251051 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �� ��1 ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Nci� N0. �'-� 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC'r�TJSE COMMITT�'"' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ; November 3� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That Ap�;lication L-6526 for the transfer of Off Sale Lic�uor Zicense No. 2429, expiring January 31� 1971� issued to Samuel J. Winnick at 1361 East Nlaryland Avenue, be and the s ame is hereby transferred to Winnick�s Phalen Liquors, Inc. at the same address. Off Sale Liquor establishment TRAivSF�t (Licersees� Informally ap��roved by Council October 29, 1970 NOV � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya 3 �,�� Butler � Carlson � 19— Levine � Tn FAVOr Meredith /1 Sprafka � A gainst Tedeaco Mr. Pre,sident, McCarty Pl�BLiSHED NOV � ��� � � � ' CITY OF 5AIN� PAUL � Capital of Minnesota # ������ �e art�ne�t o ub�c'c �a et p � ADMINIBTHATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION p��� DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaioner aEer.Ts RALPH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspector October 2g, 1q70 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Piinnesota Gentlemen and Niadam: Winnick's Phalen Liquors� Inc. is jo�ned by Sa,muel J. Winnick in ma.kinc application for the tr��sfer of Off Sale Li;�uor License Pio. 2429, Foodstuff-Oribinal Container, Off Sale Malt Bevera�e and Cigarette Licenses No. 3822, all e xpiring January 31, 1971, from Samuel J. Winnick at 1361 East Maryland �venue to Winnick's Phalen I,icuors, Inc. at the same address. The ofiicers of the corporation are Samuel J. Winnick� President a,nd Treasurer; Madeline ��:innick, Vice-president and Secret�-. Samuel J. Flinnick is the sole stockholder in the corporation. Mr. '��innick, as an individual, has held the Off Sale Liquor license since 1961. The corporation was formed as of October l, 1970, and the transfer request is a,s of that date per the attached letter from their attorney. Very truly yours, ��+.�.'-�-Qi (" t'�'�-�O'\ • . License Inspector ��k� � !� � � F �F ;�; � ;. �o � LAW OFFICES OF LEVITT, PgLMER,BOWEN, BEARMON & ROTMAN 820 ROANOHE BUILDINC3 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 MATTHEW J. LEVITT ASSOCIATED COIIN9EL JOHN M.PALMER � AREA CODE 612 LEE BEARMON 339-066! WILLIAM I. FIIQE ROBERT M.BOWEN JERAY F. RO?MAN TOM TO()AS STBPHEN WINNICH October 16 � 197� JOHN TROYER RBIN80LD F.HOLLBNDER _, City of St. Paul ` Department of Public 5afety Public Safety Building 101 East lOth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attention: Daniel T. McLaughlin License Inspector " Dear Sir: This letter is in support of the request of Sam J. Winnicls, a licensee holding an Off Sale liquor license for his store at 1361 East Maryland Avenue wherein he is doing business as Winnick' s Phalen Liquor Store. It i.s requested that said license be transferred to a corporation, Winnick's Phalen Liquors, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation. The sole stockholder of saicl corporation is Sam 3. Winnick, the same individual who is presently the licensee referred to above. Sam J. Winnick is the president and treasurer of said corporation and his wife, Madeline Winnick is its vice president and secretary. It is requested that the effective date of said transfer to Winnick's Phalen Liquors , Inc. be October 1, 1970. Should you wish further information, please do not hesi- tate to contact �. Very truly yours, � LEVITT, PALMER, BOWEN, BEARMON & ROTMAN . • By , St en Winnick sw:js Enclosures - Application Forms cc: Sam J. Winnick � � C ITY_OF S�l INT P�UL DEP.�RT�NT OF' PUBLTC S�F�TY LICENSE ANTSION . Date_` f �,L�.L.,.....�.�9?„� 1. A,ppliaation for Of�Sale Liquor Lice�,e� __..____. 