251054 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK �51�,i �L{ • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. �� + LIC�l`S�, CONIl'�ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY NOVeII1�J2T 3� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS: The Salvation Army has made ap��lication for permission to conduct solicitation of funds from Friday� November 27� 1q70 to Thursday December 24, 1970, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p,m. except Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 A.M, to 9:00 P.M. on the streets of the City of Saint Paul, therefore, be it Ftr�SOLVy'�.,D: That permission b e G.nd the s ame is hereby granted to the Salvation Army to conduct such solicitatmons on the days, dates, and between the hours designated. REL�I�,'�dAL Inf. Approved by Council October 29� 1970 • �,pV 31�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler 1�(iv 3 1�]o Carlson pprov 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka J Tedesco Againat Mr. Pre.sident, McCarty PUBLISHED �Q�/ 71��� �� • CITY O�SAINT PAUL , Capital of Minnesota Y� ( eUe a�t�nev�t o u��CC'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIR,E PR,OTECTION potacg DEAN MEKEDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEABILL,Depnty Commineloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector � � October 29, 1970 �-���U �� Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesot�. Gentlenen and Madam: The Salvation Army makes application for permission to conduct solicitations, daily from Friday, November 27, 1970 to Thursday, December 24, 1970, between the hours of lO:OG a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except Nionday and Thursday to 9:00 p.m. They have complied with Ordinance No. 13338, amending Chapter No. 450.00 of the at. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances which deals with the solicitatio� of funds. The applicatior� is made by Brigadier Robert Flowers. Very truly yours, ���.,,;.,� �.�..�� License In�pector ,,, ��`��, �� �''�� O ;a___,..� �......� ._ . : _ _ . ,�. __ __ _ _ MWLI�IAM�BOQTH ERIK WICKBERG ,� PAt1L J. CARLSON WILLIAM KISH FOUNOER GENERAI TERRITORIAL COMMANDER DIVISIONAL COMMANDER ' ` .. � ,to,���C�^�� � � :, ,� ��iv.no� ��je �a�Yba�tior� �rn�p 101 W. 7TH ST. P.O. BOX 66 (fovnded in 1865) MAJ. � MRS. ROBERT FLOWERS TELEPMONE: 22�-1316 OFFICE OF CITY COORDINATOR CtTV COORDINATORS SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 October 26, 1970 Mr. Daniel McLaughlin Department of Public S�fety Tenth 8 Minnesota Streets St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. McLaughlin; � I am enclosing a copy of our annual report for 1969 showing our total income and expense for 1969, along with the activities of The Salvation Army for this year. The Christmas funds are used to finance the League of Mercy, and the Christmas activities. Our total Christmas income for 1969 was 4�25,115.43, of this amount $�9,268.59 was raised through the Christmas kettles. The balance was through mail solicitation. The expenses from this fund are �22,748.11, leaving a total balance at the present time of �2,367.,32. ' The money was expended for' food, clothing, gifts for the aged� and children, remembrance to our service men over seas, �nd • tuition for mother and childrens camp. I hope that this will answer your question regarding item number 10. Sincerely, Briga er Ro eirt Flowers City Coordinator �,�252s� . . �,'t� � . �� OC'' 1970 � N �-' � � � � 4� :D � � �F�rb�DS�� � S�� � �£�a�uo� � "Remember Thc Salvation A�my en Your Will" � * . . � CITY �F ST. PAUL Office of ZiQense �nspeetor 202 Publi� �Safety Build�.n,g St. �ul, Minnes ota 55101 Application f'or permisaion to solYCit funds, or to conduct �ag days, upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, l�innesota, Date of Application Oc t ober 3 l, 1g �0 1, Name of organiza�ion The Sa Z va t i on Army Addresa of organization 40Z �►�est Seventh Street 2o ChieP officer of organization Brigadier Robert Flowers Bookkeeper 3. �er�� of organization ✓yi Z l iam. B. Koenen 4o Name of person or persons rasponsibla for the distribution of colleeted funds, Brigadier �obert Flowers Mrs. Della Penner, Social �Yorker 5. Purpose or object Por �uhich soliQitation is to be made Funds }'or pr^ovidirtg Christmas cheer for shutin's, poor, young, o , seruicemen, and _pr_i_soner families. 6e Use to be made of f unda collected_ Chr is tmas Cheer L & Camp 7g Solicitation will be made on_ November 2''�"— December 24, Z9�0 dates, betiaeen the houra of ZO:OOA .M. ands:OOP.M, exc e t Monda & urs ay — . . . 8e .Looation where solicitatian will take plaeeDOwtltoWR CorL�.BBS of St. PC1ul 9a List the amounts of any w�gesa fses, coirunissions, cos�s or expenses paid or �ich are expected �o be pa,id in cannection with So17.a1t&t-,1orie Also list n,ames of persona to vvham psyments have been made or will be m�de an.d the amounts of such ymentso (A finaneial sta�emant iacluding this infa�tiaa. mag be attacheci,� No Fees {Ovex°) • � s � I0. Attach a copy of bud�et showing solicitations for thia fiscal or calendar ��r• Approximately made ����(�� street solicitation last year. 9,200,00 110 Have you read Chap�er 450 of the St. P�zul Legislative Code, which provides for the securing of permi.ssion to c�nduot the aolicitation of funds, or tag days, upon the streets of the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulations also provided in said ordinance? Yes 12. Appliaation e i.n ehalf of the above organization bys Name . Title or �fi'ice C i t y Coord i na t or Name - � L ��irii Title or Office Bookkeeper STATE UF 14IIR]I�ESOTA) �SS COUNTY RAMSEY °��i���t25-Q-�-c� and being duly sworn say that they are the petitioners in th�a abave application; that they have read the foregoing petition and lrnow contents and purposes thereoP; that same ia true of the ir o�m lrnoa+rled�;e. , Sub�cribed and sworn to bef ore me thi� 6� day of � 19-Z� — i�� o C.�.�: otary blic m.sey Coun y, Minne o a My commisai n pires f� '����-rJ 7� � NC�ROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ NAtAI'y F'ublic, Ramsey County, Minn. �A�E Commission Expires Oct,2aj]9Z(1 oct. 29,197a � r:�_.--____v°---�,\ Hon. Dean Meredith �,'---� �,t�'��? Comsr. oP Public Safety ,,%° °�,��. '�.' Public ;;afety Bldg. � � � � ;' i De�.r �ir: 1',tte t'�,�n: �r , � �,_ ,�� Daniel MeLaughlin .� ��/ ;., The City Council today in�,a���;,,� a � Salvation Ar ��r � p�'��d the applicati�n af The � Pe��'�flr��to'.�:onduc�t'�,solicitations, c�aily �'rom Fric�ay, N�vember 27, 0 to Thur the h�urs of 1_0 A.M. d 5 � Y, �3�mber 2�+, 197�, b�:t�reen .�i., e�ept M�nday �,nd �hursday �� 9 P.M. � '��i.11 �,r�u plea prep�re th necessa mattex; i ry' re��lut3or, c�vering this i �^� �_�� �n/ery txuly yours i __�'' .�"�-----�'�i � i % ��`�_._�-- , , / i ; � �� n� �, ` �� �ity C].erk �, �.. /J •��`w.s.r'�d�I