and has grown to rz m,embership of 200. The Inn Place, �witri its limited s�a�f. and
. finunces, is presently able to provide soci�.l and recreationa.l activiiiss, but
the council realizes that a program of broader scone is rea].ly necessary �o
diriinish the local delinquenc37 problem. Thus this re,a,ues� for funaing of the
�outh Action Program. '
111. �`zOR15. - .
A. To decxease the number of juvenile o£fenders from the Dayton ts 131uff
• area.
B. �o provide the youtlz of the area with means, other than crime and
vandal�.sm, for dealing wa.th their environment.
C. To involve ever increasing nwnbers of are� youth in pro�rams that
meet their individual and �roup needs. •
D. To br�ng about a greater inte�ration of tho youth into the life of
tho co�ununit,y (in positions of responsibi].ity) �y providing iminediate
and pi'£�,C�'1CAI. "sucoss opportunities't for thoni in the schools, in em-
ployment, and in cor�;munity actzon.
E. To develop greater responsiveness on the part of the various agencies �
and instituticns, serving the Dayton�s Bluf� area, to the needs of
the youth in tbe com�runity.
F. To help families to better deal with their children as their needs
G. To ahoti� that a comprehen�it7e appraach to doalin� Zaith a community
problem through dealing with the individuals and the organizations �
responsible can worl�; in a concerned and Active community. '
N. Methods. - ' • • :
A. Tt is felt that achieving goul:s B - F' will resul'� in a realization
of �oal nwnber A.
B. To achieve goalg B and �:
1. The �'ro�;ram Di.rectcr �.nd the con�unity rover ��i.11 each spend 4
� of his time ca-dixecting Tlio Inn Y1�ce and providing. . .
a. a basic social and recretztional program consistent with the
intarests of the m�r�bers. �
b. a 3ob placement service.
c. develop�ent oS a com�nunity-wide apprenticeship and 3ob
training pro�rr�m.
d. i,-m�etus toward greater coor�ination of th� various social
and recre�.tional. opportunies ir. the co�ununity.
e. a con�.munit�r service b3T youth pro�ram.
f. supervisien and directio�� for the taen xun centor.
2. The Program Director �Ji11 be responsible for coordi�l�t�ing a staff
-of volunteer counselors, one male and� one fem�le, to be at the
� center whens��er it �.s apen. � �
C. To achieve goals D and E: `
_ 1. A coL�ununa.ty rover w:ill be h.ired. . .2;r. Henry Glassin�, an "cx-con'�
an� �:amber of I�'OCUS, Foxmer Offandzrs Creating Understanding in
Socie�y, 3s now worY�i.ng voluntarily with youth in tho area, and
� is the man for the job.
2. `Pho rover, the intearal link in this most mos� ir�portant phase
of the probram, wi7.1 �.�ork in the streets with the youths �ha't
' are or are about to becorne oi'fenders. His jab �.�ill be to;
a. determin� their immeciiate individual and group needs.
b, determine 1on� xange needso
c. meet the'zr needs (worl-�ing witli the Director) both long and
short r�n�e b3*;
• 1- providing "in the streets" services that, though avail-
able elsewhere, are not utila.zed:
2- providing opport,,znitie� fox ins�ituti.onal change if it �
will eli�inate or decrease factox� con�xibuting �o de-
].inauency (e.g., by helping to arrange a chango of pro-
bation officer or school counselor; by securing special
vocation�.l or educationas traa.nin�)o
3. �'he director will be �he ��inside�' man of the team. I,Ihile �ho
rovor is dQVeloping the youth contacts, the director is develop-
ing the i.nstitutior�al contacts. Tho director then: •
a. worl�s to develop a pos3tive clirr�ate for c3ealing t�r3.�h ins�itu--
tional changes that r�a� elimina�Le or lessen the causes of
' b, works to de�*elop comnunity supj�ort f'or the over--all pxagra.m.
c. has rosponsibilit;y for dQVeloping, coordin�ting and supervis-
ing i�he over-all progra.r,i.
d. works with tho comr:iunity rover to de��elop programs for tr.ose
youth not �ervc�d dixectly by other agenc�os.