2. Name of applicant Winnick's Phalen Liquors, Inc. 3. Busine�s address 1361 E. Maryland Ave. Reaidex�cse of Sam J. Winnick, Pres. - 1794 , Beec woo ve. St. Pau] 4. Trade name, if any ---- , 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp X Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X �i11 be ueed.. 6. th� �rrhat floor located 1 Number of rocuns usedl sales area, 1 storeroom 7. Be�wean wha� arosa. $treats Whieh side of etreet 8. Are prami�es now ocaupied 'I�ha� busine�s Liquor Store Ho�r long � 9. Are premises nov�r unpaoupied Hovv long vacant Pxeva.ous Uae 10. Are you a ne�v owner Ye8 Hava you been in a afmilar busin ss before Yes Transfer from Sa �nT�":""Wi3lnick to Winnick's Phalen L�quors, • , a corporation ��� �_wholly owned by Sam J. Winnick ].1, Are you going to operste �hig business personally (Ssm J. WinniCk� Yes. � . ..�.,,._..�.. If not, �o wi11 operate it ----- 12, Are �rou in any other buai�ess at the present tit�e No 13. Have tMere bsen any�:aomp7.a.ints against your operation �f this type oP place No . _._..,_,_...�.... fiihen �Ifhere 14. I�ave you ever had any license rsaoked No @Phat reason and date � 15. Are you a citizen of the United S�ates Yes Na�tive X Naturali�ed ....�..._._ .--.......,,.... 16. YVhere were you born Date of birth � 17. I am married. My (wife 's) (�ft��i�4d�Xis� name and addres� is Madeline Winnick 18. (If' marri.ed female} my maiden name is 19. �r long have you la.ved in. St. Paul life long resident 20. Have you ever besn arreated N� Xiolaticm of what ariminal la�r or ordinaaee .�_______._ ._......... 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul X Yes No. (Anawer fu11� and oom�letely. Theae a lications are thorou hl ahecked a�,d aa �alsif ication wi11 be cause for enia . (OVF'R) 22. Number of 3.2 pl.�ces within �ro blooks ' ' � 23. Closest into�icating liquor p]aae. Da Sale flff Sa1e � 2�. Nearest Chureh Nearest Schoo7, : 25, I�Tumber oP booths Tables Chairs� Stools - 26. What occup�tion have you followed f or �he pas� �'ive years, (Give name� o� employera and date s s o employ�sd.) Pro rietor — Winnick:',� Phalen Liquor Store 27. Give names and addreases pf two peraons, residents of St, Paul, Mibn., v�o caax� gi.v� infox�,ti�n eoncerning you. Piame Address Name Addres s Winnic s a en ors, nc. , � , . B M __---- i�na ure pp csan S�tate of Minnesota� President ss Co y of Ramsey ) . r��� ' ��. � being first du1y swor�n., depoees and saye u�on oat � he has rea the foregoing ata�sment bearing his aign�i�ure and kn�revs the con n, s thereof, and t?1at �he same is true of hia own l�aw].edge except as to those ma ers therein sta ued upon infor�tion and belief and as to �hr�se mattera he belie�res them to be true. � v � '.� Signat of Applioant Subacribed and sworn to before me tnis a�� aay o� ��� �,s7o � . ���' ' Idotary Publ cs� mSA�' COUrit�� M� @s Ot& DOROTHY :1. 141t?NKELWITZ Notary Pubiic, Ramsey Coui;ty, ��inn. l �J My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 My Co�niss' expixes ro - �� y (No�e s These statement forma are in duplicate. Both copxtis mus� be fu7,1y fi].led out, natarized, and returned to the Licenss Di�ision.��'T' AFFIDAV�T BY APPLICA,NT • FOR � , R�TAIL BEER UR LI�UOR LTCENSE Re: �f� Sa�e Liquor License Idame of applicant Win ' P Li s In ��� � ���"''"`�"�'� �L�s 9� , Business address 1361 E. Marvland Avenue Are you the sole owner of thia buainess? . If not, is it a pax'�nership? corporation? X , other? Others interested in buainess, include those by loan of money, property or othe�risea Name None Address How ` G����. ��� 1�•�.u�. Y �-Z._ If a corporation, give its name. Winnick's Phalen Liquors, Inc. r Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor businesa� No As sole owner? --- Partnar? --- S�oakholder? --- (?therv�rise? (Through 1�an of mon.ey, sto. Explain) No Address of such business and na,ture of intereat in same None � � , ' � _ ignatu f app ican Sam J. Winnick S�ate of Minnesota� as President )as Winnick' s Phalen Liquors, Inc. Gounty of Ramsey ) Sam J. Winnick being first duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin� a fidavit bearin� his signatuxe and Irnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his a�an ]�novrled�e, except as to those matters thexein stated upon informata.on and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. ,. , �, ,..,_ -� , ,, ,..