251073 � _ , _ �51�'73
R�o��utian Ratifying Asse�ament By—
In the matter of the assessment of y,���3�� �y� � «�t f,�c; �s��#,�w e�t t�,
slar�ti�Nt o[ �ridir�tlics �awl '�nc'k ia�t�i �te: �'�et il�4�l, �r�r'f�t l�o►, �,
Ltr?` �o� 1,�
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F.O. �Z39276 - Conaay St., south eide frvm Magle St. tv Mendota 3t, on_::the we�C s-id� Ii
of Mendota St. fram '�ouway St. to Suclid St., and on the north side ot `
Euclid St. from Bate� Ave. to Maple St.
F.O. �236983 - Hope St., southwest side from �, 4th St. to E. 5th St.
F.O. �237034 - �ope St. , northeast eida� from S. 4tb St. to 8. 5th 5t.
F.O. �Z36603 - Nakefield Ave. , both side� fran Maple St. to Foreat St.
F.O. �'236504 - Farest St., both sides fram Suclid St. to Wil�an Av�.
F.O. $�41909 - Foxeat St., both sides from Coaway, St. to Luclid St,. ,
F 0. ��3 G�03 �akafield Ave. , both sid�s from Maple St. to Forest St.
F.O.. �236504 - Foreet St,, both eides from $uclid St,_ to Wilaon Aye, ,
F,O. �241909 - Forest St. , both eides frc�m Conway St. to Euclid St.
ra yauaac uczunig uuviug uccu iiaa u�nru crie t�4�seicaarneub tvr aite dduoVe rmpt'vveinell�, una-accau-wr,uo,,,.,-
-r° �
ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satiafactor�,
be it therefore
RESO!LV�D, That th�e said asaessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be aubmitted to the I?istrict Court of the County of Ram.sey for confirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RIEt54LVF�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in -; equal installmenta.
Yeas B�T�-�; Nays Adopted by the CouneiL
CFlf<`_`� .
LEV;i �.: 1�IOV 4 �?Q
M�R�Li � :
�;e.::�;r�TX �In Favor
j or
Form R-2 2M 10-68 s� ASainst P�dBLISHED NOV � ��
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251��� 2�0
Report of Completiwn of Ass�esam�nt ��
In the matter of the assessment of ���,�� � ;� � � ��� � �,,,
•�wttat�r► eE �r�lrrrlllra aMl wrk t��ai ei�ritst � ��, � �i�r. �,
�nrf #r. 1,
l.Q. Z39�276 - Conira� 8t., aouth aid� traa Ma 1� St a ��
p , t M�adota l�t. �a..t�a wst si�
et Mwdot� 8t. frat �Coerra� St. to Euclid St., snd on tb�e avrtb aid� o� _
Eucl�.d St. fro� H�t��r Aw. ta Mapl� �t.
1�.4. #�3�983 - Bape St., a�utt�rett tida lrpm B. 4tb St. to E. Sth at.
T.O. f33703�► - �ap� �t.� oa►rth�ast •id� tra� E. 4th 8t. to E. Sti� SE.
F.O. �?.3b�Q� » Hak�li�ld Aw., both sid+�s trva Mapit St. to 1►or�rt St.
8.0. �i29iSO4 - Yor�st at., both s�da� fra� S+ucii@ St. t� Wilsoa Aw.
�.0. #Z41909,.:-.:�or�st $t., both �idu fros CAaray St. to �id �t�
��IiQ3 �alc�fiald Aw., �roth s�.d�ta frv� �la�pl+� St. tea tar�st St.
__ �.0. �'�'.3b�► - �"ox�st St.,� �atts si�s t�coot �eiid �t. to W�tien A�ns.
!'.b. �?A19E19 • �orest �t., bot� sidaa iror Comray E�. to Ruclid 8t.
. -� . . 10 LII6-GVUill:11 VZ 411C Vi4,-vi �.au. rwcaa� _ .__ . _. ... _. _..._ . . _ - ... _ . ..._. . _. .__ _.. __ .
The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo�rts to the Council the following as a atatement o� the ex-
penditures neceasarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total constructian costs . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . ..... .. .. . $ i Q,2 2� 2 7
Engineering .and.Ins�e�tion. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . $ ��
�� . va].uation.and.Qsse$.sment.Ser�.i.ces. $ ��
Posta� carde .. . . . .. . . . . .. . ... .. .... ... .... .. .. .. . $ ��
Publica.tions . .. .. .. .. . .... .. ... .. . . ... .. . . .. .. . .. $ ��
Collectioncosts . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... $
Court costa for canfirmation . . . ..... . .. . . .. .. .. . . . $ ��
Comptroller Costs 6 00
TOTAL EXPENDITURES . .. .. . . .... . . .. .. ....... $ �5_
Charge to . . . .... ..09?_(1:7.01. ... . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ _3]__
. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .Non:AssessabJ.a.... . . .. . .. . .. $ �Z_
NetAssessment . .... ...... .... .. .. .. .. ... . . . .. .. . $
Said Commiasioner further reports that he has asseased and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the aum of $���� �� upon each and every lot, part or parcel o� la,nd deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benef'ita conferred thereon; that the said asseasment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Crnnmissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
co�pleted by him, and whiGh is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
conaidered proper.
Dated netnhPr 6� iA�o sioner ' anc .
Form $.4 RM 10-88 8� v