D. To achieve goal F:
1. A family education and group conseling program (similar to thAt .
f�.inded in Hennepin County) is envasioned. '
2. The director will assess community response to such a systera,
and 3f deemed po�itive, seuarate f'unding will be sought to
initiate the p1an.
3. Tho clirector �rill wArk to provide an "in the home" group educa-
tion progra.m prior to implementin� number 1 above, or another
family nrogram. �
E. To achieve goal 'G, we will �a.ke our �outh Action Progr�n work And
then disseminate the inforr.:ation to other comznunities.
F. Zt is important to note that tho funds herein reqiested ���i11 not bo
supplenting funds presentl,y supporting �'ho Inn P1ace or the Dayton's
Bluff Youth Coun.cil. These funds will, together wi�h thQ ].ocal fund-
3.ng, a11ow for an e�anded, comprehensive approach to the problem of
delinquencg in the Bluft area, using The Inn Place as a staUin� area
for widening commun7ty action.
V. Results. - � ,
A. Significance �.nd continuation
1. It is an�icipatec that over the 3 years o�' the program, the
institutions Within the comr�unity will become more responsive
: and acco�antable to the community.
2. It is �.nticipated th.�t community focus on one problem �ril1 lead .
_ to greater community concern, organization and involvement.
3. It is anticipated that a more active Day-ton�s Lluff cavunu��i�ty,
with responsive agencies and ins�itutions ��rill, after the Xotzth
� Action Progr�sn ends, be better able to seo thut its need� are
understood and met by those agencies and institutions.
4. Tt is anticipated tYaat a more active cor,snunit�* wi1J. rea�ily pro-
� vide ftiinding for a strong, coirnrehensive and ongoing youth pro-
gram for those few youths whose needs are still noi� bein� met
by the various organ3.zat3.ons.
B. Evaluation ... wi11 be based on: '
1. Year end review of the problem indicator rankings� of census
' tracts 3�-, �4, and 45.
2. �ear end review of the degree of involvetnent of the entire com-
muni�y in the program.
3. Ongoing, year-round feedback from the youth and community
participants 3n the various aspects of the program.
C. Aissemination �
1. Annual reports arill be forwardec3 to the Governor's Crime Gommi.ssion,
the o�fice of the riayor, 1;he Probation Department, tho i�'.etropolitan
Council, local schools, agencies, organizations, concerned persons
and the press. •
2. Intermediato reports o�' part3cular public significance will be
xeleased �.o the press.
5—c fl
VI. Resources. -
A. Qualifications and facilities
1. For qualifications see section II, The Dayton's Bluff Youth Council.
2. The facilities of The Inn Place will serve as the office and programming
center for the program, thus providing the program with: ;
a, an office and office equipment.
b, the teen center itself with. , . .
1- a starting membership of 200 youths from 14-19.
2- furniture, pool and pingpong tables , chess, cribbage. darts ,
a bowling machine, T, V. , stereo, library and draft counseling
B. Staff
1. Director. . , applicants are being interviewed.
2. Community rover. . . Mr. Henry Glassing, an ex-offender, a member of
FOCU5, and a St. Paul native is the man lined up for the job. Mr.
Glassing, who has been working in the Bluff area for the past three
months, has established an excellent rapport with the youth and his
series of speakers and films dealing with the criminal justice system
is the model that we would like to expand and improve. (See
Appendix C).
3-, Secretarial. . . youth secretaries would be employed as part of the
job training and employment programs.
4. Maintenance. . . youth maintenance men would be employed on the same
basis as the secretaries.
, VII. Additional comments. -
The proposal by the Dayton's Bluff Youth Council is made with two unique
features in mind. First, Dayton's Bluff is a separate and identifiable
geographical, ethnic and cultural community. Second the size of the
community is realistic for a program of this nature and scope.
See Appendix D for recent press coverage of The Inn Place.