__� � , 1 � ,. r � \,. �_ Si�;na r o applicant Subscrlbe and swo to before me this��day of���'�v 19 7� _..._-,. A � ^ ��. D.,. No�ary u i , ey County, eso a �y co�ission expires �� ��J'- 19� DOi:OTHY J. A1Ui\KELVJIT2 Notary Pubiic, Ramsey Cou�riy, t�1fnn. My Commission Expires Oct.25,197_0 . y ' . STA�E flF' ��INr,�SOTA) ) SS COUNTY OF R�;4S'EY j Sam J. Winnick bsing first duly s�rrorn, doth depose and sa;� tha� he makes this aff idavit in connection with applica-�ion f or " Off �Xe" liquor license (" Sale" ma�� bevera�e license) in the �ity of Saint Paul, .�finnesota; that your affiant is a residont of the State of �.iinneso�a and has residod therain for .� � yaars, months, and is nwr and has been �or the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said Stato and tha� he no�r resides at 1794 Beechwood Ave . ` Addre s s S t. P au 1 , I�2inne s ota. , ` City or To�,m , � - x _ O_ ,��� � $ubscrzbed and sti�orn �o before me this �� day of �����-' 19�� • .��� �? ° T�otary Pu ic, Pansey C�unty, T:"' osota P�y cor:li.�5.ssion oxpires /� �•a�- � 7a , DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . DEPART�IEIV'T �F' PUBI,TC S�FETY LICENSE,D NIS T4N ,. Da te�/ p�,,.,,�.���9'l G �."`rt 1. Application for Liceaee 2. Name of applicant � , ,: ' � � � C� _ ` �,,,;,,.G !/,,�,��, n � . 3. Busi,nese address �,36f'�/���/�,t�� , •e Residence�l�-�1�.�'�'�:�f.��J�.�e - �1�€ � T`�y`�` 4. Trsde name, if any 5. Retail Beex Federal Tax Stamp�RQtail Z,iquor �ederal Tax Stamp ,�, ��ri11 be uaed. 6. �i vrhat floor loeated � _ Nwnber oF r4oms uaed � . �.�C.c-f'P,�,C�ir-.�i�.. -/' ��t��c,- _.�...�.�,.,�..,..,..___,.,, ?. Betvueen what. oross st�eeta, � �:,�r'+`'k ich aide �f atree� � ���Q�Lt,2-_/ �.�G�,;..�,..,.,.--_�____ 8. Are preu�i.aqs now occupied SNha� busineas Haw long 9. Are preinises now unoccupied I�ow long vacant Preva,ou� Uae 10. A you na ,owner Have y u been in a s l/a�r b sineas before �G ����CG�.E1/'�'' ��"'E-_�� ,� S' V �'� lv �� '�hr� �182'9 �' � � 7 ' . "z'� �19I1 � . 11. Are you goi.zzg to operate thia busineas personally �i _: If nat, �xho will operate it � 12, Are you i:n any other. businesa a�t the present tiads � . ' . 13. Have there .been: any .00mplaints against your operation of this type of plaoe�� When 'iRhere 14. I3ave you ever had any license revoked � What reason and date 15. �,re you a ci�izen of the United States Native � Naturalized �_ .,.�..,_...__.... l6. Vphe re �re re you b orn �r,CCc�`'�� � '�ba te o� hi rth �' � '��v� ----------- �T -:�� ....,.,..... ��...,,. 17, I, am�married. My (wifs's) (husband's j name and addres� is � - - / '>�J'�o-��i.�.�.���� � 18. (I#' msrried female� my �siden name is '�Z�cZ��e,�� � 19. �ovrr long have you lived in St. P�ul G�� ��,,�e�' . 20. Have you ever been arres�ed ��7 Xiolation of' what ariminal law or ordizLaaca -.-.�..�- 2l. Are yoa a regiatered voter in the C�ty of S�. Paul x Yes No• --rt-•C-- (Anawer full�t �nd oom,pletel�r. These a lications are thorou hl checked aad au Palsification wi11 be cause for denia . (QV?,R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocka ' ' ' . � 23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaoe. �n Sale C?