251046 . . . 2��.��6 ORt61NAl.TO CITY CLptK � �,J' , - CITY OF ST. PAUL H UNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY obert F• S r��� COMMISSION ATE v�S �i " (1��"` �� WHER�AS�, Additions i h�m ght prove to be n�cess�ry in the Iaprova�ent described as the �RGAN-RETURN OURT STORM SL�R, Comptroller's Contract L-7219, City groject No. 69-5-1304, Orfei � Sons, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Sp�cificstions, and NH�RBAS, It has bee�s found necessary to mmake the following Additions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contraet Change 8gree�ent No. 1 and attached schedule Total Addition = $6,805.73 and 41H8R�AS, The total addition is $6,805.73, and the Co�issioner of Fnblic �, rks hae agr�ed Wit� the Contractor that the a�eount of $6,805.73 ie the correct �� ,- �um to be added to said contract, therefore b� it R&SOLVBDi That the City of St. Fanl through its City Council approw�s the for�going addition� made in �ccordance with the Specifications in the sue of $6,805.73, said a�eaount to be added to the lump s�un coasid�ration nauned in the tontract, kno�n as Coaptr�ller�s Contract L-7219, a�c�'�W&i�li`"`7�ount is to be financed fro� 1970 Capital Iaprovement Bond Fund, 9270»4�5. FORM PROV D rpo t� �O e� NOV � 3 � COUNCILMEN ;�� Adopted by the Couucil 19— Yeas Nays ' Butler � 3 ��Q Carlson ve� 19—. Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBL�SH€D NOV � 19�Q �� , ' ; . C ITY OF S�Ita�' PAL'L - DEPaFTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHaNGE AGREEN�NT N0. 1���� �" PROJECT N0. G9-=13('4 ` CONTRACT N0. 7z1h CONTRACTOR Orfci a ?:on�c., Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTIGN �' ��� , -. ,��1t�` •, ��_ . =;T �:Ui;�� :��:. ;��; In accordance with Section 95 of th� Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise i.ncluded in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductiona from, the contract. i+ddltian+t I I Cost ot vork not includ�d in tM �i�n� snd speaif ic�tioas aa p�r attacbad •aMQu 1� ' 7ot�! pdditio�s ;b�805.73 7hia aeditioaal �so�at tm b� tiAa�c�d �sa� 19�0 Cagit�►� Iwprov�ssa� Pcond Fue�c,. 9Z70-405. � ' �1 Ortei �. :ons Inc. C`/l � 1 6�wst+ryat3a� ' 9 � �' �l' 97C' � � ineer / Contract r , � �� � � 9'� By / �; ��.,�� , Ch e Engineer — � , ��(s ,_ ' .`A� ��. ``�/� lq7 c' `s, �' � 19 �f•-�yC6m.missioner ���-.1yL`C$mptroller ° Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Conatruction Engineer CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 r MOaGAN-RETURN COURT STORM SEWER 69-S-13o4 ` Cost of Work not included in� plans and specifications 1. The discharge manhole at Cleveland Avenue and Worcester Avenue has a draft up the new 48" drop shaft and a flexible flap gate was built and installed in the 36" storr� sewer to control the odor emanating from the catch basins. � ; Fu�nish and instal ) flap gate at drop shaft $ 175.00 Z. At Itasca Avenue and Return Court a type 2B catch basin was constructed and because • of the unusual situation regarding property lines it was removed and a type 3C � catch basin was constructed on the city str�et. ' Remove one type 2B catch basin 75.00 Construct one type 3C catch basi� 225.00 , 23 feet of additi�onal 12" RCP, C1 4 lead pipe C� $10.68 24 .64 545.64 $ 545.64 3. On Worcester Avenue considerable more rock was encountered than indicated on the plans. No extra charge was made for the rock excavated but Class 4 material was ' required to refill the trench. . 1288 tons in addition to planned quantity (� $3.00/ton $3,864.00 4. On Morgan Avenue,150' east of Cleveland Avenue, two catch basins were removed and the gutters reshaped. A water �pocket developed and required an additional amount of bituminous material to insuire flow out of the area. 6 tons of bituminous for gulltter grade correction Ca� $20.00/ton $ 120.00 5. On the final inspection it �as noted that the gutter drainage was inadequate on the. northwest corner of Worcester and Return Court and also at an opposite point on Worcester. Two additional catch basins were ordered to be constructed. � 1-type 2B catch basin C> $375.00 5375.00 1-type 3C catch basin (� $225.00 225.00 38 LF 12" RCP-Class 4 lead pipe C� $10.68 405.84 � 2-cut-in to existing manhole C� $75.00 150.00 55 sq.yds. of remove asphalt surface @ $1.15/SY 63.25 55 sq.yds. of oiled street restoration Ca� $2.25/SY 123.75 15 sq.yds. of sod for boulevard restoration C� $0.55/yd 8.25 � 1351 .09 $1,351 .09 6. Two catch basins that were to be reconnected were fou�d to be not worth sal�vage and were replaced wtth new catch basins. These were located at the southwest corner of Bord�er Place and Return Court and at the southwest corner of Ramlow Place � Return Court. 2-Type 26 catch basins (a $375.00 $ 750.00 TOTAL COST FOR WORK UNDER THIS CHANGE ORDER • $6,805.73 � . ou�uua ro�RUntn , . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� N0, ,�5�f j OFFICE OF THE CITY C ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE L FORM C.�OMM�1�O�N AT� �tRREAS, Additions Mhiah ■ight prov� to b� A� sa�ry in t� Lpro��at d�scrib�d u tb� l�lttiAll-�ETtt�li t�QRT tTO�l1 Sii1�R, troll�r'a Caatract L-7219� Citp Projeet Ito. 69•�-1304, Ort�i � Son�s. Inc.� traatos. 6sw b��n provid�d for in th� Sp�cit'i�ations. �eud �EREAB. It haa b�eu foaud e�acu�arp to �ak� � �l�411o�rins Additiona: �DDI??Alli , As p�r attaelad Ccntract Ctia�p A�r�at ilo. 1 �d at�a�lad �eab�dal� Total �ddi ior • ;�,�OS.73 and �E�8, Tly total a�dition is �6�aOS.73. tho Go�issioe��r ot Pablia iiosks baa a�r��d �rit� tb� Contractor that tb� t oi ;6.A03.73 is th� oorr�ct su� tio b� add�d to sai� oontraat. tb�r�fos� 1� it R�LYtD,.That ti� City o! 8t. Fa�i Ebroaah a Cit� Coancil apj►rows tlN totn�oins si�itioas �ad� !�n acoordsnw vith th� s i�taatio�rs in tb� sa� oi �6,sOS.73, said a�ount to b� add�d to t1� 1� s aobai��ratioA �d ia tla� �entract, kn0vn aa Coyts+e�ll�r'a Cos�traet L•7219. �und? vLi�h �wnt is to bs tinr►nead �ro� tl70 Capital LprowNAt son� l►v��d. l37D-�03. � � � COUNCILMEN opt�ed bp the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye Butler �V 3 }'� Carlson Apprnv� 18_ ��e _;_.�n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka ���t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� CITY OF� SAI21T PAL'L - DEPaRTN,ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS "���{�*�� CONTRACT CHANGE AGREE'i✓�ENT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. t.9-:.•13t'4 CONTFACT N0. ��1� CONZ'RACTOR. �r+�`i = .�.:�:�-., Inc. PROJECT DFSCRIPTIGN ` �:;' ��. . -.` ':iC- '; C�.�� ti :::�i�;`� ..._ _'_;, In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for ite�s listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reaeonable costa of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. �+ddition� Co�t of wtk not laclud�d ie tM �lana and ap�aitie�tiona as p�r �ttachad ach�Qut• Tot�l /+dditions gb�80S. 13 7bis �editiewl siwuat e� b� tin�e►e�d fso� 19�0 Capit�l Lcprovtqr�at �cond Fue�G� 'z�ayos. � , � i �, 19 , 4rtei b vons, Inc. �/C� '�19�CJ C�wst�e+aitaw � L � � ineer % Contract r ��' 1 'x 19 B � ; � .%�:�. , _ �__.. � y � Ch e Engineer � , _ /7?. _� � s�� _..L��� • °<<_ ��. '`-/7 lq7 c, �i� ,9"'• ;� ; 19 �'�--�y C6�r.mis sioner ���--��,,`C�mptroller Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Construction Engineer CHANGE OROER N0. 1 i MORGAN-i�ETURN COURT STORM SEWER 69-5-1304 � Cost of 1Jork not included in� plans and saecifications 1. The discharge manhole at Cleveland Avenue and Worcester Avenue has a draft up the new 48" drop shaft and a flexible flap gate was built and installed in the 36" storm sewer to control the odor emanating from the catch basins. � j Furnish and install flap gate at drop shaft $ 175.00 � 2. At Itasca Avenue and Return Court a type 2B catch basin was constructed and because ' of the unusual situation regarding property lin�s it was removed and a type 3C z catch basin was constructed on the city str�et. � Remove one type 28 catch basin 75.00 Construct one type 3C catch basin 225.00 , 23 feet of additional 12" RCP, C1 4 lead pipe C) $10.68 24 .64 545.64 $ 5�+5.64 3. On Worcester Avenue considerable more rock was encountered than indicated on the plans. No extra charge was made for the rock excavated but Class 4 material was ' required to refill the trench. . 1288 tons in addition to planned quantity C� $3.00/ton $3,864.00 4. On Morgan Avenue,150' east of Cleveland Avenue, two catch basins were removed and the gutters reshaped. A water pocket developed and required an addit�onal amount of bituminous material to insure flow out of the area. 6 tons of bituminous for gutter grade correction (a� $20.00/ton $ 120.00 S. On the final inspection it was noted that the gutter drainage was inadequate on the• northwest corner of Worcester and Return Court and aiso at an opposite point on Worcester. Two additional catch basins were ordered to be constructed. � 1-type 2B catch basin C� $375.00 5375.00 1-type 3C catch basin (� $225.00 225.00 38 LF 12" RCP-Ciass 4 lead pipe C� $10.68 405.84 2-cut-in to existing manhole (a� $75.00 150.00 55 sq.yds. of remove asphalt surface C� $1.15/SY 63.25 • 55 sq.yds. of oiled street restoration C� $2.25/SY 123.75 15 sq.yds. of sod for boulevard restoration C> $0.55/yd 8.2 1351 .09 51�351 .09 6. Two catch basins that were to be reconnected were found to be not worth sal�vage and were replaced with new catch basins. These were located at the southwest corner of Bordner Place and Return Court and at the southwest corner of Ramlow Place � Return Courto 2-Type 26 catch basins C� 5375.00 $ 750.00 TOTAL COST FOR WORK UNDER THIS CHANGE ORDER ' $6,805.73