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Appendix C
� , 10/14/70
Statistics: Born 9/15/70 in 5t. Paul, Minnesota
Lifetime resident
Education: 10 years. Attended Humboldt High
Employment: 3-M Company April 15, 1969 - December 8, 19b9
Honeywell June 3, 1968 - November 14, 1968
Fis che r Nut Company
Consolidated Printing June 9, 1970 - August 10, 1970
Qualifications: Ex-offender, member of FOCU5 for two years.
. Speaking engagements to teens and schools for
approximately six months.
Started working with teens at the Neighborhood House.
Coordinator of Crime Prevention Program at the �
Inn Place since Jul.y, 1970. .
Finds work with teens fulfilling, and feels the Crime
Prevention Program at the Inn Place has done
some good for youth. Would like to continue the
program and obtain better speakers who can also
� relate to teens.
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• :, � P'iones� Press Co�Ria�' � � . �"r :��
,`;, . 4� ,��: �� : �"":
� , �. - �
� � . The ,�corcba�ard fo� East Seventh Stxeet �
.,<, . these c�rs�,rea�da�. �
,�' BAD GUYS 0• . • '
:�� -
�, ;s . �pD GUY$1. "
,��,, �,
'�' �'��:. A r8�e t�lly 9a�ese troubled dayA. * F
Y..� � . ,'�� .: ' ti. .i�.
+� ,�; ` Tbe $�.;,af play is precise—919 E.�Sev- 4
enth: St.. the f+drmer home of a dirty book f. '� � :;: �Y
store. TLs sign haaging over t�e entrance to
. t6e non-c�escript facade has been painted ` � .+ `3 �`�r�"»
1 . . �
_ �:: over, but tl,� old Ietter sWl bleeds through -
ss ,�r �
� ''' whetrt it t��eed ta_eay`�Adnit Hooks." " A
: No�v, . the sign announces, •�The �nn . ,
'�:.� ,�.`' ,;>.
P�ce." Si�last n�onth,918 E.��g „ .�� � ;i,� �
� harbdred a t�iea`c��rter�of all things. ',,�'� �`;
' � T3�e location made news in recent montt� ~ ��4 � -�
�• �;�-��b .;�
when the maral waa�rlors of the East Side— "�r � ?
g�eciffcally in the Daytons Bluff area—ral- �: �;:!
l�ed in active proteat to the pornograpby out- �'� �,�.�, �"`.' •�,
, I a t t h a t h a d b e e n e s t a b t i s h e d i n W e i r n e i g h- �, „ �
borhaod. -+
a �� `^ � �
` Inst�ad of inere l y la mentin g o r c l u c k i n g ,� ,r
,�"� *F':; `�,`�b o u t gtrch a facility in their midst,the pea- . � ` �
.�� `3
t� "� �`�e of Dayto�a Btuff decided to do somethii►g '
thi i �
J"```'" ��t�". �tbout it. TheY ban�ed together and they.. � ?
��:, , �;; �:Picketed the place. � � i ±:
� �
. ;�
• �.�
. . . `y
� - . �. --
. ;
.; �
.activities � - .__ " , ' ._ � �
, such as. the hayride last weelc,
chess lessons and so on. ' '
� Thursda ' � : . :, �: . �
Y, the boys are counseled on the
military draft. .. .�.:" �.,..,.� .,,a,.� :
-� A note from Fr. Charles Strack of Sacrec
�According to Bi1I � � . Heart Catliolic Church,one of the leaders in
� member, the center is ope at ng on a b dae� � � the picketing,tells much of the story:
of about$I,0 0 0 a m o n t h. Treasurer pon K ei- "J u s t w h a t h a p p e n e d?" he sai d in part.
ter said the money comes from donations by � � ��Well, after picketing for about six weeks
such organizations the bookstore owners began to feel the pres-
, Street Businessmen's aAssocia on,t theVBr�h . sure.E�videntiy business was not good at any
� , time, but especially when we were there.
mer Foundation and the St. '1'hey were lool�ing for a way out. One of t}�e
tion, as weli a$b Paul Founda- ' owners made the offer that if we sto
, y individuals, :, picketing they would close the store with nea
. a Youngsters using the center are from month,i.e.,by Aug. 16."