�f Sa1e 24. Nearest Chureh Nearest Sahool 25, Number of booths Tables �hairs Stools - 26. What occup�tion, have you followed f or the past five y�ears. (Give names of emplo�rrers and date s s o emplosred.) � 27. Give names and addreases of two peraons, residents of St. Pau�., l��.nn„ �,o c�au giv� information concern.ing you. Ptame Add re s s �ame .Address l � , � � — � _ � c. 2 Sa.�na are � App za�n Sta te of �a.nr�.e s o�a) }ss County of Ramsey � Z�" � .�-�-'�-a being first du],y sworn, deposes and says upon oe��h that he has rea�tTie foregoa.iig statemexit beaz�in.g his signa�ure and knaws the eonten�s thereof, and that the sam� is true of his o�m kxiow7,edge except aa to those ma�ters therein stated upon 3.riformation and belief aa�d as to those ma�ters he bel�eves them to b� tr�.aoo � . � � `�' /"l-��C�l/�•�-r �- �z z t Si�na�urp of AppliQant Subscribed and sworn to before me , this o�`,�� day oP 19�0 �.-�--�-�. � a � Notary Publ' , msey County, M' sota DOROTHY :J. h1C7NKELVVITZ G Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Msr COaIIn.ig8lo pii"98 /° "o��� �/ � M�Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 (Note s These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copiea must be fu17.y ��.11ed out, r�o�tarized, and returned to the Licanse Division.�� AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICA,NT ' FDR � � RETAIL B�ER �7R LT�UflR LTCENSS Res � 5�1� � � License � �_ ` � � Name of a pplicant (,�/ -_ v- n`j, f�s.c Business address '� �.5� Are you the sols owner of this business? . If not, is it a partnership3 corporatian? V , other? Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwise; Nan�e ay^�fi'1�Z �it�..�w:�.Addres s�( 7����,....�,..,Q How �Lli. 9'�(�t.ta..,. � If a corporation, give its name. Are you interested in any way in a ny ather retail beer or liquor business? }�L� As sols owr�.er? Partner? Stockholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address of such business and nature of interest in same - � -- ���� Signature of app ican State of MSnne s ota� �ss Gounty of Ramsey � � �� ` ,� � � being first du1,y sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin�; a fi.davit bearin� his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his av,rn }�avrled�e, except as to those m��ters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoss matters he believes them to be true. 5 .. �'���Q�L��jt,�__ � �'��-:s''�Z�`4-- Signature af app�.�.cant Subscrib� and swo t��ore me this f — day of �' 19�_ t '_ � Notary ubl'c, ey County, inn o a My coriuniss o expires �o �'�.C�� 1� �OROTHY J. Mt1NKELWITZ NOtary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Oct. 'L5, 1970 . • . . � STATE �' MINNESOTA _ � . COtl�TY OF AAMSEY r r �/✓ being Pirst daly evrorri, duth depo8e , � and say that he maloea thia �tPidavi� in. connectioa. with applioation f ar "�Sals" ],iquor liaenae (" S'�le" ma�.t bevexege liaenae) i,n. the �ity of Saint 'Paul,.l�inne�rota= �hat your affiant is a reaidan�- of the State af Minnesota� and has rssided therein f+�r �, � yeara, �c�ths, aad 3� aow �acl has been for the tima aborre m�ntioned a bo� fide reeident of aaid State and that he now residea at "7 .� ,�ddrees /��Ccc�� � M�.i�me s ota�, . Ci y or Toun , � �-��, 4 1',�� _r?��,���-�t�F . ���`'1'Z--J-r—<<.t�.�..� Subsari.bed and e�rc>rn. �o l3ef'�re me � � thie �S ci�y oP � 19..�° � �� � �tary bl , maey Cuunty, ECtnn o� �d,y commieai xpire� _ �� �����/ 70 DOROTHY J. MU Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commjssion Expires Oct.25�7,9]_Q �y�'r rti 1'_, � S l C S � r/ - ; ? � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. (Thie form muet be fllled out in addttion to the aDD�ication form and eworn etatement requtred by the Liquor Control Commitetoner of the State of Minnesota.) Name of Applicant Winnick's Phalen Lictuors, Inc. Age Sam J. Winnick, sole stockholder and president Residence Addresc 1794 Sc�c�c�hwc�nr� AvP_ Telephone No Are you a citizen of the United States? Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and Where? If corporation, give date when incorporated October 1, 1970 Name and address of all officers of corporation, and na e and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold i 17 Bee chwood Ave. St.P aul—P re s. , Tre as. and Madeline Winnick " " " " V.Pres. & Sec. Names and addresses of Stockholders S am J. Winn i Ck, s ame as ab ove (sole stockholder) Name of surety company which will write bond,if know� ` ~ =7 �J�� ��� �f�� �-- -�rSu 9�7,i ,;��, Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets � Ward , � ..' P � • � '6'�r ,. �i: "" . ;�' _,L%�� � ` - - ...,,.__� r % L:�"'� _ ,..,,i� • _.� d � - How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? % ����--Z--� �- How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? f �"z-��-�=�- How many feet from closest public or paxochial high or grade school (measured along streets)? � ���-�---� r - Name of closest school `�'�- �-K "''-� ---r-� How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? L'`�"'"�- �' On what floor located? �'' �-�'�'�" If leased, give name of owner Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store?- exclusive liquor store � How long have you operated present business at present site? ` ��`=L��=" Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxicating liquor licenae? No (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be veri8ed.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Winnick' s Phalen 'quors, ,�nc. Dater� �9 � y/ B /^ .�� 'r �"� License Inspector. � i nn i c APPLICANT. ItS PY'eci r�ant . s � GEN PUTtPOSE RIDER IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT: THE PRINCIPAL UNDER CONTINENTAL CASUALTY BOND NUMBER 3012721, ISSUED TO THE CITY OF ST, PAUL, ON BEHALF OF S�M[TEL J. WZNNICR, IS HEREBY CHANGED TO READ : T„�,1+�Pifi(�' S P�F1►1 LIQUORS, IHC. . EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1970. �ONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO�IPANY, �,_,.___ ...�-- ��-.�� B� ; �_��� � R. G. Rau Attorney-in-Fact OCTOBER 28, 1970 THE KENNEY COMPANY, INC. Form S. D. 21-A STATE OF Minnesota ( ss. couNnr oF Ramsey j �.-------Helen--M,---Wa_ldo-----------------------------------��- --- - --- - --- -- ---- - Notary Public of DSiCOtB___________ __County, in the state or_Minnesota..____, do hereby certify that._.._K•.__G.___Kaufmann ---------------------------- ----� --- - --- - -- --- -- -- - - Attorney♦in-fact, of the Continental Casualty Company, who....___i�._...._..__personally _ known to me to be the same person whose name___.13_.....__subscribed to the fore- going instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and deliver.ed said instrument, for and on behalf of the Continental Casualty Company, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. �IECEN M.WALDO, Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City of__St.___Pgul �Y Public, Dakota County, ARi�n, in said County, this._.____2$t�l--�._.__✓_._�day of___..(�_ta�.j�a�.�.__A. D. 19._��_ MY�Commission Expires Sept. 17, 19�7 -------`,�.r?-�Jt%yc..i_'��"{?. �-- -�G-!���--- Notary Public. Oct. 29, 1970 � ��� �J / ��� �'> Hon. Dean Meredith Comsr. of Public Sa�ety / Public SaPety Building � \\ �,/� L�ear Sir: ion: `�Mx�. Daniel McLau�hlin _.--_.� ,, `, The City Council t� inYorma� � app��sd the application for the transPer oP OPf Sal Liqu�r, Fa tuff-Original Container, Off Sale Malt Beverage and C' arette Lice es, all expiring Jan. 31, 1971, fr�u Samuel J. 'sJinn at 1361 Maryland Ave. to Winnick's Phalen Liquo�s.,_.Ine. a the s addres�. �; ��. Wi11 yo lease prepare the cust�mary resolutions c�vering this matter? Very truly yours, City Clerk ng � � � � � � � � � ! 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