_ abes 14 to 19.Schanback has hopes of getting �x
plot m e n fenter in fhe basement, p i u s a n e m- � Simultaneously, the teen center just u p
' t he s tree t a t 770 E. Sevent h,a f u n c t i o n o f t h e
y p l a c emen t serv i c e, i n a d di tion to
r e c r e a tional and crime prevention services. Daytons Bluff Community Council, was
' `�The liids sort of being evicted because of a new tenant. "
commented Fred Irvino�t ho ishpres dent of The teen center decided to move into the
� the Commu�ity Council. Schanback a � old "dirty"book store, armed ironically with
� '` Turn to pa greed, � - two months of prepaid rent from the pornog-
ge 2, Column 4 rapher.
�. "We have about 35 kids a night here,"
�� -----_. _ �, said the director, Steve Schanback. He said
�o . . the center enjoys about 60-65"teen hours"of
. �u S W' use each day.
, . Y nners .
� � Cont�nued from Page 1 He gave a capsule breakdown on how the
saying that the center has � , ceuter is being used.
. ;had a m�n i m U m homes and ai•e in need of . ' On Monday nights, a speaker is invited fo
troubles to date: °f the additional services the ; attend. These have included Mayor Charles
���'e've r e a 1 I center attem � McCarty, and Jean LeVander King, daugh-
~ ,� luck Pts to offer, ter of the Minnesota governor.
Y • . . the kids respect thi king ft'stthe di ty book �
us and the place." This facet of the activity is handled by
store," chuckled Glassing.
' C h a p e r o n e s mostl Indeed Sonny Glassing, a member of the center's
young adults � such an inq�liry � - stal'f.
and female both male �'aS made at the door at
center ' �are at the 10 a•m, the day of our in- Tuesday, rriday and Saturday are eve-
dut•ing its open terview, v n�ngs when films are shown on a variety of
hotu�s from 1 More than 20 teen-agers
P.m. to 10 topics of interest to young people.
P•m• Monday t h r o u g h has joined since
Saturday, backdtook over two w�eeks � ' Wednesday night is set aside for outside
The goa l o f t he center is a g0• �'�ile he wants to see j
to give positive direction the center tl�rive, he in_ ;
ta restless young people tends to kee
with regard to the myriad enough so the lt Small :' .
facets of modern will "not get lost�a dst�,lll !
from dru S �o life, have a '
tomobile afet ctoeers, au- direct role in how ' � .
Y crime, the center operates, '
"We're not getting the �'hile the Good Guys
Girl Scout and Bo haVe a' foothold on East �
' typeS," observed Ma�nut Seventh, the Bad Guys ha- ;
son. Mrs. g �en t stood still. , •
council sect�ltalrY �hea, The center's former lo_ � �
that many yoUpgsters 'cation had to be aban- �
come from single-parep� d0ned . . . because it will
be taken pver b . R
Y a tavern. � . ' .
a " �
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; \�� ��� Chalking up for a
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g �y q'"� r o �. 3
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„>� � r � +� � � t
k 9 �, ���'3� ��.,a 4 ,; ,> ;���,�� ; ` , sz <� �Steve Scbanback,!nn
� �� � ��� �� ��`�`w � �� � director. On I�f t
; � d 3 i v
i �� �c , 6 �' 'y �. h ' � ' .�. I 1
;. �F��.�Z.� ' $ � � � the sign af 919 E.
= S
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�.. i .Y� Y £ 9 >� 2. . .
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�; � s
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$�: �� �, � � ` � '
_� � .�„ � � �� � �,� ���� � ���' �k� sfore. The� �old sign
�i�.�F . _'�� ,:A �' s �.�"' "i^$ ;L'� � �;� `�����°'b�� .���,:' ?..
�" ��` � ; was only, parfivlly
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�iy �;r obliterated fo moke ,
f �f �.a i .� � �. � � < � �. ; . .
°x°�"���{ ���y �k��°��� .,�E > a �����t :. �„ ,�.� ��r way for fFe new